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Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration

[Student’s name]

Illegal Immigration

Chapter 2 – Literature Review


Many people, from different parts of the World, wish to go to the United States for their

better future. However, to get the visa of the United States is not an easy task thus the restrictions

for entrance in the state results in another type of migrants, the illegal migrants. The illegal

immigrants are having very negative impact on the economic condition of the United States, and

that is why the government must take strong actions against them. The United States has several

laws and policies regarding illegal immigration, and there are several state institutions and

agencies which are involved in safeguard of borders against illegal entrance in the US.

According to the legislation of the United States, if any illegal immigrant is found in the United

States then he should be punished and should be deported to his/her respective country. This is

because, these undocumented people use the facilities of the United States for which the taxes

are paid by other citizens of the United States. In this way the illegal immigrants are the burden

on the U.S. economy. Now, there is a requirement of strong and strict strategies by the

government of the United States to deal with the issues of the illegal immigration because if this

issue is not resolved, then this may become a tremendous economic issue for the US in future.
Illegal Immigration

So much literature has been published about the illegal immigrants. However, the

purpose of this study is to discuss the effects of the immigration on the residents of the state.

This study deals with the explanation of the finances of the immigrants to check if they are a

burden on the economy of the country, or they can help to boost the economy (Razin, 2000).

Some people believe that immigrants add to the burden on the taxpayers because their asylums

are financed by the taxes which government receives but others statements that they can be

treated as a human capital and used to generate revenue. The illegal immigrants need protection,

prosecutors, food, shelter, and for this, all, American Citizens or the legal immigrants have to

pay all this in taxes. That is why there is a requirement to solve this issue. This issue can be

resolved either by stopping the illegal immigrations of by legalizing the illegal immigrants in the

United States. The government can send them back to their country and use this money for taxes

in any other prospect and can provide great economic comforts to the citizens of the United

States. This chapter of the study will not review the already published literature and will evaluate

the economic impact of the illegal immigration to the United States. This literature has been

collected either from the published journals, websites, peer-reviewed articles, or from the

available online resources.

With the passage of time, billions of migrants moved to the state. America does not only

welcome these migrants so warmly but also having a friendly behavior for new settlers.

However, with a lot of outsiders who want to settle in the state, access to the United States of the

present time is so difficult. Most of the people are having the American dream, according to

which they consider that once they enter into the America, then their all worries will go away

from their lives. The people who do not have jobs in their respective countries imagine that the
Illegal Immigration
only solution for their unemployment and poverty is to leave their city and to move to the

America. Most of the people are of the view that there are many employment opportunities in

America and so they can have better future and a lot of money there. However, the people are

unaware of the realities of the lives of United States. Another thing which attracts the people is

the increasing value of the American dollars. Most of the people think that if they go to America,

then they will earn American dollars which they can use after returning to their own countries. In

this way, the people can have enough money by just earning few dollars, and so the people get

ready to do any work in the United States to earn dollars.

Illegal Immigration via US Boundaries

To go to America is not an easy task rather the immigrants have to pass through several

stages to enter into the America. Legally, the immigrants have to provide a solid reason for why

are they leaving their own country and then they have to go through several security clearance

stages. The immigrants have to give an interview via which authorises declare that either the

applicant can get visa of America or not? Most of the time, the people or the applicants with their

American Dream are rejected and restricted to enter the United States of America. Thus, in turn,

the restrictions for entrance in the state results in another type of migrants, the illegal migrants.

It is a grave concern for flourishing American Culture, millions of migrants have

activated to access the America illegitimately. Disregarding the rules designed by the

government of America, these illegal migrants move in the state and gradually integrate

themselves into the American culture. As a result of various elements, for example, vast

boundaries and disobedient inhabitants who deny following laws, the regime permits these

people to access the state, and they are the primary source of great destruction. Eventually, the

government of United States is failed to implement the strategies of migration completely; illegal
Illegal Immigration
migration is greatly increased and allowed, thus resulting in further complications in the

American structure which intimidate the security of the state and its citizens. The financial

burdens are also one of these complications. The illegal immigrants use the facilities of the

United States for which the taxes are paid by other citizens of the United States. Now, there is a

requirement of strong and strict strategies by the government of the United States to deal with the

issues of the illegal immigration because if this issue is not resolved, then this may become a

great economic issue for the US in future. However, the government may provide healthcare and

other public benefits to the illegal immigrants by providing them with a chance for legal

documentation. In this way, they will become the part of US and then will have to pay tax for

each facility which they use.

To completely empathize the difficulties which arise due to the illegal migration, it is

important to comprehend the history of advancement migration strategies of United States. In old

times there were only a few strategies and limitations for permitting immigrants in the state. A

large number of migrants migrate to the state with the help of ships. In regards to some statistics,

the people who disallowed access to the United States and instantly deported and sent back to

their countries were mostly those who were engaged in some criminal activities, rebels or people

having serious diseases. These limitations deal with a fundamental goal: to make sure the

comfort and security of the whole country and its inhabitants. The aim to secure the state and its

citizens is still present with its modern forms of strategies. But the procedure by which foreigner

can turn to a legal citizen is so complexed, and it takes a lot of years to complete. There are a

very long term and time-consuming procedure for people to get a visa or green card who want to

access the United States for a temporary or permanent stay. The outsiders there having no legal

documents like these believed as illegal migrants and according to the law can be deported to
Illegal Immigration
their country at any time. As the unlawful immigration is not acceptable in the United States in

any condition, any person discovered unlawfully enter to the state is sent back to his own country

in no time. The government of United States is following its strict policies for allowing entrance

and residence to the immigrants within the state, about which a lot of people claim that present

government establishes a very effective and practical strategy regarding immigration

(WHITNEY, 2013).

During taking into account the existence of illegal migrants in the United States, some

basic elements which certainly destabilise and obstruct the immigration strategies of United

States appear. First of all, take into consideration the third leading country in the world, the

United States has many borders and regions to enter into the state. Taking into account its bulk

and infinite extension of borders, there a lot of regions in the United States which required

reasonable security to prohibit unlawful immigration. But truly, having such vast borders, there

is no way found to stop and avoid illegal immigration completely. Regardless of significant

developments in border regulation, along with soldiers carrying weapons and high barriers, the

border is so vast, and a lot of migrants still access the state unlawfully. However, when

discussing the illegal immigrants and the illegal immigration then the question comes in mind,

should the government of United States entertain the illegal immigrants with health care benefits

and other public benefits? Well, this situation can be seen from two sides. Firstly, if the illegal

immigrants are living in the United States, then they must have all those rights which a citizen of

the United States deserves. Secondly, by providing the public benefits to the illegal immigrants,

Unites States' government will raise great issues for itself because in this way the people will be

more encouraged to enter the United States illegally. However, Glen (2013) did research,

according to which the illegal immigrants should be allowed to have health care facilities within
Illegal Immigration
the United States. The article focused on the two questions. The first question was, does

constitutional law mandate extending health coverage to illegal immigrants? The second

question was, even if not legally mandated, are there compelling policy reasons for extending

such coverage? The findings of the article suggested that if the government of United States

extends the healthcare coverage to the illegal immigrants, then this would be highly beneficial

for the United States. This is because it will then generate spillover benefits for the US health

insurance system as well as for the US healthcare system (Glen, 2013).

Illegal Immigrants as Burden on US Economy

Caponi (2014) presented his study in which he surveyed legal and illegal immigrants to

evaluate the financial impacts of illegal immigration on the United States. According to this

study, the illegal immigrants are having very negative impact on the economic condition of the

United States, and that is why the government must take strong actions against them. In this

study, a survey was conducted in which the number of education legal and illegal immigrants

were evaluated. Moreover, it was also observed that how many illegal immigrants and legal

immigrants are having proper jobs. The results showed that most of the illegal immigrants are

uneducated and that is why they are not capable of doing good jobs in the United States.

Moreover, the government of United States has implemented strong strategies against the illegal

immigrants. According to the legislation of the United States, if any illegal immigrant is found in

the United States then he should be punished and should be deported to his/her respective

country. Due to this reason, most of the immigrants are hiding their realities from the authorizes

and are spending illegal lives due to which the United States is not only facing high financial

challenges but also facing the crime issues (Caponi & Plesca, 2014).
Illegal Immigration
Currently, according to assessment, the count of unlawful immigrants in the US is about

12 billion, and it is continuously increasing. But it is undistinguishable that with such firm

strategies how a large number of illegal migrants get access to the state every year (Glen, 2013).

At first, it is essential to empathize that there are two types of illegal migrants. There are some

migrants who enter the state with legal documentation, but after some time turn to be illegal due

to the over residing their visas or green cards. Another type of illegal migrants are the people

who unlawfully cross the borders and get access to the United States without communicating or

informing the States government. According to the present rules and strategies concerning

immigration, that government must take quick and efficient steps for immigrants become illegal

after due time, as the government can easily do this because they know about their presence in

the state. But the other type of illegal immigrant's is so challenging to control because the

government is uninformed of their existence in the state. However, these illegal immigrants are

the great problem for the United States due to several reasons. Firstly, these illegal immigrants

do not get employment in the United States due to which they involve in illegal or criminal

activities to earn more and more money. Secondly, if the illegal immigrant gets a job in the

United States by any mean then he/she does not invest that money in the United States rather the

immigrant prefer to send his/her money to his/her respective country. The illegal immigrants

collect money either by legal or illegal means and then send that money to their relatives, living

in their other countries. This affects the economic progress of the United States (LARRAMONA,


Wayne Cornelius, the great administrator of the Center for Comparative Immigration

Studies at the University of California at San Diego, claimed that every year 1.5 billion people

enter the state from which 500,000 are entered illegally. Because of some illegal migrants who
Illegal Immigration
invisibly entered the state, the government of United States is incapable of implementing its

immigration strategies, for example issuing visas or expelling irregular migrants, and is

compelled to allow these migrants to stay in the state (Sullivean, 2012). Along with these

500,000, illegal migrants access the country every year, another element which obstructs the

enforcement of immigration strategies developments. As becoming an independent state, the

United States depends on its citizens to help in establishing and enforcing of laws and strategies.

Regarding the immigration strategies, to make these strategies successful and practical, the

government needs the assistance and collaboration of the people of United States. To get support

and cooperation of its citizens, the government also requires the readiness of its people to help in

identifying irregular migrants. But the people of United States don't fulfil their responsibilities in

a flourishing and protecting their country and overlook their duty to inform about illegal

migrants to the government (Caponi & Plesca, 2014). Because of these undocumented

immigrants, the government cannot make any legal actions against these people. Moreover,

when these people are not in the records of the United States, so they are free to pay any tax to

the government due to which they become the great economic burden on the government of the

United States and the Citizens of the United States as well.

Financial and Legal Challenges to the US

The financial challenges for the United States are also increasing because it is common in

the United States that a company or firm employs an illegitimate migrant only for inexpensive

employment, that company is not obeying the strategies designed by the laws for illegal

immigrants. There are a lot of people who avoid informing about illegal immigrants due to

several aims because some people are not against illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is not

a point of concern near them. This kind of disrespect for the law only weakens and destabilizes
Illegal Immigration
the strategies designed by the government and eventually obstructs the implementation of laws

established. There are some issues present regarding the immigration today because the

government is not capable to completely implement the present strategies and laws designed for

immigration. The reasons such as vast borders and noncompliant inhabitants, the government of

United States are obstructed from implementing their strategies concerning immigration. Due to

the failure of implementing the laws, the United States and its citizens face various harms as a

result of illegal immigration (Sullivean, 2012).

One of the most major issues created by illegitimate immigration is the issue of state

protection. As mentioned earlier the United States is a country with vast borders spreading to

thousand miles, incapable to completely monitor and make sure the safety of its every area. The

government of United States is trying to take control over the process of illegal immigration by

establishing laws, the problems present in its structure hinders and constrains the general

implementation of different immigration strategies. Along with disobedient inhabitants and vast

borders, the United State is facing a great risk of illegal immigration, due to which thousands of

people get access to the state per day. As it continues to keep its identity as the world's melting

pot, the United States should start to reconsider its approach regarding illegal immigration,

because it is going to result in a major risk for the economy, safety, and welfare of the United

States. As increasing number of illegal immigrants to the United States is an increase in its

existing issues which may result in a big disaster for state one day (Gelatt, 2016).

In the US, there are several institutions present to guard the borders of the state; these

federal law implementation organizations include US Border Patrol (USBP), US Immigration

and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The

Nationality and Immigration Act of 1952 is enforced by CBP, and along with these agencies,
Illegal Immigration
armed forces of US and some civilian agencies are also involved in safeguard of US borders.

There could be several reasons for the unlawful presence of immigrants like unauthorized entry,

violation of the legal entry terms and stay beyond the approved period after legal entrance

(LARRAMONA, 2016). According to the US Code Title 8 of Section 1325, there is fine,

custody or both for noncitizens if they try to enter the US unlawfully. There is a maximum

detention of six months for the first attempt and of two years for further attempts. Some criminal

penalties and fines are also imposed on them. However, still the number of illegal immigrants is

increasing, and the government of the United States is unable to control the illegal immigrants.

Most of the people raise questions that the illegal immigrants, who are living in the United States

since a long time, should get a legal permit or not? Well giving legal license is not an issue for

the United States but this will encourage the illegal immigration which may be risky for the

United States.

Nowadays most of the criminals are the illegal immigrants, and that is because they don't

get employment in the United States and so they do crimes for their survival. Moreover, the

unemployment for the illegal immigrants is also the reason for the poverty level of the

immigrants which also leaves a very negative impact on the economy of the United States. In the

US, Illegal migrants are not permitted to receive any benefits including certified licenses, but in

2013, laws were passed by California State Legislature which allowed professional

authorisations for illegal migrants. So, undocumented residents got rights of attending schools

and receiving driving licenses in some states like Hawaii, Utah, Illinois, Washington, Colorado,

California and Vermont (Sulkowski, 2017). Employment record audits were done in 2009 by

ICE agency which declared that 25% of the workers in prominent apparel company had

documentation discrepancies. These policies of audits were continued in Bush and Obama
Illegal Immigration
presidencies which resulted in the termination of those workers but not deported by illegality.

Before these audits, the policy of mass raids was followed by the Bush government which was

criticized due to disruption of businesses and extreme loss of the immigrant family. It is

commonly observed in the US that illegal immigrants got employment because they are

considered hardworking and industrious by the employers. There were several companies in the

US which have illegal immigrants in their workforce including Wal-Mart which was fined 11

million dollars in 2005 for hiring hundreds of illegal migrants, and Swift & Co. Were in 2006

about 1300 undocumented immigrants were arrested as their employees.

Strategies to deal with Illegal Immigrants

The essential features of the bill approved in 1996 had an important influence on illegal

immigration and exclusions in the United States. The two laws passed for illegal immigration

were Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) and the Illegal Immigration

Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA). These laws were presented after the

Oklahoma City violence 1995, and World Trade Center bombing 1993, both of these bombings

were terrorist attacks which result in loss of several lives of American people. These two laws

transform the procedure of criminal cases for legal permanent citizens the way to operate, which

in turn enhances the exclusion of people from the United States. The laws before 1996 regarding

exclusion were having two steps, which legal permanent foreign citizens were deported only

when they engage in some criminal activities. In the first step, it was decided that whether the

person was deportable or not. And in the second step, it was decided that the person must or must

not expel. After the attacks of 2001, USA Patriot Act was passed to enhance the power of

administration to act against suspicious migrants. By this act, illegal migrants can be deported by

the government by their suspicious activities. The power was granted to Attorney General to
Illegal Immigration
categorise the illegal immigrants who were a threat to security. Those immigrants were arrested

and placed in detention due to criminal acts. This Act was criticized as it was against the Fifth

Amendment of the law.

Finally, the Dream Act was a proposal of American legislation to start a phased process

granting restricted nationality which can be changed into a permanent residence on the

completion of certain conditions. The main purpose of this policy was to stop the deportation of

those immigrants who entered the US as children. By their good charter, education and years of

residence, they can be given permanent residence. The bill was not passed by Senate, but some

of its provisions were apprehended during Obama regime by the Department of Homeland

Security (TANCREDO, 2017).

Expulsions of illegal immigrants are usually controlled by the Department of Homeland

Security. After 2003, the deportation rate had increased in the US by 60% and in 2010, about

four lac people were deported from US (Gelatt, 2016). While in 2011, about 396,906 people

were deported by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, out of the 55% had convicted

crimes related to drugs, homicide, etc. At the end of the year 2015, about 2.5 million people were

deported by Obama government during his regime (Glen, 2013). Currently, ICE arrested about

40% more persons as compared to last year, in the first few days of Trump governance, being

suspected for illegal presence in the US. According to the ICE, 75% of those individuals were

involved in crimes, but the rate of non-criminal arrests is higher. These high rates of arrests may

cause illegal immigrants to be underground to hide from the government institutions (Torrens &

Salomon, June 7, 2017).

The United States has several laws and policies regarding illegal immigration, and there

are several state institutions and agencies which are involved in safeguard of borders against
Illegal Immigration
illegal entrance in the US. The IIRIRA and AEDPA acts were enforced in 1996 regarding illegal

immigration, and Patriot Act of USA was applied after 2011. Some policies of government

favoured illegal immigrants like the dream act. Millions of illegal immigrants are present in the

US instead of a lot of policies of government against them. The previous governments used

policies of mass raids at workplaces to arrest illegal migrants and fined the companies hiring

hundreds of those migrants like Wal-mart and Swift & Co. Employment audit strategy was also

used by Bush and Obama government to check discrepancies in the documentation of workforce

of several companies. The undocumented migrants were terminated of their jobs but not

deported. In the Obama regime, about 2.5 million illegal residents were deported from the, US

and the Trump government is more harshly reacting to illegal migrants. The rate of their arrests

increased to 40% as compared to Obama regime in the first few days of Trump government.

This crackdown increased fears of immigrants for deportation, and they are hesitant to take

support from any government institution regarding health and food to fulfil necessities of life. As

most of the immigrant families are extremely poor and took assistance from Supplemental

Nutrition Assistance Program but now they are hesitant to get registered for this aid. As in these

families, some of the members are legal as the children born in US and others are illegal like

parents of these children. But due to fear of deportation, such families are reluctant to get

benefitted from government programs of free food and health provision (Gelatt, 2016).

To remove the discrepancies in the immigration strategies the current government is

strictly enforcing the immigration policies and decided to increase its budget for this purpose to

deport more illegal immigrants. To restore the lawful immigration process, a new policy is

introduced to increase funds for the enforcement of immigration and hiring additional judges

along with support employees for immigration cases. The number of marshals and attorneys will
Illegal Immigration
be increased to focus on border crimes and illegal immigration (Gerstein, 23 May 2017). In this

regard, two new bills were passed by the House about illegal immigrants in the US. According to

those bills, the imprisonment period will be increased for undocumented immigrants convicting

crimes and re-entering the US after deportation. Secondly, those states which will not deport

their illegal immigrants will not get any federal aid and will be responsible for any criminal

behaviour of these immigrants. According to analysts these new policies of immigration will

decrease the number of illegal immigrants in the US and will make the borders safer. The

implementation of these laws and policies will secure the country from several crimes and

terrorist activities. A lot of policies were followed in the past, but they were not efficient enough

to produce fruitful outcomes. The change in the policies of illegal immigration and their

implementation will create a safer atmosphere for coming generations.

Poverty amongst Illegal Immigrants

It is also considered that the Immigrants are poor and they leave their home states to

achieve the best opportunities. Many of the people enjoy a great status in their home states, but

to achieve American Dream, they leave their home states and cultures and migrate to America.

Such legal or illegal immigrants not only face so many difficulties but also they face a loss of

their identity. This is what Natalie Friedman has discussed in the article, "The Hybrid to the

Tourists.” Natalie has beautifully highlighted Lahiri’s work to represent the issues to the

immigrants, especially to the children of the immigrant, and the outcomes of the immigration.

However what makes the people leave their culture and hometowns? Does the American Dream

matter this much that they become ready even to sacrifice their comfort for the dual identity?

Natalie described the image of the immigrants amazingly by saying;

Illegal Immigration
“Immigrant family once reaches to America’s shores, trapped by legal restrictions, poverty or

political issues.” (Friedman pp.113)

Most of the time the immigrants have to stay at one place in America and then they have

to suffer the poverty, and discomforts of life because it is not easier to adjust at the new place.

Due to their poverty and challenges to lives, they become the sample of poor who are searching

for jobs and opportunities. No one accepts their identity, and so they face a lot of challenges.

The people leave their homes, culture, and everything to achieve the American dream, and so

they serve themselves for to work for American and are more concerned to gain the dual identity

which somewhere vanishes their actual identity. Not only this but also these illegal immigrants

become the burden for the United States because they are not in the legal records and the

government cannot implement any proper strategies for these undocumented immigrants. As a

result, the government faces great issues while making the financial decisions for the people of

United States.

Theoretical Framework

The purpose of the study is to discuss that how the illegal immigrants are affecting the

economy of the United States. So many studies have been published to discuss the effects of the

illegal immigration. However, very few researchers have published their literature about the

financial impact of the illegal immigration. The theoretical framework of the study is based on

the study of Glen (2013), which discussed the economical challenges to the illegal immigrants

and to the government of United States as well. In actual, the illegal immigrants cannot have any

public facilities because they are undocumented citizens of the United States. Due to this reason,

they are neither in records nor are able to get healthcare or other facilities. These undocumented
Illegal Immigration
people do not pay public income taxes and so they become burden on the government. The

findings of the article suggested that if the government of United States will make any strategy

by which the illegal immigrants will pay the taxes then they won’t be burden on the government

of United States. However, if it is not possible then illegal immigration should be strictly

controlled (Glen, 2013). Caponi & Plesca (2014) also presented a study, according to which the

illegal immigrants are having very negative impact on the economic condition of the United

States and that is why the government must take strong actions against them. The illegal

immigrants are not the people who just enter into the United States and start living their lives

rather they need civil rights and other facilities to spend their lives in United States peacefully.

These illegal immigrants need protection, prosecutors, food, shelter, and for this, all, American

Citizens or the legal immigrants have to pay all this in taxes. Caponi & Plesca showed in their

study that most of the illegal immigrants are uneducated and that is why they are not capable of

doing good jobs in the United States. Due to which they are unable to earn enough amount for

their food or shelter and so they either become criminals or baggers. In this way, they not only

affect the society but also become burden on the economy of the United States.

Now, this study will also analyze that how the illegal immigrants are burden on the

United States? How these illegal immigrants can be sent back to their homes and how the taxes

burden can be controlled? In this way the study will highlight the issues increasing due to illegal

immigrations and the solutions to control it for the better economic future of United States.

Literature Analysis

Most of the people are having the American dream, according to which they consider that

once they enter into the America, then their all worries will go away from their lives. Most of the

people are of the view that there are many employment opportunities in America and so they can
Illegal Immigration
have better future and a lot of money there. However, to go to America is not an easy task rather

the immigrants have to pass through several stages to enter into the America. Most of the time,

the people or the applicants with their American Dream are rejected and restricted to enter the

United States of America. Thus, in turn, the restrictions for entrance in the state results in another

type of migrants, the illegal migrants. Disregarding the rules designed by the government of

America, these illegal migrants move in the state and gradually integrate themselves into the

American culture. Eventually, the illegal migration is significantly increased and allowed, thus

resulting in further complications in the American structure.

Taking into account its bulk and infinite extension of borders, there a lot of regions in the United

States which required reasonable security to prohibit unlawful immigration. But truly, having

such vast borders, there is no way found to stop and avoid illegal immigration completely. The

illegal immigrants are having very negative impact on the economic condition of the United

States, and that is why the government must take strong actions against them. Moreover, the

illegal immigrants are uneducated, and that is why they are not capable of doing good jobs in the

United States. According to the legislation of the United States, if any illegal immigrant is found

in the United States then he should be punished and should be deported to his/her respective

country. Due to this reason, most of the immigrants are hiding their realities from the authorizes

and are spending illegal lives due to which the United States is not only facing high financial

challenges but also facing the crime issues (Caponi & Plesca, 2014).

The already published literature showed that illegal immigrants are the great problem for the

United States due to several reasons. Firstly, these illegal immigrants do not get employment in

the United States due to which they involve in illegal or criminal activities to earn more and

more money. Secondly, if the illegal immigrant gets job in the United States by any mean then
Illegal Immigration
he/she does not invest that money in the United States rather the immigrant prefer to send his/her

money to his/her respective country. Wayne Cornelius, the great administrator of the Center for

Comparative Immigration Studies at the University of California at San Diego, claimed that

every year 1.5 billion people enter the state from which 500,000 are entered illegally. These

illegal immigrants easily spend their lives in the United States because there are a lot of people

who avoid informing about illegal immigrants due to several aims because some people are not

against illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is not a point of concern near them. This kind of

disrespect for the law only weakens and destabilizes the strategies designed by the government

and eventually obstructs the implementation of laws established.

Expulsions of illegal immigrants are usually controlled by the Department of Homeland

Security. After 2003, the deportation rate had increased in the US by 60% and in 2010, about

four lac people were deported from US (Gelatt, 2016). While in 2011, about 396,906 people

were deported by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, out of which 55% had

convicted crimes related to drugs, homicide, etc. The United States has several laws and policies

regarding illegal immigration, and there are several state institutions and agencies which are

involved in safeguard of borders against illegal entrance in the US. However, still, it is difficult

for the government of United States to control the illegal immigration.

Most of the time the immigrants have to stay at one place in America and then they have to

suffer the poverty, and discomforts of life because it is not easier to adjust at the new place. Due

to their poverty and challenges to lives, they become the sample of poor who are searching for

jobs and opportunities. No one accepts their identity, and so they face a lot of challenges. Not

only this but also these illegal immigrants become the burden for the United States because they

are not in the legal records and the government cannot implement any proper strategies for these
Illegal Immigration
undocumented immigrants. Conclusively, these undocumented people use the facilities of the

United States for which the taxes are paid by other citizens of the United States. Now, there is a

requirement of strong and strict strategies by the government of the United States to deal with the

issues of the illegal immigration because if this issue is not resolved, then this may become a

tremendous economic issue for the US in future. For this purpose, the government of the United

States should send the illegal immigrants back to their country and should make strong and strict

strategies for the boarder securities so that the illegal immigrants won’t be able to enter into the

Illegal Immigration
Work Cited

Caponi, V., & Plesca, M. (2014). Empirical characteristics of legal and illegal immigrants in the

USA. Journal of Popul Economics, 27, 923–960.

Friedman, N. (2010). From Hybrids to Tourists: Children of Immigrants in Jhumpa Lahiri's The

Namesake. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction.

Gelatt, J. (2016). Immigration Status and the Healthcare Access and Health of Children of


Gerstein, J. (23 May 2017). Trump Justice budget targets illegal immigration. Politico.



Jhumpa, L. (2003). The Namesake. Boston: Houghton Press.


IMMIGRANTS HAVE A MAGNET EFFECT? The Manchester School, 84(2), 296–311.

Sulkowski, M. L. (2017). Unauthorized Immigrant Students in the United States. National

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Illegal Immigration



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