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Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2017; 99: 573–578

doi 10.1308/rcsann.2017.0106

The BeSMART (Best Supportive Management for

Adults Referred with Tonsillopharyngitis)
multicentre observational study
AS Lau1,8, C Mamais2,8, E McChesney1,8, NS Upile3,8, C Vaughan4,8, J Veitch5,8, JR Abbas6,8,
A Markey7,8, NG Brown2,8, M Evans1,8, J Thomas1,8, M Gaines1,8, Z Shehata3, MD Wilkie8,
SC Leong1,8

Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK
NHS Grampian, UK
Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Mersey ENT Research Collaborative, UK
INTRODUCTION Tonsillopharyngitis is the most common ear, nose and throat emergency admission, with 80,000 episodes
recorded in England in 2015–2016. Despite this, there is a paucity of evidence addressing the supportive management of tonsillo-
pharyngitis in inpatients. The aim of this retrospective multicentre observational study was to consider the Best Supportive Man-
agement for Adults Referred with Tonsillopharyngitis (BeSMART) in the inpatient setting, and to establish any associations
between practice and outcomes.
METHODS Seven hospitals in North West England and North East Scotland participated in the study. Overall, 236 adult patients
admitted with tonsillopharyngitis were included. The main outcome measures were interval to return to soft diet, length of stay
(LOS), pain scores and readmissions.
RESULTS Women were more likely to seek professional help before presenting to secondary care (p=0.04). Patients admitted at
the weekend were more likely to have a shorter LOS (p=0.03). There was no relationship between day of admission and seniority or
specialty of the doctor initially seen. Prescription of corticosteroid, analgesia and a higher initial intravenous fluid infusion rate
were not related to a shorter LOS.
CONCLUSIONS This study is the first to yield valuable insights into the inpatient management of tonsillopharyngitis. This work rep-
resents part of an ongoing project to establish the evidence for common medical interventions for sore throat. Patient and professio-
nal surveys as well as a prospective interventional study are planned for the future.

Tonsillitis – Corticosteroid – Analgesia – Length of stay
Accepted 28 February 2017
Andrew Lau, E:

Tonsillopharyngitis is the most common ear, nose and throat Corticosteroid

(ENT) emergency admission, with over 80,000 recorded in Single doses or short courses of corticosteroid are advocated
England in 2015–2016.1 Despite this, there is a paucity of evi- by many ENT surgeons for those who have severe dysphagia
dence addressing the supportive management of tonsillo- or stertor, or where significant inflammation is seen in the
pharyngitis in inpatients. This is recognised by Bird et al in oropharynx. Practice is variable throughout the UK. The evi-
their review: more evidence is needed to improve the patient dence base for the use of adjuvant corticosteroid in sore
experience and to streamline care.2 throat is set out in a Cochrane review by Hayward et al.3

Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2017; 99: 573–578 573


Their meta-analysis included eight placebo controlled trials, institutional review body at all seven centres participating in
none of which took place in Europe. Participants were the study. Data were processed and anonymised at each
recruited in the outpatient setting and the main outcome centre before being passed to the chief investigator via
measure was relief from sore throat. The authors found a secure email. We adhered to institutional information gover-
small but significant effect: duration of sore throat was nance protocols.
reduced by 6.3 hours overall (risk ratio for resolution of pain The study was undertaken at six hospital sites in North
at 24 hours: 3.2, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.0–5.1). West England and at one in North East Scotland, coordinated
through MERC. The participating centres comprised Aber-
Analgesia deen Royal Infirmary, Aintree University Hospital (lead),
It is also common practice to prescribe a regimen of simple Arrowe Park Hospital, Leighton Hospital, Royal Liverpool
analgesia. There are no randomised placebo controlled tri- Hospital, Salford Royal Hospital and Warrington Hospital.
als on the use of different analgesics in sore throat. Some
moderate quality evidence suggests that paracetamol and Participants and data sources
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are effec- Clinical coding searches were performed using the codes
tive.4 Similarly, the use of topical benzydamine spray is J02 and J03 from the tenth revision of the International Clas-
associated with significantly less pain in the outpatient sification of Diseases. A retrospective search was under-
management of tonsillitis.5,6 taken for consecutive individuals admitted to hospital from
March 2015 onwards. Their health records were then
Intravenous fluids reviewed for a documented diagnosis of tonsillopharyngitis.
While there is no evidence concerning the use of intrave- Patients aged under 16 years, those with a positive glandular
nous fluid infusions in tonsillopharyngitis, many clinicians’ fever test, those with a peritonsillar abscess and those with
standard practice is to offer intravenous rehydration to an incorrectly coded diagnosis were excluded from analysis.
patients reporting reduced fluid intake with symptoms and Six of the seven participating centres examined seventy
signs of dehydration. cases each for inclusion. Since Aintree University Hospital is
a regional centre and accepts referrals from two district gen-
Trainee research collaboratives eral hospitals without ENT cover, 100 cases were scrutinised
The postgraduate trainee-led research collaborative (TRC) for inclusion there. The study’s four predetermined outcome
is a relatively new phenomenon in the ENT arena. In the measures comprised interval to return to soft diet, length of
UK, the formal collaborative working model was first devel- stay (LOS), pain score and readmission. Interval to return to
oped by general surgical and neurosurgical trainees,7–11 soft diet and LOS were both measured to the nearest 12
who have published a number of studies.12,13 There are now hours in 12-hour time bands. Readmission was defined as
regional ENT TRCs across the UK and efforts are coordi- any unplanned re-presentation to hospital with sore throat
nated nationally through the Integrate network. within 28 days of discharge. Explanatory variables (eg dem-
As part of their continuing professional development, ographics, date of admission and corticosteroid prescrip-
trainees are already obliged to generate research and audit tions) were captured, as was information on healthcare
work. The aim of collaboratives is to focus trainees’ labour seeking behaviours.
into one consensus study question that addresses gaps in
evidence-based practice. Patients and professionals gain Statistical analysis
from the generation of better quality work. Data were collated in Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, US)
and analysed using SPSS® version 22 (IBM, New York, US).
BeSMART objectives Sample distributions were examined and summary meas-
MERC is undertaking the first multicentre project to con- ures were calculated. Where necessary, logarithmic trans-
sider the inpatient management of tonsillopharyngitis: Best formations were performed on skewed continuous data. The
Supportive Management for Adults Referred with Tonsillo- associations between normally distributed data were ana-
pharyngitis (BeSMART). This project is divided into three lysed with the appropriate t-test and Levene’s test for equal-
phases. Phase 1 (BeSMART1) consists of an observational ity of variances. Categorical data were analysed using
study, phase 2 (BeSMART2) will examine the results of a Pearson’s chi-squared or Fisher’s exact tests. Pearson’s cor-
linked patient and professional survey, and phase 3 relation coefficient was used to test the linear relationship
(BeSMART3) is a planned prospective study to address the between continuous variables. The significance level (a) for
deficiencies in knowledge uncovered by the first two phases. all tests was set at 0.05. Binomial logistic regression was
The objectives of BeSMART1 were to evaluate current prac- used to model the effects of the explanatory variables on
tice in the inpatient management of tonsillopharyngitis, and each outcome measure.
to establish the effects (if any) of admission variables and
medication on patient outcomes.
Figure 1 describes the number of cases excluded from the
Methods study. The median coding accuracy was 60% (range: 33–
This was a retrospective multicentre observational study. It 99%). For all explanatory variables, the proportion of miss-
was registered as a service evaluation with the appropriate ing data was <1%. For outcome measures, missing data

574 Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2017; 99: 573–578


accounted for 0.4% of both LOS and readmission data, and Weekend admissions
10% of return to soft diet data. Pain scores were only reliably Day of admission was statistically related to LOS. Admis-
documented in two centres, yielding a total of 46 cases (14% sions on Saturdays and Sundays were significantly associ-
missing across two centres; 81% across all centres). Sub- ated with LOS ≤24 hours (p=0.03), and this translated into
group analysis was therefore performed for pain, using only a significant protective effect (odds ratio [OR]: 0.78, 95%
these two centres. CI: 0.64–0.97).
Admission at the weekend was not associated with
Baseline characteristics and demographics patients’ healthcare seeking behaviours (Table 2). When
A total of 236 cases were included in the study. There were compared with weekdays, there appeared to be no differ-
no deaths or critical care unit admissions. Table 1 details the ence in the number of patients initially seen by an ENT doc-
characteristics of our sample. The median LOS reflected tor (p=0.23), or by a registrar or consultant (p=0.81).
national data1 although sex did not, which was possibly Moreover, seeing a more senior doctor was not related to
because the national cohort also included children. There any outcome measure. Interestingly, however, seeing an
were statistically significant reductions in both heart rate ENT doctor was related to a shorter interval to return to soft
(mean difference: 22.31bpm, 95% CI: 19.43–25.18bpm, diet (p=0.01) (Table 3).
p<0.01) and core temperature (mean difference: 0.86°C,
95% CI: 0.71–1.02°C, p<0.01) at 24 hours after admission Medication
compared with measurements taken at admission. Standard first-line antibiotic therapy at all centres was
intravenous benzylpenicillin. This was substituted with
Healthcare seeking behaviours clarithromycin or clindamycin for patients with known
Women were more likely to seek professional help from a penicillin hypersensitivity.
general practitioner or walk-in centre at some point before A total of 107 patients (45%) were prescribed corticoste-
presenting to secondary care (Table 2). There was no rela- roid. The drug of choice (84%) was an immediate dose on
tionship between age and the healthcare seeking behav- admission of 8mg dexamethasone phosphate (or equiva-
iours examined. These behaviours were not statistically lent). The great majority (99%) of all corticosteroid was
associated with any outcome measure. administered intravenously.

520 cases identified

Aintree - 100 cases
Other six centres - 70 cases each

70 cases excluded:
Patient < 16 years

214 cases excluded:

Incorrectly coded diagnosis

236 cases included

Figure 1 Flowchart of patient selection

Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2017; 99: 573–578 575


Table 1 Sample characteristics and comparisons with Table 3 Relationships between return to soft diet and
national data where available explanatory variables

Variable BeSMART1 National data1 Variable p-value

Total cases 236 – Return to soft Previously sought helpa 0.88
diet ≤24h
Female sex 146 (62%) 55%
Initially saw ENTb 0.01
Median age in years 27 (range: 16–70) –
Initially saw senior 0.09
Mean age in years 29 16
Corticosteroid prescription 0.53
Median length of stay in days 1 (range: 0.5–7) 1
Paracetamol prescription 0.75
Weekend admission 75 (32%) –
NSAID prescription Significantly
Return to soft diet ≤24h 141 (60%) –
Length of stay ≤24h 138 (58%) – with return to
Readmissions 11 (5%) – soft diet >24h
Weak opioid prescription
Where available
Benzydamine prescription

ENT = ear, nose and throat; NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflamma-

tory drug
Patient previously sought professional help for the same episode;
Table 2 Relationships between demographics and having b
Patient was managed initially by an ENT doctor, including
previously sought professional help for the same episode cross-cover doctors; cPatient was managed initially by a regis-
trar or consultant of any specialty
Variable p-value Mean difference
Age Previously sought 0.52 0.84 yrs
distribution help (95% CI: -1.72–3.39 yrs) Intravenous fluids
All intravenous fluids used were crystalloids. Fluid pre-
Female sex Previously sought 0.04 –
help scription was significantly associated with tachycardia on
admission (p=0.02) but not temperature (p=0.07). The
Weekend Previously sought 0.39 –
admission help median infusion rate for the first litre of fluid was 222ml/
hr (range: 100–1,000ml/hr). Neither the infusion rates for
CI= confidence interval the first litre of fluid nor the total number of litres infused
correlated with any of the outcome measures.

Pain score subgroup analysis

Administration of corticosteroid was not associated with
This outcome measure was analysed separately. A modified
interval to return to soft diet, LOS or readmission (Tables 3–
numeric rating scale (NRS) for pain was used at both
5). When grouped by exposure to corticosteroid, there was
centres that returned relatively complete data. Both admis-
no difference in the admission heart rates (p=0.89) or core
sion and 24-hour pain scores were standardised, and no
temperatures (p=0.49) between the groups. This suggests
explanatory variables appeared to be statistically related to
that patients prescribed corticosteroid were no more sys-
temically unwell than those who were not prescribed
Modelling outcome measures
A binomial logistic regression model was fitted for corti-
Logistic regression was performed for the four outcome
costeroid prescription (2=18.33; p=0.05; Nagelkerke’s
measures. No statistically significant models could be fitted
R2=0.44) including all admission variables and vital observa-
for high pain score at 24 hours (defined as standardised
tions. The only significant factor influencing the use of corti-
NRS >6/10), interval to return to soft diet or readmission.
costeroid was seeing an ENT doctor on admission (OR:
Despite reaching statistical significance (2=27.01;
14.51, 95% CI: 1.54–137.22, p=0.02).
p<0.01; Nagelkerke’s R2=0.19), the logistic regression model
Prescription of paracetamol was not associated with any
for LOS >24 hours was not deemed biologically significant.
outcome measure. Conversely, prescriptions of NSAIDs,
Only NSAID and benzydamine prescriptions added to the
weak opioids and benzydamine spray were associated with
model, and both predicted an increased LOS.
a longer interval to return to soft diet as well as a longer
LOS (Tables 3–5).

576 Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2017; 99: 573–578


Table 4 Relationships between LOS and explanatory Table 5 Relationships between readmission and explanatory
variables variables

Variable p-value Variable p-value

LOS ≤24h Previously sought helpa 0.19 Greater number of Previously sought helpa 0.24
Initially saw ENTb 0.50
Initially saw ENTb 0.61
Initially saw seniorc 0.13
Initially saw senior 0.44
Corticosteroid prescription 0.62
Corticosteroid prescription 0.38
Paracetamol prescription 0.53
Paracetamol prescription 0.54
NSAID prescription Significantly
associated with NSAID prescription 0.87
LOS >24h
Weak opioid prescription 0.78
Weak opioid prescription
Benzydamine prescription 0.12
Benzydamine prescription
ENT = ear, nose and throat; NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflamma-
ENT = ear, nose and throat; LOS = length of stay; NSAID = non- tory drug
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug a
Patient previously sought professional help for the same episode;
Patient previously sought professional help for the same episode; b
Patient was managed initially by an ENT doctor, including
Patient was managed initially by an ENT doctor, including cross-cover doctors; cPatient was managed initially by a
cross-cover doctors; cPatient was managed initially by a regis- registrar or consultant of any specialty
trar or consultant of any specialty

cases from multiple centres. As a non-randomised study, the

Discussion presence of confounding factors such as disease severity and
This study raises the possibility that many common medi- treatment heterogeneity is likely, and this could explain the
cal interventions have relatively small effects in terms of effects observed.
objective outcomes. Intriguingly, although there is no evi- While no statistically significant effect was found relating
dence of any difference in the type of care that patients to the use of corticosteroid, it could be argued that clinicians
received, there is a possibility that admission at the week- tend to prescribe adjuvant medication when they believe
end is associated with a shorter LOS. disease severity to be high. Patients with more severe dis-
ease have an inherently longer LOS, which can muddy the
Key points waters.
Nevertheless, our data do not support the notion of dis-
> Women were more likely to seek professional help ease severity as a significant confounder. On the one hand,
before their condition worsened. patients without tachycardia on admission (by inference,
> Seeing an ENT doctor was related to a quicker return more systemically well) were more likely to be discharged
to soft diet but not a shorter LOS. early (OR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.04–1.58). However, when the
> Prescription of corticosteroid, intravenous fluids and admission heart rates and temperatures of both corticoste-
analgesics were not related to a shorter LOS. roid and non-corticosteroid groups were examined, there
> Patients admitted at the weekend were more likely to was no statistically significant difference (p=0.89 and p=0.49
have a shorter LOS. respectively).
It is possible that LOS and interval to return to soft diet
Strengths of the study
are not sensitive enough measures to demonstrate any sig-
To our knowledge, this is the first project to address the sup-
nificant effect from medical interventions. For practical rea-
portive management of tonsillopharyngitis specifically in the
sons, it was decided to record both of these outcome
inpatient setting. Both the relatively large number and the
measures in 12-hour time bands. Similarly, pain scores are
broad geographical (rural and urban) mix of cases help to
the most quoted outcome measure in randomised studies on
support the validity and applicability of this work. Despite
tonsillopharyngitis. Unfortunately, the poor documentation
examining records retrospectively, documentation was fairly
of pain scores in our sample hampers comparison with other
good, with proportions of missing data below 20% for all
variables but one.
These limitations will be addressed in a planned pro-
spective study (BeSMART3).
Study limitations
The retrospective data collection and the lack of randomised
Weekend admissions
allocation were possible sources of bias. This may be miti-
Patients admitted at the weekend appeared to have a shorter
gated somewhat by analysing a relatively large number of
LOS. The reasons are unclear since it was beyond the scope

Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2017; 99: 573–578 577


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578 Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2017; 99: 573–578

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