Poverty in Odisha: Hidayatullah National Law University Naya Raipur - 493661 (Chhattisgarh)

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Submitted By:
Pravas Naik
Roll No: 119

Mrs. Eritriya Roy
(Faculty: Economics)

Date of Submission

Hidayatullah National Law University

Naya Raipur – 493661 (Chhattisgarh)

I, Pravas Naik, feel myself highly elated, as it gives me tremendous

pleasure to come out with work on the topic ‘Poverty in Odisha’. I am
thankful to my teacher, Miss. Eritriya Roy, who gave me this topic. I
am highly obliged for his guidance in doing all sorts of researches,
suggestions and discussions regarding my project topic by devoting
his precious time.

I thank to the H.N.L.U for providing Computer, library facility. And

lastly I would like to thank my friends and all those persons who have
helped me in the completion of this project.

Pravas Naik
1st Semester
Table of Content

1. Research Methodology……………………………….1

2. Introduction ……………..............................................2

3. Poverty in Odisha…………… ...………….……..........3

4. Conclusions…………………………………….………….…10

5. Reference………………………………………..........11
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Research Methodology

This project work has been carried out to get the information of ‘poverty
in Odisha’ we can get to know about poverty and how to eradicate it.
Books & other references as guided by faculty of economics were
primarily helpful for the completion of this project
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Poverty is general scarcity dearth, or the state of one who lacks a certain
amount of material possessions or money. It is a multifaceted concept,
which includes social, economic, and political elements. Absolute
poverty or destitution refers to the deprivation of basic human needs,
which commonly includes food, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter
and health care. Relative poverty is defined contextually as economic
inequality in the location or society in which people live.

Odisha stands second among the 14 States in the country with highest
incidence of poverty after Bihar. Odisha being the poorest state in the
country suffer a lot of problems. Having a survey we can get to know
about that most of the poor people staying here due to lack of education,
traditional thinking, lack of governmental support and many more

In this project here I have been discuss about the poverty in Odisha, how
the people of Odisha have been suffering from this thing and what are
the required thing to be done to get rid of these thing.
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Odisha is known for its different aspects in historical periods. It was

known for its brave resistance and sacrifice confronting Asoka’s army
and ultimately transforming him. It is famous for its temple architecture,
traditional culture, music and dance, which includes highly developed
craftsmanship and cottage industries. Oriya artisanship is globally
famous, including excellent silver filigree jewellery. Odisha has a
glorious anti-imperialist history fighting British colonialism. Apart from
countless Adivasi and peasant revolts, Odisha is proud of its heroes of
the freedom movements like Bagha Jatin Laxman Naik and Baji Rout.

Apart from this Odisha suffer a lot being the 2nd poorest state in the
country. Odisha stands second among the 14 States in the country with
highest incidence of poverty after Bihar.

While Bihar topped the list with registering highest 33.34 per cent of
poor people, Odisha followed with 32.59 per cent by 2011-12. The
incidence of poverty had been 54.40 per cent and 57.20 per cent in Bihar
and Odisha, respectively, in 2004-05.

However, Odisha has expressed satisfaction that it has recorded the

highest reduction in poverty among all major States between 2004-05
and 2011-12 and the Odisha Economic Survey (OES) -2013-14 ,
prepared by the Planning and Coordination Department, described the
achievement as “impressive”. The Economic Survey-2013-14 report
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Was circulated on Tuesday prior to the presentation of full-fledged

Budget for the financial year 2014-15.

According to the OES, Kerala has earned the distinction of being the
number one State as far elimination of poverty by 2011-12. In Kerala,
the incidence of poverty has been only 7.05 per cent against 19.70 per
cent in 2004-05 as Punjab is the second State with lowest incidence of
poverty with 8.26 per cent in 2011-12 against 20.9 per cent in 2004-05.
While neighbor Andhra Pradesh has only 9.20 incidence of poverty
against 29.90 in 2004-05, the incidence of poverty in West Bengal was
19.98 per cent against 34.3 per cent in 2004-05. The incidence of
poverty in Gujarat has been shown as 16.63 per cent in 2011-12 against
the prevalence of 31.80 per cent in 2004-05.

The survey report said that the faster poverty reduction in Odisha was
due to the development strategies adopted by the State Government.
“The State has undertaken several programmes to reduce poverty in
Odisha in general and for the poorer social classes and poorer regions in

Quoting the National Sample Survey (NSS) data and the Expert
Committee methodology - Tendulkar Committee- for the period 1973-74
to 2011-12, the OES report said that the poverty estimates for 2011-12
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had been recorded on the basis of poverty lines of Rs 695 and Rs 861 for
rural and urban Odisha respectively. It said the poverty has declined by
24.61 percentage points from 57.20 per cent in 2004-05 to 32.59 per cent
in 2011-12. The reduction of poverty by 25.11 percentage points was
higher in rural Odisha than that of 20.31 percentage points in urban

The report said, among the regions, the northern region has registered
the highest reduction of poverty with 30.53 percentage points followed
by the southern region with 25.40 percentage points and the coastal
region with 19.95 percentage points. Similarly poverty among the ST
and SC communities has been reducing at a faster rate. However, it was
observed that ST communities are poorer than other social classes

After the industrial revolution, mass production in factories made

production goods increasingly less expensive and more accessible. Of
more importance is the modernization of agriculture, such as fertilizers,
to provide enough yields to feed the population. Responding to basic
needs can be restricted by constraints on government's ability to deliver
services, such as corruption, tax avoidance, debt and loan conditional
ties and by the brain drain of health care and educational professionals.
Strategies of increasing income to make basic needs more affordable
typically include welfare, economic freedoms and providing financial
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Poverty reduction is a major goal and issue for many international

organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank. The
World Bank estimated 1.29 billion people were living in absolute
poverty in 2008. Of these, about 400 million people in absolute poverty
lived in India and 173 million people in China. Between 1990 and 2010,
about 663 million people moved above the absolute poverty level.
Nevertheless, given the current economic model, built on GDP, it would
take 100 years to bring the world's poorest up to the standard poverty
line of $1.25 a day. It has been argued by some academics that
the neoliberal policies promoted by global financial institutions such as
the IMF and the World Bank are actually exacerbating both inequality
and poverty.

Extreme poverty is a global challenge; it is observed in all parts of the

world, including developed economies. UNICEF estimates half the
world's children (or 1.1 billion) live in poverty. Each individuals has the
right to live a peaceful life don’t treat them different so that we can get
rid of poverty.

So raise your voice support those to give them the best of best govt.
facility to make Odisha and other poor state to a poverty free state. And
it will lead to a poverty free country.
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We came to know about the poverty lies in Odisha. It can be eradicate
through proper distribution of knowledge among the people of Odisha.
They must have their basic study. By improvement in the governmental
body the poorest people in the need will get help. The communication
part should be there in between the people and the government to
improve rapidly upon the scarcity in the state and people can live there
life peacefully. Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it
is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Help the people in need so that they can improve, we can improve and
our county can improve.

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1. www.google.com
2. www.dailypioneer.com

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