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A.Karunakaran E – MAIL:

Phone: 91 44 22493365

Res: PLOT NO.79, 6th STREET,


Psycho Analysis: 26
[Written statement on Gender equity towards 2010 ECOSOC High Level Segment (HLS) review to be held
June/July 2010 at U.N.H.Q, New York]

The Untold Story Till -2010 about Global Socio-Techno-Economic

Structural Reformation to Transform for Diversity:
Social Coding Sequence:-
Harmonious Global social structures have enabled a perfect human coding, encoding, decoding and
recycling processes. Errors of incomplete gender sequence, code of conduct in Global social
structures are propagate infinite sequence of information for encryption. Encrypting human
perceptual processes shall not co-operate infinite sequence of information and expresses
abnormally in insane. Abnormal gender expressions and insanity shall constitute fake social
composition. Fake social composition has to deliver non-biodegradable error versions in repeating
poverty, conflict and war of terror in human population around the world.

The insanity in Global Social response with fake compositions is still prevailing around the world
like Swiss Made Replica Watches from Rolex to Fake Cartier. Incomplete gender sequence
made fake social compositions, are mother of all issues in Global social structure which, act as
communicable disease through out human history, without any treatment. Treatment Suggested by
the author is gender sequencing of male, female, asymmetrical component of transgender held at social
structures around world for Global social transformation and diversification. Gender issues of insanity
have born before evolution of race, religion, caste, greed and languages along cannibalism in absent
of constitutional element at social sequence due to gender gap, gender bias, gender disability,
gender domination and forced migration from prehistoric cave man period. Gender issue from,
prehistory have, erased human aesthetic aspiration and planted, synthetic inspiration, to mimic
artificial values, to live, vote and deplete Natural resources which, made hell out of biosphere for
survival; The volume of gender issues in global social structure is determining the volume of
social inclusions to combat social exclusions aroused from insanity.

Wisdom in art of governance and polity is replaces or reinstates or nominates constitutional

elements from the same constituency to form secular Society. In this case story, the constitutional
elements are habitant of male, female and asymmetrical component of transgender from particular
geographical region, district, or state where they have born in a society. Healthy social structure
sequences and constitutes aesthetic codes like positive, negative and neutral effects to propagate

Decorations & Medals :( EX-INDIAN NAVY) Poorvi Star

Sangram Medal
25th Independence Anniversary Medal
Long Service Medal

-finite sequence of information as special messages for encryption. Encrypting finite sequence of
information via human perceptual processes respond objective realities in rhythmic social composition
with constitutional human entity; the rhythmic social composition and human entity shall perform viable
economy and deliver healthy protein like. Rhythmic Social response, their performing verse of viable
economy among human gender/genes are senses objective realities and technicality hidden in
rhythmic healthy social composition for recycling without repetition of errors like pollutants, poverty,
conflict, and war.

Social Encoding sequence of economics:-

The gender gap, gender bias, gender disability, gender domination and forced migration are
delivering unconstitutional elements to build unhealthy social structure. Unhealthy social structure
is tending to deliver infinite sequence of information for encryption. Encrypting infinite sequence
of information via human perceptual processes shall erode with improper algorithms and gender
respond in insane that constitute fake social composition. Fake social compositions and insanity in
gender response cannot translate the objective realities. Still, it mimics the hidden technicality by-
ignoring asymmetrical components held in Social composition and emits non biodegradable
versions. Emitted non biodegradable versions by global gender structures may not recycled and
remain fakes. The fake social composition builds parallel economy; protect economic values in
selfish mode without investing it to be safe goose by living in the dirty pond of privacy. Parallel
and safe goose economists from private life are act as philanthropist, lavishly spender in social
life to gain publicity, establish game theories and own media to make fames without the fellow
feelings of commonness. The stock market giants and real estate crocodiles were sallow such
uncommon economists to generate fake social bonds. India witnessed such Fake social bonds via
various medium at southern states, 2010.

Insanity of eating or exploiting one another in global social structure is not new or end here. But,
continues as long as gender issues prevail. Fake social compositions drive away billions of dollars
every year from developing countries. Like $1.8 trillion dollars has illegally flown to western
countries out of Africa in last four decades." Such factors declared by civil societies and NGO's on
policy issues at Doha meet held Nov, Dec 2008, to create awareness among common people living
in poverty for generations. [Refer Global financial integrities, U.S.A].

Social Decoding sequence of Technology:-

If, in flow of illicit funds have banned or stopped at Swiss banks, the Swiss citizens have agree to
ban tobacco advertisement in their country without fail and reporting of one in four Swiss citizens
on health problem have reduced. The entries of illicit funds from foreign land, have mend the local
human population insensible on practical applications, matching the ecology and reproduce a non
biodegradable application of unclean technology which, generate pollution; Further the non-
recycled infinite sequence of information hidden in illicit fund flows are demoralize the parental
practical application of their science, technology and ecology of the local population to fell in
sick/diseases; The sick unclean technologies have exported back to the countries, from where illicit
funds came in for billing and tax purposes to be a good baby on government books. Unclean
technologist has throw pollutants, unusable urea and fertilizer via high sea trade on common
people who digest and get sick;
Human technology is work such way to get rich, make muscle power and increase the rate of
sick/diseases, among common people around the world, to repeat errors in insane throughout

Social reformation to transform for diversification:-

The strong Social physical and organizational structure is depending upon strong gender/genetic
sequence of male, female and asymmetrical component of transgender in bond to digest social
positive, negative and neutral values of objective realities to respond in biodegradable version for
recycling to avoid the errors of conflict, war of terror and poverty around the world. The decoding
sense via Gender blind mathematical matrix of 1, 2, 3 or its symbol of sensors are mimic Standard
unit values on by passing asymmetrical components from absolute values to make bio-gimmicks
via statics and technology in delivering non biodegradable elements in biosphere.

Human can frequently experience the objective realities hidden in Natural practical applications
and technicality while inhaling oxygen & breathing out the carbon dioxide on free of cost which
recycled for renewable energy in biosphere; Therefore, human actions and practical applications
need healthy social sequence intact with male, female and transgender without their absence to
experience objective realities for social transformation and diversification without repetition of
human errors.

India slowly limping towards 33% on women bill after getting blows from history by keeping away
the transgender from the social mainstream who are objective realities between men and women
for social transformation and diversification; Humans still believe in man made judicial system,
allocation of seats to resolve the issues for social transformation, diversification with gigantic
amount of pending non bio degradable legal materials in social structure around world;
Transgender have to be censored among absolute human population and their absence in social
mainstream is very dangerous which divide men and women world in two part without social
transformation and diversification; The transgender are part of natural system that born out of
imperative conception processed in nucleus in asymmetrical order to be a catalyst among male,
female population for social transformation.

The writer made many attempts via literary work at United Nations about the importance of
transgender between men and women in global social structure to expedite social transformation
and diversification. The concerns, found busy in gender funding with donor countries at United
Nations without responding the NGO who is in Economic Social Council of the United Nations with
dreams. Big dreams of social transformation like former President of India Dr.A.P.J.Adbul Kalam to
get rid off from poverty at the age of 60 as Dravidian element in south at Tamil Nadu in India.

How ever this story and cognitive process may help United Nations Millennium project to end
world poverty by 2015 by getting rearranged with left over constitutional elements of male,
female and transgender in rebuilding gender equity to upgrade social coding, encoding of economic
values and decoding of clean technologies for Peace and prosperity among all life forms on earth.

The algorithm is liable to bring revolution in global social transformation and diversity.

Thank you for listening, reading this flow chart on social reformation and looking forward for your
comments and suggestions to enhance this story to serve human cause from regrets.

A.Karunakaran, Author and Founder, Childcare Consortium, India.

“This NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations “

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