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Conference of Rulers: Towards a Reputable and Prosperous Nation

Malaysia is a unique country comprising of 13 states and 3 federal territories which

are being constitutionally ruled by Head of States known as either Sultan, Yang Di-
Pertuan Besar, Raja or Yang Dipertua Negeri.

Malaysia practices Constitution Monarchy which means Rulers are the head of state
and King who is called Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan
Agong is a Head of Country. The uniqueness in our country is the appointment of
Yang Di-Pertuan Agong from states having Raja, Sultan or Yang Di-Pertuan Besar in 9
states, and the rulers are from Royal blood.

Appointment of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong is for the period of five consecutive
years. Malaysia is the only country in the world to have an appointment of Yang Di-
Pertuan Agong on a rotation basis, being elected in the Conferences of Rulers. The
first Conference of Rulers was held at Kuala Kangsar in the year 1897 which was
attended by Sultan of Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang. Meanwhile,
during the last Conference of Rulers which was held at Istana Negara on January
2019, selection process for the next Yang Dipertuan Agong was carried out following
the resignation of the Yang Dipertuan Agong Sultan of Kelantan Sultan Muhammad
V. as a 15th Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia. Besides, the Conference of Rulers
also have a dramatic power and the right to dismiss the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, but
due to proper ruling, dismissal has not been practised.

The Conference of Rulers will take place three times in a year or whenever required.
During the Conference of Rulers, all the state’s Chief Minister and Menteri Besar will
accompany their respective Head of States. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister will
accompany the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong.

Conference of Rulers plays an important role to uphold the country’s constitution as

well as to determine the country’s stability by questioning the government
regarding the country’s growth.

Sultan, Raja and Yang Di-Pertuan Besar as well as Yang Dipertua Negeri are
automatically playing a role as a head of religion for their respective states to keep
the state in a harmonious position for the nation’s growth socially and economically.

Having discussed about Head of States, I would like to share about our beloved
Head of State for Perak, Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah Ibni
Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah, Raja Muda Perak Darul Ridzuan. The
Sultan of Perak’s duties and responsibilities including contributions to the society in
times of calamities. Being a Perakian myself, I am very proud of our Sultan, Sultan
Nazrin Shah for his care and concern for his subjects. In times of natural disasters,
there's always a spark of hope. And there’s always light at the end of the tunnel, for
our beloved Sultan is always with his people. Four years ago, there was a serious
flood in Perak. Our Sultan had taken time out from his busy schedule to visit the

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flood- relief centre to enquire about the victims’ situation and to give them words of
encouragement. Our beloved Sultan and His consort, Tuanku Zara’s presence
cheered up the families who were housed at the relief centre. The Sultan’s concern
over the fate of the victims helped to lessen their worries. Not only that, the Sultan
issued a decree for all entertainment-related New Year celebrations organized by
the state government to be canceled. He also decreed for mosques in Perak to
conduct ‘Solat Hajat’ after Friday prayers to ask for God’s help in improving the
situation caused by the flood. Furthermore, the Sultan decreed that all school
students affected by the disaster to receive two sets of school uniforms and shoes.

I am proud of my country’s prosperity and reputation. I will contribute my best

ability and talent to build our nation Malaysia to be recognized as the most reputed
and prosperous nation in the world.

Daulat Tuanku!

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