Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters

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Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters

By Rick Riordan
I. Summary
Percy Jackson is a half boy and a half god or they call half-blood he have two
close friends Annabeth and Grover. The story started with a strange dream of Percy, he
was dreaming about Grover in a wedding dress where Grover without a clue why he is
dreaming about it and he is thinking that Grover might be in some trouble.
So Percy met Tyson, the only homeless kid that went to Meriwether College
where he sees of having a brutal looking face, crooked teeth and a big boy wherein he
can be judged a brave boy in school. In school, the bullies, led by Sloan gives wedgies
and he is accompanied in bullying by the school visitors which also are big in size like
Tyson. Tyson is a big softie despite his massive strength and if the bullies know that
they might also pick on him. At their gymnasium they have an activity or game dodge
ball and the school visitors grew in size and their true form is seen but because of the
mist, mortals can’t see the true form of these creatures as if it was normal, Percy and
Tyson tried to defeat the monsters and Annabeth went to see Percy so they can go to
Camp Half-Bloods and to run away from the police trying to catch them because of the
destruction of the school gymnasium. They used a cab where the 3 drivers only have 1
eye for all of them. These drivers gave the coordinates of what appears to be in the
Thalia’s tree is poisoned that is also why Annabeth went to see Percy. Tyson is
known to be claimed by Poseidon so he is Percy’s brother and they became cabin
mate. But Percy is ashamed of him being his brother because he is a Cyclops, having
only one eye. Percy is still dreaming about Grover being in trouble so Percy is so
worried about Grover. They have a chariot race at the camp, wherein at the middle of
the race they are swarmed by these demonic pigeons or stymphalian birds, first they
are attacked by colchis bulls for this is the effect of what happened to Thalia’s tree and
the barrier itself making them safe from enemies. So the Tantalus and Mr. Dionysus
searched for brave and useful heroes to have a quest in finding a cure to Thalia’s tree
which is the Golden Fleece that is found in the Sea of Monsters. So Clarisse “Daughter
of Ares” (The God of War) is the chosen to do the quest. But Percy also wanted to go on
a quest but not permitted. So he is planning to go on a quest with Annabeth and Tyson
with the help of Hermes by giving them all they need in their adventure.
Percy is also having nightmares hearing words and seeing Kronos and also
having empathy link with Grover that’s how he knew where Grover is and the
coordinates given to him by the taxi drivers. They board the Princess Andromeda where
there are no people when they first board but when they woke up there are zombie
mortals like they are in a trance and they also saw a part where there are monsters and
they also met Luke there and other half-bloods who turned. Luke held them captive but
they managed to escape. On their way to the sea of monsters they also encountered
different challenges in islands just like the Hydras, Circe, the Sirens, Charybdis and
Scylla where they are too challenged to pass and Percy thought Tyson died with their
encounter with those two monsters because of the explosion of the ship they are riding,
which is owned by Clarisse.
After those encounters, they managed to arrive at the Sea of Monsters using the
Hippocampus and the pirate’s ship. They saw the Polyphemus or the Cyclops that
imprisoned Grover. The Polyphemus really likes sheeps and have flocks of sheep which
has different kind, the one is the carnivorous sheep which is like piranhas that eats flesh
fast. The island is affected by the Golden Fleece which radiates the island except for the
cave where the Cyclops is because there are bones of satyrs and sheeps around it.
They managed to acquire the Fleece and saved Grover by making the Cyclops think
they drowned to death, and Tyson is still alive because the Hippocampi got him and the
water healed him because he is also a son of the God of the Sea. When they arrived at
the part of Miami they seen Luke with his army trying to get the Fleece to awaken
Kronos and Luke will kill them but the group of Centaurs with Chiron saved them from
Luke and his arm of monsters.
Percy let Clarisse bring the Fleece to the camp to acquire and to accomplish his
father’s instruction that she should be the hero. Everything goes back to normal when
the Fleece healed the tree of Thalia but the Fleece is too powerful that Thalia became
alive again and maybe she is the one in the prophecy which she can save the Olympus
or the one who will destroy it.
II. Vocabulary
Reluctantly (adverb) / rəˈləkt(ə)ntlē/
- in an unwilling and hesitant way
- The monkey reluctantly climbed the tree because there is a snake on the
branch of it
Rippled (past tense) /ˈripəl/
- spread through a person, group, or place.
- The rumours rippled through the camp.
Vanished (past tense) /’vaniSH/
- disappear suddenly and completely.
- Grover vanished through the smoke of the race.
Marooned (past tense) /məˈrooon/
- leave (someone) trapped and isolated in an inaccessible place, especially an
- The Polyphemus is marooned at the island of the sea of monsters.
Crooked (adjective) /ˈkroookəd/
- bent or twisted out of shape or out of place.
- The teeth of the Hydra are crooked.

Garbled (past tense) /'ɡärbəl/

- reproduce (a message, sound, or transmission) in a confused and distorted
- The bronze bull garbled when Tyson gave a blow to its head.
Muttered (past tense) /ˈmədər/
- say something in a low or barely audible voice, especially in dissatisfaction or
- Annabeth muttered to Percy about the appearance of the Cyclops.
Grim (adjective) /grim/
- forbidding or uninviting.
- The grim expression of Tantalus gave chills to Tyson.
Fumbled (past tense) /ˈfəmbəl/
- use the hands clumsily while doing or handling something.
- The giants fumbled the lock so it opened clumsily.
Screech (verb) /skrēCH/
- give a loud, harsh, piercing cry.
- The Cyclops hit Grover, causing him to screech in pain.
Rummaged (past tense) /ˈrəmij/
- search unsystematically and untidily through a mass or receptacle.
- He rummaged his dufflebag to see if he have money left.
Gleamed (past tense) /ɡlēm/
- shine brightly, especially with reflected light.
- The light of the Riptide is so bright it catch the attention of the Cyclops.
Pummelled (verb) /ˈpəməl/
- strike repeatedly, typically with the fists.
- Luke did fight back giving blows to Percy but the Centaurs pummelled him.
Sputtering (gerund) /ˈspədər/
- emit with a spitting sound.
- The sheep was lunged to the mouth of the Cyclops sputtering blood
Clopped (verb) /kläp/
- move with a clop.
- The pegaus clopped through the air.
Vigorously (adverb) /viɡ(ə)rəslē/
- in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy.
- The birds shook their head in the trees vigorously.
Deceitful (adjective) /dəˈsētfəl/
- guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others.
- Tantalus acted deceitful and irresponsible

Treacherous (adjective) /ˈtreCH(ə)rəs/

- guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.
- A treacherous leader and father.
Scowling (gerund) /skoul/
- frown in an angry or bad-tempered way.
- The Cyclops is scowling at the three heroes.
Fleece (noun) /flēs/
- the woolly covering of a sheep or goat.
- The sheep came to the cave, the Cyclops grabbed its very shaggy fleeces.
Mischievous (adjective) /ˈmisCHivəs/
- causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.
- The mischievous Tantalus have called Percy for the punishment.
Skimmed (verb) /skimd/
- go or move quickly and lightly over or on a surface or through the air.
- The ship skimmed over the tidal waves.
Sarcophagus (noun) /särˈkäfəɡəs/
- a stone coffin, typically adorned with a sculpture or inscription and associated
with the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Rome, and Greece.
- The shining sarcophagus is known to be the casket of Kronos.
Amidships (adverb & adjective) /əˈmidˌSHips/
- in the middle of a ship.
- The Charibdys sucked the amidships.
Swarming (gerund) /swôrm/
- move in or form a swarm.
- The vultures is swarming the dead animals in the desert.
Overwhelmed (verb) /ˌōvərˈ(h)welm/
- have a strong emotional effect on.
- Percy was too overwhelmed when Tyson sacrificed his life for him.
Frazzled (verb) /ˈfrazəl/
- cause to feel completely exhausted; wear out.
- Change the machine if it gets frazzled.

Line Text Reflection
1. “No big deal, they’re just pigeons.” I think you should not judge or underestimate
what surround you because in the story that
rumoured to be pigeon is really a demonic
2. “How about this: stealing is not always It will still be bad because you get something
bad.” that is not yours even though you did it to
help others
3. “The Gods have blinded you, imagine a The world will have its end and chaos or the
world without them.” opposite will happen
4. “When you’re at sea, you have perfect If you are at sea you have peace and cant
bearings.” think
5. “You mean even the people in your Maybe he/she has a bad attitude or rude
cabin wouldn’t help you?”
6. ”We were silent while the waves tossed Its like someone is using you but then you
us up and down” don’t do something
7. “He’d given his life for us, and all I could He really loves his brother even though his is
think about were the times I’d felt often embarrassed when someone ask if he is
embarrassed by him and had denied really his brother and he’s still willing to
that the two of were related.” sacrifice his life for him
8. “Then why do the Gods even let me Maybe the Gods don’t see him as a threat
live? It would be safer to kill me.”
9. “I fidgeted in front of the mirror, I hated You should not have insecurities and try to
thinking about my appearance.” love yourself
10. “Meet my discipline problems.” Maybe they should learn good manners
11. “I closed my eyes and concentrated on It gives him time to think and reflect
the waves lapping against hull, the
ocean currents, the wind all around.”
12. “We’ll never get going in time.” You should always prioritize time
13. “I looked in the same direction as she Maybe he doesn’t want to see it all or maybe
was, but I couldn’t see much.” he is too blinded to see it
14. “Families are messy, Immortal families Because Immortal doesn’t die so they are bind
are eternal messy.” to their problems eternally unless resolved
15. “Sometimes the best we can do is to No matter how tough the challenges come
remind each other that we’re related, for raining on them they would still stay and face
better worse.” it together

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