Prophylactic Tocolysis (Atosiban or Alternatively Indomethacin or Nifedi-Pine) and Antibiotics (Cefazolin 2 G I.V. 8 Hourly) Until 24 H After The Procedure

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Fetal abdominal paracentensis

 Chlorhexidine/povidone iodine
 18- or 20-gauge angiocatheter

 5-mL syringes

 2-mL syringes

tocolysis (atosiban or alternatively indomethacin or nifedi-
pine) and antibiotics (cefazolin 2 g i.v. 8 hourly) until 24 h
after the procedure.
7. Feto
 Chlorhexidine/povidone iodine
 Tokolisis profilaksis (indomethacin atau nifedipine)
 antibiotics (cefazolin 2 g i.v.)
 ancuronium (0.2 mg/kg)
 atropine (20 μg/kg),
 fentanyl (15 μg/kg)
 lidocaine 1% 10–20 mL.
 Disposable flexible 10 Fr cannula diisi dengan trokar piramidal
 Fetoscope dengan delivery catheter diisi dengan detachable inflatable latex balloon
 Ringer laktat
8. Fetal shunt pada fetal hidrotoraks
 18 gauge 20 cm Inrad needle
 0.035” Rosen guidewire
 6 French 13 cm peel-away sheath
 4.5 French 6 cm double J ureteral stent

9. Fetal shunt untuk CPAM

 Chlorhexidine/povidone iodine
 Tokolisis profilaksis (indomethacin atau nifedipine)
 A double-pigtail catheter
 betamethasone 12mg intramuscular
 RL
10. Fetal shunt untuk LUTO
 Chlorhexidine/povidone iodine
 A double-pigtail catheter
 Fentanyl (15 μgLKg)
 pancuronium (0.5–2 mg/Kg)
 Metal cannula pada trokar
11. Fetal torakocentesis

 Chlorhexidine/povidone iodine
 lidocaine 1-2%
 No. 11 scalpel blade
 Catheter torakosentesis
 Botol vakum
12. Fetoscopic mmc repair
 Chlorhexidine/povidone iodine
 Scalpel blade
 Cephazolin 2 gr
 18‐cm Joel‐Cohen laparotomy
 Vycril 0
 Vycril 5.0
 Vicryl 2–0
 Monocryl 4‐0
 Monocryl 5.0
 fentanyl (20 mg/kg of estimated fetal weight)
 heated saline solution
 Penutup plastik steril
 ephedrine atau metaraminol
 atropine (0.02 mg/kg)
 adrenaline (1 μg/kg)

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