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Literacy Statement:


Prompt Statement:
The purpose of this assignment is to have each student find a topic
within their book of choice. With their topic, they will explore and research
that topic to then be able to provide relevant facts about that topic. By doing
this, the students will be able to learn about different topics that they find
interest in and enjoy. Once the students find their four to five facts about
their topic, I would show the students the importance of fonts, pictures, and
layouts in an infographic. This will ensure that the students learn how to find
relevant facts and illustrations/graphics. Finally, the students will put all of
the elements together into their own infographic about their desired topic. In
this example after reading my mentor text, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by:
Eric Carle, I created an infographic to further research and share information
about the topic of healthy foods.

Mentor Text: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by: Eric Carle

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