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Obesity assessment

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Patient evaluation
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Size and Number of Fat Cells

• Hypertrophic Obesity
• Hypercellular Obesity

Fat Distribution
• Subcutaneous versus visceral fats
• Lipodystrophy
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Size and Number of Fat Cells
Hypertrophic Obesity
• Enlarged fat cells tend to correlate with an android or
truncal fat distribution and are often associated with
metabolic disorders such as glucose intolerance,
dyslipidemia, hypertension, and coronary artery
Hypercellular Obesity
• An increased number of fat cells usually occurs when
obesity develops in childhood.
• Increased numbers of fat cells may also occur in adult
life and this is to be expected when the body mass
index (BMI) is >40 kg/m2

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Fat Distribution
• Subcutaneous vs visceral fats
– Measuring fat distribution in subcutaneous vs
visceral compartments is important because
• Visceral fat predicts development of health risks better
than total body fat.

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Neuroendocrine Obesity
• Hypothalamic Obesity
• Cushing’s Syndrome
• Hypothyroidism
• Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
• Growth Hormone Deficiency

Cessation of Smoking

Sedentary Lifestyle

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Hypothalamic Obesity

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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Growth Hormone Deficiency

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Cessation of Smoking

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Sedentary Lifestyle

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Eating fast Sugar-

food outside sweetened Snacking
of the home beverage

Lower cost of
energy-dense “Supersizing”

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Patient evaluation


Physical Measurements


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• Have you gained 20 or more lb (10 kg) since age 20?
• Are members of your family overweight?
• Do your parents or grandparents have diabetes?
• Do you have diabetes?
• Do you take thyroid hormone?
• For women: Do you have normal menstrual periods?
• Do you exercise regularly?
• Do you have gallstone or gallbladder disease ?
• Do you fall asleep easily during the day?
• Do you have high blood pressure?
• Do you take medications regularly? If so, specify
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• Are you depressed?
Physical Measurements

Weight Height BMI


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Weight measurement
• Patients should be asked to
– Remove any outer garments such as
• Coats,
• Cardigans and
• Their shoes,
• Empty their pockets before stepping
onto the scales.
• No coins
• No metals
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Height measurement
Height measurement technique
• Stand straight with their back to
the stadiometer
• Top of head touching
– but not pressing against the rule.
• Arms relaxed with feet slightly

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Waist circumference
• Provides information about
– Distribution of body fat
– Risk for conditions.
• Correct position
• Bony landmarks in which case placing the tape
at the level of the belly button is recommended.

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Waist/hip ratio

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Plasma Plasma
Glucose Lipids

function test
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Thyroid function test

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Mammography Specific
Antigen (PSA)

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Do Patient &
Is the Patient
Doctor Have
Ready to Lose

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Measuring weight
using beurer balance
1. Switching on the scale
• Press the button on the control unit. 0.0 kg
appears on the display.
2. Diagnostics
• Switch the device on and select your user
number from 1 to 10 by pressing the right-
hand button .

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Measuring weight
using beurer balance
• Stand still with your weight
distributed evenly on both legs.
Please note that there must be
no skin contact between feet,
legs, calves and thighs.
• Otherwise the measurement
will not be performed correctly.
• To prevent skin contact, you can
wear, for example, a lightweight
pair of trousers.
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Precautions for inbody use
1. Perform the analysis on an empty stomach
2 - Perform the analysis after you enter the bathroom
3 - Do not exercise before the analysis
4 - Make sure you stand on your feet 5 minutes before the
measurement, because sitting or lying down changes the
distribution of water in the body.
5 - Do not analyze after the sauna or consultation
6 - For women, do not take the analysis during the menstrual
cycle, due to increased water retention.
7. Measure at a temperature of 20 ° C to 25 ° C
8 - Each time take the measurement in the same conditions
and time and the same clothes.

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Dr. Salah Darwish, BCNSP, Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud, BCNSP,
Obesity management Obesity management
professional professional
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