Chapter 1 Computer 10

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What is problem solving?

Problem solving is a skill to solve any problem in computer science. It is done by programming. If someone is a good
problem solver then he has the potential to become a good programmer. Programmer use the software development
method to solve problems.

What are the steps involved in problem-solving?

1. Problem identification
2. Specify requirements
3. Analyze the problem
4. Design Algorithm and draw flowchart.
5. Write the program (Coding)
6. Test and Debug the program
7. Implement the program
8. Maintain and update the program
9. Document the program

Problem identification:
The problem should be observed carefully. Major areas of concern are identified and irrelevant information is filtered
out. For example, if we want to develop a simple calculator then our major concern is how basic arithmetic operations
are performed. What should be our input and what output should it display?

Specify Requirements:
Most of the users cannot explain their exact software requirements. This stage involves the formation of a
requirements document which describes the features to provide system restrictions under which it must operate and
an abstract description of the software which provides a basis for design and implementation.

Analyze the Problem:

At this stage the problem is divided into sub-problems and each problem is solved separately. This gives a simple
solution. This technique is known as top-down design (or divide and conquer rule). To get the right solution, certain
questions are asked in this stage.
How many solutions does the problem have? Which is the best solution? Can the problem be solved on computer?
What are input and output? How to divide the bigger problem into sub-problems?

Design Algorithm and Draw Flowchart:

Designing of algorithm
In this step, we first design the algorithm.
Algorithm: An algorithm is a finite, clear and effective set of instructions to accomplish a particular task. It is
often the most difficult part of problem-solving. Most computer algorithms perform three steps:

 Get data (Input)

 Perform computation (Processing)
 Display results (Output)

Verification of algorithm
Algorithm is then verified that the algorithm solves the problem by desk checking.
Desk checking: Desk checking is a process to carefully observing the working of an algorithm, on the paper by
using some test data. Algorithm is tested with variable set of input and its output is examined.

To desk check an algorithm, we carefully perform each step manually like a computer would do. Then we
locate and rectify errors. This saves time and effort.

Drawing the flowchart

Next step is to draw a flowchart.

Flowchart: Flowchart is a pictorial representation of an algorithm. It represents the flow of data, operations
performed in the system and sequence of all instructions. It is designed according to defined rules and
Write the Program (Coding):

In this step we convert the algorithm into a computer program which is written in any programming language. A
programmer must know the syntax of the programming language.

Syntax: The grammatical rules of a programming language to write programs are called syntax of that programming

Test and Debug the Program:

Testing: During the testing of the program, it is run several times using different sets of data. If it produces the desired
results according to the algorithm then the program is accurate. If it does not produce the desired result then we point
out the errors and debug it.

Debugging: Debugging is the process of finding and removing errors in the program. There can be three types of
programming errors, syntax errors, run time errors and logical errors.

Implement the Program:

After the successful testing of the program, we install it at the site where it is used. This is known as the implementation
of the program.

Maintain and Update the Program:

Program maintenance is a continuous process of expanding, upgrading and improving the program after its installation
to keep up with the new hardware and software requirements.

Regular maintenance is essential to keep the program useful. A proper maintenance depends on the existence of
complete documentation.

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