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August 23, 2019

Remedial Review I Atty. Jose Parungo

Distinguish Ratio Decidendi Between Home Guaranty Corp. v R-II Builders Inc & First
Sarmiento Property Holdings v PB Com

In Home Guaranty Corp. v R-II Builders Inc case, Court dismissed the case outright and held that
R-II Builders Inc failed to pay the prescribed docket fee because of the principle that jurisdiction
over any case is acquired only upon the such payment is both mandatory and jurisdictional.

R-II Builders Inc having only paid docket fees corresponding to an action where the subject matter
is incapable of pecuniary estimation, it cannot expediently claim that jurisdiction over the case
had already attached. This Court held in one jurisprudence indicates that in determining whether
an action is one the subject matter of which is not capable of pecuniary estimation, this Court has
adopted the criterion of first ascertaining the nature of the principal action or remedy sought. As
in this case, it consistently sought the transfer of possession and control of the properties whereas
it should have paid the correct and appropriate docket fees, computed according to the assessed
value thereof.

While in First Sarmiento Property Holdings v PB Com, Court held that the case should not have
been dismissed; instead, the payment of additional docket fees should have been made a lien on
the judgment award because the records attest that in filing its complaint, petitioner readily paid
the docket fees assessed by the clerk of court; hence, there was no evidence of bad faith or
intention to defraud the government that would have rightfully merited the dismissal of the

The Complaint is for annulment of real estate mortgage which has a subject incapable of
pecuniary estimation because it was not intended to recover ownership or possession of the
mortgaged properties sold to respondent during the auction sale because it had ownership and
possession of the mortgaged properties when it filed its Complaint; hence, it never expressly or
impliedly sought recovery of their ownership or possession. As held in one jurisprudence, in order
to determine whether the subject matter of an action is incapable of pecuniary estimation, the
nature of the principal action or remedy sought must first be established. This finds support in this
Court's repeated pronouncement that jurisdiction over the subject matter is determined by
examining the material allegations of the complaint and the relief sought. However, where the
money claim is only a consequence of the remedy sought, the action is said to be one incapable
of pecuniary estimation.
ESPAÑOLA, ADRIENNE C. August 23, 2019
Remedial Review I Atty. Jose Parungo

As in this case, careful reading of petitioner's Complaint convinces this Court that petitioner never
prayed for the reconveyance of the properties foreclosed during the auction sale, or that it ever
asserted its ownership or possession over them. Rather, it assailed the validity of the loan contract
with real estate mortgage that it entered into with respondent because it supposedly never
received the proceeds of the P100,000,000.00 loan agreement.

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