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Fall 2019 Prof.

Noémie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne


Demo I
1. Main objective
In this demo you will learn about the basics and applications of the GC-MS. You will be
introduced different components of the GC-MS, which are related to the learning objectives of
the lectures on “Measurement systems”. You will also briefly see the GC-MS concepts in
class during the modules on “Chemicals in liquids and gases”. During this demo, you will also
learn how to characterize an unknown compound using GC-MS.
2. Theoretical concepts
2.1. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

A GC-MS represents a combination of two powerful analytical techniques: GC or gas

chromatography, which acts as a separation technique and MS or mass spectrometry, which
acts as a detection technique. Complex mixtures of chemical compounds can be injected into
the GC, either manually or using an autosampler, and then separated for presentation to the
MS. The MS will then generate a mass spectrum of the GC eluent and its components, which
can be used for qualitative identification, as well as accurate and precise quantification of the
individual compounds present in the sample (Figure 1).

Figure 1) components and arrangement of the GC-MS set up.

GC is used to separate a sample into its individual chemical components so that their
identification can occur. First, the sample must be prepared using a technique compatible with
Fall 2019 Prof. Noémie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne

GC. Most of the preparation techniques involve dissolving the sample into an organic solvent.
The sample will then be injected, mixed with a carrier gas, and pushed down to the capillary
column to slow down for separation. The different chemicals are separated based on their
volatility and on their mass.
After an individual compound leaves the GC column, it enters the ionization source in a mass
spectrometer. MS works by ionizing chemical compounds (in the ionization chamber) to
generate charged molecular fragments and measuring their mass-to-charge ratios. Molecules
are blasted by electron with 70 eV which causes them to break into unique fragments with
positive charge. These ions travel into an electromagnetic column that filters them based on
their mass. The particles must be charged to pass through the filters. The detector amplifies
and counts the number of ions associated with that specific mass. That information then is sent
to a computer and a mass spectrum is created, showing the number of ions with different
masses travelled through the filter (Figure 2). Using a computer algorithm, this generated
spectrum then is compared and matched against the library database containing known

Figure 2) MS spectrum of acetone showing different fragmentations after ionization.

2.2. Applications of GC-MS

GC-MS provides enhanced sample identification, higher sensitivity, an increased range of

analyzable samples, and faster results, compared with a mass spectrometer that is not coupled
with gas chromatograph, and it enables a whole new range of applications for GC-MS in
several areas. Medicine, environmental monitoring, food and fragrance analysis, forensic
applications are the areas that GC-MS is used.

3. Assignment
Fall 2019 Prof. Noémie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne

Based on the discussion that we had during the demo, please answer the questions below:
1. What type of the instrument is GC-MS? List the four instrument type categories that match
this instrument (contact/non-contact, active/passive, deflection/null-type, analog/digital) (2
2. Which component acts as sensor in the GC-MS?
3. Draw a schematic that shows the components of the GC-MS (at least two components for
GC and four for MS) in a logical order for a measurement system.
4. In the scheme, show all the input/output variables, and mention at least one function for
each component (three functions for the sensor).
**Questions 2, 3, 4 = 8 pt.
You can draw the scheme with all of the components by hand, scan your document and upload it
on myCourses.

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