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By Anadi Kashyap and Anmol Mishra

What we achieved from this project:

• Ability to create accounts using email and password.
• Login from anywhere as long as internet is available.
• Create your own groups, add members, then open the group page to add expenses.
• Can add expense shared with any of the members of the group presently in.
• All the group expenses can be seen in the group screen.
• A summary of the user’s debt or loan to their friends in the group screen.
• Heavy duty tasks like database requests handled in separate background threads instead of GUI
thread to maintain responsiveness of the application.

Technologies used:
• JavaFX for GUI.
• Jfoenix to get material style components inside JavaFX.
• Firebase(using wrapper library firebase4j) for database and accounts management.
• Maven to manage dependencies.
• CSS for a bit of styling of JavaFX components.

GROUP 12 !1

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