Case Study Submission

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Case Study

Name(s): Sonakshi Basu, Neha Gupta, Surjeet

Email id(s):,,

Submission Date: 14th August 2019

Part 1: User Research

Question 1: Identify the target audience for the roommate/flatmate finding service(Word
Target limit: 100 words)
The target audience considered had 2 aspects:

1. People who are in search of flatmate(s)/roommate(s) are between

the age of 22 to 32 years and living in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities of India
2. People who are searching for a shared accommodation fall in the age
group of 22 to 32 years who are either of the following:
a. Moving to a new city/suburb
b. Moving out of a PG
c. Moving out of their existing flat-sharing arrangement

For calculating the sample size for the survey, we are considering the
confidence level as 95%, the margin of error as 10%, and the response rate as

For calculations, we used Facebook advertising targeting tool as a hack to

figure out the population. The target filter applied was 22-32 years residing in

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Total population size = ​3900000(3.9 million)

The sample size was calculated using survey monkey tool shown in the image
as follows:

Total number of sample size identified = ​97

Now, calculating the number of people to be surveyed assuming a 10%

response rate =​ 97/0.10 = 970

Post conducting the survey, the subset for the interviews was built, for which
we specifically considered people living in Bengaluru falling under age group
22-32 years comprising white-collar jobs people, students of colleges which
do not provide hostel facilities
Question 2: Prepare an interview questionnaire (write down the questions here) suiting
your objectives & hypothesis. (Word limit: 500 words)

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Objectives and Hypotheses for survey :
O1: ​To understand Customer Demographics
● H1A: ​Singles are more likely to opt for shared accommodation over
staying alone
● H1B: ​People below the age of 30 would prefer staying in shared
● H1C: ​Salaried people living in Tier1 and Tier 2 cities prefer staying in
shared accommodation
O2: ​To understand Customer preferences with respect to living in shared
● H2A:​ People would typically be willing to share their accommodation
with known acquaintances over living with strangers
● H2B:​ Food preferences is an important factor while choosing people
to share the accommodation
O3: ​To understand the challenges faced by the Customer while searching for
a flatmate or a roommate
● H3A:​ It is difficult to gauge compatibility factors of potential
roommates until one has moved in
● H3B:​ Finding a flatmate or a roommate is a time-consuming process
O4: ​To understand different channels people use while finding a
● H4A:​ People find their flatmate/roommate through flat and flatmates
through friends or known acquaintances
● H4B: ​People find their roommate/flatmates through social media
groups such as Facebook
Objectives and Hypotheses for User interview :
O1: Demographics: ​To understand Customer Demographics
● H1A: ​Singles are more likely to opt for shared accommodation over
staying alone
● H1B: ​People below the age of 30 would prefer staying in shared
● H1C: ​Salaried people living in Tier 1/Tier2 cities prefer staying in
shared accommodation
O2: Motivation: To understand the reasons or factors which motivates
them to stay in shared accommodation
● H2A: ​People are more likely to prefer shared accommodation to save
money on rent, support ecosystem and household expenses

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● H2B:​ People mostly opt to live in shared accommodation to build
their professional and personal network
● H2C: ​People relocating to Tier1/Tier2 cities with respect to work or
studies prefer staying in shared accommodation as it provides a sense
of security and helps in saving time spent on daily household work by
sharing the chores
O3: Goals: To understand the goals they have in mind when they decide to
stay in shared accommodation
● H3A: ​People want to live in a comfortable and secure place
● H3B: ​People are more likely to prefer staying with someone having
similar background and interests with respect to professional and
personal space
● H3C: ​Majority of people choose friends, mutual connections, office
colleagues as potential roommates/flatmates
O4: Pain Points: ​To understand the pain points while searching for a flatmate
or a roommate
● H3A:​ It is unlikely to understand someone’s behaviour and character
traits from few conversations e.g. willingness to adjust, empathy and
spend appetite to name a few
● H3B:​ Finding a flatmate or a roommate is a time-consuming process
● H3C: ​Mismatches between the information provided and reality
● H4C: ​Incomplete information about the potential listings is a major
O5: Personality: To understand the different personality traits people have
who opt for shared accommodation
● H5A:​ People with varied personalities choose to live in shared
● H5B:​ People have an affinity to share accommodation with people
they can connect with on a personal level

<Write your interview questions here>

Interview Questionnaire:

Our interview questions were classified under multiple categories to

understand the background of the interviewee and derive quantitative
insights to understand the motivations and needs, user behaviour, pain
points, discovery, technology and brands. In addition, few of the below
questions were conditional depending on the response of the preceding

● May I know your name?
● May I know your age?

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● May I know your marital status?
● What is your current city of residence and where are you from?
● What is the purpose of your stay in your current city of residence?
● How long have you been residing in your current city of residence?
● What is your mode of accommodation?
● Who do you stay with?

● What channels have you used in the past and present to search for
your mode of accommodation and flatmate(s)/roommate(s)?
● How was your experience with the channels that you used for
searching for your requirements?

Motivation and Needs:

● What are the factors you have in mind while searching for shared
● What are the facilities/amenities you would expect while looking out
for accommodation?
● Do you have a specific checklist of preferences which you think is
necessary while selecting roommate/flatmate?

User Behaviour:
● What are your hobbies?
● What do you typically do post working hours?
● How do you spend your weekends?
● Are you still in touch with old roommates/flatmates? (if applicable)
● How would you feel if your roommate(s) and/or flatmate(s) hosted
parties of their own?
● How's your day typically like?
● What are your thoughts about having pets?
● What do you feel about smoking and drinking preferences?
● How do you prefer to manage your daily chores?
● How do you track your common expenses in shared accommodation?
● How do you manage your everyday food?
● How would you describe your relationship with your roommate(s)
and/or flatmate(s)?
● How would you describe your relationship with the owner of your

Pain Points:
● What are the challenges you have faced while searching for your
accommodation, if any?
● What are the challenges you have faced while finding a roommate(s)
and/or flatmates(s), if any?
● Can you please brief on some of the challenges you faced in the past
with respect to living in shared accommodation with a flatmate(s)
and/or roommate(s), if any?

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Technology and Brands:
● Which devices do you use and which OS do you prefer?
● What are the 5 apps that you use the most?
● What is your dependency on the apps you use on a daily basis?
Question 3: Analyze the data you gathered from surveys and interviews. Draw insights out
Insights from of the collected data. You can segregate your insights basis the objectives of
User Research conducting user research: users' pain points, motivations, personality, goals,
demographics.​ ​ (Word Limit: 600 Words)

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Survey link :

Analysis from Survey:

O1: ​To understand Customer Demographics
● Out of singles, over 95% of people live shared accommodation as
compared to 45% of married/committed people


● Most ​ ​people below the age of 30 prefer staying in shared


O2: ​To understand Customer preferences with respect to living in shared


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● As shown in the figure below, maximum people prefer to share
accommodation with known people such as office colleagues or
mutual connections

● 63% of people choose to stay with people having a similar food


O3: ​To understand the challenges faced by the Customer while searching for
a flatmate or a roommate

● 58% are concerned about the compatibility of future

roommates/ flatmates
● Somewhere around 41% people find it difficult to trust
someone in terms of spend appetite and commitment grounds

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● 71% of people find searching for a roommate/flatmate a
time-consuming process

O4: ​To understand different channels people use while finding a

Insights ​:
● Approximately 80% of people find their roommate/flatmates through
known people(friends,acquaintances)
● 40% of people find their shared spaces through facebook groups

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User Interview Analysis:
Noting down insights from the interviews on ​post its:

O1: Demographics:​ To understand Customer Demographics

● Majority of the users looking for roommates are considerably young
and fall in the age group of 22-32 years
● Mostly single people prefer to stay in shared accommodation
● Mostly salaried professionals prefer to stay in shared accommodation
● Outstation students of colleges with no hostel facilities stay in shared
accommodation(in a flat or pg)
● Single salaried professional relocated to tier 1 or tier 2 cities stay in
shared accommodation
O2: Motivation:​ To understand the reasons or factors which motivates them
to stay in shared accommodation

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● Finances: Staying in shared accommodation helps save money as
most of the household expenses such as the rent, support ecosystem
etc. are shared
● Career: Staying in shared accommodation helps in building a
professional network, especially in cases where you reside with
people belonging to a similar domain.
● Security: A large handful of people mentioned they don't feel secure
staying alone. Additionally, parents are also not comfortable letting
their child stay alone owing to security reasons
● Social life: Having a social life instead of staying alone is something
which motivated people to stay in shared accommodation
● Time: People are motivated to go for shared accommodation as it
helps them to save a lot of time as household responsibilities are
shared and they don't have to spend quality time in the day to day
● Re-Location: People relocating to Tier1/Tier2 cities due to placements
and/or change in jobs tend to prefer staying in shared
O3: Goals:​ To understand the goals they have in mind when they decide to
stay in shared accommodation
● Most people want a balance of both offline and online social life with
respect to personal and professional front due to which they prefer
staying with roommates/flatmates
● Mostly people prefer staying with known acquaintances of
same-gender such as friends and office colleagues with similar
● Most people staying away from home prefer to stay in a place which
provides home-cooked food and with people having common food
preferences, home connections, mindset to name a few
● Most want to reduce the financial burden and household chores by
sharing living space
● Some people who are already living in a flat look for flatmates when
moving to another city, some search for flatmates when the existing
flatmates are vacating and others look for flatmates if they want to
move out of a PG
● People​ ​want to reside in a comfortable and safe living environment as
per their preferences with minimum external interference so that
their peace of mind is not disturbed
● Students prefer staying in shared accommodation as it helps them
studying together
● Mostly find flatmates through social media like flat & flatmates page
on facebook while some prefer finding roommate/flatmate through
friends, acquaintances since it comes with pre-validated authenticity

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and others post their requirements/find from office forums since it
saves time considerably
● When people need a potential flatmate to shift in their current flat,
they want to use as many places as possible to cast the widest net
and hence find the right flatmate quickly
● Prefer a place which provides a wide range of options and maximum
candid information about potential roommates to choose from, but
hate competition when it comes to securing a flatmate vacancy
O4: Pain points:​ To understand the pain points while searching for a flatmate
or a roommate
● A lot of uncertainty is there in terms of compatibility
● It's difficult to predict someone's lifestyle, behaviour and personality
● Difficulty in trusting someone in terms of safety & security
● Difficulty in scheduling time for visits
● Keeping a track of all the shortlisted options
● Following up with the owners or potential flatmates before or after
the visits
● Irrelevant and incomplete information
● Reality is different from what is there in images
● Not able to figure out nature in a meeting
● Difficulty in finding a like-minded roommate with similar preferences
● Difficulty in figuring out the extent of owner or neighbour
O5: Personality:​ To understand the different personality traits people have
who opt for shared accommodation
● Extrovert: Mostly working-class people who are single prefer to
socialise with their roommates or flatmates after office hours Likely
to be in touch with old roommates or flatmates, like partying or going
out on likekends,like hosting or joining board game nights with
friends and flatmates on weekends
● Feeling: Likes to celebrate a lot of festivals with roommates or
flatmates to feel connected to home, Need personal privacy, privacy
,most prefer to rest in a peaceful environment at home after a long
and tiring day
● Introvert : Prefer to just read books and chill on weekends rather
than partying and keep themselves to themselves

Part 2: Product Artifacts

Question 4: Create a persona for from the user research data. Use the template given below.

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NAME:​ Saloni Khandelwal


IT Engineer
INR 12,00,000

Reduce the financial burden by Primary mobile user
sharing living space
Android smartphone
Share load of responsibility
4G mobile network
Ensure future peace of mind
Most used application:
To have a comfortable and safe
Commute, Social media,
living environment
Navigation, Communication &
To find a space according to Grocery


“To live in a space Irrelevant & incomplete
which feels closer to information
home with my kind of
Difficult to predict compatibility
with potential roommate/flatmate
Difficulty in scheduling time or
follow up before or after the visit

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Saloni is a single working professional recently relocated to Bengaluru. She is currently put up in
company provided accommodation and is actively searching for shared accommodation and wants
to share her living space with friendly and supportive females. She hopes to gain new perspectives
and also make new friends. She loves to socialise and is in contact with almost every friend from
childhood till now.

Questions 5: Create a user journey map for the given user goals:

(a) Find a shared accommodation space that satisfies my logistical constraints

● Proximity to Workplace, Recreation, Utilities

● Amenities e.g. Gym, Swimming Pool, Parking

● Support ecosystem e.g. Cook/Maid, furniture, laundry etc.

● Cost

(b) ​Find roommates with whom I share preferences in terms of:

● Food habit

● Timings

● Visitors

Use the templates given below.


User Journey Map 1

User Goal (a) Find a shared accommodation space that satisfies my logistical

● Proximity to Workplace, Recreation, Utilities

● Amenities e.g. Gym, Swimming Pool, Parking

● Support ecosystem e.g. Cook/Maid, furniture, laundry etc

● Cost

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User Expectations 1.Discover the options :

● To get a broad overview of possible options, preferably from a

wide range of options
● Understand commute and route options so that feasible commute
options can be ensured
● To get clarity on the amenities provided in the accommodation
such as a functional club-house, gym and effective security system
● To find a well-furnished , in good shape accommodation which
provides a running kitchen preferably with all necessary
appliances and a support ecosystem within the budget range

2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences :

● To get as many relevant details as possible that can help in

● Some options would be within the budget and other logistical
● To be able to sort the listings based on the images and reference

3. Engagement and Validation :

● To be able to schedule visits in a hassle free manner

● Derive an understanding of the background of potential
roommates or flatmates to a considerable extent
● Taking an informed call on a place to reside where the place and
people suit the preferences and time of moving in
● Seamless transitions like signing an agreement,paying deposit &

Process 1.Discovering the options :

● Filter out the residential areas as per the workplace location

● Enquire about available options of accommodation from Friends,
Colleagues, Office Forums ,Advertisements
● Post the requirements on social media, office forums,social
groups,alumni groups, area brokers
● Search for available options on google,google maps, different
house renting applications, advertisements,go out on the road
and explore options,talk to security guards of different societies

2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences :

● Find out the contact details of the owners or tenants

● Talk to the owner or tenants to get more details
● Understand the rules and regulations of the society,find out about
the parking facility ,club house, gym,basic amenities like
laundry,grocery, medical shops, eateries and hypermarkets
● Discuss about the agreement, rent , security deposit ,
maintenance and any other additional costs

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● Compare the options according to budget and preferences

3. Engagement and Validation :

● Schedule visit time and date for different shortlisted options

● Visit the house, have a face to face conversation with the people
staying there to understand their background and preferences,
● Check the facilities of the house , enquire about the support
system and check the amenities of society
● Finalise an option

Experience 1. Discovering the options :

● Process to find a good number of options took more time than

● Frustrating
● Difficulty in finding accommodation within the budget and
● Contrary to suppositions the realities on the ground forces me to
adjust my expectations given my logistical constraints and time of
moving in

2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences :

● Irrelevant listings and incomplete information

● Often times old listings are provided as in the property is not
available but still listed out

3. Engagement and Validation :

● Hard time in co-ordinating the time and scheduling visits with the
tenants already present and the owner
● Some listings were discovered to be violating the images and
details provided post paying a visit to the property
● Mismatches between the information provided and reality with
respect to discovering that some areas of club house are non
functional or not properly maintained

Touchpoints 1.Discovering the options :

● Google
● Google maps
● Social media like Facebook page- Flat & flatmates, Whatsapp,
● Friends
● Applications
● Office forums
● Aggregator Listing Companies websites
● Advertisements

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2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences :

● Applications
● Websites
● Social media like Facebook page- Flat & flatmates, Whatsapp,
● Calls

3. Engagement and Validation:

● Potential roommate(s)/flatmate(s)
● Owners
● Society residents
● Security guards
● Google Search Results
● Google Maps
● Society offices

Pain-points 1.Discovering the options :

● Time consuming process

● Not every owner/potential roommate or flatmate post their
property on online channels like social media pages,websites/apps

2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences :

● False or incomplete information provided about the

● Incomplete information provided about support ecosystems
● No information provided on commute options available there
● Heavy traffic during peak hours
● Maintaining the list of different shortlisted options with contact
numbers is hectic

3. Engagement and Validation :

● Scheduling time for visit, calling for follow up

● Flats becomes unavailable as lot of people are looking for the
same place
● Visiting to validate the information given to find out suitable
option is time taking, costly

Ideas 1.Discovering the options :

● Reviews and Ratings of the society should be there

● Notification about new listings according to our preset
● Verified listings/maximum listings should be covered, some way of
contacting owners so that their properties should also be
listed(maximizing listings)

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● Availability of different commute options and average wait time
for cabs during peak hours should be mentioned
● Traffic conditions should be mentioned

2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences :

● Rent breakup and other expenses in detail and will be good to give
a feature like expense sharing
● Verified photos and videos

3. Engagement and Validation :

● Hassle free way to schedule visit date and time

● Reminders about the appointments
● Ability to reschedule visits if needed

User Journey Map 2

User Goal (b) ​Find roommates with whom I share preferences in terms of:
● Food habit

● Timings

● Visitors

User Expectations 1.Discovering the options :

● To get a broad overview of possible options of roommates

focusing on the compatibility and preferences
● To understand the rules and regulations in terms of time
restrictions and inviting people over
● To find listings where food,timing and visitor preferences are
already mentioned

2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences :

● To get as many relevant details as possible that can assist in

shortlisting options
● To be able to find multiple options with similar food preferences
to shortlist from
● To be able to find the contacts of the shortlisted options from the
● To be able to figure out potential roommate preferences about
visitors over a call while shortlisting

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3. Engagement and Validation​ ​:

● To be able to have telephonic discussions and schedule visits in a

hassle free manner
● Derive an understanding of the background of potential
roommates and their preferences to a considerable extent
● To have amicable discussions with potential roommates to get
basic clarity on their timing schedule and visitor preferences
● To be able to figure out roommate’s preferred lifestyle and
financial status
● Taking an informed call on deciding the roommates who suit the
individual’s preferences

Process 1.Discovering the options :

● Filter out the potential roommates options from the listings based
on preferences
● Enquire about available options of roommates from Friends,
Colleagues, Office Forums , Advertisements
● Post the requirements on social media, office forums,social
groups,alumni groups, mutual connection groups
● Search for available options on google, different roommates
search applications, advertisements, go out on the road and
explore options,talk to security guards of different societies for
vacancies of roommates in apartments

2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences:

● Find out the contact details of the owners or tenants

● Talk to the owner and tenants to get more details
● Understand the rules and regulations of the flat,find out about the
facilities and support system of the place,basic amenities like
laundry,grocery, medical shops, eateries and hypermarkets
● Understand the food, timings , visitor and other preferences
● Discuss about the agreement, rent , security deposit ,
maintenance and any other additional costs
● Compare the options according to budget and preferences

3. Engagement and Validation :

● Schedule visit time and date for different shortlisted options

● Visit the house, have a face to face conversation with the people
staying there to understand their background and preferences,
● Check the facilities of the house , enquire about the support
system and check the amenities in and around
● Discuss about the expectations and preferences
● Discuss about the workload sharing and household expenses

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● Finalise an option

Experience 1.Discovering the options :

● Process of finding a good number of potential roommates took

more time than expected
● Frustrating
● Difficulty in finding roommates as per the preferences
● Contrary to suppositions the realities on the ground forces me to
adjust my expectations given my preferences and lifestyle choices

2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences :

● Irrelevant listings and incomplete information.

● Often times the reality of people do not match the listings
● More often than not people in reality tend to be judgemental

3. Engagement and Validation :

● Hard time in co-ordinating the time and scheduling visits with the
tenants already present and the owner
● Some listings were discovered to be irrelevant post paying a visit
and having a discussion
● Mismatches between the information provided and reality with
respect to discovering that some people are not as tolerant,
non-judgemental and liberal as they seem to be

Touchpoints 1.Discovering the options :

● Google
● Social media like Facebook page- Flat & flatmates, Whatsapp,
● Friends
● Applications -NestAway
● Office forums
● Aggregator Listing Companies websites
● Advertisements

2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences :

● Applications -NestAway
● Websites
● Social media like Facebook page- Flat & flatmates, Whatsapp,
● Calls

3. Engagement and Validation:

● Potential roommate(s)/flatmate(s)
● Owners

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● Neighbours
● Referrals
● Mutual connections of potential roommate(s)/flatmate(s), if any

Pain-points 1.Discovering the options :

● Time consuming process

● Not every owner/potential roommate / flatmate post their
property on online channels like social media pages,websites/apps

2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences :

● False or incomplete information provided about the preferences

● Incomplete information provided about support ecosystems
● No information provided on rules and regulations
● Maintaining the list of different shortlisted options with contact
numbers is hectic

3. Engagement and Validation :

● Scheduling time for visit, multiple calls for follow up

● The vacancies are filled quickly due to high demand
● Visiting to validate the information given to find out suitable
option is time taking, costly
● Can’t predict the compatibility factor from few interactions

Ideas 1. Discovering the options:

● Enlist profiles containing detailed information about the

expectations from their potential roommates
● Ratings or reviews and feedback on the profiles based on their
past experiences
● Notifications to be sent to seekers ,when there is a profile match
● Notifications to be sent to seekers , whenever there is a vacancy in
the interested locations preset by the user
● Availability of features that captures the preferences of the
individual while they post the listings
● Location and filters to enable users to search for roommates as
per the desired location
● Compatibility Indicator based on user preferences
● Referrals to easen the search

2. Shortlisting options on the basis of preferences :

● Consolidated view of the shortlisted profiles should be made

● Verified listings and images
● Chat and Voice Calling features for communication between
interested parties

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● Calendars to schedule date and time of visit

3. Engagement and Validation :

● Hassle free way to schedule visit date and time

● Reminders about the appointments
● Ability to reschedule visits if needed
● Acceptance and Rejection of the profiles with a reasoning to
provide clarity to the users
● Remove the listings post the vacancy is filled out


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