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In the “The Other Foot” by Ray Bradbury, Willie is the keystone to stopping the

mob because he is the ringleader and most vocal of all of them. In the story this is very

clear because he is leading the mob. Willie admits to organizing the lynch when he

says “That's what I [have] been doing… I stopped at every house and told them what

to do, to get their guns, to get paint, to bring rope and be ready” (Bradbury, 2012, “The

Long Rain” p45). Because of the group think of a Mob a strong leader like this leaving

could made the entire crowd lose their passion and start thinking clearly. And this is

exactly what happens in Page 56, as soon as Willie shows compassion to the white

man the entire crowd follows him, and they tear down every piece of the segregation

they had planned. Willie was like the leader of a charge of armored knights, everyone

behind him follows his action and his burning desire to go forward. As soon as he

decides to stop the charge, everyone follows him. Willie was the chink in this wall of

hatred and fury, he was the spearhead of the charge, as soon as he wavered the will to

do all of this evil was blunted. And when he dropped the rope, he became the

vanguard of the will to undo their recent wrongs.

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