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Strong Gains - Happy Exercises

Food Plan Workout Routine

Breakfast Monday
100g oats Legs: Steady state cardio x5 mins,
15g peanut butter Leg extensions,
Banana Squats,
1 scoop protein/2 egg whites Leg press,

Lunch Tuesday
100g brown rice/pasta Chest & tris: Sprints x12 mins,
100g chicken/fish/turkey Incline chest flies,
100g vegetables Incline chest press,
Berries Incline smith press,
Tricep extensions,
Snack Skull crushers,
250g sweet potato Incline barbell close grip press
100g chicken/fish/turkey
100g vegetables Wednesday
Back & bis: Sprints x12 mins,
Dinner T-bar row,
100g brown rice/pasta Bent-over bar-bell alternated grip
100g chicken/fish/turkey rows,
100g vegetables Lat pull downs,
1 square dark chocolate Sitting bicep curls,
Easy bar curls,
Hammer curls,
x2 cups of tea per day Bent over dumb-bell flies
x1 coffee Thursday
Legs: Sprints x12 mins,
Lots of water  Dumb-bell lunges,
fruit teas Smith lunges,
Weighted hip thrusts,
Smith squats

Shoulders & abs: Sprints x12 mins,
Lat raises,
Shoulder press,
Dumb-bell shrugs,
Face pulls

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