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Structure and Written Expression

1.A three-foot octopus can crawl through a hole ------ in diameter.

(A)than one inch less
(B)less than one inch
(C)one less inch than
(D)than less one inch

2.------ adopted the decimal system of coinage in 1867.

(B)When Canada
(C)Canada, which
(D)There was Canada

3.Generally, the representatives ------ a legislature are constitutionally elected by a broad spectrum of the
(A)who they compose
(B)who compose
(C)had compose

4.The Actor’s Studio, a professional actors’ workshop in New York City, provides ------whereactors can
work together without the pressure of commercial production.
(A)a place and
(B)a place
(C)so that a place
(D)a place is

5.------ that life began billions of years ago in the water.

(A)It is believed
(B)In the belief
(C)The belief

6.By 1872 the United States had 70 engineering

colleges, ------ astonishing expansion credited largely to the Morrill Act of 1862.
(C)to which

7.The artist Romare Bcarden was ------ whose yellows, deep blues, and fuchsias contrasted strongly with
photographic gray in his bright collages.
(A)with a gift for color
(B)a gifted colorist
(C)a gift with colorful
(D)gifted with coloring

8.The most important chemical catalyst on this planet is chlorophyll, -------carbon dioxide and water react
to form carbohydrates.

(A)whose presence
(B)which is present
(D)in the presence of which
9.One theory of the origin of the universe is-------from the explosion of a tiny, extremely dense fireball
several billion years ago.
(A)because what formed
(B)the formation that
(C)that it formed
(D)when forming

10.Roads in the United States remained crude,------- with graved or wood planks, until the beginning of the
twentieth century.
(A)were unsurefaced or they covered them
(B)which unsureface or covered
(C)unsurfaced or covered them
(D)unsurfaced or covered

11.Portrait prints were the first reproductions of American paintings ------- widely distributed in the United
(B)that which
(C)that being
(D)to be

12.Abigail Adams was prodigious letter writer, ------- many editions of her letters have been published.
(C)in addition to
(D)due to

13.In geometry, an ellipse may be defined as the locus of all points -------distances from two fixed points is
(A)which as the sum of
(B)of the sum which
(C)whose sum of whose
(D)whose sum that the

14. -------at the site of a fort established by the Northwest Mounted Police, Calgary is now one of Canada’s
fastest growing cities.
(B)It is built
(C)To build
(D)Having built

15.An image on a national flag can symbolize political ideals that -------express.
(A)take many words to otherwise would.
(B)would take to many otherwise words
(C)many words to take would otherwise
(D)would otherwise take many words to

Answers for the structure and written expression section:

1.(B)less than one inch
2. (A)Canada
3. (B)who compose
4. (B)a place
5. (A)It is believed
6. (B)an
7. (B)a gifted colorist
8. (D)in the presence of which
9. (C)that it formed
10. (D)unsurfaced or covered
11. (D)to be
12. (B)and
13. (C)whose sum of whose
14. (A)Built
15. (D)would otherwise take many words to
Soal Toefl Structure And Written Expression
Choose the correct answer
1. I hope you don't mind _______ sitting here.
A. my
B. I had been
C. to be
D. that I may

Baca juga: Les Privat Terbaik di Medan [Proficient Indonesia]

2. On no account _______ call her at the office.

A. you
B. should you
C. that you may
D. to

3. Things would go a lot more smoothly if you _______ keep interrupting.

A. _________
B. do
C. didn't
D. will

4. We'll get you a car once you _______ your driving test.
A. are passing
B. are having passed
C. have passed
D. might pass

5. She _______ forever practising on that out-of-tune trumpet.

A. is
B. was being
C. has been
D. will have

6. Please tell me when to stop _______.

A. downpour
B. to have poured
C. pouring
D. pour

7. I regret to inform you that your application _______ unsuccessful on this occasion.
A. has been
B. to be
C. should have been
D. is being

8. The number of girls in school and women in parliaments has risen, and their overall access to
contraception has improved in the past decade, _____ new report.
A. published in a
B. according a
C. according to a
D. as stated in a

9. The 2000 Census showed that married couples _____ half of the 2 million households in the
state, and 46 percent of those couples had children living with them.
A. which they made up
B. and made up
C. to make up
D. made up

10. By far the most noticeable blemishes on the surface of the Sun _____ sunspots.
A. are
B. the
C. that are
D. in the

Kunci Jawaban Soal Toefl Structure And Written Expression

1. A. my
2. C. that you may
3. C. didn't
4. C. have passed
5. A. is
6. C. pouring
7. A. has been
8. C. according to a
9. D. made up
10. A. are
Soal Toefl Structure And Written Expression
Choose the correct answer
1. I hope you don't mind _______ sitting here.
A. my
B. I had been
C. to be
D. that I may

Baca juga: Les Privat Terbaik di Medan [Proficient Indonesia]

2. On no account _______ call her at the office.

A. you
B. should you
C. that you may
D. to

3. Things would go a lot more smoothly if you _______ keep interrupting.

A. _________
B. do
C. didn't
D. will

4. We'll get you a car once you _______ your driving test.
A. are passing
B. are having passed
C. have passed
D. might pass

5. She _______ forever practising on that out-of-tune trumpet.

A. is
B. was being
C. has been
D. will have

6. Please tell me when to stop _______.

A. downpour
B. to have poured
C. pouring
D. pour

7. I regret to inform you that your application _______ unsuccessful on this occasion.
A. has been
B. to be
C. should have been
D. is being

8. The number of girls in school and women in parliaments has risen, and their overall access to
contraception has improved in the past decade, _____ new report.
A. published in a
B. according a
C. according to a
D. as stated in a

9. The 2000 Census showed that married couples _____ half of the 2 million households in the
state, and 46 percent of those couples had children living with them.
A. which they made up
B. and made up
C. to make up
D. made up

10. By far the most noticeable blemishes on the surface of the Sun _____ sunspots.
A. are
B. the
C. that are
D. in the

Kunci Jawaban Soal Toefl Structure And Written Expression

1. A. my
2. C. that you may
3. C. didn't
4. C. have passed
5. A. is
6. C. pouring
7. A. has been
8. C. according to a
9. D. made up
10. A. Are

Apa itu Toefl ETS

ETS (Educational Testing Service) adalah suatu lembaga satu-satunya pemegang lisensi tes TOEFL di
Indonesia. Kantor pusat ETS berada di Amerika Serikat, kemudian hasil tes TOEFL ini dapat digunakan
sebagai satu persyaratan studi lanjutan di Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara lain di dunia.

Selain itu, hasil tes Toefl ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai syarat kelulusan program S1 (sarjana) dan S2
(paska sarjana) di kampus-kampus di Indonesia dan juga luar negeri

Selain itu bagi anda yang ingin mengejar bea siswa, maka hasil Toefl dari ETS secara resmi dapat
digunakan begitupun kalau anda ingin melamar kerja atau mencoba CPNS.

Baca juga:
9 Kunci Sukses Toefl Terbukti Berhasil

Bagian-bagian TOEFL ETS

TOEFL ETS terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu:
1. ITP (Institutional Testing Program)
TOEFL ITP (biasa dipakai di universitas) terdiri atas tiga sesi ujian, antara lain Listening, Structure and
Written Expression dan Reading Comprehension.
Jenis tes yang digunakan di ITP ada dua yaitu:
Toefl PBT (Paper Based Test) dan
TOEFL CBT (Computer Based Test).

2. IBT (Internet Based Test)

Tes TOEFL iBT terbagi menjadi 4 sesi ujian, antara lain Reading, Listening, Speaking, dan Writing.

Latihan soal Toefl Listening Practice Test

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untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan wawasan bahasa Inggris (Toefl) anda.

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