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eFront Connect

User Guide for Administrators

May 21, 2018
Copyright©2018 eFront Corporation. All rights reserved. eFront believes the information in this publication
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eFront Connect - User Guide for Administrators - V10.1 - May 21, 2018


1. Read before: Checklist 5

2. Preparing the eFront Connect portal application environment 6

2.1. Define document types and groups ......................................................... 7
2.2. Define notice templates ............................................................................ 13
2.3. Define the fund opportunity status .......................................................... 14

3. Populating the eFront Connect admin database 15

3.1. Importing entities (contacts, funds, investors, investor accounts) -
Excel .............................................................................................................. 16
3.1.1 About Excel entity imports ...........................................................................16
3.1.2 Prepare an eFront Connect Excel manual import ...................................16
3.1.3 Import entities into eFront Connect with Excel .........................................21
3.2. Importing entities (contacts, funds, investors, investor accounts) -
XML ................................................................................................................ 24
3.2.1 About XML entity imports .............................................................................24
3.2.2 Prepare an eFront Connect XML manual import .....................................25
3.2.3 Import entities into eFront Connect using XML .........................................32
3.3. Importing documents................................................................................. 37
3.3.1 About document imports ............................................................................37
3.3.2 Prepare an eFront Connect batch document import ............................37
3.3.3 Import a batch of documents into eFront Connect................................39

4. Managing contacts and entities 42

4.1. Define standard menus for portal contacts ........................................... 43
4.2. Define menus for specific contacts/groups of contacts ...................... 46
4.3. Monitor contact access to documents .................................................. 49
4.4. Grant portal access to contacts .............................................................. 52
4.5. Reset a contact's password ...................................................................... 58
4.6. Block a contact from accessing the portal ............................................ 59

5. Managing documents 60
5.1. Splitting documents to create per-contact reports .............................. 61
5.2. Manage document disclaimers ............................................................... 64
5.2.1 Document disclaimer properties ................................................................65
5.3. Make documents available to contacts ................................................ 67
5.4. Notify contacts of document availability ............................................... 68
eFront Connect - User Guide for Administrators - V10.1 - May 21, 2018

5.4.1 List of merge fields - eFront Connect notices............................................71

6. Managing opportunities 73
6.1. Display opportunities to contacts ............................................................ 74

7. Managing eFront Connect portal contact activity 76

7.1. Impersonate a contact in the eFront Connect portal ......................... 77
7.2. Monitor contact requests .......................................................................... 79
7.3. Trace contact actions ............................................................................... 81

8. Customizing the eFront Connect portal 82

8.1. What eFront Connect portal elements can you customize? .............. 83
8.2. Customize the login page ......................................................................... 88
8.3. Customize the home page disclaimer .................................................... 89
8.3.1 Example - Custom home page disclaimer ...............................................90
8.4. Customize the home page ....................................................................... 91
8.4.1 Create a help page dashboard ................................................................91
8.4.2 Apply a custom home page to all portal contacts .................................99
8.4.3 Define custom help pages by user ..........................................................100
8.5. Customize the help page........................................................................ 104
8.5.1 Create a help page dashboard ..............................................................104
8.5.2 Apply a custom help page to all portal contacts .................................106
8.5.3 Define a custom help page for specific contacts .................................107
8.6. Customize the portal menu..................................................................... 111
8.6.1 Define standard menus for portal contacts............................................111
8.6.2 Define menus for specific contacts/groups of contacts ......................113
8.7. Customize the documents disclaimer ................................................... 116
8.8. Customize the branding of portal .......................................................... 117
8.8.1 Example - Custom portal ...........................................................................130

9. Index 131
eFront Connect - User Guide for Administrators - V10.1 - May 21, 2018

1. Read before: Checklist

Before going further, we assume that:
 You have installed an eFront Cube server following installation instructions
 You have successfully tested the eFront Cube server
 You have installed both eFront Connect applications following installation instructions
 You have successfully tested both eFront Connect applications
 You have successfully tested the communication between both eFront Connect applications
 You have set up both eFront Connect applicative environments (packages, package options,
menus, etc.)
For more information, please refer to the following documents:
 eFront Connect - Architecture & Installation Guide
 Configuring eFront Connect applications

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2. Preparing the eFront Connect portal

application environment
Useful procedures
1. Define document types and groups (page 7)
2. Define notice templates (page 13)
3. Define the fund opportunity status (page 14)

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2.1. Define document types and groups

Access rights for eFront Connect documents are managed using document type. For instance, a given
contact is allowed or denied the right to consult all the call notices that relate to the fund(s) he has invested
When you import documents, you must specify a type for each document within your import file.
1. Access Misc > Document types.
The list of available document types and document type groups is displayed.
2. Under Document Types, click Add.
3. Enter the name and specify if a watermark should be generated by default, for this type.

When you define a watermark for a Document type, all documents of that type are watermarked with
the name of the ad hoc investor on the portal side.
4. (Optional) Select a disclaimer and define if the disclaimer should be persistent.
Get information about document disclaimers... (page 64)
5. Click OK.

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The document type is created.

6. Create additional document types by following the same steps.

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You are now able to manage access rights by Document type at the contact level (Administration

You can now import documents and reference the created types.
7. (Optional) Group document types together:
A. Under the Groups of Document Types, click Add.
B. Select the document types to include to the group.
C. Click >>>.
D. Specify the document types for which a watermark should be generated by default.

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E. Click OK.

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The Document type group is created.

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You are now able to manage access rights by Document type group at the contact level
(Administration page).

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2.2. Define notice templates

Notice templates allow you to prepare invite or document availability notifications to push to contacts.
1. Access Misc > Templates.
2. Click New.
3. Define the template name.
4. Enter the From, Cc, Bcc and Subject fields.
For the From field, you can either enter an email address (e.g. or an email alias
followed by an email address between the < and > signs (e.g. eFront <>).
5. Add personal information to the notification:
A. Click the Fields drawer.
B. Drag and drop merge fields into the body of the notification.
View the list of available merge fields... (page 71)
When the notification emails are sent, the merge fields resolve to the ad hoc values for
each contact/notice.
C. Complete the body of the notification.
D. Click Save.
6. (Optional) Tick Include attachments to send attachments uploaded at the notice template level.
7. (Optional) Tick Include documents to send documents as attachments along with the notice.
8. Click Save.
The notice templates are available from the notice creation form.

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2.3. Define the fund opportunity status

Funds flagged as opportunities will be presented as such to portal contacts, from within the Opportunities
dashboard. To be able to display opportunities, you must thus create the ad hoc fund status.
1. Open Administration > Tables Administration
2. Search and open VCFUNDSTAT.
3. Click Add new line.
4. Under Code, enter 1000.
Please note that Code field needs to be set to 1000.
5. Under Description, enter the status label.
6. Enter the remaining information.
7. Click Save & Close.
8. Reload the application.

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3. Populating the eFront Connect admin

To be able to serve documents to investors through the eFront Connect portal application, you first need
to populate the eFront Connect admin application database with entities (contacts, funds, investors,
investor accounts) and documents.
The eFront Connect portal application database contains no business data: all information related to
entities and documents is stored on the eFront Connect admin side. Admin-to-portal transactions are
handled by Web services.
During import, all the data being imported undergo a validation step. If the data is fully compliant with the
eFront Connect schema, and only then, actual records are created in the eFront Connect admin database.

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3.1. Importing entities (contacts, funds, investors,

investor accounts) - Excel
About Excel entity imports (page 16)

Useful procedures
1. Prepare an eFront Connect Excel manual import (page 16)
2. Import entities into eFront Connect with Excel (page 21)

3.1.1 About Excel entity imports

eFront Connect Excel imports can potentially contain information about:

 Contacts
 Funds
 Investors
 Investor Accounts
 Access rights

Excel import rules

Specific worksheet names and columns must be defined to match the eFront Connect schema.
Refer to the section Prepare an eFront Connect Excel manual import to get more information.

3.1.2 Prepare an eFront Connect Excel manual import

Refer to the sections below to build your Excel file, depending on the entities and properties you wish to

 Contacts (page 17)

 ContactAddresses (page 18)
 Funds (page 18)
 Investors (page 19)
 InvestorOffices (page 19)
 InvestorAccounts (page 20)
 ContactRoles (page 20)
 DocumentAccesses (page 21)

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eFront Connect - User Guide for Administrators - V10.1 - May 21, 2018 Excel worksheet - Contacts

Worksheet name

 Contacts


 Salutation
 Last Name
 First Name
 Company
 Language
 Email
 Email2
 Email3
 Email Salutation
 Letter Salutation
 Description
 Office
 Office2
 Fax
 Mobile
 Car Phone
 Home
 Home2
 Home Fax
 Other Tel
 Other Fax
 Manager Name
 Manager Phone
 Assistant Name
 Assistant Phone
 Default Access

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eFront Connect - User Guide for Administrators - V10.1 - May 21, 2018 Excel worksheet - ContactAddresses

Worksheet name

 ContactAddresses


 Main
 Address Type
 Address
 Address2
 Address3
 City
 ZipCode
 State
 Country
 Phone
 Fax Excel worksheet - Funds

Worksheet name

 Funds


 Fund
 Short Name
 Size
 Currency
 Vintage Year
 Closing Date
 Strategy
 Geography Focus

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 Address
 Address2
 Address3
 City
 ZipCode
 State
 Country
 Phone
 Fax
 Fund Overview Excel worksheet - Investors

Worksheet name

 Investors


 Investor Name
 Currency
 Comments Excel worksheet - InvestorOffices

Worksheet name

 InvestorOffices


 Main
 Office Name
 Address
 Address2
 Address3

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 City
 ZipCode
 State
 Country
 Phone
 Fax Excel worksheet - InvestorAccounts

Worksheet name

 InvestorAccounts


 Investor Account
 Fund UID
 Investor UID
 First Closing Date
 Comments Excel worksheet - ContactRoles

Worksheet name

 ContactRoles


 Investor UID
 Investor Account UID
 Contact UID
 Start Date
 End Date
 Default Access
 Comments

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eFront Connect - User Guide for Administrators - V10.1 - May 21, 2018 Excel worksheet - DocumentAccesses

Worksheet name

 DocumentAccesses


 Investor UID
 Investor Account UID
 Contact UID
 Document Type
 Access
 Watermark

3.1.3 Import entities into eFront Connect with Excel

1. Access Misc > Imports.

The list of imports is displayed.
2. Click New.
3. Expand the Attachments drawer.
4. Upload the Excel file containing the entities to be imported.

5. Click Save.

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6. Click Launch Import.

The status of the import switches to Importing.

7. Right click the grid > Refresh.
The import is finished.
8. Open the import to check the result:
 If the import status is Error, the import has failed.

You can view the error related to the Excel import file.

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 If the import status is Imported, the import has succeeded.

9. View imported entities and related document types access.

e.g. Open > Contacts, if you have imported contacts.

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3.2. Importing entities (contacts, funds, investors,

investor accounts) - XML
About XML entity imports (page 24)

Useful procedures
1. Prepare an eFront Connect XML manual import (page 25)
2. Import entities into eFront Connect using XML (page 32)

3.2.1 About XML entity imports

eFront Connect XML imports can potentially contain information about:

 Contacts
 Funds
 Investors
 Investor Accounts
 Access rights

XML import rules

 Each Entity Node must have a UID attribute with an Unique Identifier per entity type (Contact,
Fund, Investor, Investor Account).
 Existing information about an entity will be overridden if the UID referenced within the import
already exists in the eFront Connect admin database.
 When updating an object, the system will override a field if and only if the tag for the field has
been explicitly defined in the document, potentially with an empty value. If not defined in the
document, the field will not be overridden with an empty value. For example, if you want to
empty the Salutation field for a contact, you need to specifically include
<Salutation></Salutation> under within the Contact node.

XML Structure
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!—- (c) 2018 eFront -->
<Contact UID="12345"> … </Contact>
<Fund UID="12345"> … </Fund>
<Investor UID="12345"> … </Investor>

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<InvestorAccount UID="12345"> … </InvestorAccount>

3.2.2 Prepare an eFront Connect XML manual import

Refer to the sections below to build your XML file, depending on the entities and properties you wish to

 Contacts (page 25)

 Funds (page 27)
 Investors (page 28)
 InvestorAccounts (page 29)
 ContactRole (page 31)
 Access (page 31) XML - Contacts

Describes contact entities.
A contact is defined by at least a:
 UID,
 First name,
 Last name,
 and an Email
Default access rights for the contact are defined in the <Access> node. <DefaultAccess> describes
the default access that will apply to all document types not explicitly defined in the
<DocumentAccesses> tag.
When defining addresses, it is recommended to flag one as the main address (<Address

Possible values
 <Address main=""></Address>: Y, N
 <AddressType></AddressType>: Business, Home, Other
 <Salutation></Salutation>: Mr, Miss, Mrs, Ms, Mr & Mrs

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

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<Contact UID="12345">
<Email2> </Email2>
<Email3> </Email3>
<EmailSalutation>Dear Olivier</EmailSalutation>
<LetterSalutation>Dear Olivier</LetterSalutation>
<Description> </Description>
<ManagerName>Peter DURAND</ManagerName>
<AssistantName>Peter DURAND</AssistantName>
<Contact UID="67890">
<EmailSalutation>Dear John</EmailSalutation>
<LetterSalutation>Dear John</LetterSalutation>
<Description>TEST DESCRIPTION</Description>
<ManagerName>Peter DURAND</ManagerName>

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<AssistantName>Peter DURAND</AssistantName>
<Address main="Y">
<Address>2 rue Louis David</Address>
<Address2> </Address2>
<Address3> </Address3>
<State> </State>
<Address main="N">
<Address>45 avenue Mozart</Address>
<Address2> </Address2>
<Address3> </Address3>
<State> </State>
</PortalInformation> XML - Funds

Describes fund entities.
A fund is defined by at least a:
 UID,
 and a Name
Long description of the fund can be defined in the <FundOverview> tag.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Fund UID="F-12345">

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<Fund>eFront Partners V</Fund>

<ShortName>eFront V</ShortName>
<Strategy>PE - Venture Capital</Strategy>
<GeographyFocus>North America</GeographyFocus>
<Address>2 rue Louis David</Address>
<Address2> </Address2>
<Address3> </Address3>
<State> </State>
<Country>FRA - France</Country>
Some Fund Description
</PortalInformation> XML - Investors

Describes investor entities.
An investor is defined by at least a:
 UID,
 and a Name
Contacts attached to an investor account can be defined in the <ContactRoles> tag. If the
<ContactRoles> tag is found, all contact roles for this investor will be replaced by the new defined
When defining offices, it is recommended to flag one as the main office (<Office

Possible values
 <Office main=""></Office>: Y, N

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Investor UID="I-12345">
<InvestorName>John SMITH (NEW)</InvestorName>

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<Office main="Y">
<Address>2 rue Louis David</Address>
<Address2> </Address2>
<Address3> </Address3>
<State> </State>
<Country>FRA - France</Country>
<Office main="N">
<OfficeName>Paris 2</OfficeName>
<Address>45 avenue Mozart</Address>
<Address2> </Address2>
<Address3> </Address3>
<State> </State>
<Country>FRA - France</Country>
<ContactRole UID="12345">
<Comments>A Contact Role Description
<ContactRole UID="67890">
<Comments>A Contact Role Description
</PortalInformation> XML - InvestorAccounts

Describes investor account entities.
An Investor account is defined by at least a:
 UID,
 Name,
 and a Fund (with UID)

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Contacts attached to an investor account can be defined in the <ContactRoles> tag. If the
<ContactRoles> tag is found, all contact roles for this investor will be replaced by the new defined
The fund name supplied between <Fund UID="..."></Fund> tags is not parsed.

Possible values
 <Office main=""></Office>: Y, N

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<InvestorAccount UID="IA-12345">
<InvestorAccount>eFront V for John
<Fund UID="F-12345">eFront Partners V</Fund>
<Investor UID="I-12345">John SMITH</Investor>
<Comments>An Investor Description</Comments>
<ContactRole UID="12345">
<Comments>A Contact Role Description
<ContactRole UID="67890">
<Comments>A Contact Role Description

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</PortalInformation> XML - ContactRole

Describes the role of a contact.
A contact role must is defined by at least a:
 UID, matching the UID of an existing contact
Default access rights for the contact are defined in the <Access> node.
<DefaultAccess> describes the default access that will apply to all document types not explicitly
defined in the <DocumentAccesses> tag.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContactRole UID="12345">
<Comments>A Contact RoleDescription</Comments>
<DocumentType>Capital Call</DocumentType>
</PortalInformation> XML - Access

Describes the access rights of a contact to defined document types.
<DefaultAccess> describes the default access that will apply to all document types not explicitly
defined in the <DocumentAccesses> tag.

Possible values
 <DefaultAccess></DefaultAccess>: Allow, Deny

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 <Watermark></Watermark>: Y, N

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContactRole UID="12345">
<Comments>A Contact RoleDescription</Comments>
<DocumentType>Capital Call</DocumentType>

3.2.3 Import entities into eFront Connect using XML

Prerequisite: Your XML file contains the required information about the entities and relative accesses.
1. Access Misc > Imports.
The list of imports is displayed.
2. Click New.
3. Access the XML Document page.

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4. Paste the XML document to import into the editor.

5. Click Save.

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6. In the General page, click Launch Import.

The status of the import switches to Importing.

7. Right click the grid > Refresh.
The import is finished.
8. Open the import to check the result:
 If the import status is Error, the import has failed.

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You can view the error related to the pasted XML file

 If the import status is Imported, the import has succeeded.

9. View imported entities and related document types access.

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e.g. Open > Contacts, if you have imported contacts.

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3.3. Importing documents

About document imports (page 37)

Useful procedures
1. Prepare an eFront Connect batch document import (page 37)
2. Import a batch of documents into eFront Connect (page 39)

3.3.1 About document imports

eFront Connect document imports are achieved through a ZIP archive, which must contain:
 An XML or Excel manifest file listing the of documents to import and their properties
 The documents themselves
Standard document formats are supported (.xls(x), .pdf, .doc(x), etc.).

3.3.2 Prepare an eFront Connect batch document import

You can create an Excel or XML Manifest (Manifest.xls(x) / Manifest.XML) i.e. the list of documents to be
imported. For the purpose of this example, we focus on an Excel manifest - but the corresponding XML
syntax is provided further below.
1. Prepare the import manifest:
A. Create a Manifest file: Manifest.xslx.
B. Open the file.
C. Define the following columns which correspond to the document properties:
All the columns are required unless otherwise specified. Please note that the column
names are case sensitive and must be in upper case.
 FILE - file name e.g. Financial_Statement_Herakles.pdf
 FUNDUID - fund UID e.g. F-510
 INVESTORACCOUNTUID - Investor Account UID e.g. IA-1121
 DOCUMENTNAME - Document name displayed in the portal
 DOCUMENTTYPE - Document Type e.g. Financial Statement
 REFERENCEDATE - (optional) Document reference date e.g. 04/12/2016
 DUEDATE - (optional) Document due date e.g. 31/12/2016
 STARTDATE - (optional) Publish Start date (document portal availability) e.g.
 ENDDATE - (optional) Publish End date (document portal availability) e.g. 01/01/2017
 WATERMARK - (optional) Generate watermark for this document? (TRUE or FALSE)
 RECOMMENDED - (optional) Recommend this document to target contact? (TRUE or
 DRAFT - (optional) Publish the document on the portal? (TRUE or FALSE)

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D. Reference documents to-be-imported.

The equivalent manifest in XML form would read as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<File>eFront Portfolio Monitoring - DEMO -
<DocumentType>Capital Call</DocumentType>
Please note that the following rules apply when using Manifest.xml:
 The only accepted date format is MM-DD-YYYY;
 The xml elements (tags) are case sensitive;
 The accepted values for boolean tags (e.g. <Watermark>, <Draft>) are Y and N.
E. Save the file.
2. Build the import archive:
A. Create an empty ZIP archive.
B. Include the manifest file.

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C. Include all the referenced documents.

D. Close the archive.

3.3.3 Import a batch of documents into eFront Connect

You batch import documents in the eFront Connect admin application through a ZIP archive. The archive
must contain:
 A manifest file referencing the documents and their properties (Manifest.xlsx OR
 All the documents to be imported
1. Access Open > Documents.
2. Under the Mass Actions drawer, click Import Documents.
3. Drag and drop the ZIP archive onto the drop zone.

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The list of documents is loaded into the import wizard.

4. Click Next >>>.

5. Enter a short description to identify the batch.
6. (Optional) Enter a comment.
7. Click Import Documents.

An import batch is created.

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8. Access Open > Batches to monitor the results.

The batch status is Imported.

9. Open the new batch generated to see the documents imported.

Imported document status is draft as specified or if you have not entered a value (Manifest.xslx -
DRAFT column). You need to publish these documents (page 67) before they are available to portal

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4. Managing contacts and entities

Useful procedures
1. Define standard menus for portal contacts (page 43)
2. Define menus for specific contacts/groups of contacts (page 46)
3. Monitor contact access to documents (page 49)
4. Grant portal access to contacts (page 52)
5. Reset a contact's password (page 58)
6. Block a contact from accessing the portal (page 59)

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4.1. Define standard menus for portal contacts

1. In the main application menu, click Administration > Menus.
2. Select the Connect Portal profile.

3. For each page, add an menu entry (Menus section):

A. Click Add.
B. Define the menu identifier and caption.

4. Define the target page (Menu items section):

A. Define the caption
B. Under Path or Expression, navigate to the dashboard you wish to display.

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eFront Connect standard dashboards are available in the PTL-CONNect folder.

C. Click Runtime mode.

D. Click OK.

5. Click Save & Close.

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The menus you have defined are available to all portal contacts.

Additional menu entries can be added per contact or group of contacts (page 46), from within the
eFront Connect admin application.

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4.2. Define menus for specific contacts/groups of


In addition to standard menus, you can display additional menus to certain contacts/groups only, based on
their business profile. To do so, you first add the dashboards you want to make available to the eFront
Connect dashboard library and then assign the contacts/groups who should be able to access these
1. Add a dashboard to the eFront Connect dashboard library:
A. Access Misc > Dashboards.
B. Click New.
C. Enter the following properties
 UID - uniquely identifies the eFront Connect dashboard - use for imports e.g. 5678
 Dashboard - dashboard technical code e.g. BREAKDOWNS
 Dashboard Path - path to the dashboard component to add to the library e.g.
PTL-CONNect\\FrontConnect Breakdowns Dashboard
 Region - define another region than SHARED to store the dashboard into, if needed
e.g. USER(Private)
 Display name - label of the menu that will allow to open the dashboard e.g. Portfolio
 Display index - order of the page in the menu items e.g. 4
D. Click Save.
2. Assign the eFront Connect dashboard to contacts or group(s) of contacts:
A. Access the Contacts & Groups page.
B. Click Add Contact(s)/Add Group(s).
C. Select the contact/group to assign the dashboard to.
D. Click OK.

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The contact/group of contacts is assigned the dashboard.

E. (Optional) Restrict the page availability by defining a Start Date and an End Date.
F. Click Save & Close.
The portal page is available to the defined contact(s)/group(s) of contacts.

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Dashboard assignment can also be managed from the perspective of a contact/group of contact(s)
(Administration page).

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4.3. Monitor contact access to documents

You usually set up contact rights on document types when importing contact entities. These rights can be
edited at any time for an individual contact or a group of contacts.
1. Access Open > Contact.
2. Open the contact.
3. Navigate to the Administration page.
4. In the Access Rights section, set the document access rights for the contact, in this order:
A. Default access for the contact
You define if the contact is able or not able to access all documents on the portal.

B. Group-specific access rights and watermark.

The contact is able or not able to access documents, based on the selected default access.
You define if the accesses are different from the default for each group, and if a watermark
should be generated.

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If you do not explicitly define Watermark to Yes, no watermarks are generated documents
of this group.

C. Type-specific access rights and watermark

The contact is able or not able to access documents, based on the default access defined,
and possible overrides defined at group level.
You define if the accesses are different from the default, and the group accesses if defined,
for each type, and if a watermark should be generated.

If you do not explicitly define Watermark to Yes, no watermarks are generated for
this type, except if this is set at group level.

D. Click Save.
The contact access rights are defined.

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5. Navigate to the Audit Accesses page to check the contact actual accesses, sorted by fund and
document type.

6. Click Refresh to view the latest permissions for this contact.

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4.4. Grant portal access to contacts

Once contacts entities have been created on the eFront Connect admin application, you must grant
contacts with portal access. The system will generate temporary passwords for the contacts you invite to
the portal: you can then send these credentials via email or push the required information to each contact
via customized notices.
Prerequisite: You have defined notice templates if you want to push emails with temporary credentials
1. Access Open > Contacts.
2. Select the contacts to invite to the portal.

3. Either generate temporary passwords for contacts manually... :

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A. Click Grant Access.

B. Click OK.

Temporary accesses are generated for the selected contacts.

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C. Open the generated EXCEL file.

D. Send emails to individual portal contacts with their credentials.

4. ... Or push invitation notifications to contacts:
A. Select the Invitation portal template.

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B. Click Grant Access & Invite with...

C. Click OK.

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A new notice based on the selected notice template opens.

D. Click Generate Emails.

E. Click Send Emails.

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The selected contacts receive a personal invite based on the selected template or any
custom notification defined beforehand.

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4.5. Reset a contact's password

1. Access Open > Contacts.
2. Open the contact.
3. Navigate to the Administration page.
4. Enter a new password.
5. Confirm.
6. Click Apply.
A new password is generated for the contact.

7. Click OK.
8. Click Save & Close.

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4.6. Block a contact from accessing the portal

1. Access Open > Contacts.
2. Do either of the following:
 From the contacts grid
A. Select the contact(s).
B. Click Lock Access.
The contact(s) are no longer able to access the portal.
 From a contact's page
A. Open the contact.
B. Navigate to the Administration page.
C. Set Portal Access to Locked.
D. Click Apply.
The contact is no longer able to access the portal.

3. Click OK.
4. Click Save.

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5. Managing documents
Useful procedures
1. Splitting documents to create per-contact reports (page 61)
2. Manage document disclaimers (page 64)
3. Make documents available to contacts (page 67)
4. Notify contacts of document availability (page 68)

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5.1. Splitting documents to create per-contact reports

You can split documents that contain information for several investors to generate a document per
investor. The global document content is automatically assigned to the right investor, retrieved through the
Investor Account, referenced in each page of document, using the INVESTORACCOUNT#UID tag.
1. Create a batch object:
A. Access Open > Batches.
B. Click New.
C. Enter the batch name and other information.
D. Click Save.

2. Prepare a batch to split documents by investor:

A. In the Content section, click Browse.
B. Navigate to the PDF document(s) to import and click OK.
C. Click the Split checkbox.
D. Define the document name.
You can define a name using variables, so that they are dynamically generated for each
investor. The following keywords are available:
 {FundUID}
 {FundName}
 {InvestorUID}

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 {InvestorName}
 {InvestorAccountUID}
 {InvestorAccountName}
 {ReferenceDate|<format>}
 {DueDate|<format>}
For example :
{ReferenceDate|yy-mm-dd} Capital Call for {InvestorName}
E. Select a document type.
Get information about document types... (page 7)
F. Click Save.

3. Execute the split

A. Click Launch split.
The batch closes - reopen it to view the results. If executed without an error, the status
should be Split Complete.
The documents are generated following the supplied syntax pattern and in draft status:
they are not yet available to portal users!
B. Access the Proofing page.
The Documents drawer gets available.
4. Check the results:
A. Check the number of generated documents.
B. For each document check the content scope and the linked entities (fund, investor,

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investor account).

5. Make generated documents available to portal users:

A. To publish an individual document, click the Click to VALIDATE button.
B. To publish all documents at once, navigate to the Documents page, select the documents
and click Validate.
The documents are available to portal users.

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5.2. Manage document disclaimers

You can create disclaimers for documents to force investors to comply with your confidentiality policy.

Disclaimers will pop up regardless you access documents from the home page widgets or the
Documents page. You can also define whether disclaimers are persistent or not, by document type.
1. Create a disclaimer:
A. Access Misc > Disclaimers.
B. Click New.
C. Enter the disclaimer properties.
Get information about the disclaimer properties... (page 65)
D. Design the disclaimer.
E. (Optional) Enter a description.
F. Click Save.
2. Restrict the display of the current document disclaimer to specific contacts:
A. Access the Contacts page.
B. Click Add Contact(s).
C. Select the contact to assign the disclaimer to.
D. Click OK.
The contact is assigned the disclaimer.
E. (Optional) Define start and end dates to restrain a particular contact access to this page.
F. Click Save.
3. Link the newly-created disclaimer to a document type:
A. Access Misc > Document types.
B. Open a document type.
C. Select the newly-created disclaimer.
D. (Optional) Tick One time Disclaimer to display the disclaimer only when documents of the
current type will be first opened by an investor.
E. Click OK.
F. Click Close.

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On opening documents, investors will be presented with the defined disclaimer(s), for the defined time

If investors try to download several documents for which different document disclaimer types are
defined, the disclaimers will show up one after the other. 'Declined' documents will be discarded of the
generated archive.

5.2.1 Document disclaimer properties

Field Function

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UID UID of the disclaimer object

Disclaimer Technical code of the disclaimer object
Fund UID Obsolete - Not used
Title Title of the disclaimer
Copyright Copyright field of the disclaimer
Region Region to store the disclaimer into
DisclaimerType - General for 'Home page'
- Document for 'Documents' - to be refined by document type

These values are set within the CONNDISCLAIMERTYPE

(Connect/Disclaimer Type) reference table.

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5.3. Make documents available to contacts

When preparing mass document import, you can define whether documents will be flagged with the Draft
status. Such documents will not be visible on the portal, before you undraft them.
You can toggle the status of imported documents any time and show/hide them to portal users.
You can also toggle the display of individual documents (Open > Documents).
1. Access Open > Batches.
2. Open the batch object that corresponds to the import.
3. Navigate to the Documents tab.

Publish documents to the portal

1. Select the document flagged as draft (showing in red) and click Validate.

The documents are now available from within the portal, to enabled users.

Hide documents from the portal

1. Select the available documents to hide and click Draft.

The documents are now hidden to portal users.

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5.4. Notify contacts of document availability

Once documents have been imported onto the eFront Connect admin database, you can push notices to
contacts to notify new documents are available for consultation on the eFront Connect portal. You only
need to reference documents within the notice and the system is able to find the target contacts, through
the investor account reference
1. Create a notice:
A. Access Open > Notices.
B. Click New.

C. Enter the notice name.

D. Select a Notice Type.
E. Add attachments to the notice.
F. Click Save.
2. Define the target contacts:
A. Under the Batches section, click Add Batch.
B. Select the batch which reference the documents.
You can attach several batches.
C. Under the Actions section, click Assign Contacts.

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D. Click OK.
Results are available in the Emails & Documents tab.

3. (Optional) If you have not selected a notice template, define the notice:
A. Access the Email template page.
B. Enter the From, Cc, Bcc and Subject fields.
C. Click the Fields drawer.
D. Drag and drop merge fields into the body of the notification.
View the list of available merge fields... (page 71)

When the notification emails are sent, the merge fields resolve to the ad hoc values
for each contact/notice.
E. Complete the body of the notification.
F. Click Save.
4. (Optional) Define a custom notification for a conctact:
A. Access the Target page.
B. Right-click a contact > Open Details.

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C. Author the ad hoc notification for this contact.

D. Click Save.
The specific notification will be sent to the defined contact(s) in place of the notice's or the
notice template's.
5. Generate emails to be sent:
A. (Optional) Under the Actions section, tick Include Notice's attachments.
B. Click Generate Emails.
The emails are ready to be sent.
6. Push the notice to contacts:
A. Click Send Emails.
B. Click OK.

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Emails are sent to portal contacts.

5.4.1 List of merge fields - eFront Connect notices


Name Syntax
UID {$ContactUID$}
Salutation {$Salutation$}
First Name {$FirstName$}
Last Name {$LastName$}
Company {$Company$}
Email {$Email$}
Email Salutation {$EmailSalutation$}
Temporary Password {$Password$}

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Name Syntax
UID {$NoticeUID$}
Notice Name {$NoticeName$}
Reference Date {$ReferenceDate|MMMM d,yyyy$}
Due Date {$DueDate|MMMM d,yyyy$}
Send Date {$SendDate|MMMM d,yyyy$}
Description {$Description$}
Document Name {$DocumentNames$}


Name Syntax
Url {$Salutation$}

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6. Managing opportunities
Useful procedures
1. Display opportunities to contacts (page 74)

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6.1. Display opportunities to contacts

Prerequsite: You must have created a dedicated fund status (page 14)
1. Set the prospect fund to opportunity status:
A. Access Open > Funds.
B. Create or open the prospect fund, if already existing.
C. Set the fund status to the one defined for opportunities.

D. Click Save & Close.

2. Refresh data to display the newly-defined opportunity on the portal:
A. Access Open > Documents.
B. Under the Mass Actions drawer, click Update Documents Cube.
The cube is updated with the latest database data.

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The documents related to prospect funds are now available to investors, under

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7. Managing eFront Connect portal

contact activity
Useful procedures
1. Impersonate a contact in the eFront Connect portal (page 77)
2. Monitor contact requests (page 79)
3. Trace contact actions (page 81)

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7.1. Impersonate a contact in the eFront Connect

eFront Connect portal admin users can impersonate a contact. For instance, you may want to:
 Ensure that highly sensitive documents are displayed only to ad hoc contacts
 Double-check the rendering of the portal for a particular contact
 etc.
1. Connect to the eFront Connect portal as an administrator.
2. Click the top right-hand menu.
3. Select Impersonate.

4. Supply the email address of the contact.

5. Click Impersonate.
The session restarts under the contact's identity - access shows as Impersonated.

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The portal displays as the contact sees it: the menus, widgets as well as the content which is available
are identical.

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7.2. Monitor contact requests

You receive requests submitted by investors through the eFront Connect portal, within the eFront Connect
admin application.
1. Access Open > Requests.
Requests submitted by all the portal contacts are displayed.

2. Double-click a request.
The request content is displayed: the contact it originates from, the targeted funds, investor accounts
and the attachments submitted by the contact.

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7.3. Trace contact actions

All actions performed by contacts within the eFront Connect portal application are logged in a dedicated
trace table, which is accessible in the eFront Connect admin application.
1. Access Open > Traces.
All traced display - a trace is generated for most actions performed within the following actions:
 Login
 Requests
 Profile/group updates
 Opening a dashboard
 Download a document
 Flag a document as favorite
 Logout
The type of action traced is reflected by the technical value under the Action column. You can also refer
to the Object short description and the Object type.

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8. Customizing the eFront Connect portal

What eFront Connect portal elements can you customize? (page 83)

Useful procedures
1. Customize the login page (page 88)
2. Customize the disclaimer (page 89)
3. Customize the home page (page 91)
4. Customize the help page (page 104)
5. Customize the portal menu (page 111)
6. Customize the documents disclaimer(s) (page 116)
7. Customize the branding of portal (page 117)

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8.1. What eFront Connect portal elements can you

All of the following elements from the eFront Connect portal are customizable:

Login page

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Home page

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Help page

Portal menus

Portal pages

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Portal branding

How do I customize the eFront Connect portal?

Out-of-the-box customization can be performed from within the eFront Connect admin application.
You customize the portal by defining custom values to user profile package options (PCKAJXCONNECT
(eFrontConnect package)).

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Some parts of the eFront Connect portal such as the login page cannot customized directly from
within the eFront Connect admin application.

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8.2. Customize the login page

When you rely on form-based authentication, it is possible to write your own ASP.NET server page (.aspx)
to define a bespoke login window.
The standard login page login.aspx is located within the website folder. The resources which are
referenced within, such as the company logo or any other file - CSS stylesheet, JS scripts, etc. - should be
added to the same folder along with the bespoke server page itself. For more information, liaise with your
eFront consultant.

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8.3. Customize the home page disclaimer

When logging onto the eFront Connect portal, contacts are presented with a disclaimer, which notifies the
legal aspects of the portal. Through this disclaimer, GPs can display warnings about the eFront Connect
portal content, the contact rights and the level of information which is provided. Several properties of this
disclaimer can be customized including the text which displays, the layout, the title, etc.
1. Create a new disclaimer:
A. Access Misc > Disclaimers.
B. Click New.
C. Enter the disclaimer properties.
Get information about the disclaimer properties... (page 65)
D. Design the disclaimer.
E. (Optional) Enter a description.
F. Click Save.
2. Restrict the display of the current document disclaimer to specific contacts:
A. Access the Contacts page.
B. Click Add Contact(s).
C. Select the contact to assign the disclaimer to.
D. Click OK.
The contact is assigned the disclaimer.
E. (Optional) Define start and end dates to restrain a particular contact access to this page.
F. Click Save.
The custom home page disclaimer will display for the ad hoc contacts and the specified time period.

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8.3.1 Example - Custom home page disclaimer

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8.4. Customize the home page

You can customize the eFront Connect portal home page and display it:

 For all portal contacts

 For specific contacts only

It is also possible define a start and an end date to manage the display of a given page across time.

Useful procedures
1. Create a custom home page (page 91)
2. Apply a custom home page across portal contacts (page 99)
3. Define a custom home page by user (page 100)

Custom home page

Show me an example... (page 99)

8.4.1 Create a help page dashboard

1. Create a new home page dashboard:

A. Access Open > Dashboard > PTL-CONNect.
B. Select the standard help dashboard (FrontConnect Home Page - Corporate).
C. Click Duplicate.
D. Enter the name of the new home page dashboard.
e.g. FrontConnect Custom Home Page.
E. Click OK.
2. Reach the Design mode:
A. Access the newly-created dashboard.

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B. Right-click the current Page label and click Page's properties.

C. Untick Hide left margin.

The Dashboard is displayed with the Cubes and the Table Charts inherited from the
standard library PORTAL DOCUMENTS.
3. Define the home page content:

Display eFront Connect documents (Portal Widgets Table Chart)

A. Select the ad hoc cube based on the documents you wish to display in the widget, for
each user:
--> Documents flagged by portal contacts as to be consulted from within the "document"
--> Documents assigned to portal contacts which have not been read yet -

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--> Documents flagged as "Recommended" by the GP -


B. Drag and drop the doc > Portal Documents > Portal Widgets to the dashboard space.

C. In Area properties, click Hide Title.

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D. In Chart properties, define the chart title and the number of rows to display.

The widget will be presented to portal users as you defined it: each contact will see the
documents he/she has flagged from the documents page.

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On first connection, contacts will see an empty widget until they start flagging

E. Repeat with other widgets.

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Display additional custom content (External HTML gadgets)

A. Drag and drop the External HTML gadget to the dashboard space.

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B. In Area properties, click Hide Title.

C. Click Edit.
D. Untick Display Title.
Define an empty title to display only the input HTML content.

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E. Define the HTML content.

F. Click Apply.
G. Click OK.

H. Click Save.

The custom home page design is done. You can define this dashboard as the default home page or
only for defined contacts.

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8.4.2 Apply a custom home page to all portal contacts

1. Access Administration > Account > Profiles

2. Access the Connect portal profile.
3. Under the PCKAJXPORTAL (eFrontPortal) package, define the Force Home Page option to the page you
wish to display:


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4. Click Save & Close.

The custom home page is displayed for all portal users, unless otherwise specified. (page 100)

8.4.3 Define custom help pages by user

1. Access Misc > Dashboards.
2. Click New.
3. Define the eFront Connect custom home page:
A. Enter the following properties:
 UID - uniquely identifies the eFront Connect dashboard e.g. 6059
 Dash - dashboard name e.g. CUSTOMHOMEPAGE
 Dashboard Path - path to the dashboard component to be displayed e.g.
PTL-CONNect\\FrontConnect Custom Home page
 Region - define another region than SHARED to store the dashboard into, if needed
e.g. USER(Private)

 Display name - name of the dashboard e.g. Help ( No specific value required if you
do not include the home page in the menu)

 Display index - order of the page in the menu items e.g. 1 ( No specific value

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required if you do not include the home page in the menu)

B. Click Save.
4. Link the home page dashboard to contact(s):
A. Access the Contacts & Groups page.
B. Click Add Contact(s)/Add Group(s).
C. Select the contact/group to assign the dashboard to.
D. Click OK.

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The contact/group of contacts is assigned the dashboard.

E. (Optional) Define start and end dates to restrain a particular group/contact access to this
F. Click Save.
5. Define the dashboard as the eFront Connect home page for your contact(s):
A. Right click a contact/group > Open Contact/Open Group.

The contact/group page opens.

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B. Access the Administration page.

C. Under the Dashboards section, tick Home Page next to the custom home page you have

If you do not tick Home page, a new menu entry will be displayed to the user.

D. Click Save & Close.

The home page will be displayed for the assigned contact/groups.

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8.5. Customize the help page

You can customize the eFront Connect portal help page and display it:

 For all portal contacts

 For specific contacts only

It is also possible define a start and an end date to manage the display of a given page across time.

Useful procedures
1. Create a help page dashboard (page 104)
2. Apply a custom help page to all portal contacts (page 106)
3. Define a custom help page for specific contacts (page 107)

Custom help page

Show me an example... (page 106)

8.5.1 Create a help page dashboard

1. Create a new help page dashboard:

A. Access Open > Dashboard > PTL-CONNect.
B. Select the standard help dashboard (FrontConnect Help).
C. Click Duplicate.
D. Enter the name of the new help dashboard.
e.g. FrontConnect Custom Help Page.
E. Click OK.
2. Define the help page content:
A. Access the newly-created dashboard.
B. Edit the help widget text.

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C. Enter the new help page content using HTML syntax:

Wrap your text content in the following tags:

 Page title : <div class='help_title'></div>
 Help page content: <div class='help'></div>
 Help page section: <h3 class='help_section'></div>
 Clickable images using with inline JavaScript: <img id='Topic_1_img'
src='images/skin/Ocean_plusW_11.png' onclick='HideOrShow("Topic_[Digit]");'>
 Text to toggle when the image is clicked: <p style='display:none;'

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8.5.2 Apply a custom help page to all portal contacts

1. Access Administration > Account > Profiles

2. Access the Connect portal profile.
3. Under the eFrontConnect package, set the Help Page option value to the dashboard you wish to

Use the JavaScript syntax:'[DASHBOARDLOCATION]',true);

e.g.'PTL-CONNect\\FrontConnect Custom Help Page',true);

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4. Click Save & Close.

The help page is displayed for all portal users, unless otherwise specified (page 107).

8.5.3 Define a custom help page for specific contacts

1. Link a help page dashboard to contact(s):

A. Access Misc > Dashboards.
B. Click New.
C. Click Add Contact(s)/Add Group(s)
D. Select the contact/group to assign the dashboard to.
E. Click OK.
The contact/group of contacts is assigned the dashboard.

F. (Optional) Define validity dates for the contact/group.

G. Click Save.
2. Define the eFront Connect dashboard properties:
A. Access the General page.
B. Enter the following properties:
 UID - uniquely identifies the eFront Connect dashboard e.g. 6060
 Dash - dashboard name e.g. CUSTOMHELPPAGE
 Dashboard Path - path to the dashboard component to be displayed e.g.
PTL-CONNect\\FrontConnect Custom Help page
 Region - define another region than SHARED to store the dashboard into, if needed

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e.g. USER(Private)

 Display name - name of the dashboard e.g. Help ( No specific value required if you
do not include the home page in the menu)

 Display index - order of the page in the menu items e.g. 1 ( No specific value
required if you do not include the help page in the menu)

C. Click Save.
3. Define the dashboard as an eFront Connect help page for your contacts:
A. Access the Contacts & Groups page.
B. Right click a contact/group > Open Contact.
The Administration contact page is displayed.

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C. Under the Dashboards section, tick Help Page next to the custom help page you have

If you do not tick Home page, a new menu entry will be displayed for this page.

D. Click Save & Close.

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The help page will be displayed for the assigned contact/groups.

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8.6. Customize the portal menu

Customizing the portal menus means to grant specific contacts access to portal features.

The menu items which are available to a specific portal contact are assigned:

 At user profile level (page 43) - menu items are shared across all contacts
 At contact/group of contact level (page 46) - menu items defined for specific
contacts/group of contacts

8.6.1 Define standard menus for portal contacts

1. In the main application menu, click Administration > Menus.
2. Select the Connect Portal profile.

3. For each page, add an menu entry (Menus section):

A. Click Add.
B. Define the menu identifier and caption.

4. Define the target page (Menu items section):

A. Define the caption
B. Under Path or Expression, navigate to the dashboard you wish to display.

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eFront Connect standard dashboards are available in the PTL-CONNect folder.

C. Click Runtime mode.

D. Click OK.

5. Click Save & Close.

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The menus you have defined are available to all portal contacts.

Additional menu entries can be added per contact or group of contacts (page 46), from within the
eFront Connect admin application.

8.6.2 Define menus for specific contacts/groups of contacts

In addition to standard menus, you can display additional menus to certain contacts/groups only, based on
their business profile. To do so, you first add the dashboards you want to make available to the eFront
Connect dashboard library and then assign the contacts/groups who should be able to access these
1. Add a dashboard to the eFront Connect dashboard library:
A. Access Misc > Dashboards.
B. Click New.
C. Enter the following properties
 UID - uniquely identifies the eFront Connect dashboard - use for imports e.g. 5678
 Dashboard - dashboard technical code e.g. BREAKDOWNS
 Dashboard Path - path to the dashboard component to add to the library e.g.
PTL-CONNect\\FrontConnect Breakdowns Dashboard
 Region - define another region than SHARED to store the dashboard into, if needed
e.g. USER(Private)
 Display name - label of the menu that will allow to open the dashboard e.g. Portfolio
 Display index - order of the page in the menu items e.g. 4
D. Click Save.
2. Assign the eFront Connect dashboard to contacts or group(s) of contacts:
A. Access the Contacts & Groups page.
B. Click Add Contact(s)/Add Group(s).
C. Select the contact/group to assign the dashboard to.
D. Click OK.

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The contact/group of contacts is assigned the dashboard.

E. (Optional) Restrict the page availability by defining a Start Date and an End Date.
F. Click Save & Close.
The portal page is available to the defined contact(s)/group(s) of contacts.

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Dashboard assignment can also be managed from the perspective of a contact/group of contact(s)
(Administration page).

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8.7. Customize the documents disclaimer

Refer to the section Manage document disclaimers (page 64).

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8.8. Customize the branding of portal

eFront Connect allows you to customize numerous layout elements: colors, borders, spacing, icons, etc.
These elements can be setup in package options, at user profile level.
1. Access Administration > Account > Profiles.
2. Select the portal users' user profile (e.g. Connect Portal)
3. Access the Options page.
4. Define the following options:

Desktop & Navigation

Field Value and Example

Portal title eFront Investor Portal

Title color #0AADFF


Menu bar Left


Menu #0AADFF
d color

Menu bar 15pt

font size

Menu bar #333333


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Menu bar 70


Menus #000000

Font Verdana

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Top bar #066799

d color

Top bar #0AADFF


Top bar 150


Selected #777777
d color

Settings #333333
d color

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Backgroun #333333
d color

Copyright 2015 eFront. All rights reserved.


Bottom Ticked


Bottom #333333
d color

Bottom #333333

Dashboard & Navigation

Field Description
Dashboard selected
border color

Dashboard border

Dashboard border

Dashboard border

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Dashboard tabs

Dashboard tabs

Dashboard tabs

Drawer closed /images/skin/Ocean_Resizer_Arrow_Left_Chrome.png

arrow (Chrome)

Define an alternative relative URL rather than overwriting the URL provided

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Drawer closed /images/skin/Ocean_Resizer_Arrow_Left.png

arrow (IE)

Define an alternative relative URL rather than overwriting the URL provided

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Drawer open arrow /images/skin/2013_arrow_down_background_Chrome.png


Define an alternative relative URL rather than overwriting the URL provided

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Drawer open arrow /images/skin/2013_arrow_down_background.png


Define an alternative relative URL rather than overwriting the URL provided
Drawer font size 10pt

Drawer font weight Bold

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Drawers color #333333

Left margin #FFFFFF

background color

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Left margin color #FFFFFF

Left margin filters #FFFFFF


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Left margin filters #333333

scroll bars color

Left margin filters #333333

scroll color

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Left margin filters /images/ajxrep-wait10.gif

wait image

Define an alternative relative URL rather than overwriting the URL provided
Left margin #333333
selected drawer

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Selected page color #777777

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8.8.1 Example - Custom portal

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9. Index
About document imports • 37
About Excel entity imports • 16
About XML entity imports • 24
Apply a custom help page to all portal contacts • 104, 106
Apply a custom home page to all portal contacts • 91, 99
Block a contact from accessing the portal • 42, 59
Create a help page dashboard • 91, 104
Customize the branding of portal • 82, 117
Customize the documents disclaimer • 82, 116
Customize the help page • 82, 104
Customize the home page • 82, 91
Customize the home page disclaimer • 82, 89
Customize the login page • 82, 88
Customize the portal menu • 82, 111
Customizing the eFront Connect portal • 82
Define a custom help page for specific contacts • 104, 107
Define custom help pages by user • 91, 100
Define document types and groups • 6, 7, 62
Define menus for specific contacts/groups of contacts • 42, 45, 46, 111, 113
Define notice templates • 6, 13
Define standard menus for portal contacts • 42, 43, 111
Define the fund opportunity status • 6, 14, 74
Display opportunities to contacts • 73, 74
Document disclaimer properties • 64, 65, 89
Example - Custom help page • 104, 106
Example - Custom home page • 91, 99
Example - Custom home page disclaimer • 90
Example - Custom portal • 130
Excel worksheet - ContactAddresses • 16, 18
Excel worksheet - ContactRoles • 16, 20
Excel worksheet - Contacts • 16, 17
Excel worksheet - DocumentAccesses • 16, 21
Excel worksheet - Funds • 16, 18
Excel worksheet - InvestorAccounts • 16, 20
Excel worksheet - InvestorOffices • 16, 19
Excel worksheet - Investors • 16, 19
Grant portal access to contacts • 42, 52
eFront Connect - User Guide for Administrators - V10.1 - May 21, 2018

Impersonate a contact in the eFront Connect portal • 76, 77
Import a batch of documents into eFront Connect • 37, 39
Import entities into eFront Connect using XML • 24, 32
Import entities into eFront Connect with Excel • 16, 21
Importing documents • 37
Importing entities (contacts, funds, investors, investor accounts) - Excel • 16
Importing entities (contacts, funds, investors, investor accounts) - XML • 24
List of merge fields - eFront Connect notices • 13, 69, 71
Make documents available to contacts • 41, 60, 67
Manage document disclaimers • 7, 60, 64, 116
Managing contacts and entities • 42
Managing documents • 60
Managing eFront Connect portal contact activity • 76
Managing opportunities • 73
Monitor contact access to documents • 42, 49
Monitor contact requests • 76, 79
Notify contacts of document availability • 60, 68
Populating the eFront Connect admin database • 15
Prepare an eFront Connect batch document import • 37
Prepare an eFront Connect Excel manual import • 16
Prepare an eFront Connect XML manual import • 24, 25
Preparing the eFront Connect portal application environment • 6
Read before
Checklist • 5
Reset a contact's password • 42, 58
Splitting documents to create per-contact reports • 60, 61
Trace contact actions • 76, 81
What eFront Connect portal elements can you customize? • 82, 83
XML - Access • 25, 31
XML - ContactRole • 25, 31
XML - Contacts • 25
XML - Funds • 25, 27
XML - InvestorAccounts • 25, 29
XML - Investors • 25, 28
eFront Connect - User Guide for Administrators - V10.1 - May 21, 2018

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