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1 SOLUTIONS 1(1) 5(1) 6(2)
2 ELECTROCHEMISTRY 1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 6(3)
3 CHEMICAL KINETICS 1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 6(3)
4 SURFACE CHEMISTRY 1(3) 2(1) 5(4)
6 P-BLOCK ELEMENTS 1(1) 5(1) 6(2)
7 d and f BLOCK ELEMENTS 1(2) 3(1) 5(3)
8 COORDINATION 1(1) 3(1) 4(2)
9 HALO ALKANES AND 1(2) 2(1) 4(3)
10 ALCOHOLS,PHENOLS AND 1(1) 3(1) 4(2)
11 ALDEHYDES, KETONES 1(1) 5(1) 6(2)
12 AMINES 1(2) 3(1) 5(3)
13 BIOMOLECULES 1(1) 2(1) 3(2)
14 POLYMERS 1(1) 2(1) 3(2)
15 CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY 1(1) 2(1) 3(2)
20(20) 14(7) 21(7) 15(3) 70(37)
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Questions 1 to 20 are multiple choices questions and carry 1 mark each.
3. Questions 21 to 27 are short answer questions and carry 2 marks each.
4. Questions. 28 to 34 are also short answer questions and carry 3 marks each.
5. Questions. 35 to 37 are long answer questions and carry 5 marks each.
6. Use log table if necessary, use of calculator is not allowed
1. By which reason, element (Th ) is introduce in f-block ?
(A) According toelectronic configuration (B) According to physical properties
(C) According tochemical properties (D) According to practical properties
2. What is the emf of the following cell at 298 K:
Mg(s) | Mg2+(0.001M) ||Cu2+(0.001 M) |Cu(s) (given Eocell=2.71V)
(A) 2.71V (B) 2.23 V (C) 0.43 V (D) 1.52 V
3. A 5% solution of cane sugar (M.M.=342) is isotonic with 1% solution of a substance X. The molar mass of X is:
(A) 171.2 (B) 68.4 (C) 34.2 (D) 136.2
4. Paracetamol is
(A). Methyl salicylate (B). Phenyl salicylate (C) .N-acetyl p-amino phenol (D).Acetyl salicylic acid
5. Which of the following compound is not known?
( A) SF 6 ( B) SF 4 (C) H 2 S 2 O 8 (D) OF 6
.Which of following species is paramagnetic at room temperature?
(A)O2 (B)S8 (C)N2 ( D)Cl2
6. In the following reaction , how is the rate of appearance of the underlined product related to the rate of
disappearance of the underlined reactant ?
BrO3- + 5Br- + 6H+ → 3 Br2 + 3H2O
(A). d[Br2]/dt = -5/3 d[Br-]/dt (C) d[Br2]/dt = -3/5 d[Br-]/dt
(B) d[Br2]/dt = - d[Br-]/dt (D.) d[Br2]/dt = 3/5 d[Br-]/dt
7.. On the basis of data given below predict which of the following gases shows least adsorption on a definite amount
of charcoal?
Gas CO2 SO2 CH4 H2
Critical temp. (K) 304 630 190 33
(A) CO 2 (B) S0 2 (C) CH 4 (D) H 2
8.At high conc. Of a soap in water, soap behaves as…
(A) Molecular colloid (B) associated colloid(C) macromolecular colloid (D) lyophilic colloid
9. Which of the following electrolytes will have maximum coagulating value for AgI/Ag+sol?
(A) Na2S (B) Na3PO4 (C) Na2SO4 (D) NaCN
Physical adsorption
(A) Involves the weak attractive interaction between the adsorbent and adsorbate
(B) Involves the chemical interactions between the adsorbent and adsorbate
(C)Is irreversible in nature
(D)Increases with increase of temperature
10 .Which of the following is electronic configuration of Cr element?
(A) 3d4 4s2 (B) 3d5 4s1 (C) 3d6 4s1 (D) 3d6 4s0
11.Which of the following copper ore?
(A) Malachite (B) Bauxite (C) Calamine (D) Galena
12 Chlorination of ethane is carried out in presence of (a) anhydrous AlBr3 (b) HgCl2 (c) hv (d) ZnCl2
13.Which of the following is most reactive towards nucleophillic substitution.
(A) chlorobenzene (B) 2,4,6-trinitrochloro benzene
(C) 2,4- dinitro chlorobenzene (D) 2- nitro chlorobenzene
14. The role of anhydrous AlCl3 in Friedel- Craft acylation is-
(A) to provide electrophile in the reaction, (B) to activate benzene ring towards the reaction,
(C)to generate the electrophile, (D)to deactivate the benzene ring towards the reaction.
15. Of the following which one is classified as polyester polymer?
(A)Nylon 6,6 ( B). Melamine (C.) Terylene( D.) Backelite
16. Aldehydes are prepared by reducing nitriles to corresponding imines with stannous chloride in the presence of
hydrochloric acid. This reaction is called
(A)Gatterman –Koch Reaction (B) Etard Reaction (C)Stephens Reaction (D) Friedel–Crafts Reaction
17. The oxidation number of Fe in K4[Fe(CN)6] is (A) 0 (B)+1 (C)+2 (D)+3
18 In the Hofmann bromamide degradation reaction, the number of moles of NaOH and Br2 used per mole of amine
produced are
(A) Four moles of NaOH and two moles of Br2 (B) two moles of NaOH and two moles of Br2
(C)Four moles of NaOH and one mole of Br2 (D)one mole of NaOH and one mole of Br2
19. The reagent with which the following reaction is best accomplished is
(a) H3PO2 (b) H3PO3 (c) H3PO4 (d) NaHSO3

20. The “Repeating Unit” of glycogen is

(A) Fructose (B) Mannose (C) Glucose (D) Galactose
21. The following curve is obtained when molar conductivity λm (y-axis) is plotted against the square root of
concentration C ½ (x-axis) for two electrolytes A and B.

(a)What can you say about the nature of the two electrolytes A and B?
(b) How do you account for the increase in molar conductivity λmof the electrolytes A and B on dilution?
22. Consider the reaction A k P. The change in concentration of A with time is shown in the following plot:

(i) Predict the order of the reaction.

(ii) Derive the expression for the time required for the completion of the reaction.

23. Write short notes on:-

a) Tyndall effect b) Dialysis.
A colloidal solution of Agl is prepared by two different methods shown
(i) What is the charge of AgI colloidal particles in the two test tubes (A) and (B)?
(ii) Give reasons for the origin of charge.
24. Explain why :-
a)aryl halides are less reactive then alkyl halides toward the nuclophilic substitution reaction
b)The nitration of chlorobenzene gives ortho and para derivatives
25. What are nucleic acids? Mention their two important functions
26. What are LDPE and HDPE? How are they prepared?
27. What are antihistamines? Give two examples
28. How much charge is required in coulomb for the oxidation of
i) 1 mol of Al3+ to Al
ii) 1 mol of Cu2+ to Cu
iii) 1mol of MnO4- to Mn2+

(I)Answer the following questions on the basis of the above graph for a first order reaction A  P :-
(a) What is the relation between slope of 'this line and rate constant?
(b) Calculate the rate constant of the above reaction if the slope is 2 x 10-4S-1
(ii) Write the relationship between half life of a first order reaction and its rate constant.
30.(a) Name the method used for refining of
(i) Silicon (ii) Zirconium
(b) The extraction of Au by leaching with NaCN involves both oxidation and reduction. Justify giving equations.
31. An element 'A'exists as a yellow solid in standard state. It forms a volatile hydride 'B'which is a foul smelling gas
and is extensively used in qualitative analysis of salts. When treated with oxygen,'B' forms an oxide 'C' which is a
colorless, pungent smelling gas. This gas when passed through acidified KMnO4 solution, decolorizes it. 'C'gets
oxidized to another oxide 'D' in the presence of a heterogeneous catalyst. Identify A,B,C,D, and also give the
chemical equation of reaction of 'C' with acidified KMnO4 solution and for conversion of ‘C'to'D'.
Give reasons:
(i) Among transition metals, the highest oxidation state is exhibited in oxoanions of a metal.
(ii) Ce4+' is used as an oxidizing agent in volumetric analysis.
(iii) Transition metals form a number of interstitial compounds.
32. Give the electronic configuration of the
(a) d- orbitals of Ti in [Ti(H2O)6]3+ ion in an octahedral crystal field.
(b) Why is this complex coloured? Explain on the basis of distribution of electrons in the d- orbitals.
(c) How does the color change on heating [Ti(H2O6)]3+ ion?
33. (i)Complete and name the following 'reactions
a) RNH2 + CHCI3 +KOH 
(b) C6H5NH2 +NaNO2 + 2HCl 
(ii) Write Aldol condensation reaction.
34. Give chemical tests to distinguish between compounds in each of the following pairs:
(i) Phenol and Benzoic acid (ii) Butan-2 -ol and Butan -1-nol (iii) Aniline and Methyl amine.
35.( A) Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their property as indicated :-
a) Acetaldehyde ,Acetone, Di-tert-butyl ketone, Methyl tert-butyl ketone (reactivity towards HCN)
b) CH3CH2CH(Br) COOH,CH3CH(Br)CH2COOH,(CH3)2CHCOOH,CH3CH2COOH (acid strength)
c)Benzoic acid ,4-Nitrobenzoic acid,3,4-Dintrobenzoic acid,4-Methoxy benzoic acid (acid strength)
d)CH3COCl, CH3CONH2, CH3COOCH3, (CH3CO)2O (reactivity in hydrolysis)
An unknown Aldehyde 'A' on reacting with alkali gives a β -hydroxy -aldehyde, which losses water to form an
unsaturated aldehyde, 2- butenal. Another aldehyde 'B' undergoes disproportionation reaction in the presence
of conc. alkali to form products C and D. C is an arylalcohol with the formula C7H8O.
(i) Identify A and B.
(ii) Write the sequence of reactions involved.
(iii) Name the product, when 'B' reacts with Zinc amalgam and hydrochloric acid.

36.What is the relation between Vant Hoff’s factor and

i) Degree of association of solute? ii)Degree of dissociation of solute?
iii) If the Vant Hoff’s factor of CaCl2 is 1.5, calculate the degree of dissociation .
iv) K3[FeCN6)] is dissociated 30% in solution .Calculate the Vant Hoff’s factor.
A)Give below is the sketch of a plant for carrying out a process.

(i) Name the process occurring in the above plant.

(ii) To which container does the net flow of solvent take place?
(iii) Name one SPM which can be used in this plant?
(iv) Give one practical use of the plant.
(B)What do you mean by azoetropes with example?
37. (a) Draw the structure of H2SO3, HOClO
(b) H2S is more acidic than H2O.Explain?
(c) Complete the following chemical equation
i) SO3+H2SO4 → ii) SO2+MnO4-+H2O→
(a) Draw the structure of XeOF4 ,XeO3
(b) Give reason
i. Bleaching action of Cl2. ii. Detection of SO2 gas. iii.Halogens are coloured.

Q.No. Answers Marks

1. (C) According tochemical properties 1
2. (A) 2.71V 1
3. (B) 68.4 1
4. (C) .N-acetyl p-amino phenol 1
5. (D) OF 6 OR (A)O 2 1

6. (C) d[Br2]/dt = -3/5 d[Br-]/dt 1

7. (D) H 2 1

8. (B) associated colloid 1

9. (D) NaCN OR (A) Involves the weak attractive interaction between the
adsorbent and adsorbate

10. (B) 3d5 4s1 1

11. (A) Malachite 1

12. (c) hv 1
13. (B) 2,4,6-trinitrochloro benzene 1
14. (C)to generate the electrophile 1
15. (C) Terylene 1
16. (C)Stephens reaction 1
17. (C) +2 1
18. (C)Four moles of NaOH and one moles of Br2 1
19. (a) H3PO2 1

20. (C) Glucose 1

21. A is strong electrolyte ½
B is a weak electrolyte. ½
Molar conductivity of a strong electrolyte increases with dilution as ionic mobility ½
increase .
In a weak electrolyte molar conductivity increases steeply with dilution as degree ½
of dissociation increases
22. i) The reaction A P is a zero order reaction ½
ii) For the reaction A kP
rate =𝑑𝑡
=k [A]o
Intergrating both side , - [A]=Kt + C……………………eqn(i)
Where c = constant of integration
At t=0, [A] = [A]◦
Substituting this in equation (i)
[A]=-kt + [A]◦
Kt = [ A]o - [A]
[ A]o − [A]
23. (i)When a beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution , it is scattered and ½
the path of the beam becomes visible. This is known as Tyndall effect. ½
(ii)Purification of colloidal solution from the impurities (mainly electrolyte) by ½
diffusion through a porous membrane such as parchment and collodion etc. ½
Test tube ( A) has negative charge. ½
(i) Test tube (B) has positive chrge on the colloidal particles. ½
(ii) In test tube ( A) I is adsorbed [or Agl / l-1 is formed ] ½
In test tube (B) Ag is adsorbed on Agl. ½

24. (1) Since in aryl halides C- Cl is partially double bond(due to resonance) 1

character / C is a SP2 so more / stronger bond hence less reactive . 1
(2) Chlorine is electron withdrawing nature but the electron pair is used in
resonnance ( mesomeric effect )

25. Nucleic acid are biological polymers, present in all living cells and are made up of 1
nucleotides .
Functions: 1
(1) Nucleic acid are responsible for the transfer of characters from parent to
offspring through genes .
(2) Nucleic acids are responsible for sysnthesis of protein in the body.
26. LDPE: Low density polyethylene ½
LDPE is obtained by the polymerisation of ethene under high pressure of
1000 to 2000 atm at 350 K to 570 K temperature in the presence of an ½
HDPE: high density polyethylene. ½
It is obtained when polymerisation is done in the presssence of Ziegier Natta
Catalyst at 333K to 343 K under 6-7 atm Pressure. 1/2
27. Antihistamines are drugs that interfere with the natural action of histamines. 1
Examples: (1) Bromopheniramine 1
(2) Terfenadine.
28 (i) Al 3+ + 3 e- ------------ > Al 1
3 FARADAY = 3 x 96500 coulumbs.
(ii) Cu 2+ + 2 e- ---------------------- > Cu 1
(iii) MnO4- + 5 e- ------------ > Mn 2+ 1

29 (a) Slope =K/2.303 1

(b) As slope = 2 x 10-4 S-1
:. K= 2.303 x 2 x 10-4 s-1 1
K = 4.606 x 10-4 s
(c) t1/2 = 0.693/k 1
30 (a) (i) Zone refing process. ½
(ii) Van Arkel Method.
(b) 4Au(s) + 8 CN- (aq) + 2H2O (aq) + O2(g) ---> 4[Au(CN)2]- (aq) + 4OH-(aq) ½
2[Au(CN)2] (aq) + Zn(s) ---- > 2Au (s) + [Zn(CN)4]2-(aq). 1
i.e reduction takes place. [Balancing is required] 1
31. ‘A’ =Sulphur ½
‘B’ =H2s gas ½
‘C’ =SO2 gas ½
‘ D’= SO3 gas ½
5SO2 (g) + 2MnO-4 + 2H2O → 5SO42- +4H++2Mn2 ½
2SO2 (g) + O2(g) 2SO3 (g) ½
(a) (i) In these oxoanions the oxygen atoms are directly bonded to the 1
transition metal. Since oxygen is highly electronegative, the oxoanions
bring out the highest oxidation state of the metal. 1
( ii) Ce4+ has the tendency to attain +3 oxidation state and so it is used as
an oxidizing agent in volumentric analysis. 1
(iii) This is Due to the presence of voids of appropriate sizes in their crystal

32. (a) In [Ti (H2O)6]3+ ion Ti is in 3+ oxidation state. There is only 1 electron in the 1
d –orbital and its configuration is t2g1 e g0 1
(b) Due to d-d transition, configuration becomes t2g1 e g0 1
(C)On heating [Ti(H2O)6]3+ ion becomes colorless as there is no ligand (
H2O) left on heating. In the absence of ligand, crystal field splitting does not occur.
33. (i)a) RNH2 + CHCl3 + KOH (alc) boiling RNC(foul smell)+3KCl+3H2O ½+ ½
(carbylamine reaction)
(b) C6H5NH2 +NaNO2 + 2HCl C6H5N2+Cl- +NaCl +2H2O (Diazotisation) ½+½
(ii) When aldehyde containg α-H atom reacts with dlute NaOH/KOH forms α,β-
unsaturated 1
Example: 2 CH3-CHOdil. NaOH/KOH CH3-CH2-CH(OH)-CHO ∆ CH3-CH = CH-CHO
34. Ferric chloride solution test or azodyes test these are positive in the case of 1
phenol negative in the case of benzoic acid (Any one )
Balanced Chemical Equation
ii) Iodform Test- Positive in case of 1-Butanol, negative in the case of 2-methyl 1
Balanced Chemical Equation 1
iii) Aniline gives azodyes test while methyl amine doesn’t give.

35. ½
a) Ditert-butyl ketone < methyl tert-butyle ketone < Acetone < Acetaldehyde
c) 4- methoxy benzoic acid < benzoic acid < 4- Nitro benzoic acid < 3, 4- ½
Dinitrobenzoic acid ½
A) CH3CH2CH2COOC4H9 ----------- > CH3CH2CH2COOH 1
[A] [B] 1
(i) A is CH3 CHO or ethanol. 1+1
B is C6H5CHO or benzaldehyde.
(ii) 2CH3CHO ---------- >CH3-CH(OH)—CH2CHO 1+1
[A] H2O


2C6H5CHO -------------- > C6H5CH2OH + C6H5COO - 1

(iii) Toluene
36. a) α= i-1/1/m-1 1
b) α = i-1/m-1. 1
c) α = 1.5-1/3 -1 =0.25 or 25 % 1
d) K3Fe(CN)6] ----------- > 3K+ + [Fe(CN)6] -3 2

Initial 1 0 0
At equbium 1- α 3α α
I = 1.9
A)(i) Reverse osmosis 1
(ii)Fresh water container 1
(iii)Cellulose acetate placed on suitable support. 1
(iv) Desalination of sea water. 1
B) constant boiling mixture e.g 95 % ethanol +5 % water 1

(B) Bond dissociation enthalphy of S-H bond is lesser than O-H bond due to bigger
size of S.
(c) i. H2S2O7 ii. 5 SO42- +4H+ +2Mn2+


(b)i. Due to oxidation .Cl2 +H2O → [O] +2HCl 1
Coloured substance +[O] → colourless substance 1
ii.Decolourisation of pink-violet colour of KMnO4 /H+ 1
2MnO4-+ 5SO2+2H2O→5SO42- +2Mn2+ +4H+
iii.Due to adsorption of radiation in visible region which result in the excitation of
outer electrons to higher energy level.

37. 1



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