Part 3: Write A Text About How You Imagine Yourself in Ten Years. Use

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Part 3: Write a text about how you imagine yourself in ten years.

at least two pictures related to your text. You should write four

Example: I will work in a multimedia company in New York.

 Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself.

I am Sandra Molina, I am 36 years old and I live in Bogotá, I work at

DIAN, I study systems engineering, I hope to finish these courses to
start studying a specialization in information security.

 Paragraph 2: Your working life.

In my future work I would like to go work in a company that works

for technology, for that I will study a master and investigate many
things about the latest technology, I must improve my English
traveling through Australia. I think that is why I must finish my study
soon, in ten years that I am living in a European country, I need to
shed fear to conquer my dreams because a life with fear is not life.

 Paragraph 3: Your loved life.

My husband and I didn’t hit it off right away I only started to fall for
him after we went out a few times and I got to know him better. We
were together for 6 years. We just started to drift apart. He cheated
on me I caught him making out with his ex. He begged me for
another chance, but I know he was just trying to jerk me around so
I said no.
I’ve gone on a few dates here and there, but nothing serious. To be
honest, I’m not really interested in settling down just yet I’m enjoying
the single life too much!

 Paragraph 4: Your sporting life.

I don't play sports, my mother always told me, you should do more
sports, I want to work out three times a week, I want to try out for
the volleyball, I'm going to go work off all of these ice creams I've
been eating lately. I think it's really important to do a warm up before
you start working out. I think it's important to take five minutes to
cool down after your workout
Each paragraph must have minimum four (4) sentences and maximum
six (6) sentences. It must have a title, from 230 words to 250 and it is
necessary to use and highlight the following topics:
 Modal verbs
 Future
 Phrasal verbs

Part 4: Students must comment about two partners’ contributions and

make corrections if necessary.

Remember: All the participations must be written directly in the forum.

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Collaborative Learning – Monitoring and Evaluation

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