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Different Ways Grade 10 Students

cope with School Works


Darunday, Hannah S.

Balili, Ethan L.

Lumingkit, Matt Joshua D.

Torendon, Francisco P. Jr.

Sembrano, Dale Anthony B.


With various reasons upon going through the pursuit of success, children are traditionally sent to

institutions that are able to provide training, training which can help prepare themselves

physically, mentally and socially for the future ahead. With education, students are expected to

undergo different activities that can let them discover, and eventually, fasten each on their

respective fortes. As the level of attainment goes higher as years pass by, the intensity of

activities rise up as well and this may give students a possibility to experience difficulties on how

they handle those activities.

Students, especially in high school years, begin to experience the phase in which school works

are not the same as what they had when they were still elementary. And because of that, there

comes the dilemma of how they will cope with or handle those works, given that there are a lot

of things other than school.


This research wants to know the different ways Grade 10 students opt to do in order to cope with

school works. This research specifically answers the following questions:

a. What are the common school works Grade 10 students tend to have?

b. How frequent do Grade 10 students experience difficulties on coping with school works?

c. On what situations do Grade 10 students realize they are having difficulties in handling school

d. What are the different ways students do to not let themselves left behind school works?


a. Individual formative assessment enables the learner to demonstrate independently what

has been learned or mastered through a range of activities such as check-up quizzes,

written exercises, performances, models, and even electronic presentations (Don Bosco


b. Upcoming tests, too much homework and heavy workloads are the three topmost

common reasons on why students experience stress (Oxford Learning 2018).

c. With so many projects and final exams looming on the calendar, now is the time where

schoolwork seems especially stressful, added on to the distractions and family obligations

of the holidays (Owusu 2013).

d. Avoiding vices like smoking; trying to see the positive side; listening to music which can

help calm you down and put you in a better frame of mind in which they say laughter is

the best medicine, because laughing out loud increases oxygen and blood flow which

automatically reduces stress (The Guardian 2013) are the pieces of advice students can

actually do over the school works they usually have.


Attainment - the action or fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked.

Burden - carrying responsibility.

Dilemma - situation with unsatisfactory choices.

Forte - a person's strong suit, or most highly developed characteristic, talent, or skill; something
that one excels in.

Institution - a society or organization founded for educational purpose.

Insufficient/ Inadequate - lack of something.

School works - works that are required in school.

Simultaneous - at the same time.

Stress - a feeling of emotional or physical tension.


This research involves a certain group of Grade 10 students in St. Lorenzo School of Polomolok,

Inc. that will be asked with 10 questions regarding the pre-mentioned in the SOP. This research

began since February 28, 2019 after discussing about the main topic.


This study is beneficial to people especially those that have lack of time to attend in class

discussions, people that are busy and need to cope with their academic learning and also

maintain grades.
This study is also significant to the following:

The Students. The outcome of this research could help give students some ways for coping with

their studies even if they are in a situation that they couldn’t attend the class discussions due to

personal necessities.

Parents. They can teach or practice their child to do these ways for them to easily cope with and

not be behind from the academic learning of children within their age.

Faculty and staff. They may acquire recommendations on how they can help students in coping

with their studies and to understand their situation and have more patience on them.

This chapter presents a review of related literature which is useful and relevant in the

development of the present research.

School works refers to all of the assignments, products, projects that students complete to

demonstrate what they learn. It may include research papers, essays, presentations, tests, videos,

and portfolios. The term school works are commonly used in reference to the collaborative

evaluations of academic work products. The review and discussion of school work is one of

many methods used by teachers or educators to evaluate the effectiveness of their curriculum and

teaching methods. If the quality of a school work done by a student, for example, teachers may

revisit the lesson and develop some alternative methods to help students improve the quality of

their work. A high quality school work indicates that the lesson is well-taught by the teacher and

the student understands it clearly. In addition teachers will review a student’s school works,

either individually or collaboratively, to determine whether students have achieved expected

learning standards.

School works are important. Based on Eskool, school works are important because they improve

a student’s thinking and memory. They also help students develop their positive study habits that

will be used efficiently in their lives. They also encourage one’s self to use time wisely and

accurately. They may help a student to work independently and take responsibility on his/her

work. They can also help students know how to use resources such as libraries, reference

materials and computers to find information. It may help a student to extend its learning by

applying skills to new situations .In addition it may help in family relationship like

communication towards them.

A physical and mental response of the body also known as stress that demands made upon it. It is

the outcome of our reaction to external events but not necessarily the events themselves. Not all

stress is bad. We each function best and feel best at our own optimal level of physiological

arousal. To get everyday things done, we need stress. Too little of stress can lead us to boredom

and “rust out” – but too much of it can lead to “burn out”. Adaptive stress helps us rise to life’s

trials. Adrenaline, nor-adrenaline and glucose flow into our blood. We get energetic and feel

alert, focused and creative. Negative stress occurs when our ability to cope with life’s demands

crumbles. If we don’t break down the stress chemicals (e.g. through physical activity), they stay

in the blood, preventing us from relaxing. Eventually, this results in a permanent state of

stress. That initial buzz turns to worry, irritability or panic. Life’s trials become threats; we

doubt out ability to do even simple things and problems appear impossible and too great to be

overcome. Different things cause stress in different people. Some of the things students

commonly cite as causes of stress include examinations, deadlines, returning to study, pressure

of combining paid work and study, difficulty in organizing work, poor time management, leaving

assignments to the last minute, out of control debts, poor housing, overcrowding, noise, adjusting

to life in a new environment or even country, difficulties with personal relationships (e.g.

splitting up), balancing the demands of a family with studying, parents or problems at home.

Very often stress results from an accumulation of many different pressures which build up

gradually without us noticing (University of St. Andrews 2006).

Yes, stress is normal, it happens to everyone all the time (Sumter 2014). Stress can be both an

advantage and a negative one. It helps people release what they are hiding behind their sleeves.

However, school isn’t the only world that revolves around each and everyone. Some students

work part time in order to supply maybe not only for themselves but also for their families. Some
also need to watch over their families with certain reasons such as disabilities. Based on a 2014

U.S. Census study, 25% of teens of age 16 and above hold part time jobs and some also are even


Suicide had been the third leading cause of deaths for young people ranging from 15-24 years

old. University of Oregon study showed that most of the cases of suicide happen when school is

in session. There will be a huge issue and needs an intense overlooking if students taking their

own lives because of it.

Basing from a case study of George Essel and Patrick Owusu on the Causes of Students’ Stress,

Its effects on their Academic Success, and Stress Management at Seinäjoki University of

Applied Sciences, Finland, academic factor is one of the four contributing factors of students’

stress, alongside relationship, environmental and personal factors. Academe is another term for

school, that’s why students have an excuse why they complain. In a 2006 comprehensive study

on the stress levels of teens, 78 percent of the youth surveyed reported that most of their stress

came from their schoolwork. With so many projects and final exams looming on the calendar,

now is the time where schoolwork seems especially stressful, added on to the distractions and

family obligations of the holidays. Upcoming tests, too much homework and heavy workloads

are the three topmost common reasons on why students experience stress (Oxford Learning

2018). Women are proven to be the ones who experience more stress than men, as women tend

to show more (Ahasan 2018).

According to Peter Gray PH.D (2009), Children nowadays don’t like school because they love

freedom. “School is a prison.” The only difference that Peter can think about is that to get into

prison you have to commit a crime, but they just put you in school because of your age. In other
respect, school and prison are the same. They strip your freedom. People are always told what

exactly they must do, and will be punished if failed to comply. Actually, in school people must

spend more time doing exactly what they are told to do than is true in adult prisons, so in that

sense school is worse than prison.

Going to school is stressful by itself, in addition to events occurring in the real world that makes

it harder (Carrington 2015). Four of the tips that are given are first, managing time which may

help in reducing stress and also saves time, by using tools like planners and calendar may help in

managing time; sleeping student with enough sleep can help reduce stress unlike a student with

lack of sleep because a student with enough sleep is a healthy student with a better performance;

communication among the community especially friend and family wherein sharing problems

among friends that can be trusted and to your family is a great way in reducing stress nowadays

because burden is lesser when shared; asking pieces of advice that may reduce stress as a student

especially asking pieces of advice from advisers .

Avoiding vices like smoking; trying to see the positive side; listening to music which can help

calm you down and put you in a better frame of mind in which they say laughter is the best

medicine, because laughing out loud increases oxygen and blood flow which automatically

reduces stress (The Guardian 2013) are more of the pieces of advice students can actually do

over the school works they usually have.

There are too many students my age who are stressed out, burned out, and fed up. I’m one of

them (Sumter 2014). Students may propose to teachers to start communicating on a master

calendar so that school works won’t pile up all at once. Procrastinating is always an option to

high school students on piled up works but students shall start pacing themselves to have more
time in order to finish a task on time. High school may be a stressor but adult life is a lot more

than that. But what helps calm down is to see parents and adults being looked up to, and realize

they made it.



This research aims to find out:

a. The common school works Grade 10 students tend to have.

b. Frequency of experiencing difficulty on coping with school works.

c. Situations Grade 10 students usually realize they are having difficulties in handling school


d. Ways Grade 10 students do to not let themselves left behind school works.


This research is a descriptive survey in which the respondents are not manipulated by external

factors, as researchers get information through giving itemed questionnaires.


The research will be done at St. Lorenzo School of Polomolok, Inc. (SLSPI) located at Purok

San Agustin, Poblacion, Polomolok, South Cotabato. SLSPI is a private, non-sectarian, co-

educational institution of which was established since 2013. The institution was San Lorenzo

Ruiz Academy of Polomolok then, situated at Cannery Road, Polomolok, South Cotabato.


There are a total of 132 Grade 10 students within SLSPI except St. John and a certain group from

the pre-mentioned will be the respondents of this research.


This research will use a systematic type of sampling.

The respondents that are opted to survey are the three sections of the Grade 10 namely St.

Matthew, St. Mark and St. Luke.

1  Ne2

1  132(0.05) 2

1  132(0.0025)

1  0.33


n  99.2481203008

Using the Slovin’s formula (as shown above), this research opted to have 95% accuracy, thus

having 5% margin of error (e). Out of 132 Grade 10 students (N), we arrived with 100 students

(n) to be the sample.

In order to acquire the sample per strata for St. Matthew:

N perstrata(n)
n perstrata 

n peerstrata 

n perstrata 
132 /

n perstrata  37.121212121212121212121212121212

Hence, St. Matthew will have 37 respondents.

In order to acquire the sample per strata for St. Mark:

N perstrata(n)
n perstrata 

n peerstrata 

n perstrata 

n perstrata  32.575757575757575757575757575758

Hence, St. Matthew will have 33 respondents.

In order to acquire the sample per strata for St. Mark:

N perstrata(n)
n perstrata 

n peerstrata 

n perstrata 

n perstrata  30.30303030303030303030303030303

Hence, St. Matthew will have 30 respondents.

The following table shows the summary of what is stated above and the previous pages:

Section Population Per Strata Sample Per Strata

St. Matthew 49 37

St. Mark 43 33

St. Luke 40 30

TOTAL= 132 TOTAL= 100

Given the table above, the actual respondents this research will involve are 102 students from the

three sections of the Grade 10.


This research is a descriptive survey thus, will use a questionnaire as research tool. The

researchers arrived with a ten-question questionnaire that will be distributed to the Grade 10

students. The following is the sample questionnaire:

The questionnaire begins with a ’yes or no’ question that will be used to determine if the

respondents can relate to the topic. The following question will be asking the frequency of

chances Grade 10 students experience difficulty on handling school works. In connection with
the previous question, the third one will be finding out the intensity of difficulty Grade 10

students are experiencing. Question number 4 will be answering the most common school works

the respondents tend to have and the fifth question asks for a factor that makes the respondents

realize they are already experiencing difficulties. The sixth question looks for the ways Grade 10

students do in order to cope with school works and following it is the effect of the given way.

Question number 8 wants to find out one word that will be used to describe the way how the e

respondents cope with school works. The ninth question gives choices to the respondents if

school works are essential. The last question heeds for recommendations from respondents that

can help students to cope with school works.


The following is the step-by-step procedure in gathering the data from the respondents.

Before doing anything else, the researchers will ask for permission from the respective advisers

of the Grade 10 students. Secondly, the researchers will be assigned to each section (Matthew,

Mark and Luke) with the exact number of questionnaires and they will be there in the duration of

the survey. Third, the students will be told the purpose of the research and how the

questionnaires are to be answered; only one answer per choice and they have the freedom to

write as many as they can in the blanked item. As soon as the respondents are done, the

researchers will collect all of the questionnaires and they will check the number of questionnaires

as well as the items if they are completely answered. Before leaving the vicinity, the researchers

will inform the respondents that every information is confidential. To conclude the survey, the

researchers will thank the persons involved.


Using the three Measures of Central Tendency, the researchers will look through the data

gathered and come up with the expected output.

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