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Sensor Issues

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Medical Sensors for the Diagnosis and Management of Disease: The

Physician Perspective
Bradford D. Pendley* and Erno Lindner
Department of Biomedical Engineering, 330 Engineering Technology, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee 38152, United

ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is to assist developers

of medical sensors to better formulate the clinically relevant
design criteria and required performance characteristics of their
novel sensor based on an understanding of how these devices will
be used by physicians. Sensor technologies play a central role in
medicine, and the most critical aspect of the sensor’s clinical
utility relates to these design decisions. Clinically, sensors are
used by health care providers to make both diagnostic and
management decisions, and the sensors that aid in these
decisions are evaluated by certain clinical, as well as analytical,
criteria. Failure to adequately address these end-user require-
ments can lead to the development of sensors without clinical
KEYWORDS: medical sensors, clinical, diagnostic, management, design


physician to mitigate the risk of the anticipated future adverse
effects of the disease. These decisions are guided by the results
Like scientists and engineers, physicians are problem solvers. of clinical studies that have tested various treatments or
The problems we address relate to a patient’s health and, in this interventions to alter the natural progression of the disease. For
regard, physicians view problems in one of two categories: example, a diagnosis of pneumonia imparts a risk of death to
diagnostic and management. the patient. However, with appropriate treatment and care, the
The diagnosis of a disease in a patient is the labeling of the management of a patient with pneumonia can reduce the
patient’s symptoms, physical exam findings, and test results chance of death and lead to the patient’s full recovery from the
with the name of an established disease. For example, a person disease. During the disease progression, a physician may also
who for 2 days has had a cough productive of sputum, fever of collect additional information from the patient, physical exam
101 °F (38.3 °F), an elevated white blood cell count in a findings, and ongoing test results to aid in the ongoing
peripheral blood sample, and an opacity in the left lower lobe of treatment. The decisions as to the specific treatment and care
her lung on a chest X-ray could be given a diagnosis of are all management decisions.
pneumonia. If the diagnosis is correct, it allows the physician to Both diagnostic and management decisions are guided by
predict and anticipate what might happen next based on an data provided by the patient, physical exam findings, as well as
understanding of the natural history of the disease process. For the results of tests. For the purposes of this article, it is assumed
example, if a patient has pneumonia, the prognosis is very that a sensor designed to measure some analyte of interest,
different than if the patient’s cough was due to post nasal drip. which is linked in some pathophysiological manner to the
A diagnosis is a working hypothesis of the most probable disease disease, provides the test results. For example, the ampero-
based upon the available evidence. To arrive at a diagnosis, the metric measurement of blood glucose in whole blood is a test
physician will group a patient’s pertinent symptoms with more that can be used for both diagnosis and management of
objective physical findings and test results. These “data” are diabetes mellitus, a disease in which the body’s ability to
weighted based on their reliability and their predictive value for regulate blood glucose is impaired. Thus, chemical sensor
that disease. Because a diagnosis is a hypothesis, physicians technologies can play a central role in medicine.
actually construct a list, called a differential diagnosis, of several For those of us involved in the design of sensor technologies
diseases that could be explained by the “data” and then rank used in medicine, a few important ideas are central. First, one
them from most to least likely. The most likely disease is then must understand the analytical requirements for the sensor
the diagnosis.
Once a diagnosis is made, the natural history of the disease is Received: September 1, 2017
known and this allows for predictions to be made as to what Accepted: October 30, 2017
may occur. Management decisions are those made by a

© XXXX American Chemical Society A DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.7b00642

ACS Sensors Sensor Issues

(analyte, analytical selectivity, dynamic range, etc.) based upon the degree to which it is present in those individuals with and
its intended use (e.g., as a sensor used in the diagnosis or without the disease. This is a critical point; the utility of a
management of a disease). Second, and perhaps more critical, is sensor is not only determined by its analytical characteristics
to understand when and how the sensor is used by the but also by how prevalent the disease is (i.e., the occurrence of
physician: A test result is useful only when there is a question as the disease in humans). To illustrate this point, consider a
to how a physician should proceed (with a diagnostic or hypothetical sensor for influenza A (i.e., flu virus) with a
management decision) and the result of the test will increase medical sensitivity of 95% and a medical specificity of 98%.
the likelihood of making a good clinical decision. The During the peak flu season, the prevalence of influenza among
people with “flu-like” symptoms (e.g., cough, fever, body aches,
subsequent discussion will focus on these two ideas.

etc.) might be 40%. So, if you consider 100,000 people with
these symptoms, 40,000 will have influenza while 60,000 will
ASSESSING THE UTILITY OF A DIAGNOSTIC TEST not. Table 2 then shows the 2 × 2 table that can be constructed.
One way physicians assess the diagnostic value of a test is using Table 2. 2 × 2 Table for the Evaluation of a Hypothetical
the test’s positive and negative predictive values, both of which Influenza Sensor during Peak Flu Seasona
are related to the sensor’s medical sensitivity and specificity. It disease present disease absent
is important to note, in contrast to analytical sensitivity and test result positive 38000 1200
specificity, which informs about a sensor’s performance under test result negative 2000 58800
well-defined conditions, the medical sensitivity and specificity a
Values in the table are calculated as follows: Test result positive with
measures the performance of a sensor for the diagnosis of a disease = sensitivity × 40,000; Test result negative with disease =
disease and depends not only on the sensor’s performance 40,000 − test result positive with disease; test result negative without
characteristics, but also the prevalence (i.e., how common the disease = specificity × 60,000; test result positive without disease =
disease occurs) of the disease.1,2 The values of a sensor’s 60,000 − test result negative without disease.
medical sensitivity and specificity are experimentally deter-
mined using the sensor’s ability to accurately assess whether a Therefore, if a patient with flu-like symptoms seeks medical
patient is with or without a disease. The positive and negative attention during the peak of flu season, there is a 40%
predictive values can be calculated as shown in Table 1 and likelihood the patient has influenza. However, if the physician
orders an influenza test and the result is positive, the positive
using eqs 1−4.
predictive value of the result is 96.9% that the patient has
influenza (using eq 3 and Table 2). Therefore, the use of this
Table 1. 2 × 2 Table for the Evaluation of a Diagnostic test is warranted because a positive result will mean the
Sensora physician is much more likely to assign a diagnosis of influenza
disease present disease absent given a positive test results. Furthermore, the negative
test result positive true positive false positive predictive value is 96.7%, which would argue against the
test result negative false negative true negative diagnosis of influenza should the result be negative. Thus, this
a hypothetical sensor would be highly useful to help diagnose
The interpretation of each result (i.e., true or false positive or
negative) is influenced by selection of specific sensor cutoff value for influenza in this clinical situation.
this binary choice. These cutoffs are selected based on receiver- Now consider a patient with flu-like symptoms who seeks
operator curves for the sensor which optimize the medical sensitivity medical attention but not during flu season and when the
and specificity.3 prevalence of influenza is 0.1%. If you consider 100,000 people
with these “flu-like” symptoms, only 100 will have influenza,-
while 99,900 will not. Table 3 then shows the 2 × 2 table that
true positive results
medical sensitivity = can be constructed.
true positive + false negative results
(1) Table 3. 2 × 2 Table for Evaluation of a Hypothetical
true negative results Influenza Sensor off Flu Season
medical specificity =
true negative + false positive results disease present disease absent
(2) test result positive 95 1998
test result negative 5 97902
true positive results
positive predictive value =
total positive test results (3)
Now, if a patient with “flu-like” symptoms seeks medical
true negative results attention during a time with a low prevalence of flu, there is a
negative predictive value = 0.1% likelihood the patient has influenza. However, if the
total negative test results (4)
physician orders an influenza test and the result is positive, the
From a sensor design viewpoint, the sensor detects an positive predictive value of the result is 4.5% that the patient
analyte that ideally is uniquely related to the disease of interest has influenza. Therefore, the use of this test adds little to the
(i.e., the analyte is only present when the disease is present) clinical picture as it is unlikely the person has influenza. Thus,
and therefore the sensor’s analytical sensitivity and selectivity are the same sensor used in this clinical scenario is not very useful.
related to the ability of the sensor to detect the disease. In Understanding the preceding example is critical for those
contrast, the sensor’s medical sensitivity and specif icity are related who develop sensors as you can “look up” the prevalence of the
to both the sensor’s ability to detect the analyte in addition to disease for which you wish to develop a sensor. Then, using
B DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.7b00642
ACS Sensors Sensor Issues

your estimate of the best medical sensitivity and specificity you that helps with management decisions. For example, consider a
could reasonably expect (and understanding 100% is not an blood glucose sensor. Physiologically, blood glucose in a person
option), you can decide a priori whether the sensor is likely to without diabetes mellitus is tightly regulated within a range of
achieve its goal. Because of this, diagnostic sensors made for approximately 70−140 mg/dL (range from fasting to after
very low prevalence diseases (e.g, ovarian cancer) will likely not eating). For those people with diabetes mellitus, blood glucose
have clinical utility and the Food and Drug Administration as can increase substantially, even into the 2000 mg/dL range or
well as the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force have argued more. On the other hand, if the patient is taking medicine that
against their usage.4,5 can lower blood glucose, it can be as low as 10−20 mg/dL
One pitfall of the “Baysean” or probabilistic approach to the before death.
practice of medicine involves the changing prevalence of an A brilliant solution that allowed for the combination of
infectious disease during an outbreak of that disease. Many clinical requirements with analytical performance for blood
times, patients will come to medical attention with non-disease- glucose measurements was borne out of the Diabetes Control
specific symptoms such as fever which can have multiple and Complications Trial9 in which clinicians studied the effects
etiologies. Early on in what will become an epidemic, the source of tightly regulating blood glucose in patients with Type 1
of fever is misidentified because the prevalence of that disease is diabetes mellitus. In this trial, tight blood glucose control with
thought to be low. For example, leptospirosis is an infectious insulin led to increased risk of hypoglycemia and its life-
zoonosis disease with a prevalence (in tropical regions) of 10 threatening consequences; it also led to fewer long-term
per 100,000 people.6 However, if there were an outbreak, the medical complications with better blood glucose control. This
prevalence would climb higher. If one uses the “normal” (i.e., meant that controlling a patient’s blood glucose as close to the
not during an epidemic) prevalence, there is limited utility in physiological range led to fewer long-term complications of
designing a sensor to be used to screen people for leptospirosis diabetes. However, such “tight” control also increased the risk
because to achieve a respectable positive predictive value of of hypoglycemia so the accurate measurement of blood glucose
91%, the medical sensitivity and medical specificity needed for
in certain ranges became critical. The Parkes error grid was
such a sensor is 99.999%, a tall order. However, in times of
developed after surveying 100 physicians who treat patients
outbreak when the prevalence increases, such a sensor may
with diabetes mellitus and whose “expert consensus” allowed
have clinical utility.

Parkes and co-workers10 to construct a scatter plot of blood
ASSESSING THE UTILITY OF A MANAGEMENT glucose readings (test device vs standard device) partitioned
TEST FROM THE END-USER (PHYSICIAN) into 5 regions (A−E) where the analytical requirements of
PERSPECTIVE accuracy were set by the clinical requirements. An updated
version of this is currently under development.11 The concept
Ultimately, the value of a management test is in its prognostic of medical “expert consensus” driving analytical performance
value, that is, the ability of the test result to influence the characteristics is precisely what we advocate.
medical decision related to the ongoing care of a patient. For a A consequence of the Parkes error grid is that, as long as the
sensor to be useful to a physician in making management detection limit of a sensor is adequate to detect the lowest level
decisions, two criteria must be met: (1) The presence of or of analyte needed for a clinical decision with minimal
variation in the analyte’s concentration must be linked to the
uncertainty, there is no need to optimize the detection limit.
disease’s progression, and (2) the sensor must be able to
In fact, doing so might sacrifice other sensor performance
measure the analyte concentration accurately within the matrix
characteristics that do impact a sensor’s clinical utility. On the
of interest (e.g., blood, tears, urine, tissue, breath, etc.) within a
other hand, it is important to recognize that a theoretically
task specific time frame.
Many of us who design sensors are intimately familiar with attainable (often the published) detection limits may not be
the second criterion. Considerable efforts are expended to manageable in real patient samples because they might have
create a sensor that can selectively measure the analyte within a been calculated from the following: (i) results recorded in
complex matrix and in a specified time frame. However, for a standard solutions without any potential interfering compounds
medical decision based on a test result there are important or (ii) the standard deviation of a background signal (sB)
related issues. For example, if the expectation is that the sensor instead of the residual mean standard deviation of the data
provides insight into whether a disease is local or widespread points (RMSD) around the calibration curve with a slope of S
(e.g., cancer), it requires attention be paid to sampling. within the physiologically relevant concentration range (c1DL = 3
Consider the case of the deadly skin cancer melanoma. If the × sB/S vs c2DL = 3 × RMSD/S, respectively). If c1DL is termed
disease is localized to the skin, the 5-year survival rate is about detection limit, c2DL is the resolution of the method, i.e., the
97% while the survival rate for widespread, “metastatic” smallest concentration difference which can be determined with
melanoma is 15−20%.7 Therefore, efforts to detect melanoma the sensor.
cell free circulating DNA, the so-called “liquid biopsy”, provides Unfortunately, papers on novel sensors often report
an opportunity for such a sensor to provide information crucial detection limit values without justification of the method and
to the management of this disease by providing information on calculation used for their determination.
its extent of spread.8 However, such free circulating melanoma With respect for a sensor’s utility for diagnosis or
DNA are not necessarily homogeneously distributed in the management, the agreement between the results provided by
bloodstream, and its detection is limited by the sampling error. an established method/sensor and the new method/sensor is
One implication of the second criterion is often overlooked probably the most important. The level of agreement is most
by those of us who design sensors because we are focused on commonly determined in head-to-head comparison of a new
the sensor and not on its use. The concentration range of a method/sensor with an established method/sensor. While
sensor for a physician and its accuracy are critical performance experimentally method comparison studies are straightforward,
characteristics only in the range of concentrations of the analyte the statistical analysis can be quite complicated, and a careful,
C DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.7b00642
ACS Sensors Sensor Issues

methodical approach is needed to minimize the possibility of

misinterpretations of the results.12
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making decisions should focus on the clinical requirements and
the information content the sensors will provide. It is essential
to understand that even the best sensors, with outstanding
analytical characteristics, will most likely not have clinical utility
for the diagnosis of very low prevalence diseases. On the other
hand, the same sensors in another environment or other times
with high prevalence of the disease could be extremely useful.

Corresponding Author
Bradford D. Pendley: 0000-0002-3379-8376
Erno Lindner: 0000-0002-2561-4784
The authors declare no competing financial interest.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from
the FedEx Institute of Technology through the Sensor Institute
of the University of Memphis (Sensorium).
D DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.7b00642

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