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Earth and Life Science

Academic-General Academic Strand

Direction: READ CAREFULLY! Shade the circle that corresponds to the letter of the best answer. Separate
paper will be use as answer sheet. NO ERASURES

1. First 2 elements formed after the Big Bang

A. Hydrogen and Helium
B. Helium and Lithium
C. Hydrogen and Lithium
D. Hydrogen and Oxygen
2. An idea that the solar system came from a rotating cloud that collapsed due to gravity at around
4.6 b.y.a.
A. Nebular Hypothesis
B. Gravitational collapse
C. Swirling cloud
D. Big Bang
3. In what sphere of the Earth are the rocks and minerals found?
A. Atmosphere B. Biosphere C. Hydrosphere D. Geosphere
4. What part of the Earth make up the hydrosphere?
A. Atmosphere B. Biosphere C. Hydrosphere D. Geosphere
5. What part of Earth’s spheres is composed of mixture of gases?
A. Atmosphere B. Biosphere C. Hydrosphere D. Geosphere
6. Earth’s atmosphere is consisting mostly of what gas?
A. CO2 B. He C.N2 D. O2
7. In the troposphere, as the altitude rise, what happen to the temperature?
A. decreases B. increases C. constant D. extremely hot
8. In what layer of the atmosphere, many satellites orbit?
A. Exosphere B. Troposphere C. Mesosphere D. Stratosphere
9. What is the importance of the magnetic field?
A. It gives us many minerals
B. It keeps our planet in orbit
C. It protects us from harmful UV rays
D. It protects the Earth from the solar wind
10. Volcanic eruptions release huge amount of volcanic gases such as carbon dioxide, sulphur
dioxide, and hydrogen sulphide. Which of the following substances is produced when sulphur
dioxide gas reacts with water droplets in the atmosphere?
A. ozone C. coal
B. methane D. acid rain
11. A day on Saturn takes about 10 Earth hours. Which fact would best explain this short day?
A. Saturn is less dense than Earth.
B. Saturn is much farther from the Sun than Earth.
C. Saturn rotates more rapidly than Earth.
D. Saturn’s orbit has greater eccentricity than Earth’s.
12. Which of the following statements best describes how the planets of the solar system formed?
A. They are condensed rings of matter thrown off by the young Sun.
B. They are the remains of an exploded star once paired with the Sun.
C. The Sun captured them from smaller, older nearby stars.
D. They formed from a nebular cloud of dust and gas.
13. The existence of extraterrestrial life may never be proven, but this idea will become more
scientifically acceptable over time if
A. no one disputes this idea in a scientific forum.
B. hypotheses are made related to the idea.
C. alternative hypotheses are proposed and confirmed.
D. increasing scientific evidence supports the idea.
14. Earthquake vibrations are detected, measured, and recorded by instruments called
A. sonargraphs.
B. seismographs.
C. Richter scales.
D. Magnetometers


Senior High School Department
Earth and Life Science
Academic-General Academic Strand

15. What energy resource is made possible by the volcanic activity in California?
A hydroelectricity B nuclear power C geothermal D solar energy
16. The clouds that surround Venus are so thick that the planet actually absorbs less sunlight than
the Earth. Nevertheless, Venus has a surface temperature of more than 4000C. Which of these
bests explains this high surface temperature?
A. The bright surfaces of the clouds reflect sunlight back on the planet.
B. The strong winds in the atmosphere produce friction.
C. The thick clouds in the atmosphere prevent heat from escaping.
D. The sulfuric acid in the cloud’s releases heat energy
17. Which of these could increase average global temperatures?
A. increased use of fossil fuels
B. increased ocean algal blooms
C. decreased carbon dioxide emissions
D. increased numbers of animal species
18. Which of the following statements below describe the planet Mercury?
A. The hottest planet in the solar system
B. The planet in our solar system that supports life
C. The smallest of all the planets in the solar system
D. The planet in our solar system that known as the red planet
19. How many earth hours that planet Mars had to complete one earth day?
A. 24 C. 24.6
B. 59 ` D. 243
20. Which of the following statements below describe the planet Venus?
A. The hottest planet in the solar system
B. The planet in our solar system that supports life
C. The smallest of all the planets in the solar system
D. The planet in our solar system that known as the red planet
21. What are the two terrestrial planets that have moon?
A. Mercury and Venus C. Earth and Mars
B. Venus and Earth D. Mars and Mercury
22. . What are the two terrestrial planets that have thin atmosphere?
A. Mercury and Venus C. Earth and Mars
B. Venus and Earth D. Mars and Mercury
23. Which of the following jovian planet that covered in swirling cloud stripes?
A. Jupiter C. Uranus
B. Saturn D. Neptune
24. Which of the following statements below does NOT TRUE about Saturn?
A. The least dense planet in the solar system.
B. It has eight main rings with spaces between them.
C. The second largest planet of the Solar System in terms of diameter and mass.
D. It appears a pale-yellow color because its upper atmosphere contains ammonia
25. What are the gases present in the planet Uranus?
A. Hydrogen and Helium C. Water, Methane, and Ammonia fluids
B. Ammonia crystals. D. Methane and Helium
26. What jovian planet was named after the Roman god of the Sea?
A. Jupiter C. Uranus
B. Saturn D. Neptune
27. How many earth hours that planet Jupiter had to complete one earth day?
A. 10 C. 18
B. 10.5 D. 19
28. What is the correct order of earth's atmospheric layers from bottom to top?
A. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere.
B. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
C. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere.
D. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere


Senior High School Department
Earth and Life Science
Academic-General Academic Strand

29. Which of the following is almost certain to happen as our Earth's climate changes?
A. The Moon will increase its gravitational pull.
B. Humans will run out of fossil fuels to use.
C. The ocean will dry out.
D. Average global temperatures will rise.
30. What is a resource that can be replaced relatively quickly by natural processes?
A. nonrenewable resources
B. depleted resources
C. material resources
D. renewable resources
31. Global climate change is being attributed to the atmospheric increase in what two gases
produced by human activities?
A. oxygen and hydrogen
B. ozone and methane
C. nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide
D. methane and carbon dioxide
32. The name of a rapid rise of coastal water that accompanies the arrival of a cyclone is called:
A. hurricane
B. storm surge
C. tidal wave
D. cyclonistat
33. What is the name of the large supercontinent that existed 200 million years ago when all of the
continents were together?
A. San Andreas B. Andian C. Indian D. Pangaea
34. What is the correct order of the planets in the Solar System, starting closest to the Sun?
A. Mars, Mercury, Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
B. Mercury, Mars, Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
C. Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
D. Mercury, Venus Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
35. What elements are the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn Primarily composed of?
A. Argon and Krypton
B. Hydrogen and Helium
C. Nitrogen and Carbon dioxide
D. Nitrogen and Methane
36. Which statement describes the atmosphere of the planet correctly?
A. Venus is mostly carbon dioxide
B. Mercury is mostly nitrogen
C. Earth is mostly oxygen
D. Saturn is mostly helium
37. Why does the Earth experience seasons?
A. The Earth is tilted on its axis
B. The Sun is hotter in the Spring and Summer
C. The Earth gets less sun in the Fall and Winter
D. The distance between the Sun and the Earth changes
38. Earth takes 365 ¼ days to orbit the Sun. Which of the following is a result of this fact?
A. All calendars have 365 days
B. February has 28 days instead of 30
C. An extra day is added every four years
D. Some holidays are on different dates each year
39. A year on Jupiter is 4,333 days long. A year on Mercury is 88 days long. Why do planets have
different length years?
A. A year is longer on larger planets
B. Each planet has its own orbital period
C. Some planets are larger than other planets
D. Planets exert a gravitational force on other planets


Senior High School Department
Earth and Life Science
Academic-General Academic Strand

40. When standing on the Earth, the Moon and Sun appear to rise in the east and set in the west.
What is responsible for this apparent movement of the sun and moon?
A. The Earth revolves around the Sun.
B. The Earth rotates on its axis
C. The Moon and Sun rotate on their axis.
D. The Sun and Moon move from east to west in Space.
41. What makes a star different from other objects in the solar system, such as planets, moons and
A. The Moons and planets produce light
B. Stars orbit and planets do not
C. Stars produce their own light
D. Planets go through a life cycle and stars do not
42. What regular motion causes the pattern of day and night on Earth?
A. Earth rotates on its axis
B. Earth orbits around the sun
C. The moon rotates on its axis
D. The moon orbits around the earth
43. The sun is a star of average size and brightness. From Earth, the sun appears as a round, yellow
object in the daytime sky. At night, we see other stars. They appear as tiny points of light. Why
does the sun appear larger than stars that we see at night?
A. Daylight brightens the sun, making it appear larger.
B. Starlight bends as it passes planets, making stars appear smaller.
C. The sun is closer to Earth than other stars, making the sun appear larger.
D. Earth’s atmosphere filters out light from other stars, making them appear smaller
44. The majority of asteroids are found in a belt located between what two planets?
A. Earth and Mars B. Mars and Venus C. Mars and Jupiter D. Jupiter and Saturn
45. A student is looking at the night sky and observes the following image. The use of which tool
allows the student to easily observe the image?
A. Binoculars B. Telescope C. Magnifying glass D. microscope


Senior High School Department

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