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The aim of this experiment is to use the funnel viscosity to determine an effective
viscosity of a drilling fluid, due to known a marsh funnel time of drilling fluid then find
the effective viscosity by equation.


Viscosity is a physical property of a fluid that defines its tendency / resistance to flow,
usually represented by the (μ) symbol. A fluid with high viscosity has a low flow
tendency while fluids with higher viscosity flow easily. the mud viscosity is another
important property, as cuttings will settle to the bottom of the well if the viscosity is too

Marsh Funnel viscosity is frequently used for monitoring the relative change in the
Relative viscosity of the drilling fluids.. This test is quick, simple and requires very little
equipment. Using power law rheological model, estimated the effective viscosity of
drilling fluids from Marsh Funnel time. The following equation relates the effective
viscosity µe (cp) to the Marsh funnel (quart) time t (seconds) and the density(g/cm -3)

It has therefore been usual to regard the Marsh funnel as a purely empirical measurement
of no fundamental significance. However, generations of mud engineers have adjusted
and controlled drilling muds with this device, and the author's own experience of using
the funnel led him to feel that there was a genuine pattern, probably the recognized
intuitively by experts in the field.

 Mud balance: a simple device is used for determination of mud density, and it is
consist of constant cup with lid of cup, graduated arm with scale and rider. (Fig 1)
 Marsh funnel: is a simple device, it is used for measuring viscosity. (Fig 2)
 Mixer: a device that is moved by an electric motor for mixing a mixture. (Fig 3)
 Cylinder: it is used to determine volume of water (ml). (Fig 4)
 Electronic balance: balance: a device is used to accuracy measure amount of
mass. (Fig 5)
 Beaker: a small container used for measuring volume (ml). (Fig 6)
 Lab spatula: is a broad, flat, flexible blade used to mix, spread, and lift materials.

Figure 1 mud balance

Figure 2 marsh funnel Figure 3 mixer

Figure 7 lab spatula

Figure 4 cylinder Figure 5 electric balance Figure 6 beaker


 First take the outlet tub of marsh funnel by holding the finger.
 Fill the marsh funnel with fresh water at 70 F (plus or minus 5 F) until the water
level reaches the bottom of the screen 1500 cc.
 Quickly remove the finger from the outlet of tube marsh funnel and immediately
measure the time of outflow of the quarter (946cc) should be 26 seconds plus or
minus 0.5 seconds.
 Sometimes didn’t get this accurate record time, cause of this test was not at 70 F
and water is not fresh water, maybe record lower or higher time than (26
seconds).see Figure 8
 Error in calibration 0.13%

Figure 8 marsh funnel

 To find viscosity of mud first prepare the mud then it is used to determine
viscosity and known a density of mud.
 Prepare six of mud which total volume of mud is 1800 ml and had same density.
 Take a funnel of marsh in upright position over the center of beaker, use finger to
close the outlet tube of the marsh funnel.
 Fill the marsh funnel by the mud through the filter of marsh funnel to filtering
large solids of mud, filled it until the mud level reaches bottom of the screen
marsh funnel which is 1500 ml.
 Use the stopwatch to recording time in second.
 Quickly remove finger from the outlet and record this time require filling the
beaker until 1 quart level (946 ml), at this level stop recording time.
 Use this result to find the effective viscosity of mud when the density of mud is
known. 𝜇 = 𝜌𝑚(Τm − 25)


Result and discussion:

Table 1 calculation

Density of mud gm./ml Marsh funnel time (sec) Effective viscosity (cp)
1.044 55.43 31.78

𝜇𝑒 = 𝜌𝑚(Τm − 25)
𝜇𝑒: Effective viscosity cp
𝜌𝑚: mud density gm/ml
Τm: Marsh funnels time (sec)


In this lab experiment we use the marsh funnel to get a mud viscosity and we find a
viscosity of the mud it is possible result for us. But not accurate because we maybe didn’t
prepare the best quality of mud with accurate density of this mud, and maybe we have
wrong in recording time of fluid flow, due to we didn’t record time accurately and didn’t
have a good device for measuring marsh funnel time, this test should be done in constant
temperature around 70 F. Temperature and pressure acting on the viscosity of fluid and
viscosity change when T and P are changed. Temperature has a large impact on the liquid


In this lab experiment learn how to use a marsh funnel to measuring marsh funnel time.
Must be work accurate with that device. This test is quick test to indicate fluid viscosity
in lab; it is simple device with low maintenance and Easy to use.

 eser, s. n.d. Viscosity | FSC 432: Petroleum Refining., October 11, 2019.
 Freddie Ruiz, P. 2015. mud viscosity | Pegasus Vertex, Inc. – Blog. Pegasus
Vertex, Inc. - Blog., October
11, 2019.
 Pitt, M. 2000. The Marsh Funnel and Drilling Fluid Viscosity: A New Equation
for Field Use., October
11, 2019.

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