Grade 7 Design Folder Criteria A

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GMIS Jakarta

The Gandhi Memorial International School, Jakarta

Grade 7
Design (Computer Technology) Folder
First Term (2018-2019)

Programming logic is a fundamental construct that is applied to computer

science in a variety of comprehensive ways. Basic computer develops ways to
deal with numbers and logical states, applying specific operators that lead to
precise results. In this Unit we are introducing computing and Computer
Science to the younger audience using the Scratch programming environment.

Design a Scratch Project to develop your programming logic to create a useful

You need to identify a topic and create a successful solution/product.

E.g. Creating a game such as Pinball, Basket ball, Maze, Puzzle games, design
a calculator or a logo/motto etc.

A short note about Design Folder:

As you progress through the different stages of the design cycle, all relevant
activities and outcomes should be recorded, and dated, in the design folder.
The design folder is a compilation of evidence that accompanies the final
product/solution for a unit of work. You should formally record the results of
your research, various plans and designs and the evaluation of your finished
products/solutions in the design folder.

Criteria for success:

Research on various type and styles of existing games to create your
own logic and develop a new game.
Create several Logical designs before finalizing your ideas to make the
final solution.
Make the solution.
Document the entire process in your design folder.
Your product /solution will be submitted in electronic form along with
the design folder to be rewarded with the final level by the teacher.

pg. 1
GMIS Jakarta

The Gandhi Memorial International School, Jakarta

Grade 7
Design (Computer Technology) Project-1

Name: _____________________ Grade: __________

Project Title: _______________ Duration:________







Levels of Achievement:

Inquiring and
Teacher’s Signature: analysing
(Out of 8)

Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing

i. explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem
ii. state and prioritize the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the

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GMIS Jakarta

iii. describe the main features of one existing product that inspires a solution to the
iv. present the main findings of relevant research.

I. Explain and justify the need for a solution to a

Communication Skill- Preview and
Explain and justify need- skim texts to build understanding

Provide answers for each of the following-

1. What is the nature of the problem?

2. Who is it a problem for?
3. Where is the problem occurring?
4. What is the cause of the problem?
5. What are the benefits of solving this problem?

Identify the target user or audience for whom the product will be designed, either use brain
storming techniques or actually interview or survey people or collect data from experts or sites that
confirms that there is a need to create a solution

State the benefits of solving the problem you have identified….


ii. States and prioritizes the main points of

research needed to develop a solution to the
Information Literacy Skill- Identify
problem. primary and secondary sources.

Research Prioritize Primary Secondary Keywords

Question Research Research

pg. 3
GMIS Jakarta

iii. Describes the main features of an existing product

that inspires a solution to the problem
Critical Thinking Skill- Identify
patterns and features.

 List the main features found in the existing

products like no. Of sprites used, color, types of
controls used, etc.
 Product 1:

pg. 4
GMIS Jakarta

 Product 2:

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iv. Presents the main findings of relevant

What are the final thoughts that I have based on the research that I have done till now regarding my
product, both from the point of view of the content as well as the style that I will use…

Communication Skill- Structure

information in summaries.

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GMIS Jakarta

Bibliography (MLA format) (Cite your sources)

pg. 7
GMIS Jakarta

pg. 8

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