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Terms of Reference for

EIA study of Inland
Container Depot
(ICD)Terminal in Kam-
pala Industrial and
Business Park- Wakiso

Submitted By;

Spedag Interfreight (U) Ltd

Plot M284, Nakawa Industrial Area
P. O Box 4555 Kampala
Tel; 256 414 535726

July, 2019
TORs for EIA for the proposed Inland Container Depot terminal in KIBP – Wakiso District


These TORs are an output of the scoping exercise undertaken by a team of registered
consultants on behalf of Spedag Interfreight (U)Ltd aimed at identifying significant envi-
ronmental issues for examination during an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
the proposed Inland Container Depot (ICD)terminal. The proposed ICD will have modern
handling equipment for loading and unloading of containers from trucks, for stacking,
movement, cargo handling, stuffing/destuffing. It will have the following equipment’s;
reach stacker, lift truck (front end loader, side loader or reach-stacker), straddle carrier,
truck mounted yard gantry crane, etc.
National Environment Act, Cap 153, lists such projects under the Third Schedule as among
those whose environmental aspects must be approved through an Environment Impact
Assessment study. The environmental impact study will culminate into an Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) report that will be submitted to the National Environment
Management Authority (NEMA) for review and consideration. The proposed project is
establishment of Inland Container Depot terminal, the proposed project poses less harm
to the environment if precautions are undertaken during construction and operation
In adherence to relevant provisions of the EIA regulations, the company has developed
these ToRs for an Environment Impacts Assessment study for the proposed project on
plot 5062, block 234, KilekuVillage, Kira Municipality in Kampala Business Industrial Park
(KIBP) Namanve in Wakiso District at geographical coordinates N0.347790, E32. 676194
The proposed site is currently vacant and the neighbourhood comprises of East African
ICD terminal, Steel and Tube Industries, Elgon Nursery and primary school, undeveloped
and residential houses.

These ToRs presents an overview of the requirements and expectations of the study. They
provide an explicit statement of the objectives of the study, roles/responsibilities of the
developer, and the study team. They also highlight the goals of the assignment. Submission
of these ToRs is the first step in the EIA process.

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TORs for EIA for the proposed Inland Container Depot terminal in KIBP – Wakiso District


PREFACE....................................................................................................................................................... 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................... 3

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 4

1.1 PROJECT SITE ............................................................................................................................................. 4

1.2 AREA DRAINAGE ........................................................................................................................................ 7

1.3 VEGETATION ............................................................................................................................................. 7

1.4 FAUNA ....................................................................................................................................................... 7

1.5 SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................. 7

2 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................... 8


2.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROPOSED EIA STUDY ................................................................................................ 9

2.3 SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND METHODOLOGY.................................................. 9

3 TASKS AND METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 11

3.1 EXPECTED STUDY OUTPUT....................................................................................................................... 13

3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT PLAN ..................................................................... 13

3.3 REPORT CONTENT ................................................................................................................................... 13

3.4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT TEAM COMPOSITION ................................................................. 14

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TORs for EIA for the proposed Inland Container Depot terminal in KIBP – Wakiso District


The world over, inland terminals have become an intrinsic part of the transport system,
particularly in gateway regions having a high reliance on trade like Uganda. Generally, in
Uganda development of Inland Depots is gradually gaining ground owing to increased
trade and congestion at port terminals and maritime shipping networks in Mombasa and
Dar el Salaam and the now worldwide complexity of modern freight distribution, the
increased focus on intermodal and co-modal transport solutions and capacity issues appear
to be the main drivers behind a renewed focus on hinterland logistics. This is coupled with
diminishing returns such as congestion, energy consumption and empty movements as
among the strong incentives for setting of inland terminals. Also, the massification of flows
in networks, through a concentration of cargo on limited set of ports call for associated
trunk lines to the hinterland, have created the right conditions for nodes to appear along
and at the end of these trunk lines.

These ToRs for the Environmental Impact Assessment study for the proposed Inland
Container Depot search for to guide the study so that all possible project environmental
and social impacts are identified and appropriate remedial measures suggested. This is all
premised at securing approval of the environmental and social aspect of the proposed
project from relevant authorities and also in the short and long term ensure environmental
integrity by ensuring that proposed facilities comply with all applicable environment
standards and requirements.

1.1 Project site

The Inland Container Depot terminal is proposed on plot 5062, block 234, KilekuVillage,
Kira Municipality in Kampala Business Industrial Park (KIBP) Namanve in Wakiso
District at geographical coordinates N0.347790, E32. 676194. The proposed site is
currently vacant and the neighbourhood comprises of East African ICD terminal, Steel
and Tube Industries, Elgon Nursery and primary school, undeveloped and residential
houses. Access to the site is through Bweyogere Industrial Area road. The project area is
connected to both National Water and Sewerage Cooperation (NWSC) and the National

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TORs for EIA for the proposed Inland Container Depot terminal in KIBP – Wakiso District

Grid for electricity. The proposed site for development measures approximately 10 acres
of land.

Plate 1-1: Proposed site for development

Plate 1-2:Other factories in the neighbourhood

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Figure 1: Proposed site marked by a red block
1.2 Area drainage

The site is drained by a drainage channel along the UIA access road with drainage channels
finally discharge into the wetland and Lake Victoria in the far South. The site is on a gently
sloping area draining towards the road. The company will leave a green belt between its
perimeter wall and the access road. Establishment of proposed project should ensure that
the natural flow of water in the area is not interrupted.

1.3 Vegetation

The current vegetation at the site serves no significant ecological value save for carbon
sequestration, erosion control and acting as a natural habit for small animals in the area,
hence not of rare conservation value and is present elsewhere in significant measure. There
is no fauna of significant relevancy save for small micro. This is mainly because of various
anthropogenic factors that have taken place at the site (soil excavation). Upon project
completion, the proprietor should landscape the site.

1.4 Fauna

There are no large mammals in this area because of various anthropogenic factors that have
taken place in the entire area since its gazettement as an industrial park. Animal species
such snakes’ squirrels, edible rat could be present. The dominant bird species in the area
are Scolopacidae and stocks, Chloropetagracilirostris, Shoebill, Balaenicepsrex, African
Skimmer, Rhynchopsflavirostris, Pallid Harrier, Circus macrouros, Great Snipe, among
others. The site is close to a busy highway and there are no signs that the project area is
breeding or as animal migration route. The site is therefore devoid of wildlife of significant
conservation vale save for small ones, hence the planned development will not in any way
affect animal welfare.

1.5 Socio-economic conditions

The population density surrounding the site can be described as low with approximately
200 people per square kilo meter. This is mainly attributed to the area being an industrial
park. However, the park is surrounded by residential areas.
TORs for EIA for the proposed Inland Container Depot terminal in KIBP – Wakiso District


The proposed project is Inland Container Depot, currently the site is vacant and free from
any activities. The proposed ICD project/development will comprise of a container yard,
temporary office, sanitary facilities, security officers house, gate complex with an inlet
different from the outlet, septic tank, and parameter wall. Proposed activities during
construction phase of the project will include, grading and foundation excavation in
preparation for erecting infrastructure associated with smooth operations of the project,
paving, and construction of the drainage system, among others. Besides the associated
structures the facility will also have sewerage facilities based on the approved plans.

The scope of the technical works for the proposed development ranges from excavation
and earth moving, compacting and filling, reinforcement, form/structure works, carpentry,
masonry, plastering, electrical works and painting. Other activities are: procurement of
construction materials, storage of the construction materials, and transportation of
construction materials and disposal of the resulting construction wastes/debris, use of
heavy and light machinery, among others. The above activities are likely to generate both
positive and negative impacts on the environment and society.

Electrical and civil works including sewer and water reticulation wall will be done by
registered experts, landscaping works and earth works to be done mostly on completion of
the proposed development and occupation. Upon completion of the construction
activities, the area will be landscaped to reduce the bare grounds and improve the scenic
beauty. This will involve paving and creation of a greenery within and around the project

2.1 Environment and social issues associated with constructing ICD terminal

Construction of proposed ICD will involve site clearance, grading and levelling to generate
the requisite terrain for the civil works. The second phase (construction) will mainly
constitute infrastructure development which will encompass erection of building structures
followed by facility operation. It is anticipated that each phase will generate impacts on the

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environment. These impacts will be identified and their mitigation measures proposed in
the final ESIA report.

2.2 Objective of the proposed EIA study

The ESIA aims at:

▪ Establishing the environmental baseline conditions of the site and the existing
environment likely to be affected by proposed development with emphasis on
ecological, social and hydrological parameters.
▪ Harmonizing the proposed project with the natural surroundings and other
planning requirements of the area and identify any outlying project features
potentially capable of distorting the environment.
▪ Considering all the possible environmental impacts associated with the proposed
development during construction and operation phases.
▪ Identifying practicable mitigation measures to predicted impacts associated with the
various phases of project development and any other potential impacts.
▪ Designing a comprehensive monitoring and environmental management plan that
defines the framework for implementing suggested mitigation measures and
ensuring that all applicable legislation is duly complied with.
▪ Capturing the opinion and views of the community in the vicinity and with interest
in the project and ensuring their views are taken into account.
▪ Compiling a comprehensive EIS that contains a detailed environmental
management/monitoring plan focussing on all aspects of the proposed
developments and submitting the report to NEMA for consideration.

2.3 Scope of Environmental Impact Assessment and Methodology

The environmental impact study will be carried out in accordance with the National
Environment Act CAP 153, the Environmental Impact Assessments Regulations, 1998.
These TORs include examination of the proposed site, its physical environment, project
components including proposed activities, impacts of proposed development and future

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operations, recommendations for future sustainability options and an environmental

management plan that will be implemented by the developer in consultation with other

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In order to fulfil the requirements of the task ahead, a number of methods will be applied.
These will include but not limited to literature review, field visits, stakeholder consultations,
direct observations, mapping and specialised studies such as geophysical mapping, studies
on the local hydrology of the area as explained below;

Task 1: Review relevant legislative and regulatory Framework: The consultant will
review all pertinent regulations and standards, policy, legal and institutional issues
governing proposed project. This review will be done to ensure that establishment and
operation of an inland container depot terminal is done in conformity with relevant laws
and regulations.

Task 2: Description of the proposed project: The consultant will concisely describe the
project and its location, social, and temporal context, including any related
facilities/infrastructure. The project description will include maps showing project
location; project’s zone of influence (ZoI); supporting infrastructure; project development
timelines; facilities and service and decommissioning activities.

Task 3: Description of the baseline social-environmental conditions: The consultant

will collect, collate and present baseline information on the physical environment and
socio-economic characteristics of the area comprising the proposed site. This task will
involve collation of existing secondary data, consultation, and primary data collection,
where necessary. The following should be attained:

▪ Baseline air quality and noise measurements around the proposed site.
▪ Baseline information on physical environment should include (but not limited to): geology,
hydrology and local micro-climate.
▪ Baseline information on socio-economic-environment should include (but not limited to)
administrative arrangements, social services and land use.

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Task 4: Prediction of potential impacts: The consultant will predict and assess the
project’s potential positive and negative impacts in quantitative terms to the extent
possible. Mitigation measures will be identified, as well as any residual negative impacts
that cannot be mitigated. Opportunities for enhancing positive impacts will be explored.
Cumulative impacts will be assessed, as appropriate. The consultant shall apply the
precautionary principle in assessment of impacts, particularly where there is major
uncertainty, low levels of confidence in predictions or low reliability of available data or

Task 5: Analysis of alternative design: The consultant will be required to review

alternatives to the proposed project activities that include ‘no action’ alternative for the
project interventions. The consultant should compare the alternatives in terms of potential
impacts (which are irreversible, unavoidable and which can mitigate) and sustainability
under local conditions.

Task 6: Carry out stakeholder participation and consultations on the positive and
negative impacts of the project: During the ESIA the consultant will consult with key
stakeholders affected by the project to:

• Generate a good understanding of the project

• Understand and characterize the potential environmental, socio-economic and
health impacts of the project
• Develop effective mitigation measures and management plans
• Optimize local benefits that can be delivered through the project.

Task 7: Development of an environmental and social management plan (ESMP):

The consultant will develop a comprehensive ESMP (which will be attached to the main
ESIA report) outlining impact mitigation and management measures to be undertaken
during project implementation, based on an analysis of local and national capacity to
implement mitigation measures. Monitoring criteria will be outlined, along with timeframes
and responsibilities.

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Task 8: Presentation of environmental and social impact assessment report: The

ESIA Report will be submitted to NEMA for review and consideration.

3.1 Expected study output

The major outputs of this study will include:

• An analysis of likely environmental impacts and appropriate mitigation measures, with

particular reference to safety measures, civil solutions at the site, waste management,
OHSE measures etc.
• An environmental monitoring and management plan for the facility and best practices
to be adopted.

3.2 Environmental monitoring and management plan

One of the key outputs of this study will be an environmental monitoring and management
plan. It will indicate impact issues and effects, proposed mitigation measures, stakeholders
involved in monitoring performance of developed mitigation measures, frequency of
monitoring and costs involved.

3.3 Report Content

The consultant shall undertake the ESIA, and will produce an Environmental Impact
Statement, which will have the following content:

1. An Executive Summary, stating the major findings of the study.

2. Background information on the project site and its components including location,
planned extent and operations, power supply network, planned
infrastructure/installations and timing, safety provisions, methodology for
undertaking this ESIA study.
3. Site baseline bio-physical and sociological information, area infrastructure and
activities in relation to project site

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4. Detailed description of the proposed activities including components to be

installed, power controls, area of coverage and operations. The project economic
feasibility will also be presented.
5. A review of relevant policies, laws, regulations and standards.
6. Public consultations and disclosure, outlining stakeholder concerns and measures
to address them.
7. Analysis of alternatives, including a comparison of feasible alternatives to the
proposed project activities or location of activities, technology, design, and
operation in terms of their potential environmental impacts; the feasibility of
mitigating these impacts; their capital and recurrent costs; their suitability under
local conditions; and their institutional, training, and monitoring requirements.
8. Recommendation of appropriate mitigation measures for all significant negative
environmental impacts predicted.
9. Proposing an environmental management and monitoring plan for negative impacts
and assessing effectiveness of mitigation measures.
10. Recommendations and conclusions regarding future operations at the facility

3.4 Environmental Impact Assessment Team Composition

The following registered Environmental Practitioners will undertake this EIA study.

1. Wilbroad Kukundakwe – Team Leader

2. Phionah Sasira – Environment and Social Impacts Specialist.
3. Babra Kamatungo - Waste Management Specialist

The above environmental practitioners will be supported by the following experts:

• Sharifah Najjuka- Environmentalist

• Annet Arinaitwe - Socialogist

In order to come up with a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the

proposed study will last for not more than three (3) months after which a comprehensive

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ESIS will be prepared and submitted to NEMA for review and approval. Any other
practitioners or experts that may be required as the study will dictate shall be acknowledged
in the Final EIS report.

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