Relevance of Job Characteristic Model at Workplace and Accheiving Job Satisfaction

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Name- Abhishek Ranjan

Roll no.-1927703


Relevance of Job Characteristic Model at workplace in achieving Job


Nowadays, organizations are attempting to do their utmost to ask for this more effectively and efficiently,
and they are attempting to make use of human resources in order to improve effectiveness and job
satisfaction among them. In order to facilitate the evaluation of job satisfaction, we tend to evaluate
psychological theories and job satisfaction metrics with the study implications of a social-technical
interview. There is restricted research on the impact of work features on employee performance and,
therefore, the compelling need to document literature on these interactions in different contextual
backgrounds. The aim of this review is to lay bare knowledge gaps and suggest a model that can be used
to guide future empirical research on the relationship between work features and employee performance.
Findings indicate that the existence of a job-specific model at the workplace will have an effect on job
satisfaction and need to be taken into consideration while assigning work.

Keywords: Job characteristics, Job Satisfaction, Work motivation


Nowadays, with the changing pace of social change consistent with changes in employees ' jobs, there are
some changes in the workplace that make employees feel alienated, resulting in certain organizational
behaviors. It is often associated with a loss of motivation in the workplace. Making motivation and
maximizing motivation in an organization requires managers and employees to be flexible in the field of
their work and to realize that people have different goals and personal needs to satisfy, which can be
challenged by a job.

Several research in management science literacy different method in defining what job that's. For all of
the most popular and most exact definition of job satisfaction has been coming text. Later of this literature
review a view of job characteristic has been done and after that our discussion is more saturated to God
vibrant relationship amount of characteristic and job satisfaction from different author view.

After the industrial revolution, few topics in the field of organizational psychology and behavior have
attracted as much research as work design. The design of work has an enormous impact on organizational
success and individual well-being (Obonyo, 2018). It is clear and self-evident that growth of any
organization depends heavily on efficient utilization of its human resource. It is a consensus belief of
management practitioners that human resources ignite the efficiency of other resource. Therefore it is
necessary for the successful operations of organization that its human resource must be the superb one.
This is because organizational employees are totally dependable for the accomplishment of organizational
goals and strategic plans. In the light of above discussion it is mandatory for the managers that they
should show concern on issues and problems faced by employees in organizations.

Job characteristics are aspects specific to a job such as knowledge and skills, mental and physical
demands, and working conditions that can be recognized, defined and assessed, also called job factors.
Job characteristics are set of environmental variables such as skill variety, task significance, task identity,
autonomy and feedback that are widely thought to be important causes of employees‟ behavior (Singh,
A., Singh, S., & Khan, S. 2016). On the contrary, the absence of these characteristics may leads to the
dissatisfaction and undesirable work outcomes such as decreased productivity, profit, efficiency,
effectiveness or increase in employee’s turnover, absenteeism etc.

The theoretical assumptions of job demand-resources model been done (Bakker & Demerouti in year
2007) provide us a robust basis for understanding the moderating role of job characteristics within the link
between job stress, job involvement and job satisfaction. Resources mustn't solely meet the job demand
however it ought to meet the right match with the employees going to perform it. this is in line from
(Ejike A. Okonkwo, Chinonye A. obi & Emeruwa E. Ekeke 2019) job characteristics model that
emphasizes the psychological feature potential of job resources at the task level, as well as autonomy,
feedback and task significance. Consequently, resources are valid in their title as a result of they are
means to attain or defend different valued resources. Job resources could also be located at the macro-
organizational level (e.g. wage or wages, career opportunity, job security), the interpersonal level
(supervisor and co-worker support, team climate), the particular job position (e.g. role clarity,
participation in decision making) and at the task level (e.g. skill selection, task identity, task significance,
autonomy and performance feedback).

It is said by (Dr.Lou Fan; Md. Fahad; Javed Arslan Rao) as job itself contains certain elements causing
motivation. It is a set of foundational base for the other management practitioners to analyze the effect of
influencing factors on different work outcomes. Previous work on research in job satisfaction sets the
evidence that the way that design of jobs counts for outcomes that are significant to both the workers and
to employers.

Research Question -:

Work life has changed a great deal since three decade. Our society is cited as a knowledge society, where
all spheres of human life rely on the ability to create, distribute and share knowledge (Mladkova, 2011).
As work life has modified so much, especially in the western world, from traditional organization to
knowledge-intensive work (Chang, 2015), it's reasonable to question whether or not the over forty years
previous job characteristic model as such has relevancy in modern organizations. The intention in the
present research is to search out whether or not the job characteristic model continues to be relevant and if
it needs modifications once making a decent workplace in knowledge work in the organization. It studies
good workplace formation usually from the initial job characteristic model’s point of read and whether or
not the model desires any modifications in modern work organizations. As mentioned, the job
characteristic model has been researched a great deal, and a number of other extensions are proposed. but
further study is required in reference to sensible workplace contexts, particularly in a knowledge
organization, and thus the original model is taken for a framework. So, the research question is:
Is the job characteristic model still relevant in modern knowledge-intensive organizations, creating a good
workplace, particularly in the organization?

Literature Review-:

Job satisfaction is defined as satisfaction of the employees as a Amalgamation of set of three factors one
is related to human physical appearance, second with human mental model or makeup and the third
relates to the external factors which impacts both of the former ones (Caroline M M & Peter K’Obonyo;
2018). After viewing this approach we can say that employee job satisfaction is sensitive to different
reason, but relatively it looks like something that is within the employee. A schematic diagram of job
satisfaction is made to understand how it leads to the organization benefits.

Job Characteristic

The job characteristics theory also proposes that job characteristics could improve the motivational level
of employee by developing three psychological conditions, which are meaningfulness of work,
responsibility and feedback or knowledge of outcomes. Meaningfulness of work is considered as the main
source for intrinsic motivation that can be achieved when a job allows employees to use a variety of skills
in performing the job. Task identity, which concerns the ability to identify with the work at h and as more
holistic and complete, would result in more pride in the outcome of the job that a particular has
performed. Another factor to ensure the state of meaningfulness of work is task significance which is
highly associated with the identification of the job done as something big for the organization (Johanim
Johari and Khulida Kirana Yahya;2016). Additionally, responsibility that is derived from autonomy
suggests that adequate freedom of self-decision would guarantee incumbents’ success at work. Feedback,
that is the information of job outcomes, like the production figures and customer satisfaction scores,
offers information that when employees know. Hence, they're going to use the input that they get to create
changes to their work technique as they need to reinforce their performance level from time to time.

The revolutionary works in Job Characteristics Model is done by (Dr.Lou Fan, Md. Fahad Javed, Arslan
Rao; 2014) all of them studied the connection among certain objective attributes of jobs and employees’
responses to their work. The finding of these researches used by Hackam and Oldham to develop the
theory that the job itself should be crafted in such a way that it comprises essential characteristics required
to generate high level of work motivation, fulfillment and performance. Many past empirical studies of
inveterate work features have had a significant impact on job satisfaction. Shanthakumary (1998)
confirmed a well-built constructive correlation between objective job characteristics and job satisfaction
among school teachers in Colombo, where there was a high need for growth.

(Dr.Lou Fan, Md. Fahad Javed, Arslan Rao; 2014) confirned in their study that there are some factor
which suggest the job characteristic such as skill variety, task identity, autonomy, and feedback.

 Skill variety is needed when routine and standardized work environments contrast with other
work environments that have multi-faceted tasks that involve many different skills and talents to
perform work, then in this scenario the meaning of skill variety as a job characteristic is indicated.
The higher the involvement of skills, the more meaningful the job is.
 Task identity say’s that one company redefines its customer service centers in such a way that
when a customer call is received, the employee is fully responsible for all facets of the problem.
As a result, customer issues are now being resolved more effectively.
 Task significance an employee is more satisfied when his or her work has a major contribution in
preventing his or her company from real threats when he or she is trained to do so. In the previous
example, the work of the customer center employee has a long-lasting impact because it has a
significant impact on the customer.
 Autonomy If an employee has freedom, independence in the establishment of a job and in the
selection of procedures with which he or she has to carry out his or her work; this is known as the
Autonomy. The greater the autonomy, the greater the feeling of self-responsibility.
 Feedback for instance when a worker obtains clear and direct information about the effectiveness
of his or her work activities, this type of communication is known as Feedback.

Researcher (Rezvanfar A; 2012) stress that efforts to reduce uncertainty to proactively legitimize the
acceptability of their performance are a valuable resource at both the individual and the organizational
level. The basic idea in the research on the impact of working conditions on job satisfaction is that
employees make a comparison between what they actually receive and what they really should get.
However (Caroline Minoo Matilu & Peter K’Obonyo 2018) studies shows that there seems to be no
single model which comprehensively describes all the job characteristics that relate to employee
performance in a direct relationship hence the big challenge to human resource managers as far as job
design and relating job characteristics to job specifications during recruitment stage. This dissatisfaction
according to the researcher has led to poor employee selection, job dissatisfaction, job stress and poor
employee performance making performance management a great challenge. Very little has been done on
job characteristics and employee wellbeing and employee performance hence an open area to research on.

Research Gaps

A nearer review of the literature shows that a sufficient overall hypothesis has many significant lacking
parts. Existing methods create no attempt to recognize extra job features or results of possibly growing
significance (Salfiyadi, T. 2017). Also, inadequate thought has been given to the mechanisms or
procedures underpinning the connection between job features and results, as well as restricted scrutiny of
contingencies probable to curb those connections. Also, existing methods do little to explain the
background of the material of job. The current research is under-specified and comparatively context-
insensitive, which is why it is necessary to investigate a variety of work features. Employment complexity
steps such as multitude of skills and autonomy are well created, but more research is required in the social
environment. A broader variety of job layout moderators should also be explored–the connection of
results (Caroline Minoo Matilu & Professor Peter K’Obonyo; 2018). I therefore suggest that in
comparison to job features and work efficiency factors, there is a need for further enhancement and
refinement of current work design designs. Such a sophisticated understanding could lead to the
enhancement of current work attributes. The researcher noted that a more precise formulation of job
design and performance interrelationships is needed.


In order to attain my research goal, two models critically evaluated the job-specific model and job
satisfaction. The theoretical and empirical research on the relationship between job characteristics and job
satisfaction identified two models capable of explaining those relationships, all models linked to the 1976
Hackman and Oldham Job Characteristic Model. The models postulate that job characteristics have a
strong impact on job characteristics and work performance. The Job Characteristic Model has been
combined to identify job characteristics related to employee well-being and performance. Based on these
study findings, it can be concluded that job characteristics play an empirial role in identifying differences
and similarities between jobs and other determining factor for employees’ job satisfaction. Overall, the
result of present study has a significant relationship between the job characteristic model and the
employee’s job satisfaction.

Organization should not only bind them with the job requirement but also with the employee’s
satisfaction it will increase their efficiency and effectiveness in performing the work. Also the employees
are not bound to work in an organization considering wage, healthcare benefits, job duties, safety,
autonomy, task identity, task significance, skill variety, feedback, participation in management, bonus,
recreational facilities etc.


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