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Boeing and the FAA

allow the use of

equivalent tools and
equipment in airplane
and component
maintenance manuals.

a e r o q u a r t e r ly   qtr_03 | 10
Understanding Tools and
Equipment Equivalency
Operators often contact Boeing asking whether commercial tools and equipment from
different vendors or with different part numbers are equivalent to those listed in Boeing
airplane maintenance manuals (AMMs). In general, if the specifications of the tool or
equipment meet or exceed the specifications of the AMM procedures, they are considered
to be equivalent to the commercial tool or equipment recommended in the AMM.

By Giday Girmay, Associate Technical Fellow, Maintenance and Ground Operations Systems

Being able to quickly determine the equiv­ manuals, and the Boeing standard wiring equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and the
alency of commercial tools and equipment practices manual. U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA):
can reduce or eliminate related airplane Standard tools are those not normally
■■ Boeing allows the use of equivalent
maintenance delays for operators. found in a mechanic’s toolbox but are
tools and equipment throughout AMM
This article explains how to determine required to perform airplane maintenance.
procedures, including the introduction to
the equivalency of commercial tools, as These items, such as oil resistant buckets
AMM Part II (Practices and Procedures)
well as the equivalency of special tools and torque wrenches, do not have vendor
and the Tools/Equipment sections.
and equipment. It also addresses general part numbers. Because there are not many
■■ OEMs such as airplane component sup­
equivalency issues about tools, equipment, equivalency questions about these tools,
pliers allow the use of equivalent tools
and ground-support equipment. they are not discussed in this article.
and equipment in the Testing and Fault
While most of the equivalency questions
Isolation and Special Tools, Fixtures, and
received by Boeing deal with commercial
Basis for equivalency Equipment sections of their CMM.
tools and equipment in Boeing AMMs,
■■ The FAA allows the use of equivalent
the same questions and resolutions
The use of equivalent tools and equipment tools and equipment as stated in Title
can be applied to commercial tools and
has been established by Boeing, original 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part
equipment in component maintenance
145.109 (c) and in Federal Aviation
manuals (CMMs), Boeing fault isolation
Regulation 43.13(a).

25 o m m e r c i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
Establishing equivalency for airplane test or measurement specifications equipment specification with the AMM
commercial tools and equipment in the AMM procedures and compare them procedure specifications.
to the specifications of the proposed equiv­ Equivalent commercial tools and
Most commercial tools and equipment alent tool or equipment. If the specifications equipment in the AMM are identified and
used in AMMs and CMMs are generic in of the tool or equipment meet or exceed designated with a single generic grouping
nature and are designed to make measure­ the specifications of all applicable AMM reference number, beginning with the prefix
ments that are not unique to any specific procedures, they are considered to be “COM” followed by sequence numbers,
test procedure in AMMs or CMMs. They equivalent to the commercial tool or equip­ such as COM-591 (see fig. 1).
are used across different test procedures ment recommended in the AMM procedure.
as applicable and are referred to as Do not use direct comparisons of com­
Establishing equivalency for
commercial-off-the-shelf tools and equip­ mercial tools and equipment specifications special tools and equipment
ment. They are available from multiple as a method for determining equivalency.
vendors with different part numbers and Although commercial tools and equipment
Special tools and equipment are designed
physical attributes and perform the same with identical specifications would be con­
solely to support specific airplane com­
or different functions. They may include sidered equivalent, they are not required
ponent or system maintenance task
industry standard tools and equipment to have identical specifications to be
procedure(s) as specified in AMMs and
such as wrenches, multimeters, and equivalent. For example, it is often possible
CMMs. They have little or no commercial
sockets that are manufactured to a for two different digital multimeters made
use except to support the specific product
recognized industry standard. by different vendors and having different
maintenance for which they are designed.
To determine equivalency of commercial specifications to satisfy the measurement
Normally, there is no equivalent commercial
tools and equipment, users should first or test requirements of a given AMM
tool or equipment available to perform the
ensure that the tool or equipment falls procedure. In this case, both multimeters
related specific maintenance functions.
under the definition of commercial tools meet the equivalency criterion for the
They are primarily designed by the OEM
and equipment as discussed above. (All specific AMM procedure without being
of the airplane or component on which
commercial tools and equipment in the identical in their specifications, looks, and
they are used, not by third-party vendors.
AMMs are identified by Boeing internal dimensions. The equivalent commercial
Examples include all Boeing-designed
reference numbers beginning with the prefix tool or equipment specifications must only
special tools and equipment used in Boeing
“COM,” which stands for commercial. These satisfy the measurement or test require­
AMMs and CMMs.
reference numbers are listed in a table in ments in the AMM procedures. This is
Equivalency for special tools and equip­
the introduction section of the AMMs and how functional equivalency is established
ment is established by comparing the
throughout the tools and equip­ment sections between the commercial tools and equip­
specifications of the recommended and
of the AMM procedures.) Commercial tools ment in question and those recommended
equivalent tools or equipment. This goes
and equipment listed in AMMs include: in the AMM procedures.
beyond the functional equivalency criterion
In addition, commercial tools and
■■ Multimeters, ammeters, megohmmeters, used for commercial tools and equipment.
equipment are not required to have the
bonding meters, and Inductance Capaci­ Potentially equivalent special tools and
same form (e.g., shape, appearance,
tance Resistance (i.e., LCR) meters. equip­ment must be proved to be equivalent
weight, and dimensions) to be equivalent,
■■ Decade resistance boxes, gauges, in form and fit (i.e., interface) as well as func­
nor must they be designed to specifically fit
borescopes, and frequency counters. tion to those recommended in the applicable
or interface with an airplane or its compo­
■■ Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (ARINC) AMM procedures. This may include equiv­
nents. They can use adapters to interface
429/629 data loaders and ARINC alency in accuracies, tolerances, safety
with various products.
429/629 data bus analyzers. (i.e., proof load), physical interface or
Some commercial tools and equipment,
■■ Tools (including crimping and appearance, and functional specifications.
such as bonding meters, must be approved
swaging tools). In order to use equivalent special tools
explosion proof and intrinsically safe to be
■■ Jacks (including tripod, axle, and and equipment in place of those recom­
operated around fueled airplanes. This
hydraulic). mended in the AMM, equivalency must
special requirement is specified along with
be established by following the detailed
The key criterion for equivalency the equipment part numbers in the AMM
guidance provided in the ARINC Report
between commercial tools and equipment equipment list section. Such special
668, “Guidance for Tool and Test Equip­
is their function: an equivalent commercial requirements are also highlighted in the
ment (TTE) Equivalency.” This report is
tool or equipment must perform the same vendor catalog of the commercial tools
available from Aeronautical Radio, Inc.,
function and deliver the same result in a and equipment. To establish equivalency,
2551 Riva Road Annapolis, MD 21401. This
given AMM task procedure as the recom­ any such additional special requirements
extremely detailed and extensive process is
mended commercial tool or equipment. To must be consistently applied to the poten­
beyond the scope of this article. However,
establish equivalency for commercial tools tially equivalent tools and equipment, in
the importance of using the guide for this
and equipment, locate and identify the addition to comparing the tools and
purpose cannot be overstated.
a e r o q u a r t e r ly   qtr_03 | 10
Figure 1: Example of commercial tools and equipment equivalency
In this table, the three equivalent bonding meters are represented by a single Boeing internal reference (i.e., grouping) number of COM-1550. In addition
to designating equivalency, the COM prefix also indicates that the tools and equipment involved are commercial. Operators may procure and use any
one of the three equivalent bonding meters in the specified AMM procedures. Any other potential equivalent bonding meters not listed in the AMM but
available elsewhere can also be used instead of the three listed in this table. It is not possible to list all available equivalent bonding meters in the AMM.
Only representative part numbers are listed to provide some sources for procurement. This approach can be applied to any equivalent commercial tools and
equipment not listed in the AMM. Do not refer to the COM reference numbers, such as COM-1550 and COM-591, during procurement or technical questions.
Instead, refer to the corresponding unique vendor part numbers of the tools and equipment as cross-referenced in the above table. COM numbers are only
for Boeing internal use and are not known by commercial tool and equipment vendors.

Reference Supplier
Number Description Part Numbers Cage Code Airplane Effectivity

COM-591 Multimeter — digital, 189 89536 777‑ALL

handheld (volt dc/ac,
ampere, and resistance 287
measurements or equivalent)



Opt: 187

COM-1550 Meter — bonding (approved C15292 (MODEL T477W) 01014 777‑ALL

explosion proof and
intrinsically safe) M1 3AD17

Note: Part numbers and grouping in this table are examples only. Refer to AMM for current and accurate part number and grouping information.

Figure 2: Example of special tools and equipment equivalency

A single SPL reference number for different tool part numbers indicates that the related special tools are equivalent for the applicable specific airplane series
AMM procedures. Special tools with the option (Opt) prefix in their part numbers are equivalent to the modified (new) versions of the old tool for use on the
same airplane model series as the old tool.

Reference Supplier
Number Description Part Numbers Cage Code Airplane Effectivity

SPL-1450 Adapter — Hoist, J21001-79 81205 777‑ALL

Air‑Conditioning Pack

Opt: J21001-72

Opt: J21001-73

SPL-1561 Jack — Hydraulic B67554 36251

Opt: W93720 28047

HW93720 81205


Opt: J20009-78
Note: Part numbers and grouping in this table are examples only. Refer to AMM for current and accurate part number and grouping information.

27 o m m e r c i a l / a e r o m a g a z i n e
Boeing highly discourages substituting modifications that resulted in the new comparing and matching the old tool wiring
the special tools and equipment listed in J24002-73 tool configuration, as shown and mechanical assemblies to the modifi­
the AMM with other equivalent tools or in the latest design drawing of the ca­tions shown in the latest tool design
equipment for several reasons. Proving and J24002 tool on the drawings. Owners may have this rework
achieving equivalency requires resources, Web portal. Rework instructions are done in-house, by a local vendor for the
engineering, and quality certification efforts typically provided in the design draw­ sole use of the operator, or by contacting
that may exceed the price of the special ings. In this particular case, the new the original tool manufacturer. Special tools
tool or equipment. Additionally, configuration design updated the J24002-56 tool to and equipment modified and upgraded
updates must be maintained on the equiv­ reflect airplane engineering changes. in this manner are considered the original
alent tool or equipment with respect to the ■■ In general, superseded tool corrections tool or equipment, instead of equivalent
frequent revisions of the recommended resolve potential personnel safety issues tool or equipment. In this case, the use
special tool and equipment design drawings. and concerns about airplane or tool of the ARINC Report 668 to demonstrate
Regulators such as the FAA are very strict damages or proper fit and function of equiv­alency is not required. However, if
regarding deviations from the use of special the tool. For this reason, superseded an operator or maintenance and repair
tools and equipment recommended in the tool correction modifications are manda­ organization alters tools or equipment
AMM and may require documented proof tory. Superseded and superseding tools designed by Boeing without coordinating
of equivalency. After all of the time, money, are not considered to be equivalent. with Boeing, or if they replace them with
and resources used to design or procure other tools or equipment designed by
an equivalent special tool or equipment, it Replaced tools different manufacturers, they must establish
is possible that the local regulatory authority ■■ If the tool design modifications do not and maintain equivalency by following the
may not accept the equivalent tool or equip­ involve personnel or equipment safety, ARINC Report 668 guide.
ment. Some local regulatory author­ities proper fit, or function, the unmodified Boeing does not manufacture special
can be very restrictive and may not allow (old) tool is considered replaced by tools and equipment for sale, lease, or
equivalency for special tools or equipment. the modified (new) tool. However, the loan or perform physical tool modifications.
All special tools and equipment in the replaced tool can still be used, as is, Manufacturers licensed by Boeing are
AMM are identified and designated with within its usage effectivity on the same responsible for these tasks. Additionally,
generic grouping reference numbers, begin­ airplane series. For future procurement, customer airlines are authorized by Boeing
ning with the prefix “SPL” (for “special”) only the new tool is recommended. The to fabricate special tools and equipment
followed by sequence numbers, such as new tool modifications typically involve in-house or by local manufacturers under
SPL-1450 (see fig. 2). product improvement changes without the condition that the tools and equipment
affecting the configuration of the tool are exclusively used by the customer
function and interface for the same airlines for maintenance of Boeing airplanes
Superseded and replaced tools
and equipment
airplane series usage as the old tool. directly purchased from Boeing or leased
For this reason, replaced tools are through Boeing.
consid­ered equivalent and optional (or
Because of confusion among some oper­
“Opt”) to the modified new tool within
ators about the role of superseded and Summary
the usage effectivity of the same airplane
replaced tools in Boeing special tools
series as the old tools.
and equipment equivalency, the following Boeing and the FAA allow the use of
■■ When the new tool adds new airplane
examples are provided to clarify the equivalent tools and equipment in AMMs
series usage effectivity, the replaced old
meaning of these terms. and CMMs. For commercial tools or
tool cannot be used on the newly added
equipment, equivalency is determined
airplane series and, as a result, is not
Superseded tools relative to the airplane test or measurement
equivalent to the new tool for use on
■■If a special tool (for example, part num­ result specification stated in the respective
the newly added airplane series. In this
ber J24002-56) is superseded by a tool AMM procedures. For special tools and
case, the new tool is considered back­
with a newer part number (J24002‑73), equipment, establishing equivalency is a
ward compatible for use on the old tool’s
the original tool (J24002 56) is invalid for much more detailed process that involves
airplane model series. But the old tool is
use unless it is upgraded to the new ensuring that the proposed tool or equip­
not forward compatible for use on the
design. A tool change bulletin is always ment is equivalent to the recommended
new airplane series added to the new
issued by Boeing to advise customers tool or equipment in form, fit, and function.
tool. In this situation, the replaced tool
to stop using superseded tools until For more information, please
is not equivalent to the new tool.
the tool has been upgraded with the contact Giday Girmay at giday.a.girmay@
latest modifications. In this example, Owners of Boeing special tools and 
J24002 56 must either be sub­stituted equipment can rework their superseded
by the superseding new tool, J24002‑73, and replaced tools into the configuration of
or reworked to incorporate the design the latest tool design drawings by simply

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