CLC Personal Achievement

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Sydney Capulong

Personal Achievement
CLC 1-1

My most important personal achievement I have accomplished has been the

opportunity to apply to university. Apply to university is a huge achievement because
it brings me security in how I will have a further education. After many years in
elementary, middle and high school I personally never thought that I would get this
far in stepping into the real world. A few weeks ago, I began researching which
universities I plan on applying to as well as keeping in mind when applications
opened. I was able to apply to UFV and BCIT but I do plan on applying to 1-2 more
The application process was eye opening in how I would have to start
budgeting so I will be able to pay off my tuition fees and housing (if necessary).
Budgeting will allow me to know how much money I can have in my savings account
for school, and how much money should be in my “spending” chequing account. I
plan on getting a car soon, so this will also allow me to know how much I can spend
on a car or if I will have enough money for a car. This process made me more
motivated to do my best in school knowing that the universities that I did apply to will
be keeping an eye on my transcript. This experience made me learn about how
much growth I will experience post-secondary, and that I will have to be independent
and not depend on my parents as much as I currently do.
An interview process is necessary for some schools once you are accepted,
the job interviews and the final capstone interview can help me further that process.
Furthermore, scholarship applications is something that I am also trying to
accomplish currently, so the essays needed for the scholarship applications can help
me with university application essays; some schools do require an essay attached.

This is a personal achievement that I am excited to see the outcome of and

observe how much growth post-secondary will provide.

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