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MA in Educational Technology July 6, 2019


Going through our discussion last time means a lot to me. It made me realize and learn

some important things in connection to the field I work, in teaching. I learned having a good

interpersonal skills is necessary. Whether I am a leader in our organization or a member, the

attitude of every member affects the whole organization itself. I examined myself, with regards to

how I connect and communicate with other members in our organization and school, I think, in

my own view, that I have good interpersonal skills, as others also said though. I am obedient and

hardworking, I am friendly as a member, and I have a good relationship towards my co-workers.

Though there were times that I have encountered some misunderstandings between my co-member

and the other, I am observant as to how they handle some issues and resolve them. So, from that,

I have learned from them, with connection to what we have discussed last time, that being open-

minded, understanding and calm talk “mahinahong usapan” can resolve any misunderstandings.

We have also discussed last time about the managers’ functions, roles and skills. I have

learned that being a manager or a leader in a group organization is not an easy task. For just reading

alone their responsibilities according to the book makes my head ache. It makes me hesitate to

become a leader or officer. I examined myself, and I think, I am not yet ready to become one of

them. Why? I think, in my own opinion, that I am young yet, and not fully grown-up (hilaw pa)

and not yet confident. I have to explore more and learn more to confidently face people who are

older than me not just in age, but older in experience (seniority). I am not saying that I will not

become a leader or manager someday. But, when that time come, I will fully prepare myself for

that. So for now, I am in that process wherein I am gaining a lot of experiences, learnings and ideas

that will be needed in preparation for that someday.

But as for now, being a member, I will be and should be a good follower and try all I can

to contribute, at least a little of what I can for the betterment of our organization like being a good,

obedient, effective and efficient teacher.

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