ABM Week Essay

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Name: Patricia Sotto Grade and Section: 12- BHU Date: September 23, 2019

Subject: Principles of Marketing Class Schedule: MWF 1:45- 2:45

Teacher :Mr. Ralf Julius Delator


The whole ABM week was quite tiring but it was one of the moments that every student
should cherish. It was indeed a memorable experience since it only happens to us once in our
Senior High School years and it also challenge our skills. I have a lot of unforgettable experience
at those days, the most exciting part for me is selling since I always like selling and providing
people with valueand I also made new friends from the college students and other sections and
also teachers, it felt so good that I were able to socialize with othersand making money at the
same time.My leadership skills was tested at those moments and it was really fun and tiring at
the same time. I was able to apply the knowledge that I gain from the Principles of Marketing
and Organization of Management which helped me in dealing our customers especially in
encouraging them to buy our products and to lead my team mates in order for us to gain a lot of
income.In our Pasigarbo, I’m having fun painting our background, I did all of my best to make it
beautiful and nice that would complete the graceful dance of our presentation.

From that experience, I gain a lot of lessoned or values. First is hard work, in order for
your business to be successful, we shouldn’t slackoff and wait for the leader to work, everyone
should work in order to reach the goals of a team and as a leader, I have to guide my team mates
and be a responsible person. Second is work smart, working hard and working smart is a good
combination, by working smart, you can utilize your time wisely and you can do a lot of things
in a short amount of time. When these two is being applied, you can ultimately be productive and
you can also reach your goals which we were able to apply in our selling activity and pasigarbo
presentation. Third is self-motivation, when everyone else is busy with their pasigarbo dance and
making of props, I have to take care of our products, I have to sell them. I need to do an action
because we have team goals, I need to guide my team mates, I need to make them work and let
their assign task be done. I have boosted a lot of values and experiencenot only these three such
as patience, dedication, being grateful, to be competitive, leadership skills and many more. I was
really grateful that I was able to experienced such activity which I know for in fact thatI would
apply in future career

Because of this experience, I boosted a lot of knowledge that I could totally use for my
future career. Since, I will be taking up a business course and my future work would be related to
business this will help me dealing with customers and my employees. Also, I can teach other
people in having their business. This also gives me an idea what would happen to me in the
future and what should I do in my business or team. I want everyone to experience this kind of
event especially to those future entrepreneurs because this would be perfect for them in building
their career in life and teach them to be responsible.

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