Labor Informality

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The quality of life that people enjoy, is
DESCRIPTION OF linked to the total income that as a
THE PROBLEM INTRODUCTION family is earned in a specific period of
The highest Labor informality is the informal '' time, which is nothing more than
unemployment rates in Employment '' of independent workers, street having a good diet, basic, services and
the City of Ibague have vendors, domestic service workers, among housing, unfortunately the entities at
raised the informality and others; those who work and receive income the governmental level have made the
the way to earn the outside the control of the State Tax and legal intervention, that is required to
livelihood of some of the provisions on labor matters. More than 45% minimize this phenomenon, its
city's inhabitants. The of the population of strata 1 and 2 of pronouncement is aimed at global
Colombia are engaged in this work activity. level and the effects of this is refined in
lack of job opportunities
Ibagué is one of the cities that registers high third parties with substantial interests
is a problem not only of
indices of informability, therefore the causes and greater impact, relegating the
Ibagué but of all 
and entities that have intervened to mitigate informal vendedor in this way
said social problem will be investigated.

In the city Ibague, government entities such as the Unemployment and informability are relatively
mayor's office and the government have posted linked, therefore in the city of Ibagué there are
several strategies to minimize this problem one of entities such as the Public Employment
which is to dialogue with the business of the area, Agency, which through SENA, helps promote
socializing the different laws that benefit them by employment, providing employability options
hiring, for example , victims of the conflict; also help to people who require it, managing to mitigate
people thoroung the solidarity fund of foment the informability. Similarly, the Family
employment and protection to the loser where Compensation Fund CONFENALCO, whose
they benefit from giving then a bonus od $ 150,000, entity in addition to providing employment
where they must be linked to a compensation box. solutions, provides training for the
We most remember that Ibague in the last report of participation of job offers offered by the
2018, unemployment appeared with a rate of 15%. Government, this in order that these
In the  quarter july - september the city had marked applications are positive.
an unemployment rate of 13.8%

Authors: Angela Barreto, Nelly Botero, Edwin Carbonell, Leidy Suarez

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