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RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC

This lists the dongle information summary including the number of licenses, number used (shared) and number free.
Click on the Details Button for details of the users connected to this server and you can remove any user from the
server from the details page (log them out).

Aladdin Hardlock Dongle Setup

The Hardlock comes in several forms
1 Parallel Port Standalone or Network

2 USB Standalone or Network

3 Internal Standalone or Network (ISA Bus or PCI Slot)

Drivers for all dongle types can be installed as described above when RAPT is being installed. The driver install
programs are also separately available on the CD. The latest drivers available can be downloaded from our website A manual, hlendusersmanual_en.pdf, which describes the dongle requirements and setup is
available on the RAPT CD and in the \RAPT6\Drivers directory.

If RAPT does not recognise your dongle, first check that it is seated correctly and that it is closest to the parallel/USB
port. Some other parallel port dongles do not allow full data flow on to following devices and may block some data
required by the RAPT dongle.
Network dongle

A network dongle may be installed on any computer on the network. It will normally be installed on a computer that is
always on. The dongle drivers and service should be installed on this computer. This can be done during the RAPT
installation or by running \RAPT6\drivers\hlsw32.exe. The computer user must have administration rights to install this
program. This will install a service under WinNT/2000/XP or a server program under Win95/98/ME.

A dongle monitoring program has also been supplied in the drivers sub-directory. The file supplied, aksmon32.exe, is
an installation program for the monitor. Install this program into the drivers sub-directory.
When the aksmon program runs, it will check for the network protocols and attached dongles and provide a screen
similar to the one shown below.

Network Monitoring
To monitor RAPT users logged into a CodeMeter server, select the server name from Dashboard - Current Server and
go to the License Monitoring Page shown below.
2.2 Installation: Dongle Setup 4 2.2 Installation: Dongle Setup 5
RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC

To add a RAPT dongle to the service, click on the computer on which the dongle is to reside in the tree under the HL- If you click on the dongle number in the tree on the left, the screen above will be shown. It lists the current logins to
Server branch. Then enter the Module Address 29209 in the space provided in the view on the right and click the Add the RAPT dongle along with details on the login times for each user.
button. The table of data will nominate a maximum number of logins allowed. This is the maximum number the dongle
can accept and is not the number of RAPT licenses available. When RAPT runs on a network dongle, the maximum To logout a user from the dongle, use the delete Entry button at the bottom of this view when the entry to be deleted
number of logins is listed in About RAPT in the Help menu along with the login Access Mode and the licensee details. is selected.
When a user closes down a RAPT session, the entry will automatically be deleted. If, for some reason, RAPT crashes,
the login entry will remain until the timeout period is finished. This view can be used to delete the entry.
Further information on use of network dongles is available in the \RAPT6\drivers\hlendusersmanual_en.pdf manual
provided by the manufacturers of the dongles.

2.2 Installation: Dongle Setup 6 2.2 Installation: Dongle Setup 7

RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC
to change the data in the default.rup file in each users' user preference file path (for example:
2.3 Configure RAPT for Shared Network Use \\WorkStation1\JohnsRAPT\default.rup) directory. This will launch the User Preference Dialog and allow all user
preference settings to be changed for that user.
This option is available from File -> Config for Network Use menu when no file is opened. It enables multiple users to
use one copy of RAPT in a networked environment while maintaining their own individual set of configuration files. It The configuration procedures can be summarized using the diagrams:
means one installation for multiple RAPT users instead of multiple installations for multiple users. When John is using \\WorkStation2 to access RAPT on \\AppServer, he logs into the network as John. RAPT looks at
Despite of this advantage, it is recommended NOT to use it except in cases where users wish to be able to run RAPT the record in Default.rnc and find John's configuration directory is at \\WorkStation1\JohnsRAPT. It will read
from any computer in the network using their own configuration settings. It is much more efficient and easy to Default.ruc and Default.rup in \\WorkStation1\JohnsRAPT to configure itself for information such as default design
maintain by installing it onto each individual user's computer in other cases. For those who have to use single copy of code, default material, John's preferred display unit and output format, colours etc. It means no matter which network
RAPT for multiple users across the network because of hard disk limitations, network administration policies or just to computer John is using, RAPT will always find the correct configuration file for John.
save the installation time, here is how it works. For a network that contains Window98 computers, the shared folder name cannot be longer than 8 characters.
First, multiple users can share a RAPT network dongle. The number of concurrent RAPT users is limited to the number Otherwise, Windows98 cannot recognize that share.
of allowed users in the network dongle. Or each user can have a standalone dongle on their own workstation. The
following example demonstrates how to set up and configure RAPT for single installation multi user network use.

RAPT is installed to the \\AppServer in c:\rapt folder. This folder must be shared and should be set with read-only
permission for normal users. Suppose the shared name is also rapt, then we can access \\AppServer\rapt from
anywhere in the network. Create a network share for user John at any network station that is connected with
\\AppServer. It should be fully accessible by John and not accessible by other peer users. In this example, we create
\\WorkStation1\JohnsRAPT. We also create similar network share for Mary at \\WorkStation2\MarysRAPT and Peter at

There are 3 configuration files used for RAPT. They are:

File Name File Description

Remember each user's name and that user's configuration directory. This is a
text file. (Network users file, Server only)
Remember the default design code and material, as well as last opened
directory. This is a text file. (User Configuration)
Remember user's preferred unit format, calculation options and output
options, etc. This is a binary file. (User Preferences)
The Default.rnc contains the data relating to the users on the network. The .ruc and .rup files are personal files for
each user and a copy of each will be stored in each users private directory space in the User Preference File Path.
First we need to modify the default.ruc file to reflect the network share path for its path rather than it's default local
computer path. To do this, open default.ruc in \\AppServer\rapt in a text editor. It should look like this:

[RAPT User Configuration]

Design Code Template Directory=C:\RAPT6\DefaultCodes\
Design Code File=C:\RAPT6\DefaultCodes\Australia.rdc
Materials Template Directory=C:\RAPT6\DefaultMaterials\
Materials File=C:\RAPT6\DefaultMaterials\Australia.rmc
Runtime Directory=C:\RAPT6\Raptrun\
Replace the string "C:\RAPT6" with "\\AppServer\rapt" and delete the content on the right hand side of the equal
symbol in the last line. The modified file should look like this:

[RAPT User Configuration]

Design Code Template Directory=\\APPSERVER\RAPT\DefaultCodes\
Design Code File=\\APPSERVER\RAPT\DefaultCodes\Australia.rdc
Materials Template Directory=\\APPSERVER\RAPT\DefaultMaterials\
Runtime Directory=
Save the modified default.ruc file.

The person who configures RAPT for shared network use can do it on \\AppServer computer or any other network
computer as long as the person has access privilege to \\AppServer\rapt. After RAPT is started, click File -> Config for
Network Use from the menu. Then, in the Config for Network Use dialog, click the Add button to add an entry and
type in the information to get result a like the following:

You can either type the path name into User Preference File Path or just click the "…" browse button to specify the
path from a dialog box. The network share path must be used instead of path name such as c:\Users\JohnsRAPT. This
is because John may sometimes use \\WorkStation2 and RAPT won't be able to find the path in c:\Users\JohnsRAPT on
\\WorkStation2. This is easiest done from the Browse Button and selected from the computer and path tree My
Network Places. Now RAPT knows where to store John's configuration files. RAPT will prompt for both the default.ruc
and default.rup files to be copied to \\WorkStation1\JohnsRAPT if there are no copies there already with a dialog like
the following

Click Yes button to allow RAPT to copy the default.ruc and then the default.rup file from \\AppServer\rapt to
\\JohnsRAPT. Repeat the same procedure to add Mary's entry and Peter's entry. To delete entries, click the row
headers to highlight the rows to delete and click the Remove button. The "Change…" button on each row can be used
2.3 Installation: Configure RAPT for Shared Network Use 1 2.3 Installation: Configure RAPT for Shared Network Use 2
RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC

3 File Management 3.2 RAPT Frame File

The RAPT Frame file, .rpf, is a binary file which contains
3.1 RAPT Data File Types
1. The input data for a RAPT frame run
Data Files:
2. The output results data (optional)
3. A copy of the Design Code Data for the selected design code
File Type Description Access 4. A copy of the Materials Data for the selected country materials data
RDC file RAPT design code file. Editable in RAPT 5. A copy of the output tree selections.

RMC file RAPT material file. Editable in RAPT This file is only editable and the results can only be viewed/printed from RAPT.
RAPT design code template file. Any newly created RDC file
RDS file Not Editable by User
is based on one of these RDS files.
RAPT material template file. Any newly created RMC file is
RSM file Not Editable by User
based on one of these RSM files.
RPF file RAPT frame file. Editable in RAPT
Configuration Files:

File Name Description

Network Configuration file. Lists each user's name and that user's configuration
directory. This is a text file.
User Configuration File. It specifies where the template RDS and RMS files are,
Default.ruc which RDC and RMC file should be used as default file, and the last accessed
directory. This is a text file.
User Preference file. Saves a user's preferred unit format, calculation options,
output options, etc. This is a binary file.

3 File Management 1 3.2 File Management: RAPT Frame File 1

RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC

3.3 Column 3.4 Cross-Section

This section is not available yet. This section is not available yet.

3.3 File Management: Column 1 3.4 File Management: Cross-Section 1

RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC

3.5 Profile 3.6 RAPT Design Standards File

This section is not available yet. RAPT allows designers to design to several national design standards and also allows the designer to customise the
data in these files to suit different adaptations of these national standards by other countries.
To facilitate this, RAPT uses 2 types of file for design standards. These are

1 .rds file - These files are not editable. They are the template files which are used as the basis of new Country
Design Standards created by designers. They have a name related to a Design Standard rather than a country, eg
2 .rdc file - These files are editable by the designer. Each is the Design Standard file for a country. They are
based on a specific country Design Standard and may be modified to suit another countries adaptation of that design
Standard. The designer has control over some factors used in Design Standard rules. The basic Design Standard logic,
formulae and rules are used in RAPT with these factors. Designers can create their own versions of these files from the
Template files or edit the files supplied with RAPT. Any changes made to these files are the responsibility of the

3.5 File Management: Profile 1 3.6 File Management: RAPT Design Standards File 1
RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC

3.7 RAPT Materials Data File 4 User Interface

RAPT is used by designers in many countries to design to a variety of design standards, often developed by different
countries. For this reason the materials data has been kept independent of the design standard and is defined for each 4.1 Start Screen

Again there are 2 file types. These are

4.1.1 Start Screen - File Menu
1 .rsm file - These files are not editable. They are the template files which are used as the basis of new Country
Material Sets created by designers. They have a name related to the country for which they were compiled by the
RAPT developers .

2 .rmc file - These files are editable by the designer. Each is the materials Data file for a country. They are
based on a specific set of materials for a country and may be modified to suit the materials available in another
country. The designer has complete control over the materials definition.

New (Ctrl + N)
Allows the user to create a new design file. Four types of design file can be created in RAPT

1. Frame - The user can define a 2D concrete sub-frame for automatic analysis, design and detailing as a
reinforced or a prestressed concrete member.
2. Cross-Section - The user can define a single complex cross-section of a member with reinforcement and
prestressing tendons for detailed design.
3. Column - The user can define a column shape with reinforcement and prestressing tendons and produce
various interaction diagrams for it.
4. Tendon Profile - The user can define a prestress tendon geometry in terms of high and low points and
produce a tendon profile drawing with calculated extensions

If the user clicks the button from the toolbar, a dialog box will be prompted to ask which type of the RAPT file you
want to create.

3.7 File Management: RAPT Materials Data File 1 4 User Interface 1

RAPT User Manual Copyright PCDC

Open (Ctrl + O)
The user can open one of the design files mentioned above or a Design Code file or a Materials file for editing using the
standard windows style open file dialog below..

For Design files, a preview pane has been provided at the bottom which lists some relevant data from the selected file
to help with file selection.
New Defaults
Allows the user to create personalized Design Code and Materials files. These files are based on the Template files
supplied with RAPT for various Design codes and Countries. The user selects a default file from the dialogs below and
is then able to modify the data to suit his own design needs. Any changes made to Design Code factors should be in
accordance with local design rules and the logic of the formulas in which they will be used for that design code.

4 User Interface 2

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