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My name is iron bullet, but my real name is timothy Müller. When I was young I
was strange for the other peoples, my family dies in an accident car, and I was
adopted for my aunt, Sometimes when I'm sad I guess I'm a superhero so that
everyone thinks I'm happy and that my past was never sad, and nobody judge me,
my best friend is Dustin baker, well he is… he is that kind of nerd who reads many
comics, who has an athletic body, but who is typical rejected by girls, my house is
a small apartment, with little space where I live with my aunt and her annoying
boyfriend my room is just my lair, has a laptop and there is a stack of comics next
to my bed, I'm good at drawing, I draw well World war drawings z, at school I'm
good at chemistry and sports, I've never been that very smart student, but I'm not
that bad academically, I'm that kind of guy who has good physique, something
nerdy but for my group of friends I'm "attractive" Many kids in my school intimidate
me, but almost always I get beaten but they have not reached more

-hey Müller I hear than you're talking to my girlfriend

- I do not know what you're talking about mark

-what? , you think than I’m stupid, you will receive your deserved

(Timothy run)

I could not stop running, mark and the soccer team chased me, when I ran into an
alley with no way out, I could not do anything, mark had me locked up

-well finally the zappy of timothy is locked

- They will not win anything by hitting me

- Nothing? I think you can get a smile to everyone when you can kick

after hitting me I could not move, my whole body was full of pain, my legs did not
feel them and I felt something cold running down my face, I thought it was sweat
but it was blood, a man with eyes torn and with appearance of old man I get up and
he told me

- He is the one
- “min khilal quat Hephaestus sa'aqadam lak hadiatan min rajul yamut alhadid” by
the power of Hephaestus I will give you the gift of being a man die iron

I couldn’t understand what the man told me but I only saw the man turning on in
ash, then of that I get up , the blood stop , but I looked my clothes and there
was no blood in me ,I was a new person . When I was looking for my backpack,
I found a ring, I had an old crust, I did not know what to do, and everything was
so strange after that visit Dustin,

- Hey timothy.
- Dustin I have to tell you something rare who happened to me one minute
- what happens to you I see you upset, first calm down
- well, mark try to hit myself, I escaped but enter a dead end, they hit me, a
strange guy said some things and disappeared and left a strange ring and
now I am telling you this and I think a man with schizophrenia
- Waite what???
- A ring
- OMG…
- what's wrong
- Devils guy that happens to you do not pay attention to class, look at that ring
we saw in the expedition to the museum, well the purpose is that I give you
something, yes, yes, you healed right away?
- Yeah
- Well you have regeneration, what else should you have strength?, ok you
can fly? Hephaestus controls in fire, you must have some heat or fire, you
can generate weapons with your body, and that is what he could deduce
from you, but you already used your powers?
- No
- OMG You're trying to kill me, for God's sake
- no bro but how do you want me to talk if you are interrupting me
- good point now speaks
- well I think I have not shown my powers, some superheroes show their
powers when they do good deeds
- No, you already put the ring at some point
- No
- Put in on
- And how I look
- you look the same as before
- let’s go out please I do not want to feel like an idiot
- ok
When we were leaving a thief was threatening a woman with a small girl,
had a gun, the lady could not speak, Dustin ran out to the house, running
away made noise and the thief saw me
- Look who we have here another young man that if he does not give me his
belongings he will be hurt
I did think two times after jumping on the thief, the girl and the woman ran
out, the thief hit me and threw me on the floor he thief looked at me with a
face of rage that pulled his gun, shot me 3 times, I saw Dustin lean with
something in his hands, I never felt a pain in my body, I thought the thief
missed his shots and I got up normal, my body began to transform into
metal, I form one of my hands in iron, making the shape of a sword, which
grabbed the thief by the back and left him unconscious, Dustin
I was shocked and he gave me a coat that covered my face

- Wow timothy that was amazing

- I can’t believe than I can do that
- Come with me I have to show you something
- Ok
Dustin led me to the old abandoned parking lot of his house
- What are we doing here?
- Welcome to the super hero gym
- Wow thanks but I need to you keep my secret
- Yeah you know than you are my friend and the friends and among friends
we take care of each other

4 months latter

Dustin is still my best friend, all the news speaks of iron bullet and I feel
happy to be able to help my city, I fight against many villains, one of them is
toxic, but I will always keep in mind the man who gave me that responsibility
take care of the world, because he said he was the one, what I never
realized is that when I left the alley where mark gave me the beating I
realized that it was written iron bullet

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