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A Light House on the Hills of Lawaan

“A Light house on the Hills of Lawaan” was the theme during the 30th
year or Don Bosco Missionary Seminary or presently known as Don Bosco
Formation Center. Why a LIGHTHOUSE? The Don Bosco Formation
Center serves as a lighthouse to the wandering ships (boys and young
men). It directs countless young men who have heeded God’s call to be his
vessels and emissaries to the world. The motto of the Seminary “ECCE
EGO MITTE ME” (Here I am Send Me) is an affirmation to that call.
Anchored on the basic Bosconian precepts, each one is a guiding light to
his fellow bosconian.
Year after year of the early stages of formation, the light grows
brighter. As 4th years, we are geared to be the leaders. As leaders, we
need to be the source of light to guide the ships, a light that keeps on
burning with compassion and commitment. A light that shines not just to be
noticed because of its brightness but must give hope that leads to the right
path. A light that doesn’t threaten the ships but gives warmth and
encourage the ships to continue to sail to reach their destination.
This light may flicker, but dear brothers, do not forget you are not the
only light, there is the lighthouse where various lights converge to form a
brighter light. A lighthouse that leads us to be better leaders. Leaders who
listen and not only speak; a motivator and not dictator; a companion and
not an enemy; most especially, a bearer of Christ love for the young.

And so as we move to another stage in our formation, we the

outgoing 4th years present this token of leadership, the DBFC chapel─
the lighthouse that guides the wandering ships which is now entrusted to
you, our dear incoming seniors. May you continue to shine that light for the
ships to find their way and for those ships who will dock and sail in the
future. May you be the guide to the right path to holiness. God Bless and

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