First Period Activities

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Dear students:

Here are the dates for the first period. Be careful with the dates given, there are no
second chances.

Plan your personal activities and keep these dates in mind.


Video 1: 13-Oct-2018 4 points
Introducing Myself
Interactive Activity No.1, 22-28-Oct-2018 6 points
Units 1, 2, and 3
Interactive No. 2, 5-11- Nov-2018 10 points
Units 4, 5, and 6
On line study guide, 12-18-Nov-2018 15 points
Units 1 to 6
Video 2: 15-20-Nov-2018 5 points
Shopping in my city
First On-Campus Written 24-Nov-2018 20 points
Exam, Units 1 to 6

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