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By :

Fernando (170403086)

Supriadi (170403091)

Tasya Amalia (170403114)






First of all , we’d like to say thanks to Almighty God for helping us and give us
chance to finish this assignment time. And we would like to say thank you to Mr. Mangara
M. Tambunan as the lecturer that always teaches us and give much knowledge about English

This assignment is the one of English task that composed of Engineering Design. We
realized that this assignment is not perfect, but we hope it can be useful for the readers.

Hopefully we as the student in Industrial Engineering can work more professional in

the field of English Engineering. Thank you.

Medan , October 11th 2017



PREFACE ................................................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENT .............................................................................................................ii


Working with Drawings ............................................................................................................. 1


Discussing Dimensions and Precision ....................................................................................... 2


Describing Design Phases and Procedures ................................................................................ 3


Resolving Design Problems ....................................................................................................... 4

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 6


Working with Drawings


Discussing Dimensions and Precision

1. The minimum internal elevator dimensions, allowing for one wheelchair passenger alone,
are 1.00 m x 1.30 m

2. The door opening should not be less than 0.80 m.

3. The inside of the elevator should have a handrail on three sides mounted 0.80 to 0.85 m
from the floor

4. The maximum tolerance for stop precision should be 20 mm.


Describing Design Phases and Procedures

1. The elevator cars are built at the elevator manufacturer's plant using standard metal cutting,
welding, and forming techniques. If the cars will be exposed to the weather during building
construction, the interior trim may be installed after the building is finished.

2. The rest of the elevator is assembled on the building site. The building design integrates
the elevator shaft from the beginning, and the shaft grows as the building is erected. The
walls of the shaft are poured concrete, and the shaft straightness and

3. Most elevators use counterweights which equal the weight of the elevator plus 40% of its
maximum rated load. This counterweight reduces the weight the motor must lift and ensures
that the elevator cannot fall out of control while the cable is intact.

4. Most elevators use counterweights which equal the weight of the elevator plus 40% of its
maximum rated load. This counterweight reduces the weight the motor must lift and ensures
that the elevator cannot fall out of control while the cable is intact. Other dimensions are
carefully monitored as each floor goes up.

5. Guide rails, switch ramps, service ladders, and similar support equipment are bolted into
the shaft after the shaft walls are complete, but before the shaft is roofed.

6. While the shaft is still open at the top, a crane raises the counterweight to the top of the
building and lowers it into the shaft along its rails.

7. The crane then lifts the elevator car and inserts it partly into the shaft. The guide wheels
connect the car to the guide rails, and the car is carefully lowered to the bottom of the shaft.

8. The shaft is then roofed over, leaving a machine room above the shaft. The hoist motor,
governor, controller, and other equipment are mounted in this room, with the motor located
directly over the elevator car pulley.

9. The elevator and governor cables are strung and attached, the electrical connections
completed, and the controller programmed.


Resolving Design Problems

Problem: Worn Sheaves

Solution: Sheave regrooving

Worn sheaves place extra wear on ropes, which in turn increases the level of wear on
sheaves. This creates a cycle of destruction for both key components. Sheaves can be
regrooved or replaced to prevent premature hoist rope failure, so be sure to check groove
profiles to verify the fit between the ropes and the sheave. Simple tools are available with
magnetic standards and a straight edge to visually check if the grooves on the sheave a
wearing evenly.

Problem: Power failure

Solution: Infrared inspection

Infrared-inspection Elevators demand a great deal of power from commercial building

utility systems, so updates to the system’s voltage can affect motor operations or potentially
even damage the elevator system. Elevators with any history of motor failures or operation
issues should undergo a power quality survey. Common faults such as over/under voltage can
be seen easily with power quality surveys and fuses that are running hot can be quickly seen
with infrared imaging before a motor loses a phase.

Problem: Contamination

Solution: Oil & lubrication analysis

When wear occurs, small metal particles are released in the oil and can interfere with
the proper functioning of an elevator system. Similarly, improper lubrication or worn seals
can cause contamination. Conduct an oil analysis to check the oil for various properties that
may indicate contamination or wear inside of a motor.

A high presence of bronze in the gear case oil can indicate premature wear on the
crown gear of a geared elevator or high concentration of aluminum in your hydraulic tank
may indicate pump housing wear in a hydraulic elevator.

Problem: Noisy bearings or bearing malfunction

Solution: Inductive absorbers

Bearing malfunction causes more than half of all motor failures. Noisy bearings are
often attributed to vibrations within the motor. While variable frequency drives are helpful
for decreasing your motor’s energy use, they introduce common mode current — a damaging
byproduct that can increase these vibrations to dangerous levels through premature bearing
wear caused by stray current.

To address this challenge, consider using an inductive absorber, such as CoolBLUE,

to absorb the currents and protect your system from potential breakdowns. Additionally,
ensure that all grounds are secured and connected to minimize troubles caused by electrical
noise on the ground that may trip out systems or cause false counts in the system.

Problem: Misaligned motor drive

Solution: Motor alignment

When an electric motor is coupled to another piece of equipment, shaft alignment is

critical. Without correct alignment, the motor bearings begin to wear. Shaft misalignment can
be detected using advanced laser measuring equipment or by simply employing a
straightedge and string. Alternatively, consider purchasing geared machines that employ
flange mounted motors that do not require alignment if the machine is disassembled.


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