DAY 1: Period 1: 8:15 AM - 8:45AM

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DAY 1:

Period 1: 8:15 AM - 8:45AM

Students are paired and are given one note for quiz items, one paper and
one pen. One student teaches and writes the answer while the other student
coaches (if needed). The pairs take turn in answering.

2. DISCUSSION (20 minutes)

A. Ask the students if they have experienced finished reading a long article or
10-page short story within 15 minutes. Solicit answers from students and lead
them to the topic. Then, flash the question on the board:
“What is the difference between skimming and scanning?”

B. Have the students form in groups of four and do the round robin as they
share their ideas about the difference between skimming and scanning.
C. Discuss briefly.

Period 2: 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM

3. To set the mood of the class, have the students use the mind map to connect all the
ideas that are related to the word “island”. (5 minutes)

A. Using the ideas they have generated from the mind map, let the students
think individually for the answers to the questions on number 2. Share it with
their shoulder partner then afterwards to their group. (5 minutes)
B. Instruct the students to skim to the passage about the island of Tenerife.
Without looking at the passage have the students answer the questions
under number 4. Let them compare their answers to their face partner, then
share to the group. Process the students’ answers. (10 minutes)
C. This time have the students, scan the passage and find the single word that
can be used as topic heading for that paragraph. Tell them to compare their
answers and let them explain why they chose it. (5 minutes)
D. Recap.

Period 3: 12:45 PM – 1:15 PM

5. Pair the students and hand them strips of papers with sentences. Make them arrange
the sentences to form meaningful paragraph. Process students’ work. (5 minutes)
6. Ask the students what they know about paragraph and discuss briefly the following:
A. Paragraph
B. Main Ideas
C. Supporting details
D. Paragraphing (5 minutes)
7. Instruct the students to skim the passage about “Cape Town” and let them divide it into
paragraphs. Have them compare their work and discuss the reasons for using the
paragraphing in the places they chose. Process students’ work.

8. Have the students give the gist of the passage by summarizing the passage in one
sentence. With a partner, have them put brackets on the words they would not use.

Answer Language and Style number 2 page 10 on your workbook. (The teacher provides the

DAY 2:
Period 1: 9:15 AM - 9:45AM
1. Tell the students to skim on the passage. Ask what the passage is all about. (2 minutes)
2. Kagan Rotating Reader (18 minutes)
A. First Round
The students are grouped and assigned with tasks based on their number:
S1: Read the passage by paragraph and make connections.
S2: Gives the main idea
S3: Provides the supporting details

B. Second Round
C. The students are grouped and assigned with tasks based on their number:
D. S1: Comments on sentence structure and its effect
E. S2: Comments the vocabulary and its effect.
F. S3: Summarize the passage.
Process students’ responses.

Period 2: 9:45 AM – 10:15AM

Passage A: A New Year’s Eve fireworks
Directed Writing: News Report/ (30 minutes)
1. Individual Task
Ask the students: What do you need to include in writing a news report for the local
newspaper to get A+ score? (Elicit answers from the students).

Briefly discuss the methods in writing a news report and the key elements for each
writing question. Also, include in the discussion the mark scheme and the time limit in
directed writing.
Periods 3 & 4: 10:45 AM – 11:45AM
2. Jigsaw (45 minutes)
Recall the methods in writing a magazine article and key elements for each writing
question. Tell the students to plan the content and come up with a head line as a whole
class. Then, divide the students into pairs and assign the following tasks:

Pair 1: Introduction
Pair 2: Main body
Pair 3: Conclusion

Presentation of output and giving feedback.

DAY 4:
Periods 1 & 2: 9:15 AM - 9:45AM
Passage B: Facts about fireworks
Directed Writing: School Magazine Article (60 minutes)
1. Presentation outputs: News article writing
2. Reciprocal Teaching: Passage B: Facts about fireworks
3. After the discussion, the students answer Comprehension and Summary on pages 5-
6, Workbook.

DAY 5:
3 Periods: 8:15 AM - 8:45AM/ 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Revising: Peer Checking
1. Ask the students: What do you need to include in writing article for a magazine to get
a perfect score? (Elicit answers from the students.

Briefly discuss the methods in writing a magazine article and the key elements for each
writing question. Also, include in the discussion the mark scheme and the time limit in
directed writing.

2. Have the students answer the writing question following the points using their own
3. Students check the work of their classmates using the graphic organizers provided
by the teacher. Afterwards, the students rewrite their work for submission.

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