Personal Development

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Negros Island Region
Division of Negros Occidental
Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occidental

I. Direction: Read and answer the questions carefully and write the letter with the correct
1. An aspects of self which deals on how do you feel about the different ways you take in the information
a. actual self b. creativity c. sensual self d. persistence
2. it allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out a specific action that no one has tried to use.
a. Creativity b. actual self c. self -reliance d. determination
3. It makes you keep moving forward regardless of emerging obstacles.
a. Stress management b. persistence c. ideal self d. personal
4. It appears in the process of personal development as a result of getting self-awareness, actions and
a. Self-concept b. self-knowledge c. sensual self d. ideal self
5. It is the one that you hope will possess characteristics similar to that of the mentor or some of the other
worldly figure.
a. Sensual self b. actual self c. ideal self d. emotional self
6. It allows you to focus only on achieving a specific goal without being distracted by less important things
or spontaneous desires.
a. Determination b. loyalty c. perseverance d. persistence
7. These usually refer to your typical feelings you seldom have, you try to avoid, and especially you enjoy.
a. Mental self b. emotional self c. spiritual self d. physical self
8. This means making use of all personal resources like talents, skills and energy time to enable you to
achieve goals.
a. Experience b. generating ideas c. stress management d. personal
9. It helps combat stress that arises in daily life from the environment and other people.
a. Stress management b. experience c. problem-solving skills d. generating ideas
10. This helps cope with problems encountered with a lack of experience.
a. Generating ideas b. problem-solving skills c. generating ideas d. determination
11. It has a characteristic that you were nurtured or in some cases, you were born to have.
a. Self-concept b. self-reliance c. actual self d. ideal self
12. It derives from the social interactions that provide insights into how others react about you.
a. Self-confidence b. self-knowledge c. self-actualization d. self-concept
13. Includes knowledge and skills that is acquired in the process of cognitive and practical activities.
a. Loyalty b. personal effectiveness c. generating ideas d. experience
14. It helps you achieve goals using new, original and unconventional ideas.
a. Problem-solving skills b. generating ideas c. personal effectiveness d. determination
15. The construct that negotiates actual self and ideal self.
a. Self-concept b. self-reliance c. actual self d. ideal self
16. _____________ includes the description of your height, weight, facial appearance and quality of the skin.
a. interactional self b. mental self c. Physical self d. nutritional self
17. _____________ includes the description of your strengths and weaknesses in your intimate relationships to
friends, family and in social setting.
a. Physical self b. contextual self c. emotional self d. interactional self
18. It deals on what foods you like to sustain in your body.
a. Nutritional self b. mental self c. interactional self d. actual self
19. An assessment of how well you reason out and solve problems, and your capacity to learn.
a. Mental self b. intellectual self c. nutritional self d. contextual self
20. _____________ includes your feelings, reactions about your spiritual connections to others and thoughts
about your metaphysical self.
a. Spiritual self b. contextual self c. physical self d. interactional self
21. Descriptors could be in the areas of maintenance of your living environment.
a. Physical self b. mental self c. emotional self d. contextual self
22. A transition age when adjustments to initial physical and mental decline are experienced.
a. Old age b. middle age c. pre-natal period d. early adulthood
23. Age when hereditary endowments and sex are fixed and all body features are developed.
a. Pre-natal period b. infancy c. early childhood d. middle age
24. Gang and creativity age when self-help skills, social and school skills are developed.
a. Early childhood b. adolescence period c. late childhood d. middle age
25. Adjustment period to new patterns of life and roles such as spouse and bread winner.
a. Old age b. early adulthood c. infancy d. pre-natal period
26. Foundation age when basic behavior are organized and many ontogenetic maturation skills are
a. Infancy b. early childhood c. adolescence period d. middle age
27. Retirement age when rapid physical and mental decline are experienced.
a. Middle age b. infancy c. old age d. early childhood

28. Transition age from childhood to adulthood when sex maturation and rapid physical development
occur resulting to changes in ways of feelings, thinking and acting.
a. Pre-natal period b. middle age c. early adulthood d. adolescence
29. Pre-gang age, exploratory and questioning.
a. Middle age b. infancy c. old age d. early childhood
30. Aspects of self that relates to spirit.
a. Emotional aspects b. physical aspects c. intellectual aspects d. tangible aspects

II. Read and answer the statements carefully by matching column A with column B. Letters only.
1. Express gratitude a.) cultivate your own inner peace becoming an agent for
2. Build integrity action
3. Foster leadership b.) appreciate common humanity and value different
4. Breath mindfully c.) appreciate everyone and everything you encounter
5. Limit reactivity d.) make use as an anchor to still your mind and bring focus on
6. Nurture mutual respect standing on how they think and feel
7. Cultivate insights e.) cultivate constructive values and consistently act from
8. Be at peace honesty and kindness
9. Practice compassion f.) let others fully express themselves and focus on
10. Listen deeply how they think and feel
g.) full engagement in life and in community
h.) consider the thoughts and feelings of others and let
tenderness, kindness and empathy be your guide
i.) observe rather than be controlled by your emotions
j.) see life as it is, allowing each experience to be an opportunity
for learning
k.) being aware of the many things in the external world

III. Direction: write (/) if the statement is correct and (x) if it’s not, then write the exact words to
make it your correct answer.
1. Ideal self is the one you actually see.
2. Actual self is built on self-knowledge.
3. Our personal effectiveness doesn’t necessarily depend on our innate characteristics.
4. Self-knowledge is derived from social interactions that provide insight into how others react about you.
5. It’s okay to stay simply and focus on your weaknesses in life.
6. Self-discipline is conceived as a collection of multiple, context dependent selves.
7. Our hearts learns what to do and communicates information to the body and the feelings.
8. The mind provides access creativity and serenity.
9. The human emotions are the most feared aspects of self.
10. A decision made under emotional stress and strain usually impacts emotions negatively.


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