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Cui, Ervin Patrick U.

Dela Cruz, Mariella O.
Lalic, Aira Cannille C.
Napili, Jonalyn V.
Sampang, Gabrielle Jan M.
Tongol, Nika Mae. P.





Chapter 1


1.1 Background of the Study

Ever since the beginning of human civilization, humans prioritize economic development
more than anything else. One thing that is being sacrificed in order for them to reach the latter’s
maximum progress is agriculture. Rice fields and green pastures were transformed to residential,
commercial, and industrial areas which in turn lead to a tremendous absence of healthy soil. Crops
are highly dependent on weather, and through the years, the weather condition in the country
becomes more unpredictable due to climate change (Gopinath, P. et. al., 2017).

Another thing that causes the lack of crop-friendly lands is the rapid population growth. As
of July 2019, the Philippine population is roughly 108 million, according to the latest estimation
from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Due to this large populace, a
higher demand in food resources is then appealed. This continuous overpopulation dilemma is also
the reason why more green fields are turned to shelters until the cultivation of crops is being less
deemed. According to Cunningham (n.d.), approximately four million hectares are lost because of
conversion of lands for highways, housing, factories, and other urban needs.

Traditional farming involves the intensive use of indigenous knowledge, traditional tools,
natural resources, organic fertilizer and cultural beliefs of farmers. Although still used by about
fifty percent of the world’s population, depletion of nutrients, deforestation, soil erosion, and
unhealthy crops are among its negative impact in the environment. (Anwar, 2018).

Given the disadvantages and the different conditions that affect the efficacy of traditional
farming, urban farming is slowly being used instead in cities around the world. This method
transforms traditional farming into a sustainable growing scheme which allows metropolitan places
to harvest crops since they now have weak soil for planting.

While there are varieties of urban farming techniques in the market, all techniques convene
in one similar goal – to provide nutrients to the plants, yet in different environment. Common
procedures such as rooftop farming, hydroponics and aquaponics have remained prevailing urban
agriculture up to date. (Fletcher, 2019)

Aeroponics is a type of soilless cultivation where crops are suspended in the air or mist.
The water droplet size must be big enough to carry the nutrients to the roots in sufficient quantity
yet small enough to not immediately precipitate out of the root mass. Aeroponics was widely used
in horticultural species like tomato, lettuce, cucumber and ornamental plants.

The replacement of human labor with automation is a developing trend among several
industries, and agriculture is not excluded (Brown, 2018).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 General Objectives

The general objective of this study is to innovate an Indoor Aeroponics System Controller to grow
Solanum Lycopersicum for faster and safer propagation with applied Internet of Things (IoT).

1.3.1 Specific Objectives

 To use Aeroponic technique for the growth of Solanum Lycopersicum and LED
lights as an alternative source of lights.

 To observe the growth of Solanum Lycopersicum in High-pressure

Aeroponic system .

 To determine and control the light intensity of the LED being exposed to the plant;
 To monitor the accuracy of the humidity and temperature sensor;

 To be able to provide ventilation to the plants;


 To develop an Android application for the system;

 To have a backup source of energy which is solar panel.

1.4 Scope and Delimitations

Aeroponics is the modern agricultural conception in which plants are grown without soil.
In this project, Aeroponics method was used and focused in growing Solanum

The prototype shall require the user to manually implant the seeds and must provide all the
materials to be used in the completion of Aeroponics farming. Since the used farming
method is Aeroponics, it offers an automatic irrigation of plant using submersible water pump
that will deliver the water by sprinkling them while the plants are hanged above.

The system composes of Humidity and Temperature sensor used for monitoring the condition
inside the greenhouse. The data that was measured can be displayed using Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD) and through android app using the applied Internet of Things (IoT).

The prototype shall be located in an enclosed space where the researchers can take control and
monitor it properly. However, the energy source must be kept outdoor since it is solar-powered and
a solar energy 800Ah storage battery is to be connected to the main power supply. .

1.5 Significance of the Study

People who are farming hydroponically will greatly benefit from the research because the time
they need to monitor the water’s pH level, temperature and humidity will greatly decrease,
considerably less maintenance is needed, and help the environment by conserving water and
reducing the amount of human labor involved. The society and the relationship between
individuals will benefit greatly from the research by sharing new insights and learning from those
improvements in technology especially in the agriculture sector of the society. The economy of
the country will take benefit from these improvements. The government will be introduced to

new methods and procedures of hydroponics gardening that can be adapted by the agricultural
sector especially on urban areas where farming areas are small. This will also implement new set
of standards to other areas that are not exposed to these kinds of techniques. The community
where farming is situated will also benefit from the high productivity of the arming business
therefore increasing income will be expected. since every variable prior to the plants growth is all
at the farmer’s hand.

1.6 Description of the Project

The thesis is a growing chamber that grows plants vertically and aeroponically, without soil. It
offers an alternative way of farming that can provide monitoring capability of the pH level of the
water, temperature, and humidity using Internet of Things (IOT) via Android Application
making it more advanced in giving optimal condition for the plants than the conventional way
of gardening.

The data from Sensors through Raspberry Pi that connected in Arduino board and programmed
collects data about pH level of the water and will store in the database.

Based on optimal conditions, the system maintains the best growing environment for the plants
Whenever the pH level of the water drops below the minimal acceptable value or exceeds the
maximum acceptable value, the system automatically (without user input) actuates to return the
pH level of the water to its optimal value. Actuation includes turning on/ off the peristaltic pump
and submersible pump.

1.7 Methodology

Experimental method of investigation and descriptive approach were administered in the

project. The prototype is powered using an Alternating Current (AC) source but it has a backup
energy source which is solar panel to supply power to the system when AC is unavailable. Digital
Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT11), pH probe, and Electrical Conductivity Probe were
used to monitor the surrounding parameters of the plant. Red and blue LED strips and light bulbs
acted as an artificial sunlight for the plants. An eight channel relay was connected to the Raspberry
Pi to control the switching of the grow lights, water and nutrient pump, solenoid valve, ultrasonic

mist maker, and exhaust fans. In addition, a four-channel relay was connected to the Raspberry
Pi to control the switching of the red and blue LED strips. An exhaust fan was placed to provide
proper ventilation to the plants. Furthermore, a humidifier was used to increase the humidity
which is also connected to the eight-channel relay to control the switching of the device. DC
powered water pumps were used to supply water needed by the plants. The microcontroller
collects data from the sensors and actuators and transmit it to the Raspberry Pi which will then
be used to control the relay channels and store it in a database. To be able to remotely monitor
and control the prototype, an android mobile application was designed provided that the user
has an access to the internet. The research was designed with MariaDB MySQL, OpenCV,
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Python, Android Studio, Firebase, Paper.init, and Arduino
IDE. Lastly, a website was developed to display information about the research, as well as the
graphs showing the changes in temperature, soil moisture, and humidity.

For the descriptive part, the response time of the python code was checked based on the
time recorded on the database. The same process was used to observe the android application
and the transmission of data response time.

1.8 Gantt Chart


1.9 Estimated Budget of the Project




The study involving different farming innovations and its applications have both been
closely observed by the scientific community both locally and in international studies. With
different breakthroughs and interventions being added to existing farming systems and eventually
created alternative means to farm adapting to the environmental landscape.

2.1 Urban Farming over Traditional Agriculture

The invention of agriculture dates back to 10,000 years and grew spontaneously at multiple
civilizations throughout the world (Mexico, China, The Middle East, and Borneo). It rapidly spread
to almost every culture, offering a better life to those who practiced it. For thousands of years and
up to modern times, agriculture was essentially practiced in the same way as the original farmers
invented it: dig a hole, plant a seed, fertilize it, irrigate it, pick it out, harvest the crop, and eventually
sell it. In an effort to ensure food security to mankind, the global agricultural community currently
farms a landmass larger than the entire continent of South America. (Ramankutty, N. et al., 2008)

Traditional Agriculture can be described as a primitive style of farming that utilizes the
heavy use of aboriginal knowledge, tools, resources and traditional belief and understanding of
farmers. It is still practiced by about fifty percent of farmers in the world today. (Anwar, S., 2018)

Growing food in urban environments seems like an attractive proposition, partly because
of the inherent sustainability: waste heat that all cities generate can be harnessed, and grey water
or surface runoff and nutrient-rich sewage effluent can be recycled. As well as a sustainable use of
brownfield sites, it can reduce the carbon footprint of food transport and can make cities greener.
For families living in poverty, urban farming produces an income and can diversify diet without
having to speed much. Community-based projects can promote social interaction and outdoor
activity for a double dose of health benefits. Areas designed with urban farming in mind — such
as vertical farms (growing plants up the sides of buildings, for example) and patchworks of fields
between, on top of or within blocks of buildings — could shape our future cities. Rooftop and
indoor farming would further increase the land area available for agriculture. (Meharg, A., 2016)

From an environmental perspective, growing food indoors creates an opportunity for

returning farmland to its original ecological function. In several instances, abandoned agricultural
land leads to the regrowth of the forest. (Tak, K. et. al , 2007) [4]

In the 1930s, Dr. William Gericke and colleagues of University of California - Davis,
perfected hydroponics (Gericke, W., 2010) [3]; an alternative strategy to farming, in which plants
are grown in the absence of soil. Instead, the plant roots are exposed to an aqueous solution that
contains all of the essential nutrients. That work is credited with catalyzing the current boom in
hydroponic (Despommier, D., 2010) [5] and aeroponic growing systems [6] that are currently in
use by countless high-tech greenhouse operations throughout the world. Indoor farming in all its
forms is now simply referred to as controlled environment agriculture (CEA).

In the past 5 years, with the advent of spectrum-specific, higher efficiency light-emitting
diode (LED) grow lights, together with computer-assisted control systems for monitoring and
delivering precise amounts of nutrients, adjusting the pH, temperature, and oxygen content of the
nutrient solution, and for assessing the growth and overall health of each crop, CEA has rapidly
evolved into a commercially viable approach for the large-scale production of a wide variety of
crops in close proximity to, or even within, urban centers. Indoor farming offers a number of
advantages over the traditional soil-based agriculture (Wheeler, R.M., 2010) [4]; the most
important one being total control of conditions necessary to achieve optimal survival, growth, and
maturation of any given crop, thereby ensuring maximum yield per square foot of growing space.
A wide variety of vegetables and fruits, as well as some species of fish, domestic fowl, and
crustaceans, thrive under near ideal conditions employing CEA technologies. In some extreme
cases, such as hydroponically grown leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, kale, and basil), as many as
eight crops per year are typically harvested, compared with just three from most outdoor farms. For
strawberries, the yield can be as great as 30 times more per acre compared to outdoor farms
(personal communication).

The number of technological options available for reducing our agricultural impact on the
land and the oceans, while at the same time sustaining a growing human population is very limited.
In the researchers’ point of view, vertical farming represents one of the few new opportunities that
we should fully explore over the next 10–20 years, especially if we are serious about living our
lives in balance with the rest of the life forms on Earth without further endangering both theirs, and
ultimately ours.

2.2 Aeroponics System

Aeroponics is a procedure of promotion of growth of plants while they hung in the

air and exposing their lower stem and roots. The plants were placed in a closed or semi-closed pest
and disease free environment and are being sprayed by a nutrient-rich water solution. This
procedure results to faster and healthier growth of plants (Bradshaw, 2018). [7]

Aeroponics is a subgroup of hydroponics. The plant grow by misting rich nutrients water
and uses no growing medium at all. The roots of the plants are suspended in a gloaming enclosure,
while a nutrient-based water solution is applied at certain intervals on the roots (AlShrouf, 2017).
[8] Aeroponics is a science of cultivation of plants without the utilization of soil. The plant grows
in the air with the support of an artificial support but no soil or substrate is needed to support it
(Lakhiar, et al. 2018). [9]

In a scholarly article Aeroponics was seen as a highly advantageous alternative

growing method system (in comparison to hydroponics, aquaponics and conventional methods)
as it allows and even takes advantage of a conducive space for root and its tubes to develop and
grow accordingly. It also exhibits monitoring capabilities and uptake over time in relation to
varying conditions. [24]

Aeroponics is considered to be another form of hydroponic as water is utilized to transfer

nutrients. It is the process of growing plants without the use of soil or an aggregate medium in air
or mist environment (Pala et al. 2015). [10]

The aeroponic technique is an optional tool for soil-less culture in greenhouses and other
growth-controlled environments. It consists of supplying a nutrient solution and the plants were
enclosed on a dark chamber. (Gopinath et al. 2017) [11]

Some horticultural management factors should be studied to optimize minituber production

through aeroponics. Potato plantlets, cv Zorba, were two different plant densities (60 and 100
plants/m2) grown aeroponically. After planting, these plants showed an extended vegetative cycle
of about 5 month. An increase of stolons was attained at low plant densities. Supplied N was
reduced when tuber formation hastened. Tests done on harvesting intervals (7, 10, and 14 days)
showed that for a density of 60 plants/m2 for both minitubers recording an increase in its yield
while interval harvesting decreased respectively. Best results were achieved harvesting every 7
days: a total tuber yield of 118.6 g per plant was obtained (four times higher than for 100 plants/m2).

The recorded yield was composed of 13.4 tubers with a mean tuber weight of 8.1 g. Harvesting
intervals on the other hand, did not have an effect on the number of minitubers yielded a density of
100 plants/m2. The most optimal result obtained in this study was 800 minitubers/m2 for weekly
harvests and a low plant density (60 plants/m2). The researchers also studied the field performance
of aeroponically produced minitubers vs those minitubers produced by hydroponics. The behavior
of minituber under field conditions was independent from the method used for its production. [15]

Reasonable supplement the board systems of any business harvest should be founded on
solid indictors of mineral supplement take-up and dry weight apportioning all through the
development and advancement. Hence there is merit in deciding ideal mineral supplement take-up
utilizing procedures that offer progressively viable control of supplement levels at the root surface.
This examination utilized aeroponics to research supplement take-up and consequent development
reactions in handling tomato. The distinctions in nourishing systems utilized (L = 0.7ms·cm-1; H
= 2.0ms·cm-1) were deficient to cause huge variety in crisp organic product weight and natural
product number. High mineral sustenance (H = 2.0ms·cm-1) did anyway fundamentally increment
vegetative development (LDW and SDW) from 50 days (P<0.05). There was proof to propose that
these natural product were of higher quality (% solids and K content) to those developed under low
sustenance (L = 0.7ms·cm-1). It was recommended that yield was sink constrained. Results from
this examination are at present being field-tried to build up a progressively practical way to deal
with dribble fertigation underway of this significant preparing crop. [16]

Aeroponics is the soilless development and it is a procedure of developing yields suspended

noticeable all around or in a fog without utilizing soil. The standards of aeroponics depend on the
probability of developing vegetables whose roots are not embedded in a substratum or soil, yet in
compartments loaded up with streaming plant nourishment. In these holders roots can locate the
best condition in regards to oxygenation and dampness. These conditions take into account better
plant nourishment osmosis in an increasingly adjusted manner, with important quicker
advancement of the developed plants. The aeroponic framework is more easy to use as the plants
are altogether isolated, they are altogether suspended noticeable all around and the underlying
foundations of the plants are not in anything like soil or water. Likewise, the collecting of yields is
straightforward. Numerous vegetable yields like potato, yams, tomato, lettuce and a portion of the
verdant vegetables are in effect economically developed in aeroponic framework. [17]

Manual method checking the parameters is the oldest method used in agriculture. The
farmers themselves verify and calculate all the readings of all the parameters. IoT technology aims
to create agriculture smart using automation. It is concentrated on developing system of devices
that will manage, display and notify the user using wireless network system. The methodology of
smart farming greenhouse is a building in which plants are grown in closed environment. It is used
to not only maintain the optimal conditions of the environment, greenhouse management but also
to improve data acquisition through alternative methods. [18]

By using IoT, it can be expected that the increase in production with low cost by monitoring
the efficiency of the soil, temperature and humidity, rain fall monitoring, fertilizers efficiency,
monitoring storage capacity of water storage containers and also theft detection in. So the crop
yield can be improved by using automatic machineries. There is an inherent need to implement
modern science and technology in the agriculture to further increase the efficiency and yield. The
combination of traditional methods with latest technologies as Internet of Things and Wireless
Sensor Networks can lead to agricultural modernization. The Wireless Sensor Network which
collects the data from different types of sensors and send it to the main server using wireless
protocol. [19]

While being in a closed structure, Greenhouse in general protects plants from extreme
weather conditions such as strong gusts of wind, hailstorm, ultraviolet radiations, and insect and
pest attacks. The irrigation of agriculture field on the other hand, is carried via using automatic drip
irrigation which operates to the soil moisture threshold set accordingly to ensure that the optimal
amount of water is supplied to the plants. Based on data acquired, proper amount of nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium and other minerals can be applied by using drip fertigation techniques.
Proper water management tanks are built and are filled with water after measuring the current water
level with the use of an ultrasonic sensor. Plants are also provided the requisite light during the
night using growing lights. Temperature and air humidity also are controlled by humidity and
temperature sensors and a fogger is used to control the same. [20]

Aeroponics and other alternative methods in growing have been used for different
vegetables and edible products to allow consumers to become self-sufficient. With the
modernization and changes in the Urban landscape, it is a challenge to bring vegetation to
constricted residential in the city (Lin et al., 2017). As a result of this demand, the

abovementioned methods are heavily used to bring food production in an urbanized area, this
includes: urban buildings, open rooftop farms and indoor farms (Thmaier et al., 2015)

Various studies surrounding aeroponics focuses on the scalability and adaptability in

growing different kinds of vegetables such as basil (Salachas,Tarantillis), lettuce, among others.
In a study which focused on the growth of basil, two tests were simultaneously conducted in
which natural sunlight and fluorescent lighting were pitted against each other, when each plant
yield were compared with each other, the former yielded improvement after days of the trial
which was grown via aeroponics. [21]

The advancement of technology control and monitoring systems became a necessity to

integrate web-monitoring to ensure that plants that are growing through Aeroponics are
monitored through different modules involved in monitoring pH water level, light intensity and
temperature which relays reports to users via short messaging system which provides
environmental data and monitoring and will alert users if adjustments are necessary [25]

In a review article by Lakhiar, et. al., multiple sensor integration became a norm in
agricultural innovations particularly in adding control and monitoring modules in the aeroponic
system. With such, the system can be upgraded further for full Internet of Things (IoT) integration
via Wi-Fi modules, data storage via MicroSD memory and/or cloud storage or data streaming /
alerts via applications such as Twitter, Messenger etc. Other forms of upgrades were also applied
to existing aeroponic systems prior to the current trend in IoT integration: GSM modules were
widely used for data transmission in sync with other intelligent sensors. Nowadays, modern
aeroponic, hydroponic and aquaponic systems rely on a wireless technology in order to monitor
the condition of not only the plant but also the condition of the environment encompassing the
system. This Sensor network allows for fault detection and diagnosis via agricultural monitoring
which was seen as a hindrance back then, approaches such as real-time monitoring, fault
detection, automation and control are all possible with the synthesis of the sensors and modules.

2.3 Tomato Horticulture

Tomato (Solanum Iycopersium) is a fruit from the nightshade family native to South
America. Loam and sandy loam soils are suited best for tomato production. Generally, tomatoes
grow in almost all soil types except heavy clay. Soil’s acidity can be measured by its potential
Hydrogen (pH). A pH of 7 is considered neutral, while anything lower is acidic and anything higher
is alkaline. These plants grow best in neutral or near-neutral soil. [14]

Tomato is a major vegetable/fruit crop that has achieve tremendous popularity over the last
century. It is grown essentially every country of the world – in outdoor fields and greenhouses.
Both world production and consumption of food has grown exponentially over the past 25 years.
Tomatoes, aside from their good taste, are nutritious as they are a good source of vitamins A and
C. Vitamin A is important for bone growth, cell division and differentiations, for helping in the
regulation of immune system and maintaining surface linings of eyes, respiratory, urinary and
intestinal tracts. Vitamin C is important in forming collagen, a protein that gives structures to bones,
cartilage, muscle and blood vessels. [12]

Tomato production from April to June 2019 decreased by 2.1%, from 73.50 thousand
metric tons to 71.95 thousand metric tons in the same quarter from the previous year. Ilocos Region
recorded the biggest production of 27.97 thousand metric tons, representing 38.9% of the total
tomato output this quarter. It was followed by Central Luzon and Cagayan Valley with 11% and
9.5% shares, respectively. [13]

Tomatoes on the other hand is also widely used as a plant to be grown with the aid of
aeroponics. With use of rock wall blocks or perlite field pots cultured for aeroponics, the hybrid
AP/NFT system produced varying height and internode length but at the same time mature plants
in comparison to a traditional rock wool cultivation method. The result set was proven
consistency when it yielded a similar result when tested for the second time and succeeding tests
yielding consistent results.[22]

Another study which focuses on the evaluation of tomatoes as a part of an aquaponic

system was also conducted in which both the Tilapia and Tomatoes greatly benefited from the
system. Gathered visual data noted that through hydroponics, the leaf area per plant was
significantly bigger at 1.36+ 0.15 in comparison Aquaponics at 1.15+0.16. In conjunction, the

increase of the leaf area meant that the yield of the vegetable at a yearly basic grew significantly
improved as per the study suggests. The study also pointed out that both alternative growing
systems outgrew the standard soil growing method of Tomatoes [23]


[1] Ramankutty, N. et al. (2008) Farming the planet: geographicdistribution of global agricultural
lands in the year 2000. Global Biogeochem. Cycles

[2] Shakeel Anwar (2018) Traditional Agriculture and its impact on the environment

[3] Meharg, A. (2016) Perspective: City farming needs monitoring

[4] Wheeler, R.M. et al. (1996) Proximate composition of CELSS crops grown in NASA’s biomass
production chamber. Adv. Space Res. 18, 43–47

[5] Despommier, D. (2010) The Vertical Farm. Martin’s Press

[6] Peterson, C. (2012) Advanced Aeroponics. Kindle Edition

[7] Bradshaw (2018), Creative uses of Aeroponics from

[8] AlShrouf (2017), Hydroponics, Aeroponic and Aquaponic as Compared with Conventional

[9] Lakhiar, et. al. (2018), Modern plant cultivation technologies in agriculture under controlled
environment: a review on aeroponics

[10] Pala, et. al. (2015), Aeroponic Greenhouse as an Autonomous System Using Intelligent
Space for Agriculture Robotics

[11] Gopinath, et. al. (2017), Aeroponics Soilless Cultivation System for Vegetable Crops

[12] Zvi Howard Wener : Importance of the Tomato from

[13] (June 2019) , Major Vegetables and Root Crops Quarterly Bulletin from

[14] (Richard Corrigan, November 18, 2018) from

[15] Imma Farran and Angel M. Mingo-Castel (2006) Potato Minituber Production Using
Aeroponics: Effect of Plant Density and Harvesting Intervals

[16] P.R. Johnstone, M.A. Nichols, K.J. Fisher and Jeff Reid (2001), NUTRITIONAL STUDIES

[17] P Gopinath, P. Irene Vethamoni and M. Gomathi , Aeroponics Soilless Cultivation System for
Vegetable Crops ISSN 2278-6783

[18] Dr.N.Suma, Sandra Rhea Samson, S.Saranya, G.Shanmugapriya, R.Subhashr (2017) IOT
Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System

[19] Prathibha, Hongal, Jyothi (2017) IoT Based Monitoring System in Smart Agriculture

[20] Ravi Kishore Kodali, Vishal Jain and Sumit Karagwal (2016) IoT based Smart Greenhouse

[21] Adam Vessallo “Low Effort Management of Basil” in Queen’s University, Ontraio,

[22] D. Dannehl, Z. Taylor, J. Suhl, L. Miranda, R., Ulrichs, C., Salazar, E. Fitz-Rodriguez, I.
Lopez-Cruz, A. Rojano- Aguilar, G. Navas-Gomez, U. Schmidt “Sustainable Cities: Viability
of a Hybrid Aeroponics / Nutrient Film Technique System for Cultivation of Tomatoes” in the
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Agriculture
and Biosystems Engineering such as in Agricultural Water Management.

[23] Johanna Suhla, Dennis Dannehl, Werner Kloasc,, Daniela Baganza, Sebastian
Jobs,”Advanced aquaponics: Evaluation of Intense Tomato Production in Aquaponics vs
Conventional Hyroponics. in Agricultural Water Management (October 14, 2016)

[24] P Gopinath*, P. Irene Vethamoni and M. Gomathi, “Aeroponics Soilless Cultivation

System for Vegetable Crops” in Chemical Science and Review Center

[25] Muhammad Ikhsan Sani, Simon Siregar, Aris Pujud Kurniawan, Rakhmi Jauhari, Chintya
Nermelita Mandalahi “Web-based monitoring and aeroponics growing Aris Pujud Kurniawan,
Rakhmi Jauhari,” in The 2016 International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewal Energy
and Communication.

[26] Imran Ali Lakhiar, Gao Jianmin, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Noman Ali
Buttar , and Waqar Ahmed Qureshi “Monitoring and Control Systems in Agriculture Using
Intelligent Sensor Techniques: A Review of the Aeroponic System” in Hindawi Journal of
Sciences (December 19, 2018)

Anwar, S. (February, 2018) – Traditional Agriculture and its Impact on the Environment

Cunningham, M. (n.d.) – Problems in agriculture: loss of land and decreased varieties. Science
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Fletcher, M. (2019) – Five Innovative Ways to Make Urban Farming More Sustainable. Retrieved

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