6 Sermons

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In this podcast you’ll find:

What gets us going? What has us reaching out for success?

6 Sermons Model

Simple way to recognize the different ways people are motivated.

3 major categories:

 Power
 Affiliation
 Achievement

Each category has two subcategories

1. Away From – Fear pushes us away from these categories

2. Toward – Desire pushes us toward them

Power Away From:

 Fear of being under the power of someone else.

 Desire to break authority structures
 Constant need to be outside the system. The rebel.
 An inability to be in a position of leadership
 Can be motivated by autonomy. Solo projects. Hate micromanaging.
 Can motivate self by finding the flaws in the system. Documentarians.

Power Toward:

 Love being in the chain of command.

 Respect authority and hierarchy.
 Seek out positions of authority and seek out people in authority.
 Can be motivated by gaining greater responsibility over others.
 Can motivate self with the prospect of promotion.

Affiliation Away From:

 Fear they will be isolated from the tribe through public censure or
 Prefer staying under the radar. Just do the job and don’t rock the boat.
 Small group of friends to avoid awkwardness.
 Can be motivated by frequent positive feedback.
 Can motivate self by asking people for feedback. Avoid isolation.

Affiliation Toward:

 Desire to be tied into the social fabric.

 Gain status and stand out in order to gain admiration. Wag the Dog movie.
 Typically surrounded by a large social tribe.
 Can be motivated by public approval, like a surprise party or Roast which
acknowledges their accomplishments.
 Can motivate self by creating a tribe of people who will give honest

Achievement Away From:

 Profound fear of attempting something only to fail.

 May stick with the tried and true rather than risk failure.
 Working harder than they need to in order to assure success.
 Perfectionist tendencies, which can be a counter motivator.

Achievement Toward:

 Will work incredibly hard in order to reach the end goal and feel the pride
that comes with achievement.
 Ambitious.
 Motivated by having access to the best tools for the job.

Varying degrees of healthy and unhealthy expressions in each of these categories.

Whichever style you identify with find the optimal level of health for each type.

Toward/Away From – basic carrot and stick concept.

Toward motivated appears to be a healthier expression because Away From is

embedded in fear.

Living with fear does not serve us.

Toward is an expression of desire and hunger. Desire to reach out for something
Away From is more rooted in dissatisfaction and fear. May relate to a mentality of

A lot of our fears seem more rooted in ancient programming. Programming that is
no longer valid.

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