Foundation of Dance

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Pagsugid means “to confess “. It is a courtship dance from Cebu. Cebuanos are
known to be religious because Cebu opened the gate to Christianity during Spanish
Regime. The people are also known for being talented and happy people. They have a
strong fighting spirit and they do not easily give up.

One time two Cebuano friends met again after couple of years. The Cebuano
confessed that he has admired the girl since they were little. She asked the girl to have a
dance with him again, but the girl did not answer and walks away. The Cebuano is
consistent and sure of what he feels for the girl so he chased her and waited for an
answer. The girl keeps on walking quickly to test if the Cebuano is serious with what he
has confessed. She said to herself that if the Cebuano followed her, she will confess that
she has feelings for the boy also. The secret that she has kept for a long time. The girl
turned her back and she wasn’t disappointed. She saw the boy right behind her catching
his breath but still manages to smile and wave at her.

Dance Properties

Costume: Girl wears Maria Clara costume. Boy wears Barong Tagalog or Camisa de
Tsino and trousers.

Music: 2/4 and 3/4. Divided into four parts: A, B, C, D

Count: One, two or one, ah, two, ah to a measure

One, two, three to a measure



Music Introduction

Partners face audience.
Three-step turn right in place and bow to audience.
Girl holds skirt, boy places hand on waist ……………………………………………. 3M
Music A

(a) Take four sway baance steps with a waltz (R, L, R, L) arms from first to fourth
position, R and L arm high alternately……………………………………….8M
(b) Do-si-do. Take four cross waltz passing by R shoulders. Salok arms R and L
(c) Two waltz balance forward and backward then three-step turn right in lace.
Girl hold skirt and Boy places hands on waist ……………………………...3M
(d) Take Mazurka step to the right and three-step turn right in place. Hands as in
(c) …………………………………………………………………………………2M
(e) Repeat (d) three more times starting with L foot then R, L alternately…….6M
(f) Repeat (b) and (c)……………………………………………………………….7M

Music B

Partners face each other.

(a) Girl Takes cross waltz moving backward starting with R foot. Hands on skirt.
Boy takes cross waltz moving forward towards girl/partner. Arms in Hayon-
Hayon position…………………………………………………………………...4M
(b) Girl points toe in front (R, L, R, L) while shaking index finger as if saying “No”.
Boy points toe in front (R, L, R, L) while raising both arms in front at chest
level as if pleading……………………………………………………………….4M
(c) Repeat (a) this time Girl turns away from boy………………………………...4M
(d) Repeat (b) this time boy kneels…………………………………………………4M

Music A

Partners facing each other.

(a) Take mazurka step to the right and three-step turn right in place. Girl holds
skirt. Boy hands on waist……………………………………………………….4M
(b) Take eight waltz balance forward and backward alternately. Girl holds skirt.
Boy raises both arms in front at chest level as if pleading…………………...8M

Music C

(a) Take change steps (R, L, R, L) foot alternately while doing kumintang (R, L,
R, L) hand alternately.
Girls free hand on skirt. Boys free hand on waist…………………………….4M
(b) Girls takes kumintang R while R toe is at the heel of the L foot turning
clockwise (ct 1,2). Girls free hand on waist. Boy takes kumintang both hands
while kneeling…………………………………………………………………….4M
(c) Repeat (a) finishing in proper places………………………………………….4M
(d) Repeat (b) ………………………………………………………………………...4M
(e) Repeat (a) to (d) ……………………………………………………………….16M

Music D
(a) Execute step, brush, step starting with R foot (ct 1,2,3) (7M) then take a three-
step turn right in place. Girl holds start facing away from partner. Boy hands in
front at chest level as if pleading …………………………………………….8M
(b) Execute step, brush, step starting with R foot. This time the girl holds hands
with partner (3M) then the girl turns right while the boy holds the girls
(c) Repeat (b)……………………………………………………………………….4M

Music D

Partners face each other

(a) Partners hold hands in second position. Execute four redoba in place and four
redoba moving clockwise. Starting with R foot the (L, R, L) alternately hands
swing downward and upward alternately…………………………………….8M
(b) Execute four redoba step holding partners hand in fourth position


Partners face audience.

(c) Holding in second position, take three redoba starting with R foot the (L, R, L)
alternately then take three-step turn right……………………………………4M

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