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1) Event: Formalin Testing

2) Objective: Students can find out and do formalin testing on Animal Origin Materials (BAH)

3) Tools and materials :


1. Analytical balance

2. Scissor

3. Drop pipette

4. Volume pipette

5. Test tube

6. Homogenizer

7. Tube rack

B. Material :

1. Phenylhydrazine

2. Sodium nitropruside

3. Sodium hydroxide

4. Sample

5. Aquades

4) Work procedures :

1. Prepare tools and materials to be used for practice

2. Preparing Reagents

3. -Phenylhydrazin 0.5% = 0.5 ml / 100 ml = 3 drops

- Sodium nitropruside 0.5% = 5 gram / 100 ml = 2 drops

- Sodium hydroxide 10% = 10 gram / 100 ml = 3 drops

4. Weigh 1 gram of sample and add 5 ml of distilled water

5. Homogenize using homogenizer until smooth

6. Take 5 ml supernatant into the test tube

7. Drops of reagents

8. Observe the results of the analysis

Positive Formalin => Dark Blue

Negative Formalin => Color does not change

5) Discussion

Formalin is a colorless solution and smells very strong. In formaldehyde, it contains about 37%
formaldehyde in water. Methanol is usually added to 15% as a preservative. Formalin is widely known as
a pest killer (disinfectant) and is widely used in industry.

Formalin has a function as an antibacterial agent so that it can slow down the activity of bacteria in foods
that contain lots of protein, so formalin reacts with protein in food and makes food durable (Iftriani et
al., 2016).

The use of formalin as a dangerous preservative in addition to aiming to preserve food also aims to make
food more compact (chewy) texture and improve texture. Even a small amount of formaldehyde can
have a suppleness effect on food so that it becomes more resilient and durable (Pandie et al., 2014).

6) Conclusion

The negative effects of the use of formalin in its misuse on life can have devastating effects on human
health. Formalin has a very dangerous toxic effect on the human metabolic system as well as other food
additives that damage human health. Consuming long-term formalin-containing foods will cause brain,
liver, fat and kidney disorders. In large quantities, formaldehyde causes fever, anuria (absence of urine),
coma, stimulates the central nervous system, causes depression, apathy, cyanosis, low blood pressure,
kidney damage, fainting and even death (Juniar et al., 2014)

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