Easy Learning Japanese Phrasebook

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easy learning

for languages.
« 9em

easy learning
phrase book
Miyoko Yam ashita

First published 2007

This edition published 2010
Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
Reprint 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Typeset by Davidson Pre-Press, Glasgow
Printed in Malaysia for Imago


ISBN 978-0-00-735850-2
Using your phrasebook

Your Collins Gem Phrasebook is designed to help you

locate the exact phrase you need, when you need it,
whether on holiday or for business. If you want to
adapt the phrases, you can easily see where to
substitute your own words using the dictionary
section, and the clear, full-colour layout gives you
direct access to the different topics.

The Gem Phrasebook includes:

• Over 70 topics arranged thematically. Each phrase

is accom panied by a sim ple pronunciation guide
which elim inates any problem s pronouncing
foreign words.

• A top ten tips section to safeguard against any

cultural faux pas, giving essential dos and don’ts
for situations involving local custom s or etiquette.

• Practical hints to make your stay trouble free,

show ing you where to go and what to do when
dealing with everyday matters such as travel or
hotels and offering valuable tourist information.

o Face to face sections so that you understand
what is being said to you. These exam ple m ini­
dialogues give you a good idea of w hat to expect
from a real conversation.

©Common announcem ents and m essages you may

hear, ensuring that you never m iss the important
information you need to know when out and about.

• A clearly laid-out dictionary m eans you will never

be stuck for words.

• A basic gram m ar section which will enable you to

build on your phrases.

• A list of public holidays to avoid being caught out

by unexpected opening and closing hours, and to
make sure you don’t m iss the celebrations!

It’s worth spending tim e before you em bark on your

travels ju st looking through the topics to see what is
covered and becom ing fam iliar with what m ight be
said to you.

W hatever the situation, your Gem Phrasebook is sure

to help!


Using your Staying somewhere 51

phrasebook 3 Hotel (booking) 51
Pronouncing Hotel desk 54
Japanese 7 Cam ping 55
Top ten tips 11 Self-catering 57

Talking to people 13 Shopping 58

Hello/goodbye, yes/noi3 Shopping phrases 58
Key phrases 15 Shops 60
Work 19 Food (general) 61
Weather 20 Food (fruit and veg) 62

Getting around 22 Clothes 64

Asking the way 22 Clothes (articles) 66

Bus and coach 25 Maps and guides 67

Metro 28 Post office 68

Train 30 Photos 69

Taxi 34 Leisure 70
Boat and ferry 36 Sightseeing and
Air travel 38 tourist office 70
Custom s control 40 Entertainm ent 71

Driving .. Leisure/interests
42 72

Car hire ^ Music

42 72

Driving 44
Cinem a 73

Petrol 45 Theatre/opera 74

Breakdown 46
Television 76

Car parts 77
47 S P0 r t
Road signs 49 Skiing 79

W alking 81 Different types of
Communications 82 travellers 109

Telephone and mobile 82 Disabled travellers 109

Text m essaging 86 With kids 110

E-m ail 86 Reference 112
Internet 88 M easurements and
Fax 89 quantities 112
Practicalities 90 Num bers 115

Money 90 Days and m onths 117

Paying 92 Tim e 120

Luggage 94
Tim e phrases 122
Repairs 95 Eating out 123
Laundry 96 Food in Japan 123
Com plaints 97 Reading the menu 130
Problems 98 Vegetarian 146
Em ergencies 100 Wines and spirits 150
Health 103 Grammar 151
Pharm acy 103 Public holidays 160
Body 104 Signs and notices 162
Doctor 105 Dictionary
Dentist 107 English - Japanese 172


Although the Japanese writing system is rather

Pronouncing Japanese
complicated, pronouncingjapanese is easy once
you know the few basic rules. This book has been
designed so that as you read the pronunciation of
the phrases, you can follow the Japanese. This will
help you to recognize the different sounds and give
you a feeling for the rhythm of the language. A few
rules for you to note are below.

In Japanese the basic unit of speech is the

syllable, not the letter. Each syllable is pronounced
approximately the same length and rather flatly.
Japanese has a pitched accent (high and low) but
tone doesn’t change the meaning, as it does in
Chinese. It is more important not to stress any one
part of a word. For example, in English the word
Paris Is pronounced paris and In French paree.
Japanese gives equal strength to both syllables: pari.

Japanese has relatively few sounds. Each vowel has

only one sound.

Japanese vowels
sounds like

a a’ as in bath
Pronouncing Japanese

i’ as in police
u u’ as in put
e e’ as in let
o o’ as in got

Longvowel sounds

a a, ii, uu, ee, oo approximately double the

length of other syllables

15 Basic consonants

k, s, t, n, h, m , y, r, w , g, z, d, b, p, n /m

Except n /m , and sh i, c h i and tsu , a consonant

takes one vowel to create a syllable as in
K i-m o -n o traditional Japanese costume
T a -n a -k a Japanese surname

These consonants are close to their English

equivalents but note the following:
g is pronounced as in golf, not as in Germany
y is pronounced as in young, not as in cry

Since Japanese lacks the consonants I and v, foreign
loanwords with these letters are pronounced with r
and b, respectively. Thus, English words ‘love’ and
‘rub’ both become indistinguishable as ra-bu in

Pronouncing Japanese

Japanese also lacks the si sound (as in ‘to sit’): shi

is used instead, with often embarrassing results!
Other English sounds that do not exist in Japanese
are hu (as in ‘hook’: fu is used instead); th (as in
‘thin’: shi is used instead); and ti (as in 'tin': chi is
used instead).

Double consonants, like kk, pp, ssand ttare

written before a vowel, which indicates a pause
equivalent to one syllable in length before that
consonant. The sound before the pause tends to
become sharper than at other times.

Pronunciation Meaning

kitte ki (pause) te stamp

kippu ki (pause) pu ticket

ki, shi, chi, ni ,hi, mi, ri, gi, ji, bi and pi sounds can
be combined with ya, yu or yo to create combined
consonants. For example, ki + ya become kya, ki +
yu become kyu and ki + yo become kyo. Examples

of this can be found in the words Tookyoo and
Kyooto, where it is pronounced as two sounds,
but said very quickly with the same length of one
Pronouncing Japanese

Pronunciation Meaning

m atchi ma (pause) chi match

In the case of the chi syllable, a double consonant

sound is written as tchi as in the example above.

You should also remember that Japanese does not

have a silent e at the end of a word such as in the
English ‘to take’, if ‘take’ Is read as the Japanese
word take (bamboo), it should be pronounced
tah-keh. Similarly sake (rice wine), is pronounced

However, the vowel u at the end of a sentence such

as M ike desu will sound very weak.

Top ten tips

1 Always remember to remove your shoes before

entering someone’s home. Before stepping on
tatam i matting, slippers must also be removed.
Slippers must be changed when going to the
toilet. Remember not to leave the toilet still
wearing the toilet slippers, as it would be very

Top ten tips


2 Always make sure that you do not have any holes

in your socks or tights, as you may have to take
your shoes off unexpectedly.

3 Shaking hands is uncommon In Japan;

the Japanese greet each other by bowing.
However, foreigners are sometimes greeted
with a handshake.4

4 Sum im asen is a word with many purposes;

it can be used to attract someone’s attention
before making a request, or to get past people
on a crowded train. It can also be used to say

5 Credit cards are only accepted in the more
expensive hotels, shops and restaurants.

6 If you receive a gift from a Japanese visitor,

remember to express delight at the wrapping as
well as the gift itself. If you are invited to a
Japanese person’s house, make sure you take
gift-wrapped present with you.
Top ten tips

7 You can only buy cigarettes and alcohol if you

are over 20 years of age.

8 The Japanese tend not to use assertive words

such as “yes” and “no”. Good alternatives are ii
desu ne for “yes” and chotto for “no”.

9 Cleanliness is important to the Japanese. Never

drop or leave rubbish.

10 It's advisable that you carry proof of identity at

all times, so make sure that you always have
your passport with you.

Hello/goodbye, yes/no
Hell o/good bye, yes/no

In Japanese there is no exact equivalent for the

word ‘hello’ - different greeting words are used
based on the time of the day. Similarly, the word
c h o tto (whose literal meaning is ‘a bit’) is
influenced by body language: if said with one’s
head slightly tilted, it means ‘no’.

Hello oA/Ic.'Sli
Good morning
Good evening clA /liA /lct
oyasu mi nasal
Goodbye £
See you later
ja mata
See you tomorrow
mata ashita
How are you? £>7üM T 53‘ fa
ogenki desu ka?
Fine, thanks
Talking to people

And you?
anata wa?
Please f c lÜ lA U S f
Thank you
You’re welcome
Excuse me!
Yes (á u
No IH A X .
Urn... S c t o t ...
Yes, please IS l/ \ S H l A U S f
hai.onegai shimasu
No, thanks UHAX.C i S S T - f
iie, kekkoodesu
Sir... ...R
Mr.. ./Madam.../ ...Z h u
Mrs.../Ms.../ ...san
1don’t to * ' D S t t A ,
understand w a k a rim a se n
1don’t speak
Japanese w a ta sh i w a n ih o n g o g a
hanasem asen

Key phrases
Key phrases

There is no gender, article or singular/plural form in

Japanese. Different counters are used together with
numbers (please see the number section for more

museum mm
b iju tsu k a n
the station IR
the shops IS
m ise
the houses
ie / u c h i

a/one —O
a ticket "J h —■f t
chlketto Ichlmal
one stamp
kltte Ichim al
Talking to people

a room -S P S
hlto heya
one bottle —*
some (countable)
some IK S fr
(uncountable) ikuraka
some wine I K K 5 A'
w ain Ikuraka
some fruit
furuutsu Ikutsuka
some biscuits K K o A '
bisuketto Ikutsuka
Do you have...? ...( ia p D ir t * '
...w aarlm asu ka?
Do you have
a timetable? jlko ku h yo o w a a rlm a su ka?
Do you have
a room? h e y a w a arim asu ka?
Do you have
milk? gyuunyuu w aarim asu ka?
l/W e ’d like... ...(» 1 9 ) f c l i V C f
...(verb) taid esu
I/W e ’d like...
...(noun) ga h o sh iid e su
I’d like an
ice cre a m aisukuriim u ga hoshii desu
W e ’d like to * £ ! liiD f c l,\ - C T
go h o m e ie ni kaeritai desu
A n o th er... . . . J d jM d O

Key phrases
S o m e m o re...
...m oosukoshi
S o m e m o re bread
pan m oo sukoshi
S o m e m ore IK W & k bo 'J H s
g la s s e s n om im ono m oosukoshi
A n o th e r 0
Ja p a n e se te a o ch a okawari
A n o th e r beer e -jL s f e d 'b o
biiru okawari
S o m e m o re w a te r
om izu m oosukoshi
H o w m u c h is it?
korew aikuradesu ka?
sm a ll / J v £ lA
w ith £
w ith o u t
W he re is/are ...? ..A t£ Z .-£ t± '
... w ad o ko d e su ka
Talking to people

W he re is/a re — ... A'

th e nearest...? ichiban chikai ...w a d o ko d e su ka?
H o w do I ge t...?
...ew adooyatte ikim asu ka?
to th e m u s e u m
bijutsukan ewa
to th e statio n IR'Mi
eki ewa
to Kyoto
Kyooto ewa
T h e re is/a re ...
...gaarim asu
T h e re is n ’t / ...# £ D S tA j
a re n ’t any... ...gaarim asen
W hen?
A t w h a t tim e ...?
to d ay <%B
to m o rro w B£B
C an I...?
...dekim asu ka?
sm o k e mm
taste it t iS
H o w d o e s th is 3 E -5^ 0 T jg U St ts
w ork? kore w a dooyatte tsukaim asu ka?
W h a t d oes th is ¡1ftfi i: -5U5MBfrXtt'
m ean? kore w a d o o iu imi desu ka?

W ork

T h e Ja p a n e se te n d to te ll yo u w h ere th e y w o rk
rather th a n w h a t th e y do.

W h a t do yo u do? S X ’4’1S'
otsutom e w a dochira desu ka?
H o w ’s y o u r w o rk? o X '^ ’tS'
s h ig o to w a d o o d e su ka?
I’m ... m t...
w atashiw a...
a d o cto r m m xt
a m anager m m ^xt
> Leisure/interests (p 70 ) > Sport (p 7 7 ) 19
a housewife H EjU T?'?'
shufu desu
I work from home f A l i
w atashi w aza itaku -kin m u desu
I’m self-em ployed f A t t i= ii= S IT ? '3 "
w atashi w ajieigyoo desu
Talking to people


tenki-yohoo weather forecast

B fttl hare fine
H U warui
1 0 kumori cloudy
changeable w eather
kawariyasui tenki

It’s s u n n y
te n k ig a ii
It’s m u g g y $U 1U
m ushiatsui
It’s ra in in g
a m e ga fu tte iru
It’s s n o w in g
yuki gafutteiru

It’s windy
kaze ga tsuyoi
W h a t a lo ve ly day! £ C / u T l / ' b ' E l
nante ¡¡hi!
W h a t aw ful
w eather! nante hidoi tenki!
W h a t w ill the
w e a th e r be ashitano tenki w a doo desu ka?
like to m orro w ?
D o you th in k it’s
g o in g to rain? am e ga furisoo desu ka?

W eather
It’s v e ry h ot
to d ay kyoo w a totem o atsui desu
It’s ve ry cold
to day kyoo w a totem o sam ui desu
Do you th in k
the re w ill be arashi ni naru to o m oim asu ka?
a storm ?
D o you th in k it si
w ill sno w ? yuki ni naru to om oim asu ka?
W ill it be fo ggy? Ml
kiri ni n arvto om oim asu ka?
W h a t is the fu S U M /g T -T A '
te m p e ratu re? kion w a nando desu ka?

Getting around
Askingthe way
G e ttin g a ro u n d

I5M hantai opposite

...® ® i ...notonari next to...
...® j£ < ...n ochikaku near to...
M3 shingoo traffic lights
o o dan-hodoo crossroads
( M lS ff l) ft corner (of road)
(dooro no) kado


A f ^ i th j,
s u m im a s e n , eki m a d e d o o y a tte ikim a su ka?
Excuse me, how do I get to the station?
B T C 'n

massugu itte, hitotsu-me no kado o migi/

hidari ni magatte kudasai
Keep straight on, turn right/left at the first corner

A itU T -T * '
tooi desu ka?
Is It far?
B U \^ jL 2 0 0 * -h ;i//5 # < 5 lV T ? -r
iie, nihyaku-meetoru/go-fun kurai desu
No, about 2 0 0 m etres/five m inutes
A ®DA '“<!:5!
Thank you!

A sking the Way

doo itashimashite
You’re w elcom e

W e ’re lo st L>tc
m ichi nl m ayoim ashita
W e ’re lo o k in g fo r........ i E t S U T b ' S ' i T
...o sagash ite imasu
Is th is th e rig h t ...IC if r < f f i i i C t V C l / U A ' d r
w a y to...? t >'
...ni iku nowa korede iidesu ka?
C a n l/ w e w a lk ^rZ. c P .U ' & l ' } t } '
there? soko m ade arukem asu ka?

H o w do 1/ ...
w e ge t...? doosureba... ni ikemasu ka?
to th e statio n IRE
eki ni
to the m u se u m Hi&StE
bijutsukan ni
to th e sh o p s tSIglZ
omise ni
G ettin g a ro u n d

C an yo u s h o w m e iiMUT'Jjk 1/T t> 5 x. S T * '

on th e m ap? chizu de shimeshite moraemasu

YO U M A Y H E A R ...

T o fc p ir dow n the re
kudatta tokoro
its b ehind
th e n a s k a gain
mooichido kiite kudasai

Bus and coach

P la ce s s u c h as Kyoto h ave to u ris t d ay p a sse s and

bus route m a p s in E n g lis h , w h ic h you ca n o b ta in at
a bus sta tio n . Lo cal b u s e s u su a lly board fro m th e
rear d o o r an d if y o u r jo u r n e y is n ot covered by a flat
fee you m a y need to p ic k up a n u m b e re d ticke t.
A board a t th e fro n t o f th e b u s d isp la y s th e fares,
based on th e n u m b e rs. Yo u w ill need to kn o w yo u r

Bus and coach

d e stin a tio n in Ja p a n e se ch a ra cte rs. S o m e b u se s
board fro m th e fro n t d o o r an d require yo u to p ay as
you enter. T ic k e ts for lo n g / m ld d le d ista n c e co a ch
trip s, a s w e ll a s airp ort lim o u s in e s, are u su a lly sold
at the co a ch c o u n te r o r tic k e tin g m a ch in e .


sum im asen, dono basu g a chuushim bu nl ikim asu ka?

E xcu se m e, w h ic h b us g o e s to th e centre?
B 15#T *f
ju u go -b an desu
N u m b e r -^

basutei w ad o ko desu ka?

W he re is the b us stop?

b S lc& O S f
sugusoko, m igi ni arim asu
T h e re , on th e rig h t
a n z v fim m & m
dokodejyooshaken o kaem asu ka?
W he re can I buy th e ticke ts?
B 5*Bi£T?
baiten de kaem asu
G ettin g a ro u n d

A t th e n e w s-sta n d

Is the re a b u s / ...IZ 'ij < ) { ? . /

tra m to...?
...ni iku b asu /ro m e n -de nsh aw a
arim asu ka?
W h e re do 1/ t'C T * ...
w e ca tc h the ffg C D /U lcS n ^-r* '
b us to...? doko d e ... iki no basu ni norem asu
W h e re do 1/ ÜZ.-Ç...
w e ca tch the
tra m to...? doko d e ... iki no rom en-densha ni
norem asu ka?
l/w e w o u ld like ...(CÎTëfcU/uT-tA'"
to go to... ...ni ikitain desu ga
H o w m u c h is it ...3tT*U< s x - f * '
to go to...? ...m ade ikuradesu ka?
th e ce n tre 'ÎbQ'aE
chuushim bu
the beach 3SB
ham abe
How often are
the buses to...?
...ni iku basu w adonogurai dete
im asu ka?
When is the first
...iki no shihatsu basu w a itsu desu
When is the last
bus to...?
...iki nosaishuu basu wa itsu desu ka?
Please tell me
when to get off
itsu oritara iika oshiete kudasai
Please tell me
when we are at... ...ni tsuitara oshiete kudasai
Please let me off
sum im asen, oroshite kudasai
I got on at... . . .t '& M O £ L > fc
...karanorim ashita
Sorry, I forgot to
take a ticket m m ^ m o ^ it/v -v u r c
(on entering bus) sum im asen, seiriken o torim asen

> Luggage (p 94) 27

YO U M A Y H E A R ...

d C / C O / C M f T 'T c f c T h is is it/ y o u rs to p
koko/kono basu-tei desu yo
Take th e m etro,
it’s q u ic k e r
chikatetsu no hooga hayai
desu yo
Getting around


T h e Ja p a n e se m e tro an d train se rv ice s are clean ,

safe an d run on tim e . Yo u can e ith e r p u rch a se a
prepaid card or an o rd in a ry tick e t fro m th e tic k e tin g
m a ch in e . Silv e r se a ts are fo r the e ld e rly or people
w ith d ifficu ltie s. M obile p h o n e s need to be on sile n t
and you m u s t n ot ta lk in th e carriage . In m a jo r citie s,
th e ru sh h o u r (b e tw ee n 7 and 9 am an d 5 an d 8 pm )
cru sh can be really bad. S o m e tra in s have w o m e n -
o n ly ca rria g e s. T h e Ja p a n e se m etro sy s te m is very
s im ila r to th e o ne in Lo n d o n . T h e first t h in g you
m u s t do is o btain a m etro m ap w h ic h in d ic a te s all
th e lin es and sto p s.

A D iriguchi e n tra n ce
tB D deguchi w a y o u t/e x it

C an 1 ge t a se at l/ S 'í
reservation zaseki no yoyaku 0 onegai shim asu
W he re can 1ge t m itilZ -T :'M a S tt'
a ticket? kippu w a doko de kaem asu ka?
W he re is the - # iS ^ ± if e T ^ © IR tt ¿í ¿ I7
n e are st m etro tfa
statio n? ¡chiban chikai chikatetsu n oe ki wa
doko desu ka?
H o w d oes the
tick e t m a ch in e fa
w ork? kenbaiki w a dooyatte tsukaim asu

I’m g o in g to... ...(C f jc i
...ni ikim asu
D o you have № TW iO im iZ & 'Q lii-tfa
a m ap o f chikatetsu n o c h izu w a a rim a su ka?
the m etro?
H o w do I ge t to...? H o ’P' d T ... IC Ít S ^ - T A '
d o o y a tte ... ni ikim asu ka?
Do 1 have to
ch a n g e ? norikae w a arim asu ka?
D o e s th is go to ...? ü í l l i .. . (c- Í t S < S l T A '
kore w a ... ni ikim asu ka?
W h ich line . . . f i z i m Mx*?fa
is it for...? ...iki w a nani-sen desu ka

> Luggage (p 94) 29

W h ich platform
is it for...? ...iki w a nan-bansen desu ka
W h a t is the
n e xt stop? tsugi no eki w a doko desu ka?
E xcu se me! tfr& tth j\
sum im asen!
Ple ase let m e out P$-5 U T < fc £ lA
oroshlte kudasai
G etting around


Yo u w ill find M idori no madoguchi in m a jo r train

sta tio n s w h ere yo u can e x c h a n g e Ja p a n Rail P asse s
to m a ke se a t b o o k in g s e tc. A JR p a ss can g e t you a
c o n sid e ra b le w ay a ro u n d Ja p a n . D e ta ils can be
fo u n d a tw w w .japanrailpass.net.

kakuekl telsha slo w sto p p in g train

(stops at all stations)
local train (stops at
kalsoku/tokubetsu selected stations)
kalsoku densha
in te rcity (stops at m ain
ju n kyuu /kyuu koo densha intercity stations:
supplem ent)

# =§.f||I|I tokkyuu densha in te rcity (stops at m ain
intercity stations:
supplem ent)
f r ^ Z tcZ /U frO h ig h -s p e e d in te rcity
shinkansen kodam a/hikari b u lle t train OR pass
h ig h -sp e e d in te rcity
shinkansen nozom i b u lle t train OR pass
not accepted)
h 7 :f—A platform
purattofoom u
S O m adoguchi tic k e t o ffice
jikokuhyoo tim e ta b le

jU f t okure d e la y (appears on
train noticeboards)
0 left lu g ga ge
tenim otsu ichiji azukari


A ...
tsugi n o ... iki n o d e n s h a w a n a n -jid e su ka?
W h a t tim e is th e n ext tra in to...?
B 1 7 B tlO ^ T '-r ' H B |
ju u sh ich i-jiju p p u n d e su
A t 17.10

kippu osan-mai kudasai
I’d like 3 tick e ts, p lease

katamichi desu ka, oofuku desu ka?

S in g le o r return?

W h e re is the f R iiif jr - e - r * '

G etting around

statio n? ekl wadokodesu ka?

to... ...f r S
a sin g le J t a i- t S :
katamichi ichi-mai
tw o retu rns f f i l —tfc
oofuku ni-mai
reserved se at
n o n -re se rv e d se at
first cla s s ifv -y m
stan d ard cla ss 8 » *
s m o k in g pm
non s m o k in g

I w a n t to book
a se at on the
b ullet train Tookyoo m ade shinkansen no
to Tokyo shitei-seki o yoyaku shitain
desu ga
Do I have to
ch a n g e ? n o rikae gaarim a su ka?
H o w lo n g Is 5U3&
th e re to w a it O ifA '
for the norikae-jikan w adonokural
co n n e ctio n ? arim asu ka?
Is th is th e train c i n i i ...
for...? kore w a ... ikl n o d e n sh a d e su ka?

W h y is th e train
delayed? tfi'
naze den sha w a okurete iruno
desu ka?
W h e n w ill It leave? bO!±:#SU3tf A'
itsu shuppatsu shim asu ka?
D o e s it sto p at...?
...ni tom arim asu ka?
W h e n d o e s it ...IClib’O iiggT rA '
arrive in...? ...niw a itsu tsukim asu ka?
P le ase te ll m e
w h e n w e ge t ..ni tsuitaraoshiete kudasai

r > Luggage (p 94) 33

Is the re a
re sta u ra n t car? sh o ku d o o -sh a w a a rim a su ka?
Is th is se at free?
konoseki wa aite im asu ka?
E x cu se me!
(to get past) sum im asen!

G ettin g a ro u n d

Ja p a n e se taxis are safe, cle an and operate on m eters.

T h e b a sic fee is b ase d on the v e h icle size. It can be
rath e r e xp e n sive b u t th e re is no need to tip. Th ere
are taxi sta n d s at s ta tio n s and m a jo r h o te ls b ut ta xis
can also be hailed fro m the roadside. You can identify
w h e th e r a taxi is a v a ila b le by the s ig n (kuusha)
d isp lay e d in the fro n t w in d scre e n . All th e doo rs are
a u to m a tic a lly o p e rated by th e driver. A receipt can
be req u este d if n ece ssary .

I w a n t a taxi
takushii ni noritai desu
W he re can I get
a taxi? takushii n orib aw ad oko de su ka?
P le a se o rde r m e
a taxi takushii o yonde kudasai

now “7
im a
for...(tim e) . . . ( B t ) 1C
H o w m u c h w ill it ...3 ;T -U < A'
co s t to go to...? ...m ade ikura kakarim asu ka?
H o w lo n g w ill
it take? donokurai kakarim asu ka?
v a ca n t (car) 7*0ÉÉ}

to the statio n
please eki m ade onegai shim asu
to th e airp ort
please kuukoo m ade onegai shim asu

to th is a d d re ss Z © ͱ P / t 3 c T ' f c 'M t ' U £ t
please k o n o ju u sh o m ade onegai shim asu
H o w m u c h is it?
ikura desu ka?
C an 1 have a
receip t please? reshiito o onegai shim asu
Keep th e c h a n g e Ü ^ O lM é m T ’t
otsuri w a kekkoo desu
Sorry, I d o n ’t h ave l í ' c f r S ' l í
any change 0 ¡£ tí/ u
sum im asen, kozeni gaarim asen
I’m in a h urry
isoide im asu

1 have to ca tch ...
V f
...nl noranakutew a ikenain desu
a train Eg tp
a p lane m im
G e ttin g a ro u n d

Boat and ferry

Ja p a n R ailw ay s OR) run ferry se rvice s on certain

ro utes w h e re the JR P a ss can be used . T h e re is a
good ferry n etw o rk in Ja p a n lin k in g th e vario u s
isla n d s. Ferries can be u sed a s an a lte rn a tive to
tra in s if yo u w ish to travel b etw een th e isla n d s and
h ave tim e to spare. D u rin g th e h o lid a y s so m e lin es
ca n be ve ry busy, s o if yo u are d riv in g it is ad visab le
to book a p lace In ad va n c e .

Do yo u have
a tim e ta b le ? jiko kuh yo o wa arim asu ka?
Is th e re a car ..A z'n<ti-z> x U - tt& O
ferry to...?
...ni iku kaa-ferii w a arim asu ka?
H o w m u c h is
a ticke t...? kippu w a ikura desu ka?
sin g le
k a ta m ic h i
return a s
o o fu k u
H o w m u ch is it S t A A ' * ...
for a ca r and A T ’l'< S T 'lfi) '
... people? k u r u m a t o h i t o g a ... nin d e ikura
d e su ka?
o ne p erson - A

Boat and ferry

tw o people “ A
fu tari
three people H A
s a n -n in
W he re d o e s the 7|\—
boat leave fro m ? booto w ad o ko karadem asu ka?
A re the re a n y jIS J IM lie t iiS 0 ¡ S '? " A '
boat trips? yuuransen w a arim asu ka?
o f the T o kyo bay
Tookyoo-w an no
W h e n is the
n ext boat? tsugi n o fu n e w a n a n -ji desu ka?
H o w lo n g d oes M K itd a X
the trip take? fi'
yuuran w adonokurai kakarim asu

Y O U M A Y H E A R ...

T h is Is th e last boat
kore ga saishuu-bin desu
T h e re Is no service
kyoo wa yatte im asen to d ay
W h a t typ e o f car do
kurum a w a nan desu ka? you have?
Getting around

Air travel

A t th e airport, m o s t s ig n s are w ritten in both

Ja p a n e se and E n g lish . All th e airport s ta ff u nd erstand
and sp e a k so m e E n g lis h . Yo u can fin d airp ort d etails
b y v ls lt ln g w w w . n a r it a - a ir p o r t . o r . jp or
w w w . k a n s a i- a ir p o r t . o r . j p .

mm toochaku arrivals
shuppatsu d ep artu re s
Sür kokusai in te rn a tio n a l
S I* ! kokunai d o m e s tic
mm2 toojooguchi b o a rd in g gate

How do l/we
go to...?
...niw adooyatte ikeba ii desu ka?
to the airport ®§|C|*
kuu ko o n iw a
to town
m achi niwa
to the hotel... ...TtvxjUctt
...hoteru niwa
to th e... airport
...kuukoo niwa
Is there a bus to
the airport? kuukoo iki no basu w a arim asu ka?
How much is it
by taxi to...? ...m ade takushii de ikuradesu ka?
Where is the
check-in desk
for...? ...n oche kku in kau n taaw ad o ko
desu ka?
Which turn table
is the luggage
for the flight ...kara tsuita nim otsu w a dono
from...? taanteeburudesu ka?
Where can I &&(DmWiZ£ZT:'-C S S f
change some
money? okane no ryoogae w a doko de
dekim asu ka?

> Luggage (p 94) 39

Y O U M A Y HE A R ...

h f r S f lB S l/ S T B o a rd in g w ill take
...ban geeto kara toojoo p lace a t gate
shim asu n u m b er...
G o Im m e d ia te ly to
gate n u m b er...
...ban geeto m ade sikyuu
osusum i kudasai
Getting around

Customs control

U K, U S, C a n a d ia n a n d A u stra lia n v isito rs to Japan

do n ot require a v is a for sh o rt b u s in e s s trip s and
h o lid ay s. D u rin g y o u r stay, you are n ot allo w e d to
w o rk. It is a d v isa b le th a t you carry p ro o f o f id en tity
at all tim e s, so m a ke su re th a t you a lw a y s carry yo u r
p a ssp o rt.

V is it w w w .narita-airport-custom s.go.jp to find

o u t a b o u t d u ty free allo w a n ce .

B 2t O J § @ Ja p a n e se re tu rn in g to
nihon-jin kikoku th e co u n try
ft S A A S N o n -Ja p a n e se
galkoku-jin nyuukoku e n te rin g th e co u n try
iftHU zeikan c u s to m s
Do 1 have to pay
duty on this? kore ni zeikin ga kakarimasu ka?
It’s for my own
personal use watashi gatsukau mono desu
It’s a present ^ U -tiV h T rr
1have nothing
to declare shinkoku suru mono wa arimasen
We are on our

Customs control
way to... (if in ...ni iku tochuu keiyu desu
transit through
a country)
Th e ch ild /ch ild re n
is/are also on
this passport mo kono pasupooto desu
My passport fACDK^/1f-h
watashi no pasupooto
My visa tftf
watashi no biza
1cam e here
on... ...de kimashita
holiday ws
business tt*

Car hire

jE lz i& liH d riv in g lice n ce

unten-m enkyoshoo
soogoohoken fu lly c o m p re h e n siv e
in su ra n c e

1w a n t to hire
a car k u ru m a o karitai desu
f o r ... d ays ...B
w ith a u to m a tic
ge ars o o to m a sh a
W h a t are yo u r . . .M lilK S t - f i'
rates...? ...ryookin w a ikura desu ka?
per d ay -B ffl
ichinichi no
per w e ek — t S fe J©
isshuukan no

H o w m u c h is A'
the d ep o sit? hoshookln w a ikura desu ka?
Do you take h a -K li& x .S 'T
cre d it card s? AN
kurejitto kaado w atsukae m asu ka?
is there a ch a rg e <S>9 ST
per m ile / AN
kilom etre? sookoo-kyori no siharai w a
arim asu ka?
H o w m u c h is it? 5T*fA'
Ikura desu ka?
D o e s the price
in clu d e fu lly T'l^-TA '

Car hire
co m p re h e n siv e kono kingaku w a so o go o h oke n-
in su ra n ce ? ryoo o fukunde im asu ka?
M ust I return the
car here? 3tii/vA'
kurum a w a kokonl kaesanakereba
ikem asen ka?
B y w h a t tim e ? A'
nanji m ade ni desu ka?
I’d like to leave W t ... t g U T g A c U T - 'T
it In... w atashi w a ... ni oite kitai desu

Y O U M A Y H E A R ...

m t t i j y v y z m - S ’y ic Please return the car

U T 5 S U T < fc£L \ with a full tank
k u ru m a w a g a so rin o
m antan ni shite
kaeshite kudasai


Can l/we park Z Z lc E ¥ b T fc U U T -f

here? kokoni ch uu sha sitem o ii desu ka?

How long for? ¿fax s u s x ?

donokurai made?
Which junction
is it for...? 3 v x -f* '
...ni iku niw ado n o jan ku sho n
desu ka?
Do l/we need
snow chains? cheen w a hitsuyoo desu ka?


In Ja p a n , the m a jo rity o f petrol sta tio n s are m an n e d

by a tte n d a n ts w h o n ot o n ly fill up th e ta n k fo r you
b ut a lso w ip e th e w in d o w s an d c h e c k th e w ater.

A - f ^'•5’ haloku 4 star

z r - f —HJl/ dllzeru d iese l
m uen u nle ad ed
W iS yuuen leaded

Fill it up, please

m antan nl site kudasal

Ple ase ch e c k...
...0 chekku shite kudasal
the oil T f-f Jl
the w ate r 7j<
3 0 0 0 ye n w o rth o f 3 0 0 0 P 3 ^ 3 ' r o ^ i 8 i i ’ V U 'J
u nle ad ed petrol sanzen en bun no m uen gasorln
W here is...?
...w adoko desu ka?
th e a ir line 1 7 -
w ate r 7k
C an I pay by 0 \sV"J Ь Й — K ’ C 'ÍÁ X . t ^ l f A ''
cre d it card? kurejitto kaado de haraem asu ka?

Y O U M A Y H E A R ...

You need so m e o il/

oiru/m izu ga hitsuyoo desu so m e w ate r
E v e ryth in g is O K
súbete daijoobu desu


If yo u b re ak d ow n, th e e m e rg e n c y te le p h o n e
n u m b e r for the Ja p a n e se e q u iv a le n t o f the A A (J A F -
Ja p a n A u to m o b ile Fe d e ra tio n ) is 0570-00-8139 or #
(p o un d key) 8139

C an yo u h elp m e?
tasukete m oraem asu ka?
M y ca r has щ*'*г&Р* L x и s u s ufe
broken dow n kurum a ga koshooshite
shim aim ashita
I’ve run o ut Й7 U LSIA3:
o f petrol Ufc
gasorin ga kirete shim aim ashita

C an yo u to w m e K ^ C D tfV U V KÜ T*
to th e n e are st 3 1-3 t í o T Í t o T t> K . S
garage? TA '
m oyori no gasorin-sutando made
hippatte itte m oraem asu ka?
D o yo u h ave p arts ...C D a P o o ^ ’® 0 S T A '
for a (m ake o f ...n o b u h in gaarim asu ka?
T h e re ’s s o m e th in g ,..(C '(5 JA '< j3 A '' l A ' t Z.-&
w ro n g w ith A 4® 0 STf
the... ...ni nanika okashii tokoro ga
arim asu
C an you

Car parts
replace...? ...o kookan dekim asu ka?

Car parts

T h e ... is n ’t / a r e n ’t . . . ® S q ] ? - i ^ i l U T ; ' ' i T

w o rkin g p ro p erly ...n o c h o o sh ig a w a ru id e su

a cce le ra to r 7 Í7 - t z J b akuseru
alte rn ato r T N b í ’ Tft— orutaneetaa
battery 1 i "J 511J — batterii
bonnet h bonnette
brakes + bureeki
ch o ke 9 -3 —0 chooku
clu tch 0~?"j7 kurattchi
d istrib u to r £№ § haidenki
e n g in e i y 'J y enjin
exh aust ekizoosuto
fu se t l - 7 ‘ hyuuzu
ge ars 77 gia
h an d b rake hando bureeki
h e a d lig h ts A'v KzJ-Y h heddo raito
ig n itio n tenkasoo ch i
in d ic a to r hookoo shijiki
points tf\7 y h pointo
radiator 7'j7L—7 ~ rajieetaa
reverse ge ar )iv777 bakku gia

se a t belt $/— h shiito beruto

sp a rk p lu g &ik.y=
?Cf tenkapuragu
ste e rin g 7 7 7 Uy7 sutearingu
s te e rin g w h ee l 7 7 7 'J'y7 sutearingu
7^7—)l hoiiru
tyre 777 taiya
w h ee l sharin
w in d scre e n 7 0 y \'fi7 7 furonto garasu
w in d scre e n 77y^00x u indoow osshaa
w asher "j'y^ —
w in d scre e n 7 7 )1 - w aipaa
w ip e r

Road signs

Road Signs
sto p p in g p erm itted ce n tre line

drive slo w ly sto p

b icycle c ro s sin g m in im u m speed

p ed estrian tw o -ste p right turn

c ro s sin g fo r m o to rcy cle s

stop line sa fe ty zo n e

Hotel (booking)

Ja p a n o ffers a w id e c h o ic e o f p lace s to stay, from

w e ste rn -s ty le h o te ls to tra d itio n a l Ja p a n e se inns.
C a p su le h o te ls o ffer m in im u m sle e p in g sp a c e on

Hotel (booking)
m u ltip le levels, b ut h ave all th e fa c ilitie s an d are
good v a lu e for m oney.

Z 'y 'fJ iJ L -A s in g le room

sh in g u ru ru u m u
y y 'J U i-A d o u b le room
d a b u ru ru u m u
/=£H yo o sh itsu w e ste rn -s ty le room
iO H ! w a sh itsu Ja p a n e se -s ty le room
A A © A iS ( n u m b e r o f a d u lts
o t o n a n o n in z u u
? & © A j& n u m b e r o f ch ild re n
k o d o m o n o n in z u u


shinguru/daburu ruum u o yoyaku shitain desu ga

I’d like to book a single/double room
nam paku desu ka?
For how many nights?
A - ;'S T '- r / ...; a T - 'r / ...A '6 ...S T 'T '- r
Staying somewhere

ippaku desu/...haku (paku) desu/...kara...m ade desu

For one night/...nlghts/from...till...

How much is it —Jfi/— ST' t *'

per night/ ippaku/isshuukan ikuradesu ka?
per week?
Do you have
a room for kon yato m arem asu ka?
with bath feSl St t S
with shower
shaw aatsuki
with a double bed
daburu beddotsuki
with twin beds
and an extra HOT. K
bed for a child tsuin beddo to kodom o no tam eno
ekusutra beddo

Is breakfast
included? asa gohan w a fukum arete Im asu
Have you got
anything m oosukoshl yasul no wa naldesu
cheaper? ka?
I’d like to see
the room heya o m lsete m oraem asu ka

YO U M A Y H E A R ...

m m x-t We’re full

Hotel (booking)
m anshitsu desu
f c £ i i u ;£ i b m M v 3: - r Your name, please
onam ae o onegal shim asu
Please confirm...
...no ka ku n in o onegal
shim asu
X -JbT * bye-mail
meeru de
by fax
fakkusu de

Hotel desk

T h e Ja p a n N a tio n a l T o u rist O rg a n iza tio n and

T o u rist In fo rm atio n C e n tre can h elp w ith fin d in g
a cco m m o d a tio n . V is it w w w .jnto.go.jp.

1 booked a room ... . . . ® g ß g

...no heyaoyoyaku shimashita
Staying somewhere

in th e n a m e of... ...fflSauT*
...no namaede
W he re ca n 1park
th e car? dokoni kurumaotomeraremasu
W h a t tim e is...? ...liM B r e -r * '
...wananji desu ka?
d in n e r * ft
b re akfa st •9ft
T h e key, please
kagi o onegai shimasu
R o o m n um b er...
A re th e re a n y ÎA35T ffl X 'V iz - z n t & 0 *
m essages f* '
for m e? watashi ate no messeeji wa
arimasu ka?
Can I send a fax?
fakkusu o okuremasu ka?
I’m le a v in g
to m o rro w ashitatachlmasu
Ple ase prepare
the bill seisan o onegal shimasu


goml rub bish

inryoosui d rin k in g w a te r
□V t V I' konsento e le c tric p oint

Cam ping
Is there ...o n ^ .. . ( i ® 0 S tT * '
the c a m p site ? kyanpujooni ...waarimasu ka?
a restau rant U h ^ V
a se lf-se rv ice
cafe serufu-saabisu no shokudoo
D o you have
an y v a ca n cie s? aki waarimasu ka?
H o w m u ch ...U < 6
is it...? ...ikuradesu ka?
per n ig h t — /É

per te n t T V h S fc D
tento atari
per caravan 0
kyaraban atari
per person -A S fc O
hitori atari
D o e s th e price .. . S ftT 3: T A '
in clu d e ...? ...no ryookin w a fukum arete
Staying somewhere

im asu ka?
sh o w e rs
shaw aa
h ot w ate r if e ill
e le ctricity VM
W e ’d like to stay i A f c S I i .. . S U f c b M t ' t -
f o r ... n ig h ts w atashitachi w a ... haku (paku)
shitai desu


Who do we
contact if there ftC jH & fftlïb M A T 'fA '
are problems? nanl ka m ondai g a a tta baai,
dare ni renraku sureba II desu ka?
How does the
heating work? -tt'
h lltaaw ad o o y atte tsu kalm asu ka?
Is there always fc 'iliib 'O T 'tj'e S 'rA '
hot water? oyu w a Itudem o dem asu ka?
Where is the - A"—IJ E £ V f ti'

Se lf-cate rin g
nearest m oyorl no su u paa w a doko desu
supermarket? ka?
Where do we Z M tE Z IC fê T W Îb M A T *
leave the f A'
rubbish? gom i w ad o ko n i sutereba ii desu ka?

> Sightseeing and tourist office (p 70) 57

Shopping phrases

O p e n in g hou rs are a p p ro xim a te ly 10 .0 0 am to

6 .3 0 pm w ith slig h tly lo n ge r o p e n in g h o u rs at the
w e e k e n d s, in s u m m e r and at the end o f th e year.
S o m e s u p e rm a rk e ts are o p e n 2 4 h o u rs a day.


nani o om otom e desu ka?

W h a t w o u ld you like?
B ...li& O S fa '
...w aarim asu ka?
Do you have...?
A liU , te C fq JA '
hai, kochira ni narim asu. hoka ni nani ka?
C ertain ly, here yo u are. A n y th in g else?

W he re is...? ...U tZ V tfr
...w ad o ko d esu ka?
I’m ju s t lo o kin g
m iteirudakedesu
I’m lo o kin g for
a p re se n t for...
...eno purezento o sagash ite im asu
m y m o th e r fA ® f5
w atashi no haha
a child
kodom o
W here can

Sho p ping Phrases

1 buy...? ...w ad o ko d e kaem asu ka?
sh o e s Ik
gifts $7 h
Do you have ...
an yth in g ...? m oo s u k o s h i... m o n o w a
arim asu ka?
sm a lle r /Jv ë b t


i 2 —)b seeru sale

i! ) ? l waribiki d isc o u n t
clo se d for h o lid ays
shukujitsu kyuugyoo

b a ke r’s /O I p an-ya
b o o ksh o p honya
b u tc h e r’s l*)M niku-ya
cake sh o p keeki-ya
clo th e s yoofuku-ya
d e p a rtm e n t t A °— h depaato

fru it sh o p M kudam ono-ya
g ifts liD ® okurim ono
g ro ce r’s mmmm shokuryoo zakka
h a ird re sse r's § t H I? c biyooin
n ew sagent S t B S S t SF/ i shim bun
h am bai-jo
o p tician m egane-ya
c o s m e tic sho p 'ffcffioo, keshoohin-ya
p h a rm a c y yakkyoku
p h o to g ra p h ic shashin-ya
sho p

sh o e sh o p KfcS kutsu-ya
spo rts sh o p 3 . 7f t — '.V supootsu shoppu
i/m y j
su p e rm a rk e t 7 ,- r t- suupaa
to b a c c o n is t’s Z IM tabako-ya
toys o m o ch a-y a

Food (general)

b isc u its td'.TSTV h bisuketto

bread JK'y pan
bread (for toast) w ty shoku pan

Food (general)
sw e e t bread m i-iv y kashi pan
butter JCS— bataa
ch e e se chiizu
ch ick e n y chikin
coffee D - t — koohii
cre am 3 'J - A kuriimu
crisp s /ftx poteto-chippusu
e g gs fc S Z r tarn ago
fish sakana
ham ; v a ham u
h am (uncured) Æ A A n am a -h am u
herbal te a haabutii
ja m y'V h. jam u

m a rga rin e m aagarin
m a rm a la d e V — v7 U — K m aam areedo
m ilk miruku
oil ;É abura
o ra n g e ju ic e orenjijuusu
p epper koshoo
salt L / io shio
su g a r satoo
Ja p a n e se tea ocha
E n g lish tea ÜŒSÏ koocha
v in e g a r m su
y o g h u rt 3 — 7 ’Ji h yooguruto

Food (fruit and veg)

F r u it

ap p le s ringo
a p rico ts h apurikotto
bananas banana
ch e rrie s £ < 6 A ,iï sakuranbo
g rap e fru it gureepu furuutsu
g ra p e s ¡S \d 3 budoo

62 > Measurements and quantities (p 112)

lem on L / ÏV remon
m elon x d v meron
o ra n ge s 7 orenji
p e ach e s № m om o
pears m nashi
p lu m s sum om o
raspb erries razuberii
stra w b e rries £> Hi' ichigo
w a te rm e lo n f b 'A ' suika

V e g e t a b le s

Food (fruit and veg)

a sp a ra g u s asuparagasu
au b e rgin e nasu
carrots IC / u l i hi ninjin
ca u liflo w e r * 'J 9 9 9 - karifurawaa
ce le ry • fe n u serori
co u rg e tte s zukkiini
cucum ber g k tv 0 kyuuri
ga rlic ( c A-/ (<_ “n ninniku
leeks ta g ' negi
m u s h ro o m s g ©3 kinoko
o n io n s f c it t a g tam anegi
peas I V K 9 endoo
pepper tf-s ? V piim an
p otatoes ja ga im o
ru n n e r beans -f v y v ingen

salad sarada
sp in a ch hoorensoo
to m a to e s h V h tom ato


w o m e n ’s size s m e n ’s s ize s sh o e size s

UK Jap an UK Japan U K Japan U K Japan
8 7 34 S 2 22 7 25-5
10 9 36 M 3 2 2 .5 8 2 6 .5
12 11 38 L 4 23 9 27-5
m 13 40 LL/XL 5 24 10 28

16 15 6 2 4 .5 11 2 8 .5
18 17


la iiU T & T f c U U T '- r A '

shichaku shite m item o ii desu ka?
M ay 1try th is on?
i f C 5 5 C
doozo, kochirani
P le a se c o m e th is w a y

A S / M / L + t - Y ^ 'IJ & D S f A '
e su/em u/eru saizu w aarim asu ka?
Do you have a s m a ll/ m e d iu m / la r g e size ?
saizu wan an desu ka
W h a t size (clo th e s) do yo u take?

b ig ge r t ) o ¿ I^ c Ib N
m otto ookii
sm a lle r t > o ¿ ■ 'J '.c ib t
m otto chiisai
in o the r c o lo u rs "№ © &"<?
hoka no iro de

YO U M A Y H E A R ...

W h a t sh o e size do
A' yo u take?
kutsu no saizu w a ikutsu
desu ka?
C ff lf e liir r o lM r X O A ' In th is c o lo u r w e o n ly
& D 2 :i± A / h ave th is size
kono iro wa kono saizu shika
arim asen

> Paying (p 92) > Numbers (p 115) 65

Clothes (articles)

b lo use burausu
coat □ - K kooto
d re ss K b * doresu
ja c k e t V-'v'TV h jaketto
ju m p e r 'J v y A °- ja m p aa
k n icke rs / O r -t — pantii
sh irt shatsu
sh o rts hanzubon
skirt sukaato
so cks sokkusu
s w im s u it 7j< M m izugi

t-s h irt ryv V tii shatsu

tro u se rs zubon

Maps and guides

kiosuku kio sk
¡¡STO SS shuukanshi a w e e k ly m a g a zin e
1/iM shim bun n ew sp ap e r

Do you have ...© if e E lf iS S O S f A'

a m ap...? ...no chizu w a arlm asu ka?
o f the to w n fflj©
m achi no
o f the region
kono chilki no

Maps and guides

C a n yo u sh o w m e ^ © № 1 1 7 .. .
w h e r e ... is on It H Z
the m ap? kono chizu d e ... w ad o ko ni
arim asu ka?
D o you have a ... .. l i S D S t f A '
in En g lish ? eigo n o ... w a arlm asu ka
a gu id e b o o k T f-f FZf yO
a leaflet A ° V ? 7 U ':/ h
Do you have a n y .. l i a & o s t f r
En g lish ...? eigo n o ... w a arlm asu ka

> Asking the way (p 22) 67

> Sightseeing and tourist office (p 70)
s h im b u n

Post office

¡¡M JEU d yu u b in k y o k u p ost o ffice

kitte s ta m p s

P o st o ffice o p e n in g h o u rs can va ry b u t th e y are

u su a lly open from 9 .0 0 am to 5 .0 0 p m , M o nd ay to

Friday. S o m e post o ffic e s in the m ain c itie s stay

open u n til aro u n d 7 .0 0 pm and at w e e ke n d s.

W h e re is the S|5©iliii£T*-r*'
p ost office? y u u b in k y o k u w a d o k o d e su ka?
W h e n does
it open? itsu a k im a s u ka?
W h ich is the
co u n te r...? ...k a u n t a a w a d o k o desu ka?
fo r sta m p s
kitte no
for p arcels /Jv S ©
k o zu tsu m l no

68 > Money (p 90) > Paying (p 92)

6 s ta m p s for ...mWFBCDW^
p o stcard s... ...hagaki-yoo no kitte roku-m ai
first c la s s post mm
fo r Britain ' f df UZI C
igirisu ni
for A m e ric a yX'Jt) 1C
am erika ni
for A u stra lia T T -^ h 5 U7 t
oosutoraria ni

YOU M A Y H E A R ...

Yo u can b uy s ta m p s at
li't ' th e to b a c c o n is t
tabako-ya de kitte o kau
koto gad ekim asu


A tap e fo r th is Z. CD f c f t r T f t) >>. z>(D?— Zf

ca m co rd e r kono bideokam era no teepu
D o you have
b atteries for 0 S f * '
th is cam e ra? kono kam era no batterii w a
arim asu ka?
Sightseeing and tourist office

T h e Ja p a n N a tio n a l T o u rist O rg a n isa tio n h as a great

deal o f in fo rm a tio n . V isit w w w . jn t o . g o . jp .

W he re is the
to u rist office? kankoo-annai-jowadokodesu ka?
W h a t can w e visit z< D xv7 im ® z m 3 z t
in th e area?
konoeriadewa nani 0 miru kotoga

dekimasu ka?
in tw o h o u rs -Befall?
ni-jikan de
H ave yo u an y
nani ka panfuretto waarimasu ka?
A re th e re a n y ntS'ffiS& V T’- t t & O Z i t f r
e xcu rsio n s? nani kashuuyuutsuaawa arimasu
ka? ■
W e ’d like to f A f c ë l i ... I C Î T g f c t ^ f
go to... watashitachi wa... ni ikitai desu

H ow m uch does A -5 © E IA <
it co s t to g e t in? hairu noni ikura kakarim asu ka?
A re th e re ...0 i ! l § l ( i ® 0 tf'
re d u ctio n s for...? ...no waribiki w aarim asu ka?
ch ild re n
kodom o
stu d e n ts
o ver 6 0 s


Entertain m en t
W h a t is the re to f c T - litlS W e S S f i'
do in the soko dew a yoru w a nani ga
e ve n in gs? dekim asu ka?
Do you have
a p ro g ra m m e itTA'
o f e ve nts? ¡bento no puroguram u wa
arim asu ka?
Is there a n y th in g ? < * © i t Hb© © li & 0 £ ?
for ch ild re n ? A'
kodom o no tam e no m ono w a
arim asu ka?

Maps and guides (p 67) y

W h e re can 1/
w e go...? ...w ad o ko d e d e kim asu ka?
fis h in g 190
w a lk in g I
sam po
A re the re an y
good b e ach e s
n e a r here? konochikaku ni ii h am a be w a
arim asu ka?
Is th e re a
s w im m in g
pool? suim ingu puuru w a arim asu ka?


A re th e re an y y y - h ti& 0 3.
go o d co n ce rts
on? nani ka ii konsaatow a arim asu ka?
W he re can l/w e o y v -h ( D ^ 'T 'y h lt d H
g e t tic k e ts for
th e co n cert? konsaato no chiketto w a doko de
kaem asu ka
W here can l/w e
h ear so m e A'
cla s s ica l m u sic? doko de kurashikku o kikemasu ka?
W here can l/w e
hear so m e ja zz? dokodejazu o kikemasu ka?


W h a t’s on at the ...№ ¡SSre(;M ¡?ɱW !l/TU

c in e m a 3cf A'
of cinema)? ...eigakan dewa nani ojooei shite
imasu ka?
W h a t tim e d oe s ffiSfifqJfli (Cite 3c 0 3 c tA '
the film start? eiga wa nan-ji ni hajimarimasu ka?
H o w m u ch are J-'T'V M i U < S T * f A'

the ticke ts? chikettowaikuradesu ka?
Tw o fo r the
(give time of ...ji noshoonifutari-bun
sh o w in g


M ajor h o te ls can g e t th e atre and o p e ra tick e ts for

yo u , or yo u can b u y th e m at tic k e tin g o ffic e s su c h
a s Pureigaid o a n d Midori no m adoguchi in
sta tio n s and travel a g e n c ie s . You can a ls o search
and buy a n y tic k e ts on th e in tern et. If yo u are lu cky
e n o u gh to be ab le to o b tain a Kabuki (Ja p a n e se
O pera) ticke t, it is d e fin ite ly w orth g o in g . En glish
tra n sla tio n is availab le .

General theaters/concert halls

S IS e su -se k i Su p e rio r se at
A J% e e -se ki C la s s A se at
B JS b ii-seki S tan d ard se at

Kabuki theatres

— If ittoo First c la s s seat

n ito o Se co n d c la s s se at
H P it A sa n g a i ee Se co n d flo o r seat
S IS ', sajiki circle
IS seki se at
0 ku ro o ku clo a kro o m

W h a t is on at o TUS'cr A'
the the atre ? gekijoo dewa nani 0 yatte im asu ka?
W h a t p rices are = f-*T v h© fa pfi» b'< S T '-r* '
the ticke ts? chiketto n o n e d a n w a ik u ra d e su ka?
I’d like tw o h%2
ticke ts... ...no chiketto o n i-m ai kudasai
for to n ig h t
konya no
fo r to m o rro w № B < D ® (D
n ig h t ashita no yoru no
fo r the 3rd 8/33B©
o f A u gu st hachi gatsu m ikkan o
W h e n d o e s the
p e rfo rm an ce jooen w a itsu hajim ari m asu ka?

Theatre/op era
W h e n d o e s the
p e rfo rm an ce jooen w a itsu owari m asu ka?

Y O U M A Y H E A R ...

Yo u c a n ’t go in a s the
p e rfo rm a n ce has
m oo kaien shite im asu node started
nyuujoodekim asen
l C A ^ T * $ S - r Yo u m a y e n te r at the
kyuukei noto ki ni nyuujoo interval
dekim asu


U iD V rimokon rem o te co n tro l

A - O y g ^ A fiir t to sw itc h on
suitchi o iremasu
T .'f'y ttw o m t to sw itc h o ff
suitchi o kirimasu
S/ U — A shiriizu serie s
so ap
renzoku-doram a
l a —A nyuusu n ew s
\ 'V X i m anga ca rto o n s

W h e re is the
te le v isio n ? terebi w ad o ko ni arim asu ka?
H o w do you v T t t if. 5 V 3 o T A n s

sw itch it on? ft'
suitchi w adooyatte iremasu ka?
W h a t is on =f U O T ' V o TbN3:f
te le v isio n ? ti'
terebi dewa nani o yatte im asu ka?
W h e n is the —n. — X t t b 'O T r lf i) '
n ew s? nyuusu w a itsu desu ka?

Do you have an y № ) ' 3Ê f § © # Ü f i! ;J :d 0 O Z t h'
E n g lis h - nani ka e ig o no bangum i wa
la n g u a g e arim asu ka?
ch a n n e ls?
Do you h ave an y ÍRl*'5S¡§©
E n g lish vid eos? h'
nani ka eigo no bideo w a arim asu


W he re can w e...?
...w ad o ko d e d e kim asu ka?
go s w im m in g ?k3:
go jo g g in g
jogingu Sport
D o I have to be
a m em b e r? huh'
kaiin ni naranakutew a ikem asen
H o w m u c h is it liP IlK b l'ÎÎ) '
per hour? ichi-jikan ikuradesu ka
C a n w e hire...? A'
...o karirarem asu ka?

rackets - y 'l'V h
g o lf clu b s
W e ’d like to see S Æ 5 I Î ...
(nam e team ) X’ t
play w atashitachl w a ... no pureeo
m itai desu
W h e re can l/w e E Z T ’U-àCDT-'rv h € H x .
ge t tic k e ts for iIt f t
th e gam e ? doko de shiai no chiketto o
kaem asu ka?

Y O U M A Y H E A R ...

surnom T h e re are no tick e ts

ftâ tü fc left fo r th e g a m e

shiai no chiketto w a
urikirem ashita


c ro s s -c o u n try s k iin g
kurosukantorii sukii
U 77 h # rifuto ken ski pass

i w a n t to hire skis
sukii ita 0 karitai desu
D oes th e price
in clu d e ...? ...no nedan w a fukum arete
im asu ka?
poles 77 h v O
H o w m u c h is
a pass...? ...ken no nedan w aiku ra desu ka?

Sk iin g
d aily — B #
ichinichi ken
w e e kly - 51 Fe1#
isshuukan ken
W h a t tim e is the 0 © ' J 7 h lif S f f lf T '
last a s c e n t lift?
saigo no nobori no rifuto w a nan-ji
desu ka?

> Emergencies (p 100) > Sport (p 77) 79

C a n y o u a d ju s t i © & l l ;S : l) liii 5 U T :& 5 K .S ir
m y b in d in g s? A'
sim egu o choosetsu site
m oraem asu ka?

Y O U M A Y H E A R ...

H ave yo u e ve r skied
im a m ade ni sukii o shita
koto w aarim asu ka?
6 b W W h a t le n gth s k is do
u u T -f* ' you w an t?
itano nagasa w adonokurai
ga ii desu ka?
y-'yC D V -'f X l i l \ < - D W h a t is y o u r boot size?
X’f t l -

buutsu no saizu wa ikutsu

desu ka?
X * - l s ' y Z y & g l ffc Do yo u w a n t s k iin g
le sso n s?
sukii ressun o uketai desu ka?


A reth ere an y tS 'f O 'te S O S ’iTA''

guided walks? galdowookuwaarlmasu ka?
D oyouknow any — 7,
good walks? I3 S 0 S T A ''
nanika il wookingu koosu wa
arlmasu ka?
How many
kilometres is T 'f A '
the walk? wookingu koosu wa nan kiro desu
Is it very steep? in iiS r e f * '
sore wakyuu desu ka?
How long will ¿ :© < S lA A 'A '0 3 : f * '
It take? donokural kakarimasu ka?

W alking
Is there a map 0 * —=*y 7 3 - 7, © ite m
of the walk? SO ttfr
wookingu koosu no chlzu wa
arimasu ka?
W e’d like to llig O C ir S f e ^ T - f
go clim bing yamanobori nl ikitai desu
Do you have a C © # i f i © P U b 'i f e l H A ,:S 0
detailed map it f * '
of the area? kono fukln no kuwashll chlzu ga
arlmasu ka?

Maps and guides (p 67) 81

. ’ !

[ Telephone and mobile

The international dialling code for Japan is oo 81

plus the Japanese town or area code less the first o,
for exam ple, Tokyo (0)33, Osaka (0)6. Japanese
public telephones are very good and you can make

an international call from a grey or green public

telephone. You will need to use 100 yen coins or buy
an appropriate telephone card from a vending
m achine. Be careful to purchase the correct card as
there are various types available and the most
com m on cards are for local and national calls only.

- r l'f t y t ) - K phonecard
Ä S c 1 1 S § kooshuudenwa public phone
ÎS fl? ( Ü Ü ) keltal (denwa) mobile

I want to make
a phone call denwaokaketaidesu
W here can I buy ¿fü.'itrUTfK i l i
a phonecard?
doko de terehon-kaado o kaemasu
A phonecard xL/7tc^*-K
f o r ... yen ...r a #
...en bun
Do you have BBS («IS)
a mobile?
keitai (denwa) o motte imasu ka?

Telephone and mobile

W hat Is the &UTc(DMm («IS)
num ber of lifä#T*-rÄ'
your mobile? anata no keitai (denwa) wa namban
desu ka?
My mobile %kCDMm («IS) IS ... S t - f
num ber is... watashi no keitai (denwa) w a ...
ban desu
Mr Brun, please y'iiy& kj f c m 'U r r
burun-san onegai shimasu
extension... fass...


A Z.K ,(C S li
b . ..¿ A ,,
...san.onegai shimasu
I'd like to speak to..., please
A ¿1
dochirasamadesu ka?
W ho’s calling?
B 7 » ’x 7 T - f
anjera desu

shooshooomachi kudasai...
Just a moment...

Can I speak to...? ...iShis sT

...san, onegai shimasu
I’ll call back later iS T r A M d 'il
ato de kakenaoshlmasu
I’ll call back B£j0 1)'Id 'S 1/ S I f
tom orrow ashlta kakenaoshlmasu
This is M r.../M rs........."C 'lf
H o w d o lg e ta n
outside line? gaisen wadooyattetsukaimasu ka?

Y O U M A Y H E A R .. .

f c 'O ö i'U T lN S T I’m trying to connect

otsunagi shite imasu you
The line is engaged
£ £ £ * ' № ! U<fc*£b' Please try later
mataokakenaoshi kudasai
X "j t ? — U S t t' Do you w ant to leave
messeeji 0 nokoshimasu ka? a message?
...T i-o y ^ c o m c X 'y ...leave a message
iz -S S & m U T < fc £ after the tone

...anaunsu noatoni messeeji

Telephone and mobile

0 nokoshite kudasai

Please switch
off all mobile
phones keitai-denwa no dengen o kitte

Text messaging

SMS is not as popular in Japan as it is in som e other

countries, but sending em ails to mobile phones is.

Iw illte x ty o u .>< "jiz —

messeeji ookurimasu
Can you text me? \y iz —
ttth '
watashi ni messeeji o okutte
moraemasu ka?


New m e ss a g e :............. "ji.Z— 1 /

shinchaku messeeji
To: .................................atesaki
From: ............................ H t t i A sashidashinin
Subject: ........................kenmei
cc: .................................'J — * /— shiishii
bcc: ...............................t f — iy —is — biishiishii
Attachm ent: ............... M s# tempu
Send: ............................ iS f e sooshin

Do you have
an e-m ail? iimeeru gaarimasu ka?
W hat is your E ^ - jb iP K L iU iM 'e - r f r
e-m ail address? iimeeru adoresu wa nan desu ka?
How do you
spell it? sore wa doo kakimasu ka?
All one word - Ig T 'f
ichigo desu
All lower case
komoji desu
My e-m ail f A © E X - J b 7 K U ^ I i ...
address is...
watashi no iimeeru adoresu w a ...
clare.sm ith c la r e K "j h sm ith
(cpbit.co.uk 7 "J h V — 0 b it K "J h co
K "J h uk
shii eru ee aaru ii dotto esu emu ai ti
eichi attomaaku bii al tii dotto shii
E-m ail
oo dotto yuu kei
Can 1send
an e-m ail? T *'
iimeeru ookuru kotowadekimasu
Did you get
my e-m ail? watashi no iimeeru wa
todokimashita ka?


Com puter and Internet term inology tends to be in


Are there any ZCD m O IC 'i У Ъ - Й - У Ь Л

internet cafes у х а Æ o sfà '
here? kono atari ni intaanetto kafe wa
arimasu ka?
How m uch is it 1 8$Ре11Л< бТ'-ГЙ'
to log on for ichi-jikan ikuradesu ka?
an hour?


The international dialling code to send faxes to

Japan is oo 81 plus the Japanese area code without
the first o, for example, Tokyo (0)33, Osaka (0)6.

Addressing a fax

ate to
D yori from
O ft hizuke date
please find attached
tempushorui o mite kudasai
. . . © □ t f — ...nokopii a copy of...
...pages in total

Do you have 7T’'V77№'£0S'r*'

a fax? fakkusu ga arimasu ka?

I want to send
a fax fakkusu o okuritai desu
W hat is your 7 T V 7 7 # ^ l i f 5J # T r r * '
fax num ber? fakkusu bangoo wa nan-ban desu
My fax num ber 7 T "J
is... fakkusu bangoo w a ... desu


ATM's are usually open from 8.00 am until 11.00 pm,

and for slightly shorter hours at the weekends.
Most banks are only open from around 9.00 am to
3.0 0 pm (Monday to Friday). The yen is the currency
of Japan. Japan still very m uch operates on cash and
it can be problem atic to find a place to use
traveller’s cheques a n d /o r exchange currency. It is

easier to change m oney at the airport or hotel.

hi)- credit card

kurejitto kaado
lè ? IS * hit/ATM cash dispenser
genkin hikidashi ki/ee-tii-emu
UPCW ryooshuusho receipt

W here can dz $ 3t t
I change doko de okane 0 ryoogae dekimasu
som e money? ka?
W hen does the
bank open? itsu ginkoo wa aklmasu ka?
When does the U O ig iT liU S D S T * '
bank close? itsu ginkoo waslmarimasu ka?
Can I pay with...? . . . T 'ÎA x . S ^ A '
...de haraemasu ka?
yen R
dollar K Jb
pound T ftV K
I want to change — X j- J . yZ&M iiz
these traveller’s U f c b ,'/ v " ü l 3~ili;
cheques toraberaazu chekku o kankin
shitain desu ga
W here Is the f t ® © a t m ( i d z x t № >?

nearest cash moyori noee-tii-emu wadoko

dispenser? desu ka?

Can I use my
credit card -K liliT L rr*'
at the cash kono ee-tli-emu de watashi no
dispenser? kurejitto kaadowatsukaemasu
Do you have any
loose change? kozeni wa motte Imasu ka?


How m uch is it? i k b u t *'

ikuradesu ka?
How m uch will ©< ec& oic'T *'
it be? ikuranl narlmasu ka?

Can I pay by...?

...de haraemasu ka?
credit card
kurejitto kaado
cheque J-JLVO
Is service + t - b \S t
included? A'
imasu ka?
Is tax included?
zeikin wafukumarete imasu ka?
Put it on my bill StitcH ICjOX-T < TccS\j \
selkyuusho nl kuwaete kudasal
Where do I pay?
doko de siharaimasu ka?
I need a receipt,
please ryooshuusho o kudasal
Do I pay in wltL№ ?fr
advance? maebarai desu ka?
Do I need to pay
a deposit? tetsukekln wa hltsuyoo desu ka?
I'm sorry
I've nothing
sm aller komakal okane o motte Imasen
(no change) 0 3:1±A,
kozenl ga arlmasen

Y O U M A Y H E A R .. .

VAT Is Included

shoohlzel komldesu
VAT is included but not
a service charge
ijT '- r
shoohizel wafukumarete
Imasu ga, saablsuryoowa
betsu desu

Y O U M A Y H E A R .. .

Pay at the till

reji de siharatte kudasai
m m z m m rn m ttv First get a receipt at
the till (at airport,
saisho ni ryooshuusho/ station bars, etc.)
dem pyooorejide
moratte kudasai

L u g g a g e

baggage reclaim
tenimotsu uketori-sho
left-luggage office

keitai-hin ichiji azukari-sho

luggage trolley
nimotsu yoo wagon

My luggage f t © f ® W J l U T U 3; 1i A ,
hasn’t arrived watashi no nimotsu gatodoite

94 > Train (P30) > Air travel (p 38)

My suitcase has
been damaged ÜnTUSbNätUfc
on the flight watashi no suutsukeesu ga
hikoochuu ni kowarete


This is broken
kore wa kowarete imasu
Where can I have ¿fCT*ffgT?gätf* '
this repaired? doko de shuuri deklmasu ka?
Is It worth
repairing? naosu kachiwaarimasu ka?
Can you repair...? ...litSEiiSTA'
...wa naosemasu ka?
this Z tl

these shoes zom ,

kono kutsu
my watch iA © f if l+
watashi notokei

Breakdown (p 46) 95
Y O U M A Y H E A R .. .

$ bsRfo D 3: 1± h ,t \ Sorry, but we can’t

mend it
mooshiwake arimasen ga,
naosu koto wa deklmasen


doral kurllnlngu
sentaku sekken soap powder
JM S S y hyoohaku zal bleach
/ f t / B S sentakukl w ashing m achine

W h erecan I wash
these clothes? kono irul wa doko de araemasu ka?
W here is the K 'J - l t H
launderette? moyorl no koln randorli wadoko
desu ka?


T h e ... d o es/ . ..f r 'i

do not work ...ga ugokimasen
(for machines)
heating mmm
air conditoning X T ’ □ 'J
T h e ... is/are dirty
...gayogorete imasu
toilet m U
The light is not ±h>
working denki gatsukimasen
It’s broken Com plaints
kowarete imasu
1 want a refund J A b \ jH ,U T < f c '£ lt
haraimodoshi shite kudasai

> Hotel desk (p 54) 97


Can you help me?

tasukete moraemasu ka?
I speak very little m t'P u ufr
Japanese 1*A,
watashl wa sukoshl shlka nlhongo
Does anyone here Ü -5A li l ' S f
speak English? is'
darekaelgogahanaseru hltowa
Imasu ka?
W hat’s the Ü 5 D S I Act'
matter? dooshlmashlta ka?
I would like to

speak to t
w hoever is in ...notantoo no kata to hanashlga
charge of... shltal desu
I’m lost
mlchi nl mayolmashlta
How do you
get to... ...nlwadoolkebail desu ka
I m issed my... ..JclinT L ätU StU fc
...nl okurete shimalmashita

connection m om #
I’ve m issed my
flight because O S in tl/irb ^ U fc
there was an jiko ga atta node hikooki ni
accident noriokureteshimaimashita ■
The coach has left
w ithout me basu gadeteshimaimashita
Can you show if o 03 3 ©A'-f3o T &
me how this
works, please? dooyattetsukau nokayatte misete
moraemasen ka?
I have lost ÜTU*b>^L//c
my money okane o nakushite shimaimashita
I need to get to... Problem s
...ni ikanakutewaikenain desu
I need to get in i n r n s « ! t w & tm . d fc b'
touch with t *-t
the British eikoku-ryoojikan to renraku ga
consulate toritai desu


n # isha doctor
ft* * kyuukyuusha am bulance
keisatsu police
;S K ± shoobooshi firemen
shooboosho fire station
mmm keisatsu-sho police station

Help! S f r lt T !
kaji da!
Can you help me? W C f e t o X - i c f A '
tasukete moraemasu ka?

There’s been M S it f ê o f c !
an accident! jikogaatta!
Someone... Ü A W ...
has been injured
kegao shite imasu
has been
knocked down taorete imasu
Please call...
...oyonde kudasai

W here is the
police station? keisatsu-showadokodesu ka?
1want to report
a crime hanzai no hookoku ga shital desu
I’ve been... f A t t ...
watashi wa...
doroboo ni almashita
Som eone’s ItA M C ... o s n s b f c
stolen... d arekan l... otoraremashita
my bag
watashi no kaban
traveller’s cheques h l X : F l "j 0
toraberaazu chekku
My car has been I A © i U f c
broken Into watashi no kuruma ga
kowasaremashita Emergencies
I’ve been raped
watashi wa bookooo ukemashita
w a n tto s p e a k to U f c b 'T ?
a policewom an
josei no kelsatsukan to hanashl ga
shital desu

I need to make
a telephone call hi
denwa o kakenakereba ikemasen
I need a report for
my insurance
hoken no tame no hookoku-sho o
moraemasu ka
I didn’t know ftJRBjÉStf® C3 D 3;
there was a 1thiX^Tc
speed limit seigen-sokudo ga atta no o
shirimasen deshita
How m uch is !u é lil\< ST 'f*'
the fine? bakkinwaikuradesu ka?
W here do I pay it? ¿füT-í
doko de haraimasu ka?
Do I have to pay

it straightaway?
suguni harawanakereba ikemasen
I'm very sorry, :£É3(CT fo ^ ith u T 'L tz
officer hontoo ni sumimasen deshita



A pharm acy can usually be found In major

departm ent stores and superm arkets.

H sIS yakkyoku pharm acy/chem lst

Can you give

me som ething ...ni klku kusuri o moraemasen ka?
a headache
carsickn ess
a cough m
diarrhoea T$j
Is It safe for t>
children? kore wa kodomo nimo anzen
desu ka?
How m uch should ¿ i f t f c l l t i S t i t l f i V . l > T ?t'
I give him? ip
doredake nomasereba ¡1desu ka?

Y O U M A Y H E A R .. .

l B i c 3 © ... Three tim es a day...

ichinichi ni sankai...
A lt before meals
with meals
f t it after meals


In Japanese the possessive (my, his, her, etc.) is not

generally used w hen referlngto parts of the body,
for example:

I’ve broken my leg ashi o otte shlmaimashita

M rTanaka hurt Tanaka-san wa ude o Itamete
his arm shlmaimashita


byooin hospital
kyuukyuu emergency


A lé f t ll'T Í
I feel ill
B ;T # >
netsuwaarimasu ka?
Do you have a tem perature?

He, ...galtamlmasu
No, I have a pain here...

I need a doctor
Ishani kakarltai desu

My son is ill x*-r

musuko ga byooki desu
My daughter is ill
musume ga byooki desu
I’m diabetic w zm & m x ?
watashl wa toonyoobyoo desu

I’m pregnant m um u TU ST
watashi wa ninshin shite imasu
I’m on the pill iA Ii^ S K / u T U S T
watashi wa kusuri o nonde imasu
I’m allergic ^ ~ 2/ U y<D7
to penicillin D ST
penishirin noarerugii ga arimasu
Will h e/sh e
have to go to U ltSl±/u *'
hospital? kare/kanojowa byooin ni
ikanakereba ikemasen ka?
W hen are visiting I^SSSFelttbO T'T*'
hours? shinryoo-jikan wa itsu desu ka?
Will I have to pay?
shiharawanakereba ikemasen ka?
How m uch will U < 6 * '* 'D S T * '
it cost? ikura kakarimasu ka?
Can you give me i> 6Ä.
a receipt for ST*
the insurance? hoken notame no ryooshuushoo
moraemasu ka?

106 > Emergencies (p 100)

Y O U M A Y H E A R .. .

You will have to go

n iiO M iS - t ä /u to hospital
anatawa byooin ni
ikanakereba ikemasen
±btcZt№ & It’s not serious
taishita kotowa arimasen


I need a dentist 'B ille t! E A V J 'O ¡ f c l/ t 'C i '

haisha ni kakaritai desu
I have a toothache
hagaitai desu
Can you do a
temporary kari notsumemonowadekimasu
filling? ka?
It hurts iil'T'-r
D en tist

itai desu
Can you give me nt'-mmz.®) < mnfo o 3=f
som ething for Ä'
the pain? nanika itami ni kiku kusuri wa
arimasu ka?

Can you repair
my dentures? gishi o naoshite moraemasu ka?
Do I have to pay?
shiharawanakereba ikemasen ka?
How m uch will b\< SA'A'DitfA'
it be? ikura kakarimasu ka?
Can I have a
receipt for
my insurance? hoken notame no ryooshuusho o
moraemasu ka?

Y O U M A Y H E A R .. .

I’ll have to take it out

You need a filling
tsumemono ga hitsuyoo desu
This m ight hurt a little
sukoshi itamu kamo

108 > Pharmacy (p 103)

Different types
of travellers
Disabled travellers

W hat facilities do Di t f t'

you have for shoogaisha-yoo nosetsubi wa
disabled people? arimasu ka?
Are there any S V U t t;J5 D tS lT
toilets for the A'
disabled? shoogaisha-yoo notoire wa
arimasu ka?
Do you have any — P §© o|5S A 'S > D l£l)~ A '
bedrooms on ikkai no heyagaarimasu ka?
the ground Disabled Travellers
Is there a lift?
erebeetaawa arimasu ka?
Where is the lift? X $> — I J i ; <T(C3& D S

erebeetaawadoko ni arimasu ka?

Can you v is it ... in tf'
a w heelchair? ...wa kurumaisu demo ikemasu ka?
Do you have
wheelchairs? kurumaisuwaarlmasu ka?
W here is the
w heelchair- A'
accessible kurumalsu-yoo nodeiriguchi wa
entrance? dokodesu ka?
Do you have an
induction loop? ft'
yuudoo ruupu shisutemu wa
arimasu ka?
Is there a
reduction for shoogaishawaribiki wa arimasu ka?
D iffe re n t types o f tra v e lle rs

disabled people?
Is there £ D A'
som ew here I dokokasuwareru tokoro ga
can sit down? arimasu ka?

With kids

Public transport is free for up to two non school

children (normally) under 6 years old, when
travelling with an adult. Children between the ages
of 7 and 12 pay half price. Most tourist places give
discounts to children and students.

> Hotel desk (p 54)
A child’s ticket
kodomo no ken
This child is ...
years old konokowa... saidesu
Is there a
reduction for kodomowaribiki wa arimasu ka?
Do you have
a children’s kodomo-yoo menyuu wa
menu? arimasu ka?
Is it OK to take o T t) l MM?
kodomo otsurete itte mo ii desu
Do you have...?
...wa arimasu ka?
a high chair
kodomo-yoo no isu
a cot sy K
kodomo-yoo no beddo
I have two
r ssm m i

children watashi niwa kodomo ga futari

This child is
8 years old konokowa hassai desu
Do you have
any children? kodomowa imasu ka?

Pharmacy (p 103) > Doctor (p 105) 111

Measurements and

1 lb = approx. 0.5 kilo 1 pint = approx. 0.5 litre


1 /2 litre of... U y 'p —

a litre of... .—U "j S —
a bottle of...

a glass of... - f f


10 0 gram s
1 /2 kilo of... ...5 L 5 ^ £
a kilo of...


a slice of... ...-w n

a portion of... ...-lb

Measurements and quantities

a dozen... ...-■ s r -x
a box of... ir - 7 .
a packet of... __f S
a tin / a can of... . . . — l&
(beer) ...hito-kan
a ja r of...


...yen worth of... . . . P M M l©...

...en sootoono...
a quarter es»® —
yonbun no ¡chi
20 percent -+ n — bvh
more than... ..M ±
less than... ..M T
double —m
twice - 0


Chinese-derived Original Japanese

form form

0 3ll rei/zero
1 — ichi hitotsu
2 — ni futatsu
3 san mittsu
4 EE yon/shi yottsu
5 £ go itsutsu
6 A roku muttsu
7 -b shichi/nana nanatsu
8 A hachi yattsu
9 A kyuu/ku kokonotsu
10 + juu too

Beyond ten, onl y the Chinese-derived form is used

11 + - juu-ichi
12 + “ juu-ni
+ = juu-san

H + E juu-yon/shi
15 + £ juu-go
16 + A juu-roku
17 juu-shichi/nana

18 + A juu-hachi
19 juu-kyuu/ku
20 -+ nijuu
21 nijuu-ichi
22 nijuu-ni
23 —+ H nijuu-san
24 _ + I Z 3 nijuu-yon/shi
25 r+ s nijuu-go
26 —+7\ nijuu-rok
27 r+ -b nijuu-shichi/nana
28 -+ A nijuu-hachi
29 nijuu-kyuu/ku
30 z+ san-juu
40 iza+ yon-juu
50 s+ go-juu
60 7\+ roku-juu
70 -t+ sichi-juu/nana-juu
80 A + hachi-juu
90 ft+ kyuu-juu
100 5 hyaku
110 5 + hyaku-juu

10 0 0 i sen
2000 -=F ni-sen
10 0 0 0 -75 ich-man
m illion 575 hyaku-man
billion ~H1 juuoku

1 st - o § 6 th AOS
hitotsu-me muttsu-me

2 nd EOS 7th -to s

futatsu-me nanatsu-me

3 rd EOS 8 th A oS
mittsu-me yattsu-me

4 th WOS gth AOS

yottsu-me kokonotsu-me

5 th S o l 10 th
itsutsu-me juuban-me

Days and months

Days and months

Monday £ B IB getsu-yoobi
Tuesday ka-yoobi
W ednesday tK S B B sui-yoobi
Thursday A « B moku-yoobi
Friday #B1B kin-yoobi
Saturday ±BB B do-yoobi
Sunday BBSB nichi-yoobi

January -ft ichi-gatsu

February -ft ni-gatsu
March ELft san-gatsu
April shi-gatsu
May frft go-gatsu
June A ft roku-gatsu
July tft shichi-gatsu
A u gust A ft hachi-gatsu
Septem ber A ft ku-gatsu
October A ft juu-gatsu
Novem ber + -ft juuichi-gatsu
Decem ber + -ft juuni-gatsu


spring m haru
sum m er s natsu
autum n aki
winter 4 fuyu

W hat is today’s
date? kyoo wa nan-nichi desu ka?
W hat day is ^ B M B IB T 'T A '
it today? kyoo wa nan-yoobi desu ka?

It’s the 5 th of 2007ip©33 5 B7TT
March 2 0 0 7 nisen-nana nen no sangatsu itsuka
on Saturday ± « B IC
do-yoobi ni
on Saturdays/ f f ilie t a ic
every Saturday maishuu do-yoobi ni
this Saturday 3 S S ® ± B IB
konshuu no do-yoobi ni
next Saturday 3jijS©i,iBB
raishuu no do-yoobi ni
last Saturday
senshuu no do-yoobi ni
in June 631C
roku-gatsu ni
at the beginning 6 3 ©10® ic
o fju n e roku-gatsu no hajime ni
at the end o fju n e 63©iHt>D(c
roku-gatsu no owari ni
before sum m er Jf©BiHc D a ys an d m o n th s
natsu no mae ni
during the Jl't'IC
sum m er natsujuu ni
after sum m er MfflSIfc
natsu no ato ni


W hat tim e is it, {qJBf T * f ft

please? Imanan-jldesu ka?
It’s... ~7...
2 o’clock xm x?
nl-ji desu
3 o’clock H ir e r
san-jl desu
6 o ’clock (etc.) A ir e r
roku-jl desu
It’s 1 o’clock 8# T * r
Ima Ichl-jl desu
It’s midday ^rJE ¥X f
ima shoogo desu
It’s m idnight
9 Am
9.10 Am +#
ku-jl ju-ppun

quarter past 9
ku-ji juugo-fun
ku-ji niju-ppun
half past 9 A B f¥
ku-ji han
9-35 A B fH + £ ^
ku-ji sanjuugo-fun
quarter to 10
juu-ji juugo-fun mae
5 m inutes to 10 + 8 fS ^ g u
juu-ji go-fun mae


Time phrases

W hen does it
open? itsu akl masu ka
W hen does it
close? Itsu shlmarl masu ka
W hen does It b o f è it D S T * '
begin? Itsu hajlmarl masu ka
W hen does it U o U frO S T A '
finish? itsu owarl masu ka
at 3 o'clock H B t iC
san-ji ni
before 3 o’clock
san-ji mae nl
after 3 o ’clock
san-jl sugl nl

tom orrow 351Æ

kin oo

Eating out

Food in Japan

All types o f eating places and food can be found in

Japan. Except for in hotel restaurants and up-m arket
traditional Japanese restaurants w hich usually have
set dining tim es, you can have your meal at any
tim e throughout the day. A m erican style fast food is
popular and there are fam ily restaurants that cater
for this. There are also m any specialized restaurants
where only one type o f food is served, for exam ple,
S o b a -y a (Japanese noodle shop), R a a m e n -y a
(Chinese noodle shop), S u s h i-y a (Sushi restaurant),
T o n k a ts u -y a (pork cutlet restaurant) and even
U n a g i (BBQ eel restaurant). V is it w w w .b e n to .c o m
for a guide to eating out in Japan.
Food in Japan

Most coffee shops and restaurants will autom atically

bring you a glass of tap w ater (which is safe to drink)
and O sh ib o ri, a small hand towel to wipe your hands.

In traditional Japanese restaurants you will find low
tables and (often) ta ta m i m a ttin g w hich is a
traditional Japanese m at made o f straw. These
restaurants require you to remove your shoes, so
m ake sure your socks are respectable. Many eating
places in Japan have plates o f plastic food on display
to show custom ers w hat they offer.

Service charge/Tax and tip

A co nsum er tax o f 5 % and a service charge of 10 %

are generally included in the bill and tipping is not
custom ary.


The word for the bill is (O )ka n jo o . You can ask for
the bill by saying '(O)kanjoo onegai shim asu’.

Coffee shops [§??&£ (kissaten)

Coffee shops serve non-alcoholic drinks and m any of

Eating out

them also serve foods such as salads, sandwiches,

pasta dishes and rice dishes. It is fun to find a good
m orning service w hich includes a sm all
com plem entary breakfast when you order a coffee
or tea. A sk for m o o n in g u setto . If you would like to

order tea with milk, be sure to specify m ir u k u tii, as
otherwise you will probably be served a lem on tea.

Noodle shops BU M (soba-ya)/5 ¿f hM. (udon-ya)

f? — yM (raamen-ya)

Noodles are Japanese fast food. There are three

popular types o f noodles In Japan. These are so b a,
u d o n and ra a m e n . S o b a (buckwheat noodles) and
u d o n (white flour noodles) are both traditional
Japanese noodles. You can choose different toppings
such as chicken or tem pura. R a a m e n originated
from China but has gained huge popularity am ongst
all generations in Japan. It com es in hot soup or is
served cold w ithout soup, in sum m er.

Sushi shops la g (su sh i-ya )

There are a num ber of different s u s h i types but the

m ost popular are n ig ir i- z u s h i, (a rice ball shaped in
the palm of the hand w ith raw fish on top), and
t e m a k i- z u s h i, (rice and raw fish often wrapped in
a cone shape with a seaweed sheet wrapper). T o ro ,
Food in Ja p a n

a special part of tuna, Is also very popular. Although

generally s u s h i is expensive, you can find good
deals at lunch tim e or at very cheap and decent
quality 'rotating’ (kaiten) sushi shops where you can

see the sushi and pick w hat you fancy. One plate
usually costs only 1 0 0 yen.

Tempura shops (tempura-ya)

T e m p u r a is a deep fried dish of vegetables and

seafood in light batter. It was originally introduced
by the Portuguese. Som e shops prepare te m p u r a
In front o f you and serve it In a very elegant manner.

Pubs H H I! (izaka-ya)

Iz a k a - y a are very good places to try out a range of

Japanese food and drink. They serve cheap but very
tasty food In sm all portions sim ilar to Spanish tapas,
and usually have a large selection to choose from.
A m o n gst these, Y a k it o r i (BBQ chicken), A g e d a s h i-
d o fu (deep-fried bean curd) and S a s h im i (sliced
raw fish) are all w orth trying.

Family restaurants
y 7 5 U — h V (famirii resutoran)
Eating out

There are m any chain fam ily restaurants where you

can have different types o f food. They are often
located on m ajor roads.

Vending m achines §BlxroSl(jidoo-hanbaiki)

Vending m achines contain all kinds of hot and cold

drinks as well as snacks. Notes can be used in the
m achines.

Convenience stores □ V fcf ~ (konbini)

If you need a late-night snack or don’t w ant to go

to a restaurant, a convenience store is a good place
to stock up on snacks. Sandw iches, salads, pot
noodles, etc. are all available to buy, as well as rice
balls, w hich have various fillings and can becom e

Department stores t r y t — h (depaato)

Most departm ent stores have a designated

restaurant floor (usually on the top floor) where
you will find various types of restaurant, including
western style. These are good places to visit to
fam iliarize yourself with the kind o f food you can
Food in ja p a n

get in Japan.

Departm ent store basem ent floors have good delis

and take-aw ay food.

Lunch boxes (obentoo)

O b e n to o is a pre-packed lunchbox. You can buy

various types from departm ent stores, convenience
stores, superm arkets and even train stations. Each
train station sells specialized lunchboxes prepared
with local delicacies such as dim sum lunchbox in
Yokoham a, Tem pura riceball in Nagoya, BBQ eel in
Ham am atsu and Trout sushi in Toyam a.


May I have your order?

miruku tii o onegai shimasu

A tea with milk, please

a coffee □ —t —
a lager fcf—)l>
Eating out

a lemon squash L / í b ' T . Í I "J i* J.
remon sukasshu
w ith lemon L /iV T '
remon de

no sugar
satoo nashi de
for two ZA C
futari ni
for me mz
watashi ni
for him /her ® / i£ £ !C
kare/kanojo ni
for us
watashitachi ni
with ice T k ^ A t lT
koori 0 irete
a bottle of ------- %■
mineral water mineraru wootaaippon
sparkling M S *
mineraru wootaa

Other drinks to try

Icedcoffee P - f T O — t — aisukoohii isvery

Food in Ja p a n

popular in Japan.
Japanese tea <!33? ocha is usually served with your
meal for free in Japanese restaurants including
Japanese noodle shops. You can buy chilled or hot
canned tea from vending m achines. There are
m any kinds to choose from.
Green tea m accha/^'U — > T - f — gurllntli
is the tea used at tea cerem onies and is rather
bitter, but a sw eet iced green tea is available in
som e coffee shops. Green tea ice cream is a
popular favourite.
Japanese rice w ine S s a k e can be drunk either
chilled or warm ed. There are different degrees of
sw eetness and lots of local ones, w hich are called
Shoochuu is Japanese vodka. It is cheap and
again there are m any local varieties.
t i a . O A ' t ' Chuuhal is a m ixture o f shoochuu and
lem onade, etc. w hich is popular am ong young
$8)11 Umeshu is Japanese plum wine. It is sm ooth
and sweet and m any w om en are fond o f it.

Readingthe menu

A lthough traditional Japanese cuisine, k a is e k i-

Eating out

ryoori, has a long list o f dishes (which is usually a

set course), m ost Japanese restaurants, unlike
western restaurants, do not have starters or main
m eals. Below are sam ple m enus for som e o f the
popular eating places.

General Japanese restaurant

Food/Drink: please refer to the Iz a k a y a section

below. They often have a set meal ( S i teishoku),
w hich is a m ain dish w ith a bowl o f rice, soup, and a
side dish all served together on a tray.

Table top cooking restaurant

iSttS'JSc! teppan-yaki m eat, seafood and

vegetables cooked on a table-top hot plate
I f ciltSicr suki-yaki sliced beef, bean curd,
m ushroom and other vegetables cooked in a soy
sauce based sauce
G ■¥’ /3\ U-'f’ /T? shabu-shabu thinly sliced beef
dipped and cooked q uickly in a hot stock, eaten
with sesam e seed, soy sauce and Japanese lime
based dip


Food: norm ally served in a sm all portions

M enu re a d e r

Beef (gyuu-niku)

4^ gyuu-don sliced beef cooked with soy sauce

on rice

¿hlS]tc f c c i gyuu-nikutataki seared sliced beef
served w ith ginger
U gyuu-sashi sliced raw beef
hambaagu hamburger steak
) W A — 13— hambaagaa hamburger
kushi-katsu crumbed meat and vegetables,
deep-fried on skewers
|$l U i f nikujaga sliced beef cooked w ith potato in
a soy sauce based stock
U A — rebaa grilled or pan-fried liver
U •‘f3 U • ¥ > shabushabu thinly sliced beef
cooked quickly at the table in boiling stock
suki-yaki sliced beef w ith vegetables and
raw egg, cooked at the table
i X x — suteeki steak
yaki-niku grilled sliced beef

Chicken H f à (tori-niku)

Æ 'S ÎJ IIÎ karaage deep-fried chicken coated in

mild spice and herbs
^ negima char-grilled skewered chicken and
Eating out

spring onion
iS E B ÎlId 1'tatta-age deep-fried marinated (soy
sauce, sake, ginger) chicken
'y teriyaki-chikin pan-fried chicken in
teriyaki-sauce (soy sauce and rice wine)

~D< te tsukune minced chicken ball char-grilled
and coated w ith soy sauce
yaki-tori char-grilled skewered chicken

Pork SPSl (buta-niku)

buta-niku noshoogayaki pan-fried

thinly sliced pork with soy sauce and ginger
tSHP gyooza fried pork dumpling
katsudon deep-fried, bread-crumbed pork
cutlet on rice
tf 'O tl U — katsu-karee deep-fried, bread-crumbed
pork and curry on rice
¿ihjtf'O tonkatsu deep-fried, bread-crumbed pork
17 — ^ 3 .— yakibuta/chaashuu sliced
roast pork

Fish f t (sakana) and other seafood dishes

See type o ffish in the Sushi shop section below.

$ I J sashimi sliced raw fish

M enu re a d e r

yaki-zakana grilled fish

jfaSt ni-zakana simmered fish
ebi-fural deep-fried, crumbed prawn
ebl-tempura deep-fried prawn in light
batter topped on rice
tl'cS'Pz> - f kaki-furai deep-fried, crumbed oyster
AMC't'cF kanisuki hotpot dish w ith crabs
A 'l C l i ( 0 ^ ) kanisu (nomono) crab meat in white
rice vinegar
A’O i o f c f c c ? katsuotataki seared bonitow ith
grated ginger
ikanosugata-yaki whole grilled squid
b'fc) l/®:!fe 3l:ia iwashi noshooga-ni simmered
gingered sardine
cS I S '® © ^ $ saba no shioyaki salt-grilled mackerel
c? l i ® 0 i l l s ^ saba no misoni simmered mackerel
in miso sauce
c5 li© U E E l8 § lf saba no tatta-age deep-fried
marinated (soy sauce, sake, ginger) mackerel
samma no shioyaki salt-grilled
(Pacific) saury
sugaki fresh oyster in vinegar
S IJ ilS S iD c j'fo 'ti sashimi moriawase assorted sliced
raw fish
tcZ.'M ’S takoyaki octopus cooked in a dough ball
tc 5 tara cod
f c S ® t t 0 t t i S 3 tara no misoyaki grilled cod with
Eating out

soy bean paste

T to cb tessa thinly sliced raw puffer fish (prepared
by a licensed chef)
u n a ju u / o T S # unadon grilled eel on rice

Vegetables l?g?(yasai)

M lffd L/S M agedashi-doofu deep-fried bean curd

tc dashimaki tamago rolled flavoured eggs
/3\-3/3\S7ct'<I .hi furoruki daikon simmered
Japanese radish with sauce
hiyayakko cold bean curd
1/ hoorensooohitashi cooked
spinach with sesame seeds
kabocha no nimono simmered
c S A / t / B C 'S 'p ki mpiragoboo shaved burdock
root, pan-fried with soy sauce and chilli
cSCDZ. kinoko various mushrooms
Z. A ilC -f5 < konnyaku hard, jelly like product made
from root vegetables
cf kt> O 0 (DWf O $ I kyuuri nosuno mono sliced
cucumber in vinegar
CD 0 nori dried seaweed sheet
nattoo fermented soy beans
/fix potetofurai chips
shiraae boiled vegetables mixed with bean
M enu re a d e r

/JPK5 tsukemono pickled vegetables

f o D 't o C D lf © ^ wakame nosuno mono seaweed In
:ljic?& 1i” yakmasu grilled aubergine

L A ' f c f t yaki-shiitake grilled Japanese
sh iita k e -m u sh ro o m
i? ll? 3 5 > 3 \S yasai tempura deep-fried vegetables in
light batter

Rice C lx (gohan) and others

331?A/ oden various vegetables, bean curd and

skewered beef tendon cooked in stock
33£F-<&ISci okonoml-yaki Japanese style pizza
(see more in O k o n o m i-y a k i shop section)
soba thin, brown, buckw heat noodles
(see more in noodle shop section)
O ¿1 hi udon thick, white, w heat flour noodles
(see m ore In noodle shop section)
t? — y raamen Chinese style noodles
(see more In noodle shop section)
t3 U — karee curry and rice
j b O t ) L /— katsu-karee bread-crum bed, deep-fried
pork on curry and rice
f r O # katsu-don crum bed, deep-fried pork, egg
and onion cooked with soy sauce on rice
3 c:# tendon deep-fried prawn in light batter on rice
Eating out

i h # g yuu d o n sliced beef, onion and egg cooked

with soy sauce on rice
t U t r i / x - i ' — supagetil spaghetti
tf+ fp lz a pizza

S&jKzoosui Japanese savoury rice porridge with egg
sake-chazuke Japanese tea poured over
rice, flaked salm on and seaweed
o-chazuke Japanese tea poured over rice
£> (C ci 0 onlglri rice ball wrapped with seaweed
iScflSyakim esh i Japanese style fried rice
c F l5— A i/c h a a h a n Chinese style fried rice

Soup 5+ (shiru)

5M © I№ l8/+too fu no mlsoshlru soy bean paste

based soup w ith soy bean curd
wakame no mlsoshiru soy bean
paste based soup with seaweed
negi no misoshiru soy bean paste
based soup with spring onion
33 age no m isosh iru soy bean paste
based soup with bean curd sheet
Itjliz o o n i soup with rice cake
brhsumashljlru clear soup

Drinks (o-nomimono)
Menu reader

fcf—Jbbiiru lager beer

4 . t " — Jbnamabiiru draft beer
^clfioo-bin large bottle of lager

/ M I ko-bin sm all bottle o f lager
^1^3 "J dai-jokki large glass o f lager
3 "J chuu-jokki m edium glass o f lager
/J\$/ a "J 3p shoo-jokki sm all glass o f lager
sake Japanese rice wine, warm or chilled
? l O A - f chuuhai Japanese vodka with
lem onade
?J<q !ID mizu-wari w hisky with water
3 —3 koora cola
i/ ’ l — IXjuusu ju ice
yf 3. — orenji-juusu o ran geju lce
o-cha Japanese tea. Traditionally in a sushi
shop, tea is served afteryou finish the meal.
Th is tea is called &1f0 agari.
7.K mizu water
tansansui sparkling water
J b O :T — S’— mineraruwootaa mineral
water (still)
□ — t — koohii coffee
koocha English tea

Sushi shop
Eating out

Sushi: norm ally m eans rice balls (n ig iri) with sliced

raw fish but there are various types.

IC g 'D (I§ ! nigiri (zushi) rice balls with sliced raw fish

° ) temaki-zushi rolled sushi w ith seaweed
sheet (without using bamboo sheet)
maki-zushi rolled sushi with seaweed
sheet using bamboo sheet
hoso-maki small rolled sushi
: £ # c ! futo-maki large rolled sushi w ith cooked
egg, vegetable, mushroom, etc. usually vegetarian
inari-zushi seasoned rice, wrapped in
fried thin bean curd
kappa(maki) small rolled sushi with
§ 8 0 " a t b i i moriawase assorted sushi

For n ig iri and te m a k i, you can choose what to put

o n /in from below:

3 S c £ ^ .y : amaebi sweet shrimps

iStJt akagai ark shell (red shellfish)
7^-? anago conger eel (usually grilled)
¡SfoO'awabi abalone
K -Lf ebi prawn
Jtka i shellfish
A 't k a n l crab
Menu reader

katsuo bonito
O S S t ih ir a m e plaice
T t v ^ x hotate scallop
b 'A 'ik a squid
6 ikura salmon roe
(A fo U iwashi sardine
S < '- 3 maguro tu n a
¿ h fs a b a m ackerel
IS ta i snapper
tcZ. tako octopus
i f e c i unagi eel (usually grilled)
"S IC uni sea urchin
tamago sliced, flavoured egg om elette

Soup and others

W i / i " misoshiru soy bean paste based soup

I t ' S U/"h sumashi-jiru clearso u p
U chawan-mushi steam ed flavoured egg
with vegetable, chicken, m ushroom and prawn
fo e : (If wasabi Japanese green horseradish
0 gari thinly sliced, pickled ginger

Drinks: HHXch-tyQ o-nomimono (See the iz a k a y a


Noodle shop
Eating o ut

soba thin, brown, buckw heat noodles

O Hhj udon thick, white, w heat flour noodles
■iotsbhj soo-men thin, w hite, w heat flour cold
— X V ra a m e n Chinese style noodles
Udon and Soba

U s u i 'S Eh/ kamaage udon warm /cold udon with

dipping sauce
to U — S ¿f A z / i l i karee udon/soba udon/soba in
curry soup
S o f e S Ehu kitsune udon udon with flavoured
bean curd sheet
jfcC D St'S E A z / '& l i konoha udon/soba udon/soba
in soup w ith sliced fish paste
o E h / nabeyaki udon udon cooked in a clay
pot w ith vegetables, chicken, prawn, etc.
$¡■5 niku udon/soba udon/soba in soup
with sliced beef
l l l a l S ¿ !A / / '? r(is a n s a i udon/soba udon/soba in
soup w ith wild vegetables
f c t e c j 5 E A i/'E 'B tanuki udon/soba udon/soba
in soup with deep-fried light batter
E / v / -? -| i tempura udon/soba udon/soba
in soup w ith deep-fried prawn in light batter
5 tenzaru cold soba and deep-fried prawn in
light batter with dipping sauce
~ nishinsoba soba in soup w ith smoked
Menu reader

to£)''&)3 E / u / 'l ' B ' wakame udon/soba
in soup w ith seaweed
c?■S'S'lcf zarusoba cold soba w ith dipping sauce

Raamen: use chilli powder for m iso ra a m e n but
pepper (kosh oo ) for others.

W i t ? - X y miso raamen raamen in soy bean

paste based soup
i v&Z’ — X y shio raamen raamen in salt based soup
•X y shooyu raamen raamen in soy sauce
based soup
— S / a — chaashuu raamen in soy sauce
based soup with an extra topping o f sliced roast
^ - ^ X /K V lic h a m p o n - m e n raamen in pork stock
based soup w ith stir-fry meat and vegetables
□ —y — X y koon raamen raamen with sweet
fe -Y3 U "5 — X V moyashi raamen raamen with
extra bean sprout topping
t hjZ.'Oz) —X y tonkotsu raamen raamen in
pork stock based soup

Rice dishes and others

J - ^ —IX y chaahan Chinese style fried rice

Eating out

ebi-tendon deep-fried prawn in light

batter on rice
0 S i 5) inari-zushi seasoned rice, wrapped in
fried thin bean curd

t i U — 5 - f JX kareeraisu curry with rice
<J3(Cc?D onigiri rice ball wrapped with seaweed
H - f # oyako-don (buri) chicken and egg topped on
tempura deep-fried seafood and vegetables
in light batter
tendon deep-fried vegetables and prawn in
light batter topped on rice
5 £! A r/ irliA E !S t udon/sobateishoku set m eal with
udon/soba, rice and side dish
'McS@K yaki-meshi Japanese style fried rice
i f yaki udon/soba udon/soba stir-
fry with m eat and vegetables
fSpy-gyocca fried pork dum pling

Drinks: fe tfo W ^ o -n o m im o n o (See the Iz a k a y a


Okonomi-yaki shop

¿ S if okonomi-yaki Japanese style pizza,

sliced cabbage and m eat or seafood cooked in soft
Menu reader

dough on a hot plate

iK c firli'y a k iso b a stir-fried Chinese noodles with
m eat and vegetables

¡ ^ # 5 ¿ i/v yakiudon stir-fried thick white flour
noodles with m eat and vegetables
modan-yaki yakisoba in thin flour crepe
J E i y ^ c i Hiroshima-yaki H iroshim a style,
ingredients covered with a thin flour crepe instead
o f m ixing them with dough
35(Ci§”D onigiri rice ball

You can choose w hat to put in from the following:

^ $ 3 gyuu-niku beef
buta-niku pork
ebi shrim ps
b ' S ' ika squid
tcZ. tako octopus
15si? yasai vegetables (yasai-yaki is w ithout any
m eat/seafood)
negi spring onion (negi-yaki uses spring onion
instead o f cabbage)
№ / S - ? tamago egg

Drinks: o-nom im ono (See the Iz a k a y a

Eating out


A ...A » f S £ ¥ $ y U f c U / v T '- r t f
...nin bun seki oyoyaku shitain desu ga
I’d like to book a table f o r ... people
B ttb v to t* T A '
hai, Itsudesu ka?

konya.../asu noyoru.../hachl-ji nl
for tonlght/for tom orrow n ight/at 8 o’clock

The m enu, please X d l l — ‘C A ic f b ’'

menyuu, kudasal
W hat is the dish E 3 © < fijH ® IJ'f°JT?T)"A''
of the day? kyoo noosusume wa nan desu ka?
Doyouhave — (i3 5 D ^
a tourist menu? TA'
ryokoosha-yoo no menyuu wa
arimasu ka?
at a set price? i ? "J h f f l f S I x ' C i A ' '
setto no nedan desu ka?
W hat is the
Menu reader

speciality of koko no osusume wa nan desu ka?

the house?
Can you tell me c n iifs jT -r A '
what this is? korewa nan desu ka?

I’ll have this
kore, onegai shimasu
Could we have .... < £ i ) 5
som e m o re .... moosukoshi..., 0 moraemasu ka
bread A °>
water *
The bill, please
okanjoo, onegai shimasu
Is service V - b \3zf
included? ft'
saabisuryoo wa fukumarete
imasu ka?


The m ajority of restaurants do not indicate

vegetarian food but there are always som e
vegetarian dishes on the m enu. D on’t hesitate to
Eating out

tell the staff that you are a vegetarian and what you
can and cannot eat; they will be happy to advise you
on suitable dishes.

I am a vegetarian fAii'KS/i? U 7 VT-T
watashi wa bejitarian desu
I don’t eat m eat
I don’t eat m eat
and fish niku to sakana o tabemasen
Do you have any
vegetarian yasai dake no ryoori wa arimasu ka?
W hich dishes ...fr'A o x b N & u fira iit'n
have no...? T?TA'
...ga haitte inai ryoori wadore desu
m eat
W hat fish dishes
do you have? donna sakana ryoori ga arimasu ka?
W hat do you
recom m end? nanika osusumewa arimasu ka?
I don’t like m eat (33)
Menu reader

Egg is all right №(SA3tAT'-T

tamagowadaijoobu desu

Is it m ade with U T lfP S
vegetable or i f A N?
seaweed stock? kore wa yasai ka kobu dashi de
tsukurarete imasu ka?

Possible dishes

U jlilH - i! sansai ryoorl Japanese vegetarian dish

w hich could be a full course meal.
¡(oO'fc U ohitashi Japanese salad (steam ed spinach
or beans, etc. w ith sesam e seeds)
misoshiru Japanese soup
S J It o o f u bean curd (very popular)
/p ® hiyayakko chilled tofu
MI'f'/d U S J I S agedashi doofu deep-fried tofu
flW tam agodom buri rice with cooked egg and
vegetables (onions) in a soy sauce based sauce
M l'fH agedashi tamago Japanese om elette
maki-zushi rolled sushi with mixed
ingredients w hich are usually vegetarian. You can
also try £> "JI ^ cf kappamaki (cucum ber rolls) or
§13#c? tamagomaki (egg rolls)
ll li ^ O ¿1A sansai udon/soba udon (white
Eating out

Japanese flour based noodles) or soba (dark

coloured buckw heat noodles) in soup with

O Hhj/WiWi wakame udon/soba served
with seaweed
cb • 5 'frlii zaru soba chilled soba with dipping sauce
yasai okonomiyaki Japanese style
pizza with sliced cabbage, spring onion and egg,
prepared on a hot plate
1?1R5^/3?S yasai tempura deep-fried vegetables in
light batter

g © i! 7 J \ 7 f - < - spaghetti with various

kinoko supagetii Japanese m ushroom s
SfM yasai vegetable(s)
l l J ^ sansai edible wild plants

Menu reader

Wines and spirits

The w ine list,

wain menyuu o misete kudasai
w hite wine
red wine
aka wain
Can you
recom m end
a good local jim oto meisan no ii wain wa
wine? arimasu ka?
Can you IfeTC&itfflbWNfc'Ste® 0 £
recom m end ft'
a good local jim oto meisan no ii osake wa
sake? arimasu ka?
A bottle of...
...o ippon
house wine
hausu wain
¿5 0fft'
Eating out

W hat liqueurs do
you have? donna osake ga arimasu ka?



This is a guide to some of the basic concepts and

G ra m m a r
rules in Japanese. It is designed to enable you to
form simple sentences. There are different levels
of politeness in Japanese but polite forms, suitable
for travellers to use without being rude, have been
used throughout this book, including the dictionary

Although writing is rather complicated, Japanese

grammar is simple compared to that of most
European languages. For example, there is no
gender; there are no plural forms; and verbs only
have past and non-past (present) forms.

Sentence structure

The basic Japanese sentence has a topic and

a comment section. The topic (which is indicated
by a topic marker w a) usually comes at the
beginning of the sentence, but if the topic is
understood among the speakers, it is often omitted.

(Watashi wa) Yamashita desu. (I) am Yamashita.


Japanese contains particles similar to English

prepositions but in Japanese they come after the
words. Particles have the following functions.

wa topic marker
ga subject marker
ka question marker
o direct object marker
ni in-direct object marker, goal and position
to means‘and’(connect words)
de indicates means

Word order

Japanese word order is: subject - object - verb.

Therefore, ‘I eat Sushi' becomes ‘I S u s h i e a t ’;
W a ta s h i w a S u s h i o ta b e m a s u . When the
comment part is long, for example, ‘Iwill eat Sushi
with my friend in London tomorrow’, as long as you
put I (which is the topic) and w ill e at, (which is the

verb) in their respective places and you move the
object together with the necessary particle, the
words can be in any order.

Questions and negatives

Polite Japanese verbs end with m a su and a sentence

containing nouns and adjectives end with desu.

You can create a question by simply adding the

question marker ‘k a ’ at the end of the sentence.

This is Tokyo Tokyo desu

Is it Tokyo? Tokyo desu ka?

Negative sentences can be made by changing the
ending of the predicate such as verb or adjective

non-past non-past past positive past negative

positive negative
-desu -dewa -deshita -dewa
arimasen arimasen

-masu -masen -mashita -masen


I eat Sushi. Sushi o ta b e -m a su

I don’t eat Sushi Sushi o ta b e -m a se n
I ate Sushi Sushi o ta b e -m a sh ita
I didn't eat Sushi Sushi o ta b e -m a se n d e sh ita

It is quiet Shizuka de su
It is not quiet Shizuka d e w a a rim a s e n
It was quiet Shizuka d e s h ita
It was not quiet Shizuka d e w a a rim a s e n d e s h ita

Expressing desire

Change masu to ta id e s u , for example, tabe-masu

to ta b e -ta id e s u , 'I would like to eat’, and nomi-
masu to n o m i-ta id e s u , ‘I would like to drink’.

Verb forms 1

The verbs can be divided into two groups.

The first group Is verbs ending In ’e ’, such as

tabe-masu (eat) and age-masu (give). This group
also includes the verbs with one syllable (see
pronunciation section) before masu such as
mi-masu (watch), kl-masu (come/puton). A few
exceptional verbs belonging to this group include;
okl-masu (get up) and orl-masu (get off).

The second group is verbs ending in ‘¡’, such as

nomi-masu (drink) and kai-masu (buy).

In order to make a request or ask permission, you

need to know how to make the so called te-form of
the verbs. For the verbs in the first group, you can

simply replace ‘masu’ with ‘te’ tabe-te, age-te,
mi-te and ki-te. However, for the second group, you
have to pay attention to which syllable comes
before ‘masu’.

syllable before change to verbs e.g. te-form


shi shite hanashi- hanashite

(no change) masu (talk)
i, chi, ri kai-masu katte

ki.gi.ji ite kiki-masu kiite
mi, ni, bi, nde yomi-masu yonde

Making a request

If you would like someone to provide you with

something, you can use the words kudasai (please
give me) or onegaishimasu (please). For example,
R e s h iito o k u d a sa i, ‘Can I have a receipt please’, or
R e s h iito , o n e g a ish im a u , ‘receipt please’.

If you want something to be done, use the verb
te-form then add kudasai at the end: for example,
‘please speak’, h a n a s h ite k u d a s a i; 'please buy’,
k a tte k u d a s a i; ‘please eat’, ta b e te k u d a s a i.

Asking permission

Use the verb te-form and add m o ii d e su ka. Is It all
right to eat? T a b e te m o ii d e su ka. Is it all right to
take a photo? S h a s h in o to tte m o ii d e su ka.
(shashln: photo(s), o: object marker, totte: te-form
of verb torlmasu, take)

Asking possibility/ability

Use the noun plus d e k im a s u ka . For example,

'Can we park here?’ K o k o ni c h u u s h a d e k im a s u
k a ‘Can we hold a meeting?’ M iitin g u g a
d e k im a s u k a Can we eat here?’ K o k o d e sh o k u ji
g a d e k im a s u k a

However, if you would like to use verbs, you must

rememberthe two groups (see above).

For verbs in the first group, you simply change
-masu to -raremasu, then add the question marker
ka at the end for the first group. So, if you would like
to say, Can we eat here?, It would be K o k o de ta b e -
ra re m a s u ka, and Can we watch TV here? would be
K o k o d e te re b i g a m i-ra re m a s u ka.

For verbs in the second group, you need to change

the vowel i In the syllable before masu to e as

shown below.

verbs e.g. change to English Japanese

iki-masu ike-masu Can we go Tokyoo ni ike-

(go) (can go) to Tokyo? masu ka?
kai-masu kae-masu Can we buy it? Sore ga kae-
(buy) (can buy) masu ka?
kiki-masu kike-masu Can we listen Rajio ga kike-
(listen/ask) (can listen/ask) to the radio? masu ka?
yomi- yome-masu Can we read Shimbun ga
masu (can read) the papers? yome-
(read) masu ka?

Magic word

Sumimasen; excuse me or sorry, is a m agic word in

Japanese and similar to how please is used in English.
As long as you use this word, especially when you
are m aking a request, asking permission, or trying
to get som eone’s attention, you will be fine.


Public holidays

Most shops and offices are closed on the first three

days in January. Department stores are very busy
with people buying presents at the end of the year
and mid-summer. Although Obon (13-16 August),
Public holidays

which is similar to Christmas, is not a National

holiday, many people take holidays and go back to
their hometown so the roads and public transport
become extremely busy.

Similarly, during the so called Golden week holiday

(end of April to the beginning of May) it is extremely
busy with Japanese people travelling. Make sure you
have reservations in advance if you are planning to
travel during these periods.

National holidays In japan

January 1 71!El ganjitsu New Year’s Day

2nd Monday JSACDB seijin no hi
in January Coming of Age Day
February 11 iilllllfi^ E I kenkoku kinen-bi
National Foundation Day
Equinox Day shumbunnohi
(around 21 March) Vernal Equinox Day

April 29 B a fO © B shoowanohl
Show a Day
M ay 3 kempoo kinen-bi
Constitution Memorial Day
May 4 ^ ¿ fD © B m idorinohi
Greenery Day
May 5 Zd^CD B kodom onohi

Public holidays
Ch ildren ’s Day
3 rd Monday ;§ © B um ln o h i Marine Day
in July
3 rd Monday Ü (^ © B keiroonohi
in Septem ber Respect for the Aged Day
Equinox Day ÎW i© B shuubunnohl
(around A utu m n al Equinox Day
23 September)
2 nd Monday # L p f f f iB tailku no hi
in October Health and Sports Day
Novem ber 3 X f b f f lB bunkanohl
N ational Cultural Day
Novem ber 23 Ü lT Îü S U t f f lB kinrookansha
nohl Labour Thanksgiving Day
Decem ber 23 b Ç M iÉ Ë E B tennootanjoo-bl
Em peror’s Birthday

If the national holiday falls on a Sunday, the

following closest non-holiday day becomes the
substitute holiday,

Signs and

Most signs in airports and large stations are bilingual,

but local stations have little in English so the
follow ing guides w ill be useful.

m eki station
it e m chikatetsu metro
AD iriguchi entrance
l±j D deguchi exit
S tfL D kaisatsu guchi ticketing gate
chuuoo kaisatsu main gate
ma minami guchi south gate
Signs and notices

SD nishi guchi w est gate

1tD kita guchi north gate
HD higashi guchi east gate
im a hijoo guchi em ergency exit
^■E'ocDm.a midori no JR ticketing
madoguchi counter

W fi kippu ticket
JR A" 7. jei aaru pasu JR pass
;v ° 7 /-K -K pasupooto passport
hikikaeken voucher/coupon
m om uriba sales section
honjitsuchuu today’s
zairaisen local lines
kodomo children
A A otona adult
P3 en yen
A ^ H I4 nyuujooryoo entrance charge

Inside the station

..m s ...bansen platform...

~ J O v hTft- A purattohoom u platform
— esukareetaa escalator
erebeetaa lift
kaidan stairs
kurumaisu wheelchair
In sid e th e sta tio n

m o/±0 nobori going up

TO kudari going down

On the platform

...ÎT c S ...iki bound for...

..M ...hatsu depart...
...St ...chaku arrive...
b >1 futsuu standard
kyuukoo rapid
ft» tokkyuu super rapid
m m shinkansen bullet train
konodensha this train
tsugi next
% saki before
\k ato later
jffiM tsuuka pass
teisha stop
w -y m gurün-sha first class
shiteiseki reserved
É È 1S jiyuuseki non-reserved
shindai-sha sleeping car
..M ...sen line...
Signs and notices

norikae to change
mn okure delay
jiko accident

Vending machine/telephone

mmmm jidoo hambaiki vending m achine

* mizu water
ocha Japanese tea
¡¡sn ryoogae m oney exchange
m own urikire out of stock
№ koshoo out of order
-D o m w n tsurisengire out o fch an ge
fc '1 5 0 otsuri change
* * 7 .0 kiosuku kiosk
mm denwa telephone
mm kokusai international
kokunai national
* -K kaado card
m osu push
5I< hiku pull
V e n d in g m a c h in e / te le p h o n e

In the carriage

m kai open
m hei close
jidoodoa/tobira autom atic door/
kinen n on-sm oking
U S kitsuen sm o king
kitsuen-jo/ sm o king area/
-shitsu room
V ± - Ï - K manaa moodo silent mode
shokudoo-sha dining car
f i'y 7 x byuffe buffet
tHF*Vif*3PJx7B kinai/shanai w agon service
h -ru toi re toilet
& onna wom en
f§ otoko men
f f liS washiki Japanese style
yooshiki western style
Signs and notices

;¥ ïC
^ - " J 'T - T . suutsukeesu suitcase

On the street (places and related words)

m i ginkoo bank
mm yakkyoku pharm acy
yuubinkyoku post office'
mm ryokan Japanese inn
/fix)!/ hoteru hotel
fc fi-'Ÿ ^ ./tttrJ l/b ijin e s u hoteru business hotel
ls3 h-z>y resutoran restaurant
hsrie kissaten coffee shop
mooningu m orning service
kuriiningu dry cleaner’s
3s—H — suupaa superm arket
mm keisatsu police station
35# kooban police box
¡SIB takuhai home rapid
karaoke Karaoke
CTt?^- kuushitsu room available
manshitsu no room /
no vacancies
mis kaiten shop is open
On the street

mis heiten shop is closed

m it kinkyuu em ergency

On the street (other road signs)

kiken danger
it s n tomare stop
watare cross
x koojichuu under
m± kinshi prohibited
± L t ,A O n ± tachiiri kinshi no entry
si/f usetsu right turning
sasetsu left turning
mm chokushin straight on
— T a fflÎT ippootsuukoo one way
hodoo pedestrians path
jitensha bicycle
jidoosha autom obile
hokoosha pedestrians
№ tttt hodookyoo pedestrian bridge
shingoo traffic signal
Signs and notices

Outside the station/
taxi stands

sum chuushajoo parking lot

paakingu parking
S í^ lt chuushakinshi no parking
AT. basu bus
^ O 'J - takushii taxi
/J\§a^ kogata-sha sm all vehicle
A SH oogata-sha large vehicle
kuu-sha car available

O u tsid e th e s ta tio n / ta x i s ta n d s

At the restaurant/shop

« ft chooshoku breakfast
S ft chuushoku lunch
? ft yuushoku dinner
foft washoku Japanese meals
;¥ ft yooshoku western meals
manseki full (seat)
shoohizei C o n su m e rtax
y --\ ix w saabisu-ryoo service charge
zeisa-komi tax and service
charge Inclusive
w tm zeisa-betsu tax and service
charge exclusive
nomimono drinks
At the restaurant/shop
English - Japanese a - airport bus

A ache itami masu

a, an see grammar (die. itamu*)
abroad kaigai m y head aches n A m N T 'f atama ga itai desu
accelerator akuseru adaptor y y z fs - adaputaa
to accept juri shimasu (electrical)
(die. juri suru*) address ttPJr juusho
do you accept kurejitto kaado admission fee a mm nyuujooryoo
credit cards? demo ii desu ka? adult A A otona
U T 'f* ' advance: maemotte
accident jiko in advance
(traffic, etc.) advance ÿüÎÀl/' sakibarai
accident and kyuukyuu- payment
emergency byootoo advertisement SÎË senden
department advise T7 K A '-T A U adobaisu shimasu
accommodation 7i;Sp/f shukuhaku-jo i t (die. adobaisu
account (bank) □ J S kooza suru*)
what do you doo sureba ii desu to agree sansei shimasu
advise? ka? (support a (die. sansei
afford dekimasen proposal) suru*)
(die. dekiru*) 1 agree M / S T '- r sansei desu
1 can’t afford W ziZtti* kaukoto ga 1 don’t agree Ml$C K> sansei shimasen
(to buy) it T ’g Z M h j dekimasen aid (charity) W.№ enjo
afternoon gogo AIDS J i'f X eizu
in the afternoon « S ic gogo ni air kuuki
this afternoon ^ B C D « S kyoo no gogo air conditioning X 7 X V eakon
again mata air pollution taiki-osen
age (person’s) *№ toshi air hostess suchuwaadesu
(time) jidai 7 7
agenda (for # ii* W kaigi jikoo airline kookuu-gaisha
meeting) airmail x ^ y -JU eameeru,
ago 15 mae kookuubin
a week ago —JSIMIbu isshuu-kan mae airport •zm kuukoo
airport bus kuuko-basu

English - Japanese 172|173

English - Japanese alarm - arm

alarm (in bank, mm keihoo America 3PXU * Amerika

shop) American (adj) 7 X 'JtK D Amerika-no
alarm clock mezamashi-dokei (person) 7 XU A A Amerika-jin
alcohol №) № (o-)sake anaesthetic (n) MWf masui
all zembu ancestor ft® senzo
allergy 7 LA l # - arerugii ancient s-re © kodai-no
I ’m allergic (D~F V/) 1/ kai-rui no arerugii and (furthermore) soshite (sarani)
to shellfish Ç -T -? desu ( ë 5 lc )
allow kyoka shimasu and t to
(die. kyoka angina kyooshin-shoo
suru*) angry okotteimasu
is it allowed? ii desu ka (die. okotte iru*)
alone -A hitori animal 1№ doobutsu
always itsumo ankle æ m ashi-kubi
a.m. (before ^FHU gozen anniversary lB ;§ ;B kinembi
noon) wedding îs ü s ib ^ b kekkon kinembi
ambulance kyuukyuu-sha anniversary
another ffiCD hoka no apologies owabi
(a different kind) my apologies! owabi itashimasu
I’d like another hoka no mono ga (formal) f f
hoshii desu (informal) gomennasai
(one more) =65—0 moo hitotsu appendicitis m(m 0Z moochoo-en
answer (written) mm henji appetite shokuyoku
(spoken) kotae apple juice 0 h u Z i'J n . ringo juusu
answering rusuban denwa -7 ,
machine application (job) mooshikomi
antibiotic (n) koosei busshitsu appointment yakusoku
antihistamine koo-hisutamin- April shi-gatsu
(n) ym zai are: & O f f arimasu
antiseptic (n) $891 sakkin-zai (die. aru*)
anyone ÜT*=6 dare demo are there any...? ...ga arimasu ka?
anything Œ T*Î> nan demo f t '
anywhere ¿f i T ' t ) doko demo arm m ude
apartment 7 A ”- h apaato

English - Japanese 174|175

English -Japanese l arrange - back

to arrange iB g l/ S f tehai shimasu to ask kiki masu

(die. tehai suru*) (die. kiku*)
can we arrange 5 - x - r ' J ' J miitinguo aspirin 7 * t i u y ; asupirin;
a meeting? hiraitemoii sM S zutsuu-yaku
desu ka? do you have S Ü S lili® zutsuu-yaku wa
arrivals (airport) S IS toochaku any aspirin? 0 S fA ' arimasu ka?
to arrive s js o s - r toochaku assistant (shop) iS m tenin
shimasu (die. asthma OmÊ. zensoku
toochaku suru*) ; 1get asthma zensoku desu
art geijutsu at r- ; t de : ni
art gallery mmm bijutsu-kan at home !?Tr uchide
arthritis M B& kansetsu-en at 4o ’clock E B tlC yoji ni
artist geijutsu-ka atmosphere ÏÎH S i funiki
as: as soon dekiru dake (of place)
as possible ¥< hayaku attractive miryokuteki-na
ashtray Km haizara audience chooshuu
Asia 7VT Ajia (theatre etc)
August AM hachi-gatsu avalanche S f f lit x nadare
aunt (own) oba away EB^ rusu
(somebody else’s) oba-san / will be away hachi-gatsu wa
Australia oosutoraria in August x * -r rusu desu
Australian (adj) oosutoraria-no B
T ’ co baby $ K l5 ‘p h j aka-chan
(person) oosutoraria-jin baby food ¡sa g rinyuu-shoku
7A baby seat h bebii shiito
author S S chosha back (of body) senaka
automatic (door) S ® (K 7 ) jidoo (doa) (v)(be back) m om ? modorimasu
autumn m aki (die. modoru*)
available A # T ' g ^ - r nyuushu dekimasu when will he i^ m o m itsu modorimasu
(die. nyuushu be back ? ka?
dekiru*) I’d like to go mo f d w ? kaeritai desu
when will it itsu goro back
be available? ■ Til' dekimasu ka?

English - Japanese
English - Japanese

bad (character, HU warui

(food) IM o fc kusatta
bag f§ kaban
baggage m nimotsu
baggage tenimotsu
reclaim uketori-sho
baker’s A V g pan-ya
ball 7ft— Jl/ booru
bandage Sw hootai
bank IS iT ginkoo
bar (to drink in) A '— ; g ; I g baa; izakaya
barber’s toko-ya
bargain iz -J i seeru
baseball mm yakyuu
basement tte T chika
basket ii kago
bad - b igg e r

basketball TsV h /ft basukettobooru

- ji
bath as furo
bathroom yokushitsu
bath towel n j . S ’ TtJL, basu taoru
bath (tub) mm yokusoo
battery m-:tb denchi
(for radio, etc)
(for car) J t v r 'J - batterii
beach hamabe
bean H mame
bean curd al toofu
beautiful gnu kirei
bed (western) beddo
(Japanese) futon
double bed y y ji^ y K daburu beddo
single bed shinguru beddo
bedding mm shingu
bedroom m.'S. shinshitsu
beef gyuu-niku
beer t f -J l/ biiru
draught beer nama biiru
before BU ((C) mae (ni)
before 4o’clock E B t i u lC yo-ji mae ni
before next konshuuchuuni
to begin hajimarimasu
(die. hajimaru*)
to begin hajimemasu
(something) (die. hajimeru*)
to belong to zokushimasu
(die. zokusuru*)

English - Japanese
it/they watashi nodesu
belong(s) to me
does this belong anata no desu ka?
to you? ts
belt ''CJl/h- beruto
beside № tonari
can 1sit beside tonari ni suwatte
you? mo ¡i desu ka?
best -s ichiban
1 like this the korega ¡chiban
best S T -f suki desu
bicycle ÉÍ5$ jitensha
big ookii
bigger motto ookii
have you motto ookii nowa
anything © lá& O g animasen ka?

English - Japanese bike - bottle

bike iils i jitensha black (n) n kuro

mountain bike K mauntenbaiku (adj) H ia ; IS © kuroi; kurono
■ 10 blanket moofu
bill № ) a :® (o-) kanjoo to bleed M tfiiig f chiga demasu
binoculars m sn booenkyoo (die. chi ga
bird J§ tori deru*)
birthday m s. b tanjoobi it won’t stop JfllA^ihSDS chi ga
happy birthday! 1S£5E.B£d#)T:' tanjoobi bleeding iiA, tomarimasen
£51 omedetoo! blind (person) moomoku
birthday tanjoobi (for window) 'J K buraindo
present Vh purezento blocked tsumatta
biscuits 'd O 'T V h bisuketto the sin k is SiE U ^ 'IS S o nagashi ga
bit 'J > L sukoshi blocked TU Sf tsumatte imasu
ju st a bit ISA j<D 'J>L> hon no sukoshi blood ila; i№ chi; ketsueki
to bite kamimasu blood group MSS! ketsueki-gata
(die. kamu*)
bitter (taste) nigai
my blood (fA(D ) (watashino) to book yoyaku shimasu
group is B IS B T 'T ketsueki-gata wa (die. yoyaku
‘B’desu suru*)
blood pressure J H E ketsuatsu booking yoyaku
1have high iA (iiio lillB E "C watashiwa koo- boots ■ y -v buutsu
blood pressure t ketsuatsu desu born umaremasu
blue (n) w ao (die. umareru*)
(adj) w o' aoi 1was born (fAli) y i y (watashi wa)
to board S D S t- norimasu in Scotland K5VKT- Skottorando de
(plane, train) (die. noru*) : umaremashita
boarding pass toojoo-ken to borrow <§0£ t karimasu
boat 7ft— h booto (die. kariru*)
boiled rice Cgg gohan can 1borrow...? ...« fgO Tfc ...okarite moii
bone # hone U l \ T * T ti' desu ka?
bonito m katsuo botanical ffltlB shokubutsu-en
book (reading) * hon gardens
bottle № ; /ft'h-JU bin; botoru

English - Japanese 180|181

English - Japanese bottle ope n e r - bus

bottle opener sennuki chooshoku;

bowl Ttt— ; u ; № booru; wan asa-gohan
box m hako breast (chicken) ( H © ) SDl^l (tori-no) mune-
boy otokonoko niku
boyfriend kare; kareshi to breathe ikioshimasu
bra Z fy iS v — burajaa (die. ikiosuru*)
brakes T 'U - d r bureeki I can’t breathe iki gadekimasen
branch (bank) shiten Ay
(company) s a shisha bride shimpu
(of tree) & eda bridegroom MTi*P shinroo
brandy burandee bridge (game) 7 1J 7 V burijji
bread yev pan (over river, road, Wi hashi
to break m u z ? kowashimasu etc.)
(die. kowasu*) briefcase 7 U — 7 * 7 — buriifu keesu
It has broken ¡ s m s L f c koshoo 7
down shimashita
to bring (thing) m o tt e kimasu brown (n) chairo
(die. m o tte kuru*) ! (adj) chairoi
(person) tsu re te kimasu Buddha ik ho to k e
(die. tsurete kuru*) ! Buddhism ikm. bukkyoo
Britain -f i'J X ; Igirisu ; Eikoku Buddhist № ) m (o-) te ra
British (adj) 3S D © Eikoku-no building ta te m o n o ; biru

(person) 3SISÀ Eikoku-jin bulb (light) mm d enkyuu

brochure a :y z > \ s " j k pan fu retto bullet train Shinkansen
brothers f t* kyoodai bureau de ¡SÎÜ PiT ryoogae-jo
brother (own, * o to o to change
younger) burn kogashim asu
(own, older) ft ani (die. kogasu*)
(som ebody else’s, o to o to -san It ’s burnt {food) ko g ete im asu
younger) bus A’A basu
(som ebody else’s, & f t ë A onii-san by bus AAT m erishi

English - Japanese
English - Japanese business - cardphone

business bijinesu ; shigoto to buy W ^t kaim asu

i± m (die. kau*)
business card merishi where can 1 Ü c t 'i X - S do k o d e k aem asu
business trip shucchoo buy...? ti' ka?
bus stop A^ff basutei
bus tour A '.'X 'V y - basu tsu aa c
is there a bus basu tsu a a ga cable car 'T - y ilt l- keeburukaa

tour? SO t t i ' arim asu ka? caddy (golf) + ■V

’X'I' — kyadii

busy ftlA ' isogashii cafe kissaten

are you busy? ttU-'T'-f isogashii desu ka? cake (western 'T - * keeki
i' style)
the line is busy m<PVt han ash i-ch u u cake shop tr -^ m keeki-ya

(phone) desu calculator keisanki

butcher’s nikuya to call (phone) ..iznmzi' ...n id e n w a o

butter A 9— ba ta a \itt k akem asu (die.
button T its y botan d e n w a o k a k e ru * )
long-distance chookyori denwa
camcorder bideo kamera
camera kamera
camera shop kamera-ya
camping kyampu
can (n) le kan
can (v) dekimasu
(die. dekiru*)
can L ? ...tti 351=5I f ¿1' ...dekimasu ka?
Canada -h i-? Kanada
Canadian (adj) y y y o Kanada-no
(person) try ? K Kanada-jin
to cancel torikeshimasu
(die. torikesu*)

English - Japanese
I’d like to ¥$1*W0№ yoyaku o
cancel my torikeshitai desu
cancellation kin kekkoo
(of flight)
(of train) Si* unkyuu
cancer m gan
canned ifila kanzume
can opener kankiri
capital (city) shuto
(money) shikin
car kuruma ;jidoosha
caravan kyaraban
card (business) merishi
(playing) v-yyy torampu
/greetings) kaado
cardphone kaado-yoo denwa

English - Japanese carefu l - charge

careful O’ kiotsukemasu 1get carsick kuruma ni

(die. ki o yoimasu (die.
tsukeru*) kuruma ni you*)
be careful! ki otsukete! carwash sensha
careless 'R ÎM fuchuui case (suitcase) suutsukeesu;
car keys ï© ii kuruma no kagi mm ryokookaban
car park Ii$ il chuushajoo cash (n) genkin
carpet m m -, juutan ; kaapetto we only take genkin barai nomi
t >— h cash T'-T desu
carriage (train) kyakusha casino ts'J J kajino
carrier bag kaimono bukuro castle w. shiro
carrot A # ninjin cat ffi neko
to carry a ü -w hakobimasu to catch (hold of) tsukamimasu
(die. hakobu*) (die. tsukamu*)
carsick ÿ ii i/ N kurumayoi to catch a cold kazeo hikimasu
f (die. kaze o
cathedral *18® daiseidoo century seiki
21st century

t) hU V


Catholic katorikku-kyoo

cauliflower -h karifurawaa ceramics PSâê tooki
cave /1^
1 dookutsu certain №t)' tashika
CD i?— — shiidii are you certain? hontoo desu ka?
CD player 5/— T -<— shiidii pureiyaa certainly (truth) i t A 'I C tashika-ni
[y-V— certainly! SA /X * ! yorokonde!
cell phone keitai denwa (I will do that)
cemetery mm bochi chair m? isu
centigrade sesshi champagne i/V 'y ^ y shampen
centimetre -bv? senchi (meetoru) change (money) kozeni
(x-hJU) changing room WL&M kooi-shitsu
central i>'L'CD chuushin-no charge (fee) I P tesuuryoo
central heating iz'yhÿ)it sentoraru hiitingu is there any tesuuryoowa
—r ^ y ? charge? kakarimasu ka?
centre ; ^5^ chuushin ; free of charge mm muryoo

English - Japanese
English - Japanese ch e ck - city

to check ; shirabemasu to check out chekku-auto

(die. shiraberu*); h u ^ -r shimasu (die.
chekku shimasu chekku-auto
(die. chekku suru*)
suru*) When should 1 chekku-auto wa
can you check z n z m ^ x koreoshirabete check out by? H a ra re - nan-ji desu ka?
this fo r me? </c£ U \ kudasai

to check in chekku-in cheese chiizu

7 - X
shimasu (die. chef i/x 7 shefu
chekku-in sum*) chemist’s (shop) m m - , m m kusuriya;
where do 1 T - X ' V O ' t y chekku-in wa yakkyoku
check in? iZ Z ZX 'L dokode cheque 7 x vO ; chekku; kogitte
check-in desk y a y b furonto cherry blossom « f sakura
(hotel) chest (of body) № mune
chewing gum — TV chuuin-gamu
« 'A
chicken (bird) m niwatori
(meat) mm toriniku
(grilled) &icZfOv yaki-tori
chickenpox m izuboosoo
children kodom otachi
chilli toogarashi
china (n) Mp № se to m o n o
China Chuugoku
Chinese (adj) ■ t ii© C huugoku-no
(person) 'iS A Chuugoku-jin
(language) in is C huugoku-go
chips (french fries) Z J ' y ' f K 7tv 7 ~ furaido p o teto
chocolate(s) h chokoreeto
to choose is o ^ - r erabim asu
(die. erabu*)

English - Japanese
1 don ’t know ¿ f t l id O / c i B dore ni shitara ii
what to choose ka wakarimasen
0 3 it A j
you choose f t f o 0 l(-M A / kawari ni erande
fo r m e T - c f c 'ë u kudasai
chopsticks № )» (o-)hashi
Christmas 0 0 7 7 7 kurisumasu
Christmas Eve 0 0 7 7 7 kurisumasu-ibu
'(O f
church kyookai
cigar s # hamaki
cigarette №.m tabako
cigarette ■ 7'T 0 — raitaa
cinema № ¡161 eiga-kan
city ffij ; « P è machi ; tokai
English - Japanese

city centre machi no

claim (n) yookyuu
class (in school) kumi; kurasu
business class '¿ V t t O bijinesu kurasu

economy class 1 3 7 5 -5 ekonomii kurasu

first class faasuto kurasu

classical music kurashikku

clean (adj) kirei-na
to clean (house) sooji shimasu
(die. sooji suru*)
cleaner seisoo gyoosha
city ce n tre - com e

clever kashikoi
climate ; J S l± kikoo ; fuudo
climbing lL © 0 yama nobori
climbing boots giiiK t tozan gutsu
clinic 0 U z "j 0 ; kurinikku ;
B 'M pft shinryoo-jo
clock Btlt tokei
to close m ub^r shimemasu
(die. shimeru*)
when do you itsu shimarimasu
close? ft-' ka?
closed (shops) m is heiten
clothes m fuku
cloudy H o T lN - S kumotte-iru
club oy>y kurabu
clutch (car) Oy'vJ- kuratchi
coach (bus) A"3. basu
(of train) kyakusha
coach station basu noriba
coast Mm kaigan
coat 3 - h ; ± * kooto; uwagi
Coca Cola® kokakoora
coffee 3 - fc - koohii
black coffee 5 7 7 ^ 3 - burakku koohii
t -
white coffee 5 J l^ 3 - miruku koohii
t -
decaffeinated f ) IP X kafein nuki no
coffee t © 3 - t - - koohii
cappuccino kapuchiino
cognac konyakku
coin □ -f V ...3E koin; -dama
ten-yen coin +R3E ju-en-dama

English - Japanese
cold (room) samui
/ have a cold kaze o hiite imasu

colleague mm dooryoo
college daigaku
(junior college) 5&.X tandai
colour fe iro
colour film karaafirumu
(for camera) A
comb W kushi
to come kimasu
(die. kuru*)
when can you UOifcSftg; itsu
come? ft' koraremasuka
come in! d 5 ? t3 \Q doozo ohairi
<fc£l\ kudasai

English - Japanese com edy - constipated

comedy komedii compartment ¥ ¡¡5 sharyoo

comfortable kimochi ga ii (train)
this is very ¿ i T f e kore wa totemo complaint S it kujoo
comfortable kimochi ga ii 1 have a S I* * ''® 0 kujoogaarimasu
o \-e r desu com plaint
comics a n manga to complete S t f iE U S lT kanseishimasu
(publications) (die. kansei
commercial □ n7— i s V )l> komaasharu suru*)
(on TV) complicated fukuzatsu na
common (usual) s a © futsuu-no it’s very totemo fukuzatsu
compact disc '3 ' y ) ' i O V ' ~ r kompakuto com plicated v t desu
•C*? ; disuku ; shii dii compulsory mm gimu
is — T 'f — computer kompyuutaa
company (firm) ê t t kaisha 5>-
company t t S ; ?gSî shachoo ;joomu computer □ V t° a — kompyuutaa
president game S’- ' f - h gee mu
concert □ V + t-h konsaato
concert hall n v + t-h konsaato hooru
7ft — Jl/
concussion BisS I IS nooshintoo
conditioner 'J V 7 rinsu
condom □ V K - A kondoomu
conductor ilf S « shikisha
conference s fS kaigi
conference gm m kaigijoo
to confirm m is u s - r kakunin shimasu
(die. kakunin

English - Japanese
do I need to 5 ^ ¿£Mi kakunin suru
confirm? tf-$b hitsuyoo ga
arimasu ka
I want to yoyakuno
confirm my kakuninoone
booking shimasu
congratulations <fe¿£>~C t i Z><2 omedetoo
to connect O f e c f ^ 'c T tsunagimasu
(die. tsunagu*;
I’m trying to £> D c f U T otsunagi shite
connect you l \ lT imasu
connection SOSHc? noritsugi
(train, plane)
(electronic) W it setsuzoku
constipated benpi
I’m constipated benpi desu
English - Japanese con su l - cupboard

consul mm ryooji copy (n) kopii

consulate mmm ryoojikan can 1 make □ t f — 'c lr L 'T kopii o shitemo ii
contact lens hi/ kontakuto renzu a copy? 1 desuka
cleaner yXf'J- kuriinaa corkscrew mm sen-nuki
-f— corn toomorokoshi
contact lenses kontakuto renzu corner p kado
yx correct IE L A ' tadashii
continent XM tairiku is it correct? tadashii desu ka
contraceptive mum; hinin-yaku; corridor S T rooka
(n) hinin-yoohin cost (n) hiyoo; kosuto
convenient ilfOS ; benri-na;tsugoo to cost kakarimasu
no ii (die. kakaru*)
cook (n) y i'v O kokku how much L ' < S A ' A ' D ikura kakarimasu
(Japanese ffilu itamae does it cost? s -t a ' ka
restaurants) cotton B wata/men
to cook s n u s-r ryoori shimasu cough (n) seki
(die. ryoori suru*)
to count kazoemasu
(die. kazoeru*)
country m kuni
countryside a# inaka
courier takuhai
course □- 7 koosu
o f course taws mochiron
court (law) hootei
(tennis) h tenisukooto
crab ! kani
crafts koogei hin
cramp m m ; keiren;
Z <D ‘o tf' X. 0 komuragaeri
crayfish zarigani
cream O 'J - h kuriimu
credit mm shinyoo

English - Japanese
credit card kurejitto kaado
crisps potetochippusu

crossing (ferry) 7 i U - ferii

when is the '-XCD 7 i ' J - tsugi no ferii wa
next crossing? liiq fB f T f *'k nanji desu ka
crossroads juujiro
crowd hitogomi
cruise (n) № funatabi
to cry (weep) nakimasu
(die. naku*)
cup kappu
cupboard P ffl todana

English - Japanese

to cure chiryooshimasu
(die. chiryoo
current W./nt denryuu
curtains kaaten
cushion kusshion
customs zeikan
customs zeikan shinkoku
cut (n) m om kirikizu
to cut w o s ? kirimasu
(die. kiru*)
cybercafe intaanetto kafe
h * :? I
cycling tt"f saikuringu
cure - dictionary

daily (each day) SB® mainichi-no
dance mo; ordori; dansu
to dance m o s t- odorimasu
(*dic. odoru)
dangerous 5 i s B I abunai;kiken
dark B§i\ kurai
date (day of Bft hizuke
date o f birth £ S /3 B seinen-gappi
daughter (own) musume
(somebody eise’s) ; musume-san;
hi o-joo-san
day B nichi
per day —B L ichi-nichi ni
every day mai-nichi
deaf mimi no kikoenai
dear (expensive) rHiljN ; firjfffi takai; kooka
decaffeinated 1 ^ 'y $ L kafein nuki-no

December + -M juuni-gatsu
deep fukai
degree If do
(university) m ti gakui
delay w a okure
how long is donogurai
the delay? okuremasuka
to be delayed a n ^ t okuremasu
(plane, train, etc) (die. okureru*)
dentist ffiE # ha-isha
dentures H a l i A f t iH i gishi; ireba

English - Japanese
department -f) h depaato
departure tü fë shuppatsu
departure shuppatsu raunji
deposit (to pay) <£ lŒâz hoshookin
dessert x tf—h dezaato
destination mokutekichi
detergent senzai
diabetes lÈJR-irâ toonyoobyoo
to dial ÿ - i ' V J U s m daiyaru shimasu
? (die. daiyaru
dialling code H S kyokuban
diarrhoea T iw geri
diary B E nikki
dictionary S i® jisho
English - Japanese different - duvet

different chigau disk x -f 3.9 disuku

digital camera V1V 'ÿ J i ¿3.X dejitaru kamera disposable tsukaisute-no
district tt№ chihoo
dining room ^ "f H.V9 ) 1/ daininguruumu ; divorce (n) mm rikon
-A ; shokudoo divorced ffig U fc rikonshita
dinner ; yuushoku ;dinaa dizzy IS * mem ai
X -f i~ — to feel dizzy memai ga
direct (train, etc.) mm chokutsuu shimasu (die.
direction 73(q) hookoo memai ga suru*)
directory IB lS R denwa-choo to do shimasu
(telephone) (die. suru*)
dirty kitanai doctor isha
disabled shoogai no aru document bunsho
disco X -1 -^ 3 disuko dog inu
discount SU3I waribiki dollar S Jl doru
dish (S3) m (o-)sara door p ; K7 to ; doa
disinfectant /^ 8 1 ^ shoodoku-yaku
double — MCD nijuu-no to drive jlte l/S iT ; unten shimasu
(quantity) -fe rn nibai-no K 5 -< Li (die. unten sum)
double bed daburu beddo % .? ; doraibu
double room y y ju i- daburu ruumu; shimasu (die.

\ futari beya doraibu suru*)


download daunroodo driver (of car) a is # untenshu
shimasu (die. driving licence unten-
daunroodo menkyoshoo
suru*) drug (medical) i ^D D kusuri; yakuhin
dress (n) doresu to dry IgA'U^f kawakashimasu
dressing hootai (clothes, etc) (die. kawakasu*)
(medical) dry-cleaner’s K “7 - f Í 7 1J — dorai-kuriiningu
(salad) doresshingu -VÍ7"
drink nomimono duck 3PLJI, ahiru
to drink nomimasu duty-free ftíft© menzei-no
(die. nomu*) duvet m ^si kakebuton

English - Japanese 198|199

English - Japanese ea r - e x p re ss train

E electrician denkiya
ear mimi electricity U S ; M Jj denki; denryoku
earache mimi ga itai electric razor o denki-kamisori
early ¥< hayaku elevator l L / ^ - 5 - erebeetaa
earplugs mimi-sen e-mail ; denshi-meeru;
earrings -IV 'jy -y ' iyaringu ■ r-X -JL ii-meeru
earthquake tm jishin embassy taishikan
east m higashi emergency kinkyuu
Easter ■ <— 2 . 9 — iisutaa emergency exit m o hijoo-guchi
to eat tabemasu emperor tennoo
(die. taberu*) empty 9*0 kara
eel unagi engaged (couple) konyaku shite-iru
egg № ; tamago (phone) B C f hanashi-chuu
frie d egg medama-yaki (toilet) shiyoo-chuu
hard-boiled egg ® ($ T ?S EI kata yude tamago England ■ < df U J . Igirisu
scrambled eggs iri tamago
elastic li3 'A wa-gomu
English (adj) -f^U A CD Igirisu-no evening yoru ; ban
(person) •Y ^'U A A Igirisu-jin in the evening & IC yoru ni
(language) •ffTlS Eigo evening meal yuushoku;
enough +» juubun yuuhan
that’s enough f c a S S Ü T 'f moo kekkoo desu example m rei
(food, etc.) fo r example tatoeba
enquiry desk uketsuke excellent SB S S LA ' subarashii
to enter(a place) A D ^ - r hairimasu excess baggage chooka tenimotsu
(die. hairu*) exchange rate & n u -h kawase reeto
entrance AD iriguchi excursion jS S ensoku
entrance fee xmn nyuu-joo-ryoo excuse me sumimasen
envelope m fuutoo exhibition tenjikai
equipment ISIS setsubi exit tÜ D deguchi
escalator XXtl u - esukareetaa expensive kooka-na
exports liiu tjo o yushutsu-hin
euro yuuro express train É lÎ T kyuukoo
Europe 3 -D 'V A ° yooroppa
English - Japanese extension - first floor

extension enchoo koodo Far East 8 S kyokutoo

(electrical) farm mM nooka
(phone) ran naisen fast j l l ’' hayai
eye g me fat(person) futotta
eye drops an megusuri father (own) chichi
(somebody else’s) otoo-san
F faulty (machine, kekkan no aru
fabric £ № kiji etc.)
factory xm koojoo fax fakkusu
to faint kizetsu shimasu fax number fakkusu bangoo
(die. kizetsu suru)
false teeth ireba to fax T V 0 ^ fakkusu o
family WM kazoku okurimasu (die.
fan (hand-held) z> S t o ; n ? uchiwa; sensu fakkusu o
(electric) H a n senpuu-ki okuru*)
far tooi February - g ni-gatsu
fare (bus, etc.) №■ £ ryookin fee *4# ryookin
female (adj) onna-no finger m yubi
ferry 7i'J — ferii fire X hi
festival g?0 matsuri house fir e m m ;x x kaji;kasai
few ikutsuka-no cam pfire t£ £ X takibi
a fe w ECD ni, san no firealarm kasai-hoochi-ki
fiance(e) 7 - c 7 ' j V ; fianse; fire brigade mmm shooboo-tai
№№% konyaku-sha fireescape tm v m . hijoo-kaidan
file(computer, 7 7 - 0 1/ fairu fireextinguisher shookaki
document) fireworks K X hanabi
filling(tooth) IS » t l tsumemono firm (company) m ± kaisha
film (for camera) fuirumu first M W CD saisho-no
(cinema) ffi® eiga firstaid ookyuu-teate
to find jtou^-r mitsukemasu firstaid kit kyuukyuu-bako
(die. mitsukeru*) ]firstclass faasuto kurasu
1 can’t find... ...gamitsukari 37,
SttA, masen firstfloor(above -№ ni-kai
fine(penalty) llife bakkin ground floor)

English -Japanese [ 202|203 1

English - Japanese

firstname S iu namae
fish(n) i! sakana
to fit aimasu (die. au*)
it doesn’t f it aimasen
fitting room 15#^ shichaku-shitsu
to fix naoshimasu
(die. naosu*)
can you fix it? naosemasu ka?
flat(apartment) 7 A °-h apaato
(battery) / ( v t U —t batterii ga
agarimasu (die.
batterii ga
flattyre )X' j O panku
flavour 0 ^ aji
floor(of building) ...№ ...kai
firstflo o r -m ikkai
firs t n am e - g am e

second flo o r -№ ni-kai

(of room) J* yuka
flower hana
flu infuruenza
fly(insect) A I hae
to fly tobimasu
food tabemono
food poisoning shokuchuu-doku
foot £ ashi
football (soccer) t l - y t i — sakkaa
for(in exchange . . . ( D i X t o O l c ...no kawari ni
foreign i^ ll© gaikoku-no
forest mori
fork (cutlery) fooku
fortnight — ni-shuu-kan
fountain H; m * izumi ; funsui
foyer □ tr- robii
fracture(of bone) m kossetsu
fragrance so kaori
frame (picture) ss gaku
free (not aite imasu
occupied) (die. aite iru*)
(costing nothing) « 4 ® muryoo-no
(not constrained) i s (ft) jiyuu (na)
fresh (food) » (ft) shinsen (na)
Friday kin-yoobi
fridge îp M jÿ reizooko
fried food agemono
friend Is L t iS tomodachi
fruit kudamono

English - Japanese
fruitjuice furuutsujuusu
- 7
fuel * № nenryoo
full ippai
fullboard san-shoku tsuki
funny (amusing) 5D01N omoshiroi
(strange) ; okashii; kawatta
t 't o - D t c
fuse t n - 7 hyuuzu
fuse box hyuuzu bokkusu
7 7

gallery ; gyararii; garoo
H Eb
game 'f - h geemu

English -Japanese garage - go out

garage gareeji ; shako to get (obtain) te ni iremasu

(die. te ni ireru*)
garden g niwa (to fetch motte kimasu
garlic Ic A jIC < ninniku something) (die. motte
gastritis PÍ2& ien kuru*)
gate mon (to fetch person, tsurete kimasu
(airport) y -h ; geeto ; toojoo animal) (die. tsurete kuru*)
mm □ guchi to get in (car) m o^f norimasu
gay (bright) hanayaka-na (die. noru*)
(homosexual) gei to get off orimasu
gears $7 gia (bus, etc.) (die. oriru*)
(cogs) haguruma gift liD ti ; okurimono ;
generous kandai-na A U -tzV h purezento
gentleman »± shinshi giftshop dr'7 gifuto shoppu
gents (toilet) h ^ f U dansei-yoo toire "
ginger U<t ot* shooga
girl(informal) ' > £ ; * © ? shoojo ;
(polite) fcS è A / ojoo-san
girlfriend kanojo
to give m fg .? agemasu
(die. ageru*)
to give back kaeshimasu
(die. kaesu*)
glass ; gurasu ; koppu
3 " jX
glasses megane
gloves tebukuro
glue ©0 nori
to go ikimasu (die. iku*)
to go back modorimasu
(die. modoru*)

English - Japanese
to go in hairimasu
(die. hairu*)
gold £ kin
golf 3 )1 7 gorufu
golfball □ JL ^77ft— J i gorufubooru
golfclub D 'J L Z ? 9 gorufu kurabu
golfcourse 7 ' l l 7 7 - 7 gorufu koosu
good cfciN ; i,u,\ yoi;ii
good afternoon Z / v ( CStt konnichiwa
goodbye S c fc o & S sayoonara
good evening oAH'A/li kombanwa
good morning (cfccfc 13 d ohayoo
good night oyasuminasai
£ l\
to go out dekakemasu
(die. dekakeru*)
English - Japanese grandaughter - hearing aid

granddaughter mm mago-musume grey (n) K f e ; ? ' u - haiiro; guree

grandfather sofu (adj) haiiro-no;
(own) i/ u - © guree-no
(somebody else’s) hu ojii-san grilled J & i'f c ; yaita; yaki...
grandmother sobo ^ ...
(own) grocer’s shokuryoohin-ten
(somebody else’s) ¡feliSic?: hu obaa-san ground floor - P i ikkai
grandson n t? mago-musuko group (people) ; № guruupu; kumi
grapefruit gureepu furuutsu guarantee (n) m t hoshoo
- V guest (to house) okyaku-sama
grapes budoo guest house gesuto hausu
great (large) ookii guide (n) t f - r K ; l i f t gaido; annai
green (n) m midori to guide annai oshimasu
(adj) llf f l midori-no (die. annai o
greengrocer A S S yao-ya suru*)
guidebook gaido bukku
guided tour gaido tsuaa
H handkerchief J\ y t l= y hankachi
hair H ! kami; kaminoke hand luggage # #1 2 5 tenimotsu
hairbrush burashi hand-made © tezukuri-no
haircut mm; sampatsu; to happen okorimasu
/\ 17— '■Vh heaakatto (die. okoru*)
hairdresser’s mm tokoya what f i U S l f c dooshimashita ka
(for men) happened? ti'
(for women) biyooin hard (firm) katai
hairdryer A / 7— K 5 heaa doraiyaa (difficult) H U ,\ muzukashii
-< y — hay fever kafunshoo
half-price hangaku head si atama
hall (forconcerts, 7t\— JU ; ig hooru; kan headache mm zutsuu
etc.) headlights •A y K 3 -< h heddoraito
ham A A hamu head office honsha
handbag handobaggu headphones /V y K / f t V heddohon
handicapped I B W S S i i shintai hearing aid hochooki
(person) shoogaisha

English - Japanese
English - Japanese heart - hurt

heart(emotional) 'La kokoro to hire karimasu

(organ) 'M S shinzoo (die. kariru*)
heart attack 'M if§ № shinzoo hossa can 1 hire...? ...o kariraremasu
to heat up S & S lr atatamemasu A' ka
(food) (die. atatameru*) hobby ilf t shumi
heater t —5 - hiitaa holiday ttB g ; kyuuka; horidee
heavy (weight) S lA omoi /tv U Z T ~
hello A / u lc S IJ konnichiwa on holiday kyuuka-chuu
(on phone) i ) Oi) L> moshi moshi national IS B saijitsu
to help tetsudaimasu holiday
(die. tetsudau*) homesick hoomushikku
help! m ix \ tasukete! honey hachimitsu
here (_ c_ koko honeymoon A ^ A — V ; hanemuun;
high takai w m m shinkon ryokoo
high blood © JfllE koo-ketsuatsu horse s uma
pressure horseradish wasabi
hill-walking haikingu Oapanese)
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Y z
year ¥ nen;toshi zebra crossing oodan hodoo
fo r one year - # P b1 ichi-nen-kan zero "tZD i zero;rei
one year old — s? issai zip ^ V V V i chakku ;fasunaa
five years old is ® go-sai y —
next year rainen zone V —V i zoon;chitai
last year kyonen zoo doobutsu-en
yellow (n) Stfi kiiro
(adj) lie u kiiroi
yes ISO ' hai * *You must use this form when you
yes please (cfctV hai.onegai look up a word in a conventional
U ¿£"3" shimasu dictionary.
yesterday kinoo
yet Sfc* mada
not yet S f c ' T ”- r madadesu
youth hostel JL — yuusu hosuteru

English - Japanese 252|253

English - Japanese w indscre en - zoo

windscreen furonto garasu to work (person) hatarakimasu

7 (die. hataraku*)
windscreen 9 Y A °- waipaa (machine, car) ugokimasu
wipers (die. ugoku*)
windsurfing O - f V K t- uindo saafin world ttl? sekai
wrist tekubi
wine 9 Y V wain to write kakimasu
red wine S 9 Y V aka wain (die. kaku*)
white wine a 9 Y V shirowain writer (author) mm chosha
wine list 9 Y V U * h wain risuto wrong warui
winter # fuyu
with (a person) . . . t - m ic ...toisshoni X
woman it onna x-ray 9 9 h if 'J rentogen
wonderful t(£ 5 U U subarashii
wood * ki
wool € ; ke; uuru
word B iE tango
weight ■ s omosa which is it? ¿insT*' dore desu ka
well yoi whisky uisukii
well done yoku dekimashita white (n) a shiro
tz (adj) an shiroi
1 am well genki desu who m dare
Welsh (person) 'i 'x —JL/XA ueeruzu-jin whose it® dareno
west (n) 2§ nishi whose is it? ftffl'Cf*' darenodesu ka
(adj) S ffl nishi-no why ¡W ; naze; dooshite
wet IshH tz nureta ¿iSU T
what i°S nani; nan wide /SO hiroi
what is it? T - f sore wa nan desu widow A t A miboojin
A' ka wife (own) * tsuma
wheel (of car) S ii sharin (somebody else’s) MSA oku-san
wheelchair kuruma-isu to win l$S£lt kachimasu
when UNO itsu (die. katsu*)
where ¿ id doko wind (air) a kaze
which ¿in ; ¿iS 5 dore; dochira window & mado

English - Japanese 250|251

English - Japanese w ash in g m achine - w indow

washing sentaku-ki way (manner) shikata

machine (route) 7?l°) hookoo
washing-up ekitai-senzai way in AD iriguchi
liquid way out ¡tin deguchi
washing ©SI1A, kona-sekken we fA fc S watashi-tachi
powder weak (physically) liu yowai
wasp suzumebachi (tea, etc.) usui

watch (on wrist) udedokei weather AM tenki

to watch TV terebi o mimasu weather A M ^ iB tenki yohoo
t (die. miru*) forecast
water * mizu website 0 x y - f h uebu saito
hot water oyu wedding m is kekkon-shiki
water heater yuwakashiki Wednesday *B1B sui-yoobi
watermelon ■Ton *' suika week a shuu
waterproof boosui weekday ¥ B heijitsu
water-skiing suijoo-skii weekend a* shuumatsu
weekly © a maishuu
video game bideogeemu
village W mura
vinegar m su
virus O 'O lO uirus
visa tr+ f biza
to visit tazunemasu
(die. tazuneru*)
visitor § kyaku
(tourist) 1 kankoo-kyaku
vitamin t '5 5 V bitamin

wage chingin; kyuuryo
waist uesuto
to wait for... ...omachimasu
(die. matsu*)
waiter ueitaa

English - Japanese
waiting room it o - lE machiai-shitsu
waitress 'J x -fK W ueitoresu
to wake up okimasu
(die. okiru*)
Wales O n -l lX Ueeruzu
to walk arukimasu
(die. aruku*)
to go for sampo shimasu
a walk (die. sampo
wallet saifu
to want hoshii desu
wardrobe yoofuku-dansu
warm atatakai
to wash araimasu
(die. arau*)
English - Japanese underground - w ash

underground chikatetsu v
(metro) vacancy(in hotel) akishitsu
to understand w akarim asu vaccination yoboo-chuusha
(die. wakaru*) valid (passport, yuukoo-na
I don't wakarim asen etc.)
understand valuables U M oo kichoo-hin
do you w akarim asu ka van liy ; ban ; wagon-sha
underwear T * shitagi vase TEjfS kabin
unemployed m ushoku VAT fukakachi-zei
United n s ; Eikoku ; Igirisu vegetable mm yasai
Kingdom vegetarian bejitarian ;
United States Amerika saishoku-shugi-
ofAmerica B Gasshuukoku sha
university daigaku vehicle S O ® nonmono
unpack (case) ?qï8?g nihodoki very ; t T i ) taihen ; totemo
urgent m it kinkyuu video bideo
traffic SEffl kootsuu Tuesday * b ib ka-yoobi
trafficjam kootsuu-juutai
S jS /S /S j tuna maguro
traffic lights \e ^ shingoo to turn off keshimasu
train densha (light, etc.) (die. kesu*)
translation S IR honyaku to turn on tsukemasu
translator 111
R^ honyaku-ka (light, etc.) (die. tsukeru*)
to travel ryokoo shimasu tweezers kenuki
(die. ryokoo twin-bed room '.V ' f V /'\ 'V K tsuinbeddono
suru*) fflSPM heya
travel agent’s m u m i s ryokoo dairiten tyre taiya
traveller's X toraberaazu
cheque " jO chekku u
tree * ki ulcer 'M'M kaiyoo
trip W a ryokoo umbrella frcS kasa
trousers Z iR y zubon uncle (own) & L/ oji
trout $ .? masu (somebody else’s) oji-san
true (real) hontoo

English - Japanese
English - Japanese

toilet(informal) h'TU toire

(polite) o-tearai
toilet paper h -Y \y v h toiretto peepaa
^ -A ° -
toiletries i№& keshoohin
toll(motorway) tsuukooryoo
tomato hVh tomato
tomorrow B£B ashita
tomorrow WBV® ashita no asa
tomorrow WB(DWk ashita no gogo
tomorrow B£B0i£ ashita no yoru
tonight konya; konban
tooth ha
toothache m'M haita
toilet - uncle

toothbrush iSZ? V haburashi

toothpaste M JH cf Ifr hamigakiko
IS ^ fK T kaichuu-dentoo
tough (meat) tls tc. b ^ katai
tour (sightseeing) '.V7 — tsuaa
tourist kankoo-kyaku
touristoffice I^C^lF^P/f kankoo-annai-
towel taoru
town fflj machi
town centre BJCD ^ /0 machi no
town plan toshi-keikaku
toy <fc £3 ^ omocha
tracksuit h U - Z V ^ " toreeningu ueaa
O i 7 -
tradition dentoo
thirsty nodoga tights taitsu
f kawakimasu time BiPal jikan
(die. nodo ga this time konkai
kawaku*) what tim e is it? M a r e f * ' nan-ji desu ka?
I ’m thirsty nodo ga timetable ){/ sukejuuru
U fe kawakimashita (train, etc.) m m jikoku-hyoo
this one u n kore tinned ÍEíBo kanzume
throat CD ¿ i nodo tinfoil J\j arumi hoiru
thunder ¡m kaminari tin-opener kankiri
thunderstorm SPf raiu tired 3 in ^ - r tsukaremasu
Thursday * B IB moku-yoobi (die. tsukareru*)
ticket W ft ; kippu; chiketto I ’m tired U fe tsukaremashita
J - 'T 'V h tissue x -f "J n. tisshu
ticket office vm m om kippu uriba toast(bread) —1 toosuto
ticketvending kippu hanbai-ki tobacconist’s ^ A ' Z l g tabako-ya
machine today 7 B kyoo
tight kitsui

English - Japanese 2 4 4 |245

English --Japanese tell - today

to tell that one (near

iimasu (die. iu*) sore
temperature netsu the listener)
1 have a netsugaarimasu (away from the are
temperature listener and
temple №) # (o-)tera speaker)
tennis X —^ tenisu theatre mm gekijoo
tennis court T I 7 3 - K tenisu kooto thermometer ondokei
tennis racket tenisu raketto thick (paper, JIU atsui
h board)
tent fV h tento (rope, cord) futoi
terminal taaminaru (sauce) ilt l'' koi
(airport) thief mm doroboo
thank you arigatoo thin(paper, sauce) usui
thank you (doomo) arigatoo j (rope,cord) hosoi
very much gozaimasu thing mono
my things watashi no mono
how long does ¿f CD dono gurai taxi takushii
it take? A 'D ^ S A ' kakarimasu ka? by taxi S’ O i'- T - takushii de
to talk IS hanashimasu taxi driver 5><?i/-CDW takushii no
(die. hanasu*) Is # untenshu
tampon ^ V T lf V tampon taxi rank takushii noriba
tangerines b - t 'h , mikan m
tap №□ jaguchi tea (green) o-cha
tape (sticky) nenchaku teepu (English) as koocha
(audio) kasetto teepu teacher %ji sensei
-7° teeth s ha
to taste (of ajiwaimasu telephone (n) mm denwa
something) (die. ajiwau*) telephone box m m i&'vOT. denwa bokkusu
to taste tabetemimasu telephone ‘SlSffi denwa choo
(something) (die. directory
tabetemiru*) telephone mmm^ denwa bangoo
tax zeikin number
tax-free menzei television f uf terebi

English - Japanese 2 42|243

English - Japanese string - television

sun taiyoo sweetener kanmiryoo

to sunbathe nikkooyoku o sweets o-kashi
t shimasu to swim oyogimasu
(die. nikkooyoku (die. oyogu*)
osuru*) swimsuit 7j< • mizugi
suntan B 'M t t hiyake to switch off V JD m t kirimasu
Sunday bbsb nichi-yoobi (die. kiru*)
sunglasses sangurasu to switch on iremasu
sunscreen B jS S t t it © hiyake-dome (die. ireru*)
sunstroke B it ? ! nisshabyoo synagogue yudaya-
supermarket X —Jt — suupaa kyookaidoo
supper (dinner) yuushoku
surgery (of shinsatsu-shitsu T
doctor) table 3 —y 'J l teeburu
surname myooji to take kakartmasu
sweet (not amai (die. kakaru*)
stadium 3 9 99A ; sutajiamu; strange (odd) hen-na
kyoogijoo strawberry ichigo
stamps (for kitte street ffiD toori
letters) string (for ffl himo
star(in sky) M hoshi wrapping)
(film) 3 9 - sutaa strong (person) tsuyoi
station IR eki (material) joobu-na
stationer’s Xm m s bunboogu-ya stuck (jammed) IS S o TIN-5 tsumatte iru
statue m zoo student gakusei
steak steeki suburbs m koogai
steep kewashii subway (metro) I t i T i * chikatetsu
stereo 3 9 U tT stereo suddenly totsuzen
sting(n) U U 1 sashi-kizu sugar satoo
stomach fe & A ' onaka sugar-free mutoo
stomach ache mm fukutsuu suit * - ')/ suutsu
storm SI arashi suitcase 7>—"JJT—7. suutsu keesu
straighton S o t< * massugu summer M natsu

English - Japanese 2 4 0 |241

English - Japanese soup - su m m e r

soup suupu how is it spelt? ¡IMO < c E : i£ z .T tsu z u rio o s h ie te

south m m inam i kudasai
South Africa myyuti Minami Afurika to spend (okane o)
South African myy'j tix Minami Afrika-jin (money) tsu k aim asu
(person) (die. tsukau*)
souvenir &±m; o -m iy a g e ; spicy karai
kinen-hin spirits(alcohol) m tsm jo o ry u u sh u
soy sauce aa shooyu spoon su p u u n
spanner renchi sport su p o o tsu
to speak han ash im asu sprain (ankle. n en za
(die. hanasu*) etc.)
do you speak Ulo^iS'tiS Eigo ga spring (season) * haru
English? tti' h a n a se m a su ka? hot spring /im l^ o n se n
speciality mn sem m o n (water)
speed limit seigen sokudo squash (gam e, z c h 'v 'jz i. su k assh u
to spell tsuau rim asu drink)
(die. tsuzuru*) squid -f ti ika
to sleep nemasu soap 5 i$ sekken
(die. neru*) soap powder konasekken
sleeping bag a s nebukuro sober (not drunk) s ® shirafu
sleeping pill a s E if i suiminyaku sock H kT kutsushita
slippers ^ U 'V A ° surippa soda water j^ ik k tansan sui
slow s iu osoi soft drink V Z? h K U V sofutodorinku
small /J\$ U chiisai 0
smell (n) nioi something nani ka
to smoke ^ A Z I^ fU tabakoosuimasu sometimes m* tokidoki
S f (die. tabako o son (own) ,s ,? musuko
suu*) (somebody eise’s) musuko-san
smoking nge kitsuen song uta
no smoking kinen soon ?<° sugu
snack 5 ^ keishoku sore head P JS zutsuu
im yuki sore throat nodo no itami
snow (n)
it’s snowing yuki ga futte sorry sumimasen
imasu I’m sorry -r& s ttA , sumimasen

English - Japanese 2 3 8 |239

English - Japanese sh rin e - sorry

shrine m ± jinja sisters №№ shimai

to shut w itsb m T shimemasu sister (own, imooto
(die. shimeru*) younger)
sick (ill) JPiSl byooki (own, older) ane
to be sick hakimasu (somebody else’s, V imooto-san
(vomit) (die. haku*) younger)
sightseeing m e kankoo (somebody else’s, «tSiiticS h i onee-san
signature i V~ -'f V shomei; sain older)
silk m kinu size A S S ookisa
silver (n) m gin (clothes) t M 'X saizu
(adj) 1№ gin-no to ski y U ^ skii o shimasu
single (person) m dokushin t (die. sukii o
(bed, room) -A ffl hitori yoo suru*)
(ticket) K - ii katamichi ski boots tt-W , skii-gutsu
sink (bathroom 3S0 ; nagashi; ski pass U77h# lifuto ken
etc.) senmendai skirt A A -h sukaato
service charge saabisuryoo
set menu teishoku
sex ffiSU seibetsu
shampoo S' V V 7 ° - shampuu
to share buntan shimasu
(die. buntan
(die. wakeru*)
shares (stocks) № kabu
to shave sorimasu
(die. soru*)
shaving cream m i o z ' j higesori kuriimu
- A
sheet V -" J shiitsu
shellfish MMM gyokairui
ship fia fune

English - Japanese
shirt i s 17 V shatsu
lit kutsu
shoe polish lifcJIic^ kutsu-migaki
shop /£ mise
shopping kaimono
to go shopping kaimonoshimasu
(die. kaimono
shopping i s 3 V L iS 0 shoppingu kaato
trolley ~h — h
short cut j£d 1I chikamichi
=|=^7tt'IS hanzubon
shoulder M kata
show (at theatre, i s 3 — shoo
shower iS V ? — shawaa
shrimps /J v lfc i ko-ebi
English - Japanese scre w d riv e r - shrim ps

screwdriver doraibaa security guard W ffim . keibi-in

scuba diving sukyuuba to see mimasu
-Y t'V Y ? " daibingu (die. miru*)
sculpture m \ chookoku self-catering jisui
(object) self-service t r serufu saabisu
sea M umi 7
seafood shiifuudo; to sell urimasu
kaisen-ryoori (die. urn*)
seasickness funayoi Sellotape® seroteepu
seaside mm umibe to send okurimasu
at the seaside m m v umibede (die. okuru*)
season (of year) mm kisetsu to send miokurimasu
season ticket teiki-ken someone off (die. miokuru*)
seat IS seki senior citizen i S i p ^ koorei-sha
seatbelt is — h ^ J L / h shiitoberuto September t lR ku-gatsu
seaweed mm kaisoo service (in V - t Z '7 saabisu
secretary mm hisho restaurant, etc.)
salary +)- 5 U - ; sararii; kyuuryoo to save (life) sukuimasu
(die. sukuu*)
sale (in shops) 12 - 1 1 seeru (money) ; takuwaemasu
salesman seerusuman (die. takuwaeru*);
(in store) J£ M ten-in chokin shimasu
salmon fl£ sake (die. chokin sum*)
salt ill shio to say iimasu (die. iu*)
sandals y y y n sandaru scales (for liA 'O hakari
sandwich sandoitchi weighing)
sanitary towel m m i-z r * seiriyoo napukin scenery s e keshiki
y school gakkoo
sardine m iwashi scissors hasami
satellite iiS S t iS eisei hoosoo Scotland 7 . D "j K 5 V Sukottorando
channels K
Saturday ±B«B do-yoobi Scottish (adj) 7 . D "j V z > y Sukottorando-no
sauce y -Z K soosu K ffl
screw (n) neji

English - Japanese
English -Japanese rice - screw

rice (& ) íR (o-)kome rotten (meat, liS o / c kusatta

(cooked) gohan fruit)

right (correct) IE L /l/' tadashii route ruuto;junro

on/to the right He migi ni row (theatre, etc.) 5ü retsu
ring (for finger) }g|f yubiwa royal IS © ooshitsu-no
river Jll kawa rubbish gomi
road michi; dooro (nonsense) tcfrZt tawagoto
road sign isssmis dooro hyooshiki rucksack U n.'y7+fv ryukkusakku
to roast, bake yakimasu 7
or grill (die. yaku*) rush hour rasshu
room (in house, SBS heya
hotel) s
(space) iMPJf basho safe(adj) anzen-na
it takes up WiPflf t l 0 ^ basho o torimasu safety belt h anzen beruto
room t sailing (sport) i z - ' j y ? seeringu
room service J i - A t f - t f ruumu saabisu salad sarada
to repair ( I l L i i ; shuuri shimasu
ÈUS-r (die. shuuri
suru*) ;
(die. naosu*)
to repeat iiOÊUST kurikaeshimasu
(die. kurikaesu*)
can you repeat mooichido itte
that, please? T <Tc£l\ kudasai
reservation m yoyaku
reserved seat fg Æ E shitei-seki
resort (seaside) U V - h rizooto
rest (relaxation) ttJt kyuusoku
to rest kyuusoku
shimasu (die.
kyuusoku suru*)
restaurant resutoran

English - Japanese
restaurant car shokudoosha
retire 3IJibg:ir intai shimasu
(die. intai sum*)
to return (to go DiOST ; kaerimasu
back) (die. kaeru*);
(die. modoru*)
(to give back) ill/ S f kaeshimasu
(die. kaesu*)
(to return a hempin shimasu
purchase) (die. hempin
return ticket mmn oofuku-kippu
reverse-charge D L-'J' h □ korekuto kooru
call (collect call) -Ji
rheumatism ryuumachi

English - Japanese

ready mm jumbi
receipt ifJW; ryooshuusho ;
I s i s —h reshiito
reception (desk) Stt uketsuke
receptionist uketsuke-gakari
recipe ;
b i/ t f ;
naa choorihoo
to recommend ■»s-r susumemasu
(die. susumeru*)
what do you W f e H i & T * naniga osusume
recommend ? 11' desu ka
record (music) UZl-K rekoodo
red (n) aka
(adj) akai
reduction (for IJ§I waribiki
students, etc.)
refreshments keishoku
ready - rh eu m atism

refund jUsiz henkin

I ’d like a refund U X K. fd henkin shite
region ifeM i it № chiiki; chihoo
to reimburse U "3" hensaishimasu
(die. hensai suru*)
relative (family i l M shinseki
relatively hikakuteki
reliable (person) 'is flT :'c ? •§> shinrai dekiru
religion shuukyoo
to rent karimasu
(die. kariru*)
rent (for house, M M yachin
public toilet kooshuu toire quiet (place) HA'S shizuka-na
to pull s is r r hikimasu
(die. hiku*) R
puncture A °V 2 panku rabies EAS kyookenbyoo
purse saifu race (sport) kyoosoo
to push w o s-r oshimasu (people) A® jinshu
(die. osu*) radio rajio
pushchair A 'd r - ; bagii; bebiikaa railway station HR eki
'K t '—A — rain m ame
it’s raining ame ga futte
qualification shikaku rare (unique)
^■r imasu
quality o hinshitsu (food) U A— reaa
queen joooo rash (skin) hasshin
question (n) «Pi shitsumon raw £ nama
queue 5J retsu razor kamisori
quickly a < hayaku razor blades kamisori no ha

English - Japanese 2 3 0 |231

English - Japanese pow ercut - razor blades

^ □
power cut mm teiden prize ^.□o shoohin
power point □ V tV h konsento problem FrIII mondai
prawn ebi there’s a mondai ga
pregnant t&M ninshin problem t arimasu
prescription shohoosen programme S ffl bangumi
present/gift m o ti ; okurimono ; (TV, etc.)
purezento (computer) puroguramu
president shachoo promise yakusoku
(of a company) it’s a promise yakusoku desu
pretty kawaii to pronounce hatsuon shimasu
price nedan (die. hatsuon
priest (Buddhist) iiis sooryo suru*)
(Catholic) shimpu how is it ¿f© donoyooni
(Protestant) bokushi pronounced? hatsuon shimasu
prince ooji ka?
princess oojo Protestant shinkyooto
private i@A© kojin-no public holiday SB saijitsu
pillow to makura plum Gapanese, +8 ume
pineapple painappuru green)
plan (ofa building) H ® zumen (western, purple) puramu
to plan kikaku shimasu plumber E li; haikankoo;
(die. kikaku suru*) TkilM suidooya
plane (aircraft) hikooki p.m. (after noon) gogo
plaster (sticking A v K i - f K bando-eido poisonous yuudoku-na
plaster) police mm keisatsu
plastic bag Ttfu m. pori-bukuro policeman keesatsu-kan
platform 7t hoomu police station 5SS kooban
(railway) pool (swimming) y - ) l puuru
play (theatre) flj geki pork № buta-niku
plug (electrical) puragu; portion (of food) — A bu ichinin-mae
sashikomi postcard mmm e-hagaki
plug socket □ V -fe V h konsento post code yuubin bangoo
post office SflJS yuubinkyoku
pound Tftv K pondo

English - Japanese
English -Japanese 1 pepper pound

pepper (spice) koshoo to phone ■ ! £ £ * ' U S denwa o

(vegetable) t i- V V piiman -r kakemasu (die.
per... ...ic o g ...ni tsuki denwa o
per hour — ichi-jikan ni tsuki kakeru*)
per person —A ( c o g hitori ni tsuki phone box 'V
^ÜoÏTÎt 0* denwa bokkusu
percent A °— t Z V h paasento phonecard terehon kaado
perfume §7|< koosui K
period Î S seiri phone number denwa-bangoo
(menstruation) photocopy (n) □ t ° - kopii
person A hito to photocopy kopii oshimasu
personal denshi techoo f (die. kopii o
organizer sum*)
petrol A 'V U V gasorin photograph (n) ¥ ■ shashin
petrol station ¿3 V U V gasorin stando to photograph ¥ * £ » 0 3 ; shashin o
t torimasu (die.
pharmacy mm yakkyoku shashin otoru*)
phone (n) ÏS s S denwa Pig № buta
I beg your sumimasen! path komichi
pardon! to pay haraimasu
(didn't hear/ t i - 5 — J g f c H moo ichido (die. harau*)
understand) onegai shimasu payment shiharai
parents i® I S ryooshin payphone A% m m kooshuu denwa
your parents go-ryooshin pear (Japanese) m nashi
park (garden) AM kooen (western) yoonashi
parking lot chuusha-joo pearl ■ ft shinju
partner (wife, haiguusha pedestrian (n) hokoosha
husband) pedestrian oodan-hodoo
party (evening) A °— ? - f — paatii crossing
(group) -ft ; - H ikkoo; ichidan pen pen
pass (permit) fF ^ B E kyokashoo pencil 18* enpitsu
passenger jookyaku penicillin 'K - y 'jy penishirin
passport A A /K -h pasupooto pensioner nenkin-jukyuu-
passport t t S A IS S S iR ff shutsunyuukoku sha
control kanri-sho people A ^ hitobito

English - japanese
English - Japanese orange - people

orange (colour) orenji-iro p

(fruit) orenji Pacific Ocean taiheiyoo
orange juice ? T L/» V i orenjijuusu packet / Jv S kozutsumi
- 7 painful J ill' itai
out ft soto painkiller chintsuuzai
out o f order koshoo-chuu painting m e
he's out ÎÈ lif t t t i'Ê kare wa (oil) painting ;É Ü t abura-e
T 'f gaishutsu-chuu palace mm kyuuden
desu pants (trousers) XTiîy zubon
outdoor W ft yagai (men’s underwear) ]< yy pantsu
(pool, etc.) paper m kami
oven X -7 'y oobun paper tisshu
overnight train yakoo ressha handkerchief
oysters kaki paper towels kitchin peepaa
pardon? sumimasen
office ^ 7 * 7 , ; ofisu ¡jimusho on (light) tsuite imasu
mmm (die. tsuite iru*)
often cfc< yoku on the table , ® ± teeburu no ue ni
oil abura /l<-

oil filter X ' ( ) l 7 * ) l oiru firutaa one (adj) D 't O f f l hitotsu-no
(n) — ¡chi
OK 7\ ~ ' 7 ~ ookei one-way ticket nm w n katamichi kippu
I’m ok, it’s ok daijoobu desu onion tamanegi
ok, let’s do that ookei, soo to open H U S -r akemasu
shimashoo (die. akeru*)
the shop is open eigyoo-chuu desu
old (adj) furui the door is open K T ’t f U L ' T doa gaaite imasu
how old are oikutsu desu ka?
you? h' operation shujutsu
olive oriibu (medical)
omelette T T A U 'V omuretsu opposite m hantai
optician megane-ten

English - Japanese
English -Japanese nightclub - optician

nightclub "f h 0 naito kurabu now ~7 ima

nightdress nemaki nowadays ZCO Z'Z konogoro
no UM'**. iie number (of) m kazu
no, thank you iSti-C'-r kekoo desu number suuji
noisy urusai 123
( , , , etc.)
non-alcoholic ~ FJ l/ID— JI/J& arukoorunuki nurse SH E® kangoshi

non-smoking kin-en 0
non-smoking kinen sharyoo object (thing) mono
compartment October juu-gatsu
noodles a men octopus tc Z tako
north At kita of (possessive) ...© ...no
Northern A t T 'O l^ y Kita Airurando off (light) kiete imasu
Ireland K (die. kiete iru*)
note (banknote) m shihei (food) kusatteimasu
(letter) Xi memo (die. kusatte iru*)
November + - e juuichi-gatsu
near £<lc chikaku-ni
necessary !t2'H (&) hitsuyoo(na)
neck m kubi
necklace nekkuresu
to need i&WZ? hitsuyoodesu
I need... ...gahitsuyoo
needle it hari
negative nega
neighbour kinjo
nephew ss oi
never (adv) sea ... zettai... masen

/ never drink vs zettai wain o

wine nomimasen
new IJtUU atarashii

English - Japanese
news — 3 . — ZK \ nyuusu;
(& ) № 5 i± (o-)shirase
newspaper f/rM shimbun
New Year shinnen
New Zealand — nyuujiirando
New Zealander I I — V — 17 nyuujiirando-jin
y KA
next tsugi
next week raishuu
next year rainen
the next train CD'll ^ tsugi nodensha
night ^ yoru
at night 1^(tl yoru ni
last night 0^-^ ; sakuya;yuube
tomorrow Bj3 B © ashita no yoru
English - Japanese m other - night

mother (own) 9 haha mushroom masshuruumu

(somebody else’s) okaa-san -A
motorway koosoku dooro (Japanese) i shiitake
mountain ill yama music ongaku
mountain bike maunten baiku mussel murasaki-gai;
■ <0 A -JU Jt muuru-gai
mouse (animal) nezumi
(computer) mausu N
mouth □ kuchi nail (finger) 046 tsume
Mr... ...f t; ...tsh, ...-shi; ...-san (metal) $7 kugi
Mrs... .. .c i/ v i ...-san; ...-fujin name &BU namae
...^A w hat’s your & £ f y li'iq I 'C o-namaewa nan
Ms.- ... $ hu ...-san name? desu ka?
much #<CD ookuno nappy ?TA y omutsu
there’s too oosugimasu narrow !Rl/\ semai
much nationality mm kokuseki
museum \m m hakubutsu-kan nausea o ± c? Si hakike
millimetre miri-meetoru monastery shuudooin
million (n) @75 hyaku-man Monday b m b getsu-yoobi
(adj) @ 75® hyaku-man-no money (<fe) ife (o-)kane
mineral water mineraru wootaa 1 have no 0 3: okane ga
money tt/v arimasen
minibar mini baa month B tsuki
minute ft fun moon B tsuki
one minute - f t ippun more motto
two minutes -ft nifun more wine motto wain o
mirror m kagami please kudasai
to miss (train, noriokuremasu no more moo kekkoo desu
etc) (die. thank you
noriokureru*) morning m asa
missing (person) yukuefumei in the morning gozenchuu ni
mistake (n) H a t' machigai this morning kesa
mobile phone keitai denwa mosquito № ka
modem if A modemu

English - Japanese 220|221

English - Japanese meal - m osquito

meal ft* shokuji member n l ; kaiin ; menbaa

to mean imishimasu (of club, etc)
(die. ¡rnisuru*) menu ><“ □.— menyuu
what does z . t i lá ¿ : - 5 U korewadooiuimi message i s t ; dengon; messeeji
this mean? ■ S M o r t '- r * '1 desu ka
meat ( £ ) ¡*] (o-)niku metre y-h Jlx meetoru
mechanic ttttx; kikaikoo; microwave denshi renji
mekanikku midday f ig ohiru
medical iryoo-hoken at midday f ig le ohiru ni
insurance middle-aged chuunen-no
medicine M kusuri midnight K iS * mayonaka
medieval chuusei-no migraine H iS J S henzutsuu
to meet aimasu (die. au*) milk 5 J I / Í 7 ; m i miruku;
let’s meet U mataaimashoo gyuunyuu
again cfc 5 sem i-skim m ed i m ^ m i teishiboo
meeting X -f y miitingu; kaigi gyuunyuu
? '; £ f i soya m ilk m i toonyuu
M market mm ; ichiba; maaketto
machine wm kikai v7— A "J \~
magazine it s s zasshi marmalade V -7 L / -K maamareedo
mail (n) SM S yuubin to marry kekkon shimasu
by mail IM S T r yuubinde (die. kekkon
to make №0 tsukurimasu suru*)
(die. tsukuru*) martial arts SG I budoo
make-up №) i № (o-)keshoo mask 1 5 ®; YA? kamen; masuku
man (genera!) A hito mass (in church) 5 tt misa
(male) H otoko match (game) ä tn shiai
manager s t ff i# ; sekininsha; matches matchi
¡ J v — maneejaa to matter kininarimasu
many takusan-no (die. kininaru*)
map if t H chizu it doesn't kamaimasen
marathon marason matter
March san-gatsu mattress ?'2 h L-7 mattoresu
May £5! go-gatsu

English - Japanese 218|219

English - Japanese lock - May

to lock i l £ A ' ( 0 S S kagi o kakemasu a lot takusan

(die. kagi o lotion □ -Î/ 3 V rooshon
kakeru*) loud urusai
locker a v t i— rokkaa love (n) g ai
long nagai / love suiei gadaisuki
fo r a long time nagai aida swim ming T '- r desu
to look for S U S S sagashimasu luggage tenimotsu
(die. sagasu*) luggage tenimotsu seigen
loose 10-SI/' yurui allowance
(not fastened) luggage rack « a amidana
to lose &< U SS nakushimasu (in ear, train)
(die. nakusu*) lunch ® d iS A / ; him gohan ;
I ’ve lost... . . . £ £ < U S ...0 ranchi
U fc nakushimashita luxury * ;R № ) zeitaku (na)
lost (object) & < U fc nakushita
lost property funshitsubutsu
office toriatsukai-sho
lifejacket V *T raifujakketo
"J h
lift (elevator) x i / ^ - 9 - - erebeetaa
lighter 5 '— raitaa
do you have X — ) hi (raitaa) ga
a lighter? arimass ka?

light bulb mm denkyuu

to like ifgT*-r suki desu
/ like coffee □ — tl— koohiigasuki
S T '- r desu
like this x © J ; - 5 l c ; konoyoo ni;
cl koo iu fuu ni
line (railway) ¡61 sen
(drawn) 3 -^ y rain
list m\ u^ h hyoo; risuto

English - Japanese
to listen to... ...o kikimasu
(die. kiku*)
litre U "J KJU rittoru
a little '> U sukoshi
to live (in a place) sumimasu
(die. sumu*)
1live in London □ VKV IC fi Rondon ni sunde
to be alive ikite imasu
he is alive kare wa ikite
liver UA- rebaa
living room ima
lobster a y y -p - robusutaa
local iftTE jimoto
lock (on door, n ; □v o kagi ; rokku

English - Japanese

leader (of group) 'J — 9 - riidaa

leaflet chirashi
leak(n) (of gas, a n more
to learn manabimasu
(die. manabu*)
leather kawa
to leave ; shuppatsu
shimasu (die.
shuppatsu sum)
(die. saru*)
(leave behind) oite ikimasu
(die. oite iku*)
left £ hidari
on/to the left £(c hidari ni
lead er - lock

left luggage B f f l tenimotsu ichiji

(office) A 'D p/ t azukari-sho
leg £ ashi
lens renzu
letter (mail) tegami
letterbox M I S It yuubin-uke
lettuce retasu
library M il toshokan
licence M m menkyoshoo
to lie down yoko ni narimasu
(die. yoko ni
life belt kyuumei-beruto
lifeboat lioriTtt'— h kyuumei-booto
lifeguard raifugaado;
K ; kyuujo-in
kind (n) «1 shurui
(adj) mw № ) shinsetsu (na)
kitchen sm daidokoro
knickers K y"J pantsu
knife TTT naifu
Oapanese) ST hoochoo
knot ieo'g ; z.is m usubi-m e;
to know (facts) ia o s T shirimasii
(die. shiru*)
1 don’t know watashi wa
Tokyo D StA , Tookyoo o
Korea U S Kankoku

English - Japanese
■ ■
label - j'O i raberu
lace reesu
shoe lace mm kutsu-himo
ladies (toilet) ^ A f f l h - r U fujin-yootoire
lake mizuumi
land (n) ±m toehi
language ■□="=E
QO >• t=J gengo; kotoba
large ookii
late osoi
the train ¡slate denshaga
okurete imasu
launderette K koin randorii
u -
laundry service kuriiningu
lavatory ¿m m senmenjo
lawyer #a± bengoshi
English - Japanese ja ck e t - law yer

J ju ic e (fruit) ju u su
ja c k e t V v 'r v h jakketto (of som ething) >+; m s h ir u ; eki
ja m (food) i' V A jam u Ju ly ■ bM shichi-gatsu
tra ffic ja m koo tsu u ju u tai ju n c tio n (roads) k oosaten
Ja n u a ry -M ichi-gatsu Ju n e AM rok u -g atsu
Japan BA N ih o n ; Nippon just... ...te ll; ...d a k e ; bakari
Ja p a n e se B $ l§ Nihon-go li* '0
(language) ju s t two —-Dtctt fu ta tsu dake
(adj) BA© N ih o n -n o I ’veju st arrived tsu ita bakari desu
(person) BAA Nihon-jin
je w e lle r ’s $ 5 /£ hooseki-ten
je w e lle ry hooseki K
jo b i±m shigoto k e y (for lock) s kagi
to jo g jogingu o sh im a su ; k id n e y s (food) -f y ' f y s i ingen m a m e
o s a (dic.joginguo kilo =£□ kiro
suru*) k ilo m e tre kiro m eetaa
jo u rn e y mn ryokoo
in stru c tio n s toriatsukai
(for use) setsum ei sh o '
in su lin inshurin
in su ra n c e im hoken
in su ra n c e im m hokenshoo
c e rtifica te
in te rn a tio n a l D M (& ) kokusaiteki (na)
In te rn e t intaan etto
In te rn e t ca fe in ta a n e tto kafe

in te rp re te r S sR tsuuyaku
interval (theatre) im kyuukei
to in tro d u ce shookai shim asu
(a person) (die. shookai
in vitatio n ism shootai

English - Japanese
to in v ite Î a f ê 0 ^ IT sh o o ta i shim asu
(die. shootai
in v o ice 1ft ¿ R S seikyuu-sho
Irelan d 7 " f J I/7 V K A irurando
Irish (adj) ~ F ^ A irurando-no
(person) JI/T 7 V K Airurando-jin
iron (for clothes) T7 □ V airon
(m e ta l) tetsu
iro n m o n g e r’s iîz ^ Ü i k a n a m o n o -y a
island ü shim a
ite m ize d bill seikyuu m eisaisho
English - Japanese

h u sb an d (own) ± A shujin
(som ebody else’s) go-shujin

1 (informal) w atashi
(polite) fc> tc < 0 w atakushi
ice 7K ; 7 - f A koo ri ; aisu
ice cre a m 7 't 'A 7 'J aisu kuriimu
- A
id e n tity card m ibun sh oom ei-
ill byooki
...¡sill . . . t e j K M T r 's r ...wabyooki desu
ille g al ihoo
im m e d ia te ly f <*t sugu-ni
im p o rtan t AW (is ) taisetsu (na)
im p o rts $ iA yunyuu
husband - item ized bill

in d ig e stio n shookafuryoo
in fla m m a tio n i& 'J lË enshoo
in fo rm a tio n 'Hf$X joohoo
in fo rm a tio n annai-sho
o ffice
in je ctio n î'Èlht chuusha
to be in ju re d kegaoshimasu
(die. kega o
in s e c t llf f e konchuu
in sect repellent mush ¡-yoke
in sid e... __CZ) c4=1(d ...nonakani
in s id e t h e c a r ^ CD ^ kurumanonaka
in s ta n t co ffe e insutanto koohii
□ — fc —
h o sp ita l byooin how m uch/ 61Л ? donogurai?
ho stel H — ^ .T t v ^ .7 1 yuusu hosuteru many?
Ji how sh a ll we Е о ^ р - э Х ' Ц dooyatte
hot atsui get there? cf ^ Ь <£ "3 Й4 ikimashoo ka
ho tel T f rx J L / hoteru h u n g ry c5 onakaga
Ja p a n e se h o te l ryokan sukimasu (die.
(traditional) onaka ga suku*)
(B&B) m inshuku I ’m hungry onakagasuite
hour jikan Т1Л ^1Г imasu
one hour — BtfIb !] ichi-jikan h u rry isogi masu
tw o h o urs ” B§Fef] ni-jikan (die. isogu*)
h o u se ie I ’m in a hurry isoide imasu
h o u se w ife shufu to h u rt $§#*¡=£"3" itamimasu
ho use w in e V hau su w ain (die. itamu*)
how ¿ f (D i d o n o g u ra i; m y back hurts ^ senakagaitai
¿ f 5 Jf ’ o T dooyatte "3" desu

English - Japanese 2101211

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