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My Reflection
I can say that I’m the kind of student that I’m not
at the top and not at the bottom students when
the subject is ENGLISH because I have some
difficulties in writing an essay or something that
we need do write about English matter but I know
that I can handle that subject because I’m not too
easy to give up. When there is a thing to do, it is a
challenge to me, it because writing an essay or
paragraph is like our life, it’s full of challenges that
we need to overcome. To finish an essay or
paragraph we need to think more so that we
can write a wonderful conclusion or sentences
about the subject matter that we need to talk
about it. And the others say “History will repeat
itself” it happens in all English class because we
study the verb since elementary and we still study

the verb now in my English class.

English 10

Laureta,Dennifer Mae T.
10 - Henna

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