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Dismissal of Teacher for Restriction On Activities

Yasmin A. Gonzalez

College of Southern Nevada

Dismissal For Beliefs 2


A kindergarten teacher Karen White who’s religious beliefs was based on Jehovah's

Witnesses was dismissed from her school. The reason of her dismissal was based on the fact that

she was not able to do certain activities because her religion prohibited. Certain activities

included: decorating the classroom, singing happy birthday, sing the pledge of allegiance or

planning certain activities for holidays. The parents protested against this and the school

principal Bill Ward was the person who had to make the decision for her dismissal. Besides the

parents protesting against this situation it was also said that she could not meet the needs of the

students, saying that she was ineffectively for them.

Dismissal For Beliefs 3

Dismissal of Teacher for Restriction On Activities

Students and teachers have the same rights to the religion expression at school. The main focus

while being at school is to keep a balance between the school being able to provide a well

rounded education and the religious beliefs. If a student or teacher needs a reasonable

accommodation for their beliefs it can be arranged. But not forgetting that only if an activity or

material violates the tenets of their religion in order to do the arrangements or to be excused.

As referring to Karen White there has been other cases in which the circumstances are

very different but relate to the situation. In the case of Wisconsin v. Yoder the argument was in

between how the Amish children were not required to attend school after eighth grade. Since it

went against their beliefs and religious rights. The court ruled that it was not required for them to

keep attending school if their basic educational skills had been met. Of course this argument is

more relatable to the one of another student but just as the students have the same rights as

teachers just different circumstances. This case law could represent how Karen White does not

have to keep doing an activity if it goes against her religion, that does not mean that she has to

stop teaching.

Just as in the case of Bauchman v. West High School in which a jewish student had an

elective of choir. In that elective she had a teacher who was Christian and included Christian

music to be sunged in his class and to be performed as well. The student rejected having to sing

the Christian songs because she claimed it violated the free exercise clause. Just as Bauchman

stop doing an activity because of her beliefs, this gives another example for the argument that is

being discussed about Karen White. The teacher has to also be able to support herself and

Dismissal For Beliefs 4

The importance that a teacher has in a school is the same as of the students in the

educational manner. Cheema v. Thompson in this case a few students decided to wear a knife in

which it related to their religion. The fact that the students had taken a knife to school violated

the policy of safety. The parents than gave the full explanation to the school due to why the

students were wearing them. The school was able to understand and did not get the students in

trouble. But just as the students would had have to adapt if they would have gotten in trouble for

the knives so does the teachers have to adapt and make some arrangements for the students.

Wigg v. Sioux in this case a third grade teacher wanted to participate in an after school

activity that included a religion endorsement. The principal then talked to the teacher and told

her that she could not participate in the activity because that would cause a some sort of

controversy since it had to do with religion. In this case law the court ruled against the principal

because it was an after school activity and it is also within her rights. If Karen White is not

affecting anyone in her classroom or school environment there should not be a problem with

their denying to do certain activities for the children, but since she is it gives a bigger supporting

reason to why she should be dismissed.

I think Karen White should not be dismissed because, holidays should be recognized, but

just as the requests of students due to their beliefs can be accommodated so should the teachers

as well. The principal could have included an assistant for her to do those activities with the

children or combined another classroom for those activities. Because what really matters is the

education and balanced environment of the students.

Dismissal For Beliefs 5


remarks/Lastname, W. (2009). If there is no DOI use the URL of the main website

referenced. Article Without DOI Reference, Vol#(Issue#), 166-212.

Underwood, J., & Webb, L. D. (2006). School law for teachers: concepts and

applications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.

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