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1. Explain the trade union movement in India.

2. What do you understand by Trade union and why do workers join trade
3. Explain Trade union and the process for registration of trade union in
reference to Trade Union Act, 1926.
4. Define Trade Union and what are the rights and liabilities of trade union
5. Explain the role, importance of trade union
6. Discuss various challenges facing the trade union in India and measures
to strengthen trade union in India.
7. Write a note on industrial dispute act 1947 along with its amendment.
8. Define industrial dispute and its causes.
9. What are the various types of industrial dispute.
10. What are the various outcomes of Industrial Dispute
11. Explain various method to settle industrial dispute
12. Define Collective Bargaining and explain the various steps
involved in collective bargaining
13. List the features of collective bargaining and explain types of
collective bargaining
14. What is the importance of collective bargaining? What are the
essential conditions for successful functioning of collective
15. What cause the limited success of collective bargaining & how it can be
functional effectively? What are the recommendation to NCL?
16. What do you understand by Global recruitment and explain various
sources of global recruitment along with its advantage & disadvantages.
17. Explain various approaches of global selection.
18. Write a note on HR Records
19. What do you mean by HR audit and why it is important?
20. What do you understand by HR research and explain various approaches.
21. Write a note on work life balance

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