Chapter 11 Edu 210

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Chapter 11 Assignment

Chapter 11 Assignment

Edward Abarca

College of Southern Nevada

Chapter 11 Assignment

A new Jehovah’s Witness, Karen White, informed her kindergarten class, as well as

their parents, that there would no longer be involvement in activities or projects that included

religious content. Because of this, there would be a few changes to the classroom setting. Around

the holiday season, Ms. White would no longer participate in decorating the classroom nor

participate in gift exchanges. Due to her affiliation, this would also mean that she will no longer

participate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance or sing “Happy Birthday.” Parents did not agree

with this change, which led the school’s principal, Bill Ward, to recommend that Ms. White

should be dismissed, stating that her students were not going to meet specific needs.

One way, and possibly the only way, that her dismissal could go through would be

if the state felt that it was a just means for her termination. If they believed so, they could argue

and say that it was necessary because of the missing educational purposes that came with certain

aspects that will no longer be in the classroom. Although that is a stretch, it is the only way to

justify this act. There are several things put in place, that in this case, will protect Ms. White.

Since she has decided against taking action in anything involving religion, the parents might

assume that their children will be punished if they decide to do something that does involve

religion within Ms. White’s classroom. If this is the case, Ms. White can get herself in trouble for

interfering with her student’s freedom of religion.

In the case of Wisconsin v. Yoder, the courts found that forcing Amish children to

go to school past the eighth grade infringed upon their free exercise of religion. I believe that this

situation is the same. I do not believe that if this was taken to court that it would rule in favor of

Mr. Ward. Although the parents feel that their children will miss out on very important content,

they most likely will not. In her kindergarten class, Ms. White will be providing her students
Chapter 11 Assignment

with content that they need to know in advancement in their educational career. Going on, Ms.

White gave this information in a way that was not disruptive, harmful, nor vulgar in any means.

In conclusion, I do not believe that Principal Ward is justified in recommending

that Karen White should be dismissed, nor do I believe that the courts would rule in favor of Mr.

Ward. If Ms. White provides the standard education for her

Chapter 11 Assignment


Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972)

Chapter 11 Assignment

students and does so in a way that does not involve their religion or hers, she should absolutely

be able to keep her job.

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