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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Division of Masbate
Panique National High School
Panique, Aroroy, Masbate

First Quarter Examination

Science 9
SY: 2018-2019

Name: Date: Score:

Grade & Section:

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following questions comprehensively. Be wary of the options, choose only the best. ONLY THE
BEST. You will get wronged and hurt if you choose the wrong ones. It is only your conscious choice that will dictate your

1. What system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the cell?
a. Circulatory b. Digestive c. Respiratory d. Excretory
2. W h i c h p a r t o f t h e r e s p i r a t o r y s y s t e m f i l t e r s a n d warm the air upon entering it?
a. Air sac b. bronchi c. Diaphram d. nasal cavity
3. How does the air enter our body?
a. nose>nasal passage>trachea>bronchi > bronchioles > alveoli
b. nose>nasal passage>trachea>bronchioles > bronchi > alveoli
c. nasal cavity>nose>trachea>bronchioles > bronchi > alveoli
d. nasal cavity >alveoli>trachea>bronchioles > bronchi > nose.
4. During inhalation____________.
a. the diaphragm moves down and contracts the chest cavity
b. the diaphragm moves down and expands the chest cavity
c. the diaphragm moves up and contracts the chest cavity
d. the diaphragm moves up and expands the chest cavity.
5. All of the following are associated with respiratory problems except.
a. unbalanced diet b. Pollutants c. enough sleep d. smoking
i. Increase your walking speed.
ii. Maintain a healthy weight.
iii. Stay hydrated.
iv. Avoid smoking.
Which of the following belongs in the blank space above?
a. Causes of respiratory problems
b. Ways on how to avoid respiratory problems.
c. Kinds of common respiratory diseases.
d. Results of bad lifestyle.
7. What is the primary organ of the circulatory system?
a. Heart b. veins c. arteries d. blood
8. A type of circulation which is described by the movement of blood through the tissues of the HEART
a. Pulmonary b. Systemic c. Coronary d. Respiratory
9. The_______ prevents the back flow of blood
a. atrium b. ventricle c. valve d. septum
10. What system is responsible in delivering and transporting different materials and wastes in and out of the body?
a. Muscular b. Respiratory c. Nervous d. Circulatory
11. What is the main muscle that plays a vital role when it comes to respiration?
a. Nose b. mandible c. diaphragm d. heart
12. Which word is linked to the process of breathing?
a. circulation b. digestion c. respiration d. reproduction
13. What is the main organ of the respiratory system?
a. nose b. diaphragm c. lungs d. trachea
14. All of the following are parts of the respiratoty system except:
a. Nose b. diaphragm c. valve d. windpipe
15. Which blood vessels carries deoxygenated blood to the heart?
a. arteries b. capillaries c. veins d. atria
16. The number of times your hearts beats in a minute or beats per minute is called:
a. oxygen saturation b. blood pressure c. Heart-rate d. respiratory-rate
17. Which of the following is the normal respiratory rate of a man resting?
a. 12-18 times/minute b. 20-30 times/minute c. 10-15 times/minute d. 15-25 times/minute
18. The chamber of the heart that pumps blood to the lungs.
a. right atrium b. left ventricle c. right ventricle d. left atrium

19. Which of the following statemenr is correct, “When you are resting,____________”
a. the heart rate is faster because the blood was distributed in all parts of the body
b. the heart rate slows down because your body does not need as much blood as it does when you exercise
c. the heart rate is very slow because your body is not moving and movement helps your heart rate increase.
d. the heart rate is very fast because although you body is not moving all your involuntary organs are working.
20. The following are the negative effects of smoking on the circulatory system except:
a. Coronary Heart disease b. Arteriosclerosis c. Vascular disease d. Congenital Heart disease
21. An Austrian monk and also known as the Father of Heredity.
a. Walter Sutton b. Gregor Mendel c. Theodore Boveri d. Dimitri Mendelev
22. ________ characters are character that are controlled by genes.
a. Sexual Character b. Hereditary Character c. Morphological Character d. Physiological Character
23. Which of the following classification of character are externally directed activities in response to stimuli.
a. Physiological b. Morphological c. Sexual d. Behavioral
24. What is the major factors of heredity?
a. Sex b. DNA c. chromosomes d. Genes
25. Gene pairs that are made up of identical genes are called:
a. heterozygous b. phenotype c. homozygous d. genotype
26. Which of the following statement is true about Mendellian Pattern of Inheritance?
a. The phenotype of the offspring is somewhere in between the phenotype of both parents.
b. two dominant alleles of a contrasting pair fully expressed at the same time.
c. the recessive gene are not observed when the dominant gene is present.
d. two or more alleles controls the inheritance of the character.
27. Red and White are the physical expressions of the character for the four o’clock plant flower and are called____.
a. genotype b. phenotype c.alleles d. codominance
28. When two dominant alleles of a contrasting pair fully expressed at the same time in the heterozygous individual it
is called as;
a. Multiple alles b. Incomplete Dominance c.Codominance d. Recessive Traits
29. ______ is the waste material given off during exhalation.
a. oxygen b. potassium c. carbon dioxide d. nitrogen
30. The method by which one can determine the possible genotypes and phenotype when two parents are crossed.
a. phenotypic ratio b. genotypic ratio c. Punnett square d.Mendel’s experements
31. Which trait was not expressed by an offspring?
a. dominant traits b. recessive traits c. sex-limited trait d. sex influenced trait
32. ______ are reproductive cells that unite during reproduction to form a new cell called zygote.
a. alleles b. gametes b. sperm d. egg cell
33. What branch of biology deals with the study of hereditary and variation.
a. Physiology b. Anatomy c. micro biology d. genetics
34. An important biological process that allows us to produce new individuals to add to our population.
a. Genetic b. migration c. reproduction d. none of the above
35. A macromolecule that forms a double helix structure in the cells of living organism.
a. genes b. RNA c. DNA d. Chromosomes
36. How many pairs of body chromosomes are present in an individual?
a. 46 b. 44 c. 22 d. 23
37. In the Human blood type, which blood types are codominant?
a. AB and O b. A and B c. O and A d. B and O
38. Which sex chromosomes are present in all humans?
a. X chromosomes b. Y chromosomes c. X and Y Chromosomes d. none of the above
39. Which sex chromosomes determines a person’s sex?
a. XY chromosomes b. X chromosomes c. Y chromosomes d. none of the above
40. Genes that are found in the Sex (X or Y) chromosomes are called:
a. Sex limited traits b. Sex influenced trait c. Sex linked traits d. all of the above
41.In what year does Watson and Crick studied about the DNA?
a. 1950’s b. 1940’s c. 1930’s d. 1920’s
42. Which of the following numbers of chromosomes would manifest Turners Syndrome?
a. 44XXX(47) b. 44X0(45) c. 44XXY(47) d. 44Y0(47)
43. An X linked trait of rare bleeding disorder in which the blood doesn’t clot normally.
a. alopecia b. halitosis c. aneurysm d. haemophilia
44. Who is the determiner of a child’s sex?
a. the male b. the female c. both male and female d. all of the above
45. What is the phenotype of IA IB?
a. blood type A b. Blood type B c. Blood type AB d. Blood type O
46. The union of egg cell and sperm cell is called:
a. sterilization b. ovulation c. fertilization d. none of the above
47. The part of the genetic makeup of a cell, and therefore of an organisms or individual.
a. dominant trait b. phenotype c. recessive trait d. genotype
48. The traits that are linked to both sexes but most common to only to one sexes only.
a. sex linked traits b. sex influenced trait c. sex limited trait d. None of the above
49. All of the following are classifications of hereditary characteritics of an offspring except for one?
a. behavioural b. physiological c. Morphological d.Sexual
50. Which of the following backbone supports of the four bases doesn’t belong?
a. adenine b.Guanine c. thymine d. bromine.

Teacher I

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