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Tap-changer know-how
Enhancing the switching capacity of change-over selectors with mini-
mized gas production
1. General often feature a change-over selector to is connected to the end of the main
reverse the polarity of the regulating winding. The regulating winding and
Regulated power transformers are winding or to add or bypass a coarse the change-over selector are in no-load
equipped with a regulating winding with tap winding. The change-over selector condition then.
multiple taps which are connected to a can only be operated in the mechanical
tap-changer to adjust the transformer mid-position of the tap selector. At When the change-over selector is operated,
ratio. On-load tap-changers (OLTCs) this position, the load current flows the regulating winding (and so the +/-
are used if the ratio shall be changed through the tap selector terminal which contacts of the change-over selector) take
while the transformer is under load.
These tap-changers consist of a tap
selector which connects two adjacent
taps of the regulating winding and a
Increasing transformer ratings require ever
diverter switch which performs the increasing optimization of transformer
load switching operation between the
two selected taps without interrupting
windings design, putting tap-changers under
the load current. The tap selectors more and more severe operating conditions
18 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 3, Issue 4

a floating electric potential. The floating

potential is now determined only by the
OLTCs are used if the ratio shall be changed
capacitive coupling to the neighbouring while the transformer is under load, without
winding(s) and the transformer core or tank interrupting the load current
wall (both earthed), see Fig. 1 as an example.

The capacitive current which must be

broken and the recovery voltages on U1

the open change-over selector contacts

so generally depend on the voltages of U1 UF
the windings adjacent to the regulating C1 C1 C2
winding, the length and position of the

regulating winding, the geometric winding
arrangement and the ratio between C1 and
C2. They can reach values which cause UF
- C2

switching sparks or low-energy arcs.

Even if there are no methods to reduce
the capacitive current for a given winding
arrangement, measures can be applied to
reduce the recovery voltages and minimize Figure 1. Capacitive coupling of the regulating winding (delta connection, reversing
Figure 1: Capacitive coupling of the regulating winding (delta connection, reversing switch);

the gas production which is caused by switch);

the switching sparks/arcs. They will be U1 High voltage winding voltage
UF Regulating winding voltage
discussed in the following.
C1 Winding capacitance between main winding and regulating winding
C2 Winding capacitance between regulating winding and ground
2. Calculations
First, the capacitances C1 and C2 must be
determined. Due to the typical cylindrical volved windings and/or to ground. This is contacts of the change-over selector can
shape of the transformer windings, they not precise to 100 %, but gives a sufficient­ be calculated with complex mathematics.
can be regarded as cylindrical capacitors, ly good approximation. Following the ex- In the same way, the switched currents Is+
and their capacitance can be calculated ample from Fig. 1, Fig. 3 shows how the and Is- can be determined.
out of the winding dimensions; see Fig. capacitances “draw” the voltage vector of
2. For further calculations, C1 and C2 are the regulating winding UF to a certain lo- For more complex winding arrange-
assumed as concentrated elements, with cation in the complex plane. The recovery ments, calculation of capacitances or
their contact points at the middle of the in- voltages Uw+ and Uw- on the “+” and “-“ recovery voltages and switched currents

Winding 1


Winding 2 +
R2 UC1 UC2

C1 C2
L UW+ -

Figure 2. Cylindrical capacitor model for calculation of capacitances Figure 3. Vector diagram
Figure 2: cylindrical capacitor model for calculation of capacitances between windings
between windings
Figure 3: vector diagram
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 19

U1 U 1 U3 U3 Uf Uf U 2 U 2 U1 U1

C1 C1 Uc U c C2 C2

Uf U f C1 C1 C 2 C2

Main HV
Main HV
- -



+ +
+ +

Uf U f
- -

Uc U c

r1 r1 r1 r1
r2 r2 r2 r2
r3 r3 r3 r3
r4 r4 r4 r4

Figure 4:4.
Figure a)Stacked
stacked coarse/fine
coarse/fine taparrangement
tap winding winding
tap winding arrangement
arrangement b)b)b)Autotransformer,
Autotransformer, regulating
winding winding
coupled coupled
to tertiary
to tertiary to
windingtertiary winding

can be quite complicated. Fig. 4a shows maximum switching capacity by evaluating or arcs cause free gases of a few milliliters
an example with stacked and parallel the discharge (arcing) time in relation to which fully dissolve in the oil. The typi-
windings (coarse/fine), Fig. 4b shows an the total switching time of the change-over cal composition of gases is shown in Fig.
autotransformer where the regulating selector; see Fig. 5. The admissible limit 6. The dominating gas is H2, fol­lowed by
winding couples to a delta-connected for the discharge time has been set in the some C2H2 and CH4. The H2/CH4 ratio in
tertiary winding. Many different winding range of half of the total switching time of this example is calculated to 4.74, which
geometries are used, some of them re­ the change-over selector (the time between is in the range for low energy discharges,
quire consideration of a third or fourth electrical opening and closing of contacts). acc. to IEC60599. Similar values were re-
capacitance. Such arrangements are wisely Several calculation examples for different corded by DGA from tap selectors in field
calculated by using software for electrical winding arrangements with all formulae service. Overall, the H2/CH4 ratio can
network calculations. can be found in [1], pages 145ff. appear in the range of 4-30 – which iden-
tifies the discharges as discharges of low
The calculation result can show values for 3. Effects of arcing by change- energy, sparks or partial discharges.
Is+/- of several hundred milliamperes and up
to 100 kV for Uw+/-. It must now be evaluated
over selector operation The amount of gases depends not only on
if the calculated values meet the switching Breaking capacitive currents of hundreds of the absolute values for Is and Uw but also on
capacity of the chosen tap selector model. milliamperes followed by recovery volt­ages the phase angle between Uw and Is, and on
All tap selector models have been tested of several ten kilovolts causes switch­ing the contact opening speed. In case of high
with different loads (Is, Uw) to determine the sparks or low-energy arcs. Thes­e sparks Is and Uw values, the arcing/sparking sound
can be audible outside the transformer.
Usually it is a short, sharp, “spiky” sound;
for stronger switching arcs it changes to a
bright sound, similar when hitting a ham-
mer on a (dampened) steel plate. The sound
can be scary – but it is definitely harmless.
The question is now, if and how these g­ases
can influence transformer DGA. Users
0,5 are very sensitive on acetylene (C2H2) in
A the transformer oil, as it is usually an in-
IS dication for serious (and unwanted) ar-
cing. So it is necessary to give an estimate.
-0,5 c Dur­ing the lifetime of a transformer (with
tap-changer), the number of change-over
operations is usually low. One can say that

less than 1/10 of all OLTC operations are

Time [ms] change-over operations. Assuming 5,000
-0,5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
OLTC operations per year (which is an
Figure 5: Discharge times (a, b) versus total switching time (a+b+c) of change-over selector
average value for network transformers),
Figure 5. Discharge times (a, b) versus total switching time (a+b+c) of change-over selector this means that one or two change-over

20 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 3, Issue 4

operations per day are performed. In many
cases, the number will be less, because only 60
a part of the available regulating range is
used, often only either on the “+” side or 50
only on the “-“ side. Uw and Is are usually
far below the admissible limits and so will

Free gas [%]

only cause a spark which causes only neg­
ligible amounts of gas. Additionally, dis­
solved gases get continuously lost, either
via the breather (in free-breathing sys-
tems) or through gaskets or smallest leak­
ages which are always present (relevant
for gas loss in closed systems). As a result,
C2H2 will not be detectable in most of all
applications. So, sparking or arcing on the
H2 CH4 C2H2 O2 N2
change-over selector is usually not a cause
for concern. In rare cases, when high Uw
and Is are combined with a high number of Figure 6: Typical composition of gases produced by arcing/sparking of the change-over selector
Figure 6. Typical composition of gases produced by arcing/sparking of the change-over selector
change-over operations, C2H2 can be vis­ible
in the transformer DGA with a low single
digit value which stays fairly constant. It is
in the range of 1-2 ppm at maximum. Switching sparks cause free gases of a few
When the tap selector is mounted in a
milliliters which fully dissolve in the oil
separate selector compartment, higher
values of ca. 20 ppm C2H2 have been
reported. This can simply be explained pacitances between the windings are in- selector of current OLTC models beyond
by the much lower oil volume in the creasing. This leads to higher currents Is. their limits [2]. To avoid a short-circuit of
selector tank (approximately 4,000 liters Increasing system voltages and enhanced the regulating winding (which def­initely
for a single phase transformer), which is regulating ranges lead to higher recovery would cause serious damage to the trans-
separated from the oil in the main tank. voltages Uw. Both parameters promote former and tap-changer), measures are
the increase of the arcing/sparking ac- necessary – either by reducing Uw (the
4. Countermeasures tivity, which in turn leads to higher gas main influence factor for the arcing time),
production. Regarding current HVDC or to enhance the switching capacity of the
With increasing transformer ratings, the projects in China, transformer ratings, change-over selector.
winding designs of modern transformers system voltages and the kV regulating
are more and more optimized and the range have reached a level which drives Additionally, the increasing sensitivity of
dimensions narrowed. As a result, the ca- the switching capacity of the change-over DGA equipment aggravates the problem.


0 -

Figure 7. a) Additional tie-in resistor and potential switch b) Stack of tie-in resistors in new RD tap selector model
Figure 7a: Additional tie-in resistor and potential switch
w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 21

The generation of arcing or sparking gases potential switch creates an additional

amount of gas during operation. Never-
can be minimized when the contact opening theless, the amount of gases created by the
speed of the change-over selector is signi- potential switch is very low compared to
the gases produced by the change-over se-
ficantly increased lector itself. The design of a tie-in resistor
must be calculated individually for a given
application, considering thermal and elec-
While a few years ago, the accepted limit lating winding from floating. This ohmic trical limit values.
of quantification for C2H2 was 1 ppm, resistor shows a value of some ten to hun­
now values of 0.1 ppm can be measured dred kiloohms and is usually connected to In some cases, it may be adequate to con-
reliably and with high reproducibility. Es- the middle of the regulating winding and nect the tie-in resistor not to the middle of
pecially for HVDC applications in China, the take-off terminal of the tap-changer; the regulating winding, but to a different
gas analyzers with very high sensitivity see Fig. 7a. It usually consists of more than tap (off-center connection). This is done
and precision are used to detect irregular­ one ceramic high-power resistors which if Uw+ and Uw- strongly differ. Off-center
ities during the commissioning process of can be connected in series and in parallel connection of the tie-in resistor aligns the
new equipment. C2H2 values in the trans- (Fig. 7b).They reduce the recovery voltage absolute values for Uw+ and Uw- (and Is+, Is-
former oil higher than 1.0 ppm are regard­ Uw and so reduce the gas production. This with them).
ed as critical. is also audible: the sound is turned down,
which indicates a reduced arcing activity. 4.2. Separate selector
To meet these challenges, different meas­ On the other hand, Is is slightly increased. compartment
ures are available which can be applied Using a separate selector compartment is
depending on the individual needs. The resistors can be connected to the tap a concept which originates from the de-
winding either permanently or via an ad- sign of compartment type tap-changers
4.1. Tie-in resistors / Potential ditional potential switch. Both variants commonly used in the U.S. and U.K. These
switch have their drawbacks: while permanent- OLTC types accommodate the tap selector
The most common measure is to add a ly connected resistors create additional and change-over selector inside the OLTC
“tie-in” resistor which prevents the regu­ losses depending on the tap position, a oil compartment. The leads from the tap
winding are connected to the tap-changer
via a barrier board which strictly separates
the tap-changer oil from the transformer
oil. If in-tank type OLTCs with diverter
switch and separate tap selector shall be
used, the transformer is equipped with
a separate housing for the tap-changer,
which is constructed as a “back-pack” at
the front wall of the transformer. The ad-
vantage of such construction is an undis-
turbed transformer oil DGA and the pos-
sibility to monitor the gas production of
the tap selector separately. The disadvant­
age is that an extra panel board is needed
which features a feedthrough for all leads
between the tap-changer and the regu­
lating winding.
4.3. Double reversing
change-over selector (ARS)
The double reversing change-over select­
or (also called “Advanced Retard Switch”,
ARS) works slightly different to a revers­
ing switch, as it uses two reversing contacts
connected in parallel which feature three
operating positions. It avoids float­ ing
of the regulating winding because the
regulating winding is always connected
to the end of the main winding during the
course of the reversing process. A detailed
description of the operating principle
can be found in [1], p. 175ff. Because
Figure 8. “New R selector” with AGIS™ (snap contact) on change-over selector the load current flows through the ARS

22 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 3, Issue 4

when oper­ ated, there is some current
commutation between the different current
A new generation of tap selectors features
paths which can cause some sparks. But as an optional “Active Gas Inhibition System”
the inductive loops are usually very small, which is an additional spring-loaded snap
the spark energy and its gas production
can be neglected. ARS double reversing contact
switches are often used in phase-shifter
transformers with regulation at the line end
[3] and sometimes in HVDC converter increase the diameter of the winding, but can be found in circuit breakers as well
transformers. can fully take over the role of a tie-in re- as in home light switches or automatic
sistor. Important is a balance between low fuses. Accelerating the switching speed
Please note that this solution is not suit­ recovery voltages Uw+, Uw- (which means leads to very short arcing/sparking times,
able for coarse/fine tap arrangements. a large capacitance C1) and low switched so that, in combination with the new tap
currents Is+, Is- (which requires small capa- selector design, a switching capacity of the
4.4. Capacitive control citances). This measure is mainly used in change-over selector of 50 kV / 700 mA
When looking on Fig. 3, it is obvious that phase-shifter transformers. is achieved. By applying this additional
the recovery voltages Uw+, Uw- can be re­ contact, the gas production of the change-
duced if the potential of the regulating 4.5. AGIS™ (Active Gas Inhibition over selector is reduced by approximately
winding is drawn to the end of the main System) 90 %. Also the arcing sound is minimized.
winding U1. This requires a large capaci- A new generation of tap selectors (“new R Tests have shown that free gases were not
tance between the end of the main winding selector”; see Fig. 8) features an optional detectable.
and the center of the regulating winding. “Active Gas Inhibition System” (AGIS™),
By adding a metallic shield between the which is an additional spring-loaded snap Using this design, tie-in measures can be
regulating winding and the neighbouring contact (Fig. 9). It first delays the contact avoided in many cases. For the remaining
winding, C1 can be defined in the desired opening when the change-over selector cases, economic considerations will of-
way. The shield must be connected to the starts moving, but then it extremely ac­ ten suggest an additional potential switch
desired potential, which, in our example, celerates the switching operation. Switch­ which again increases the gas production.
is the end of the main winding (change- ing as fast as possible is an old and proven Studies on HVDC applications in Chin­a
over selector contact “0”). Shields usually principle to minimize arcing activity. It [2] have shown that the total gas pro-

Figure 9. Change-over selector with AGIS™

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 23

duction of the change-over selector with

AGIS™ plus potential switch is about 70 % Author
lower than without AGIS™ – which still is Dipl.-Ing. (TU) Rainer Frotscher was born in Bremen, Germany
a significant improvement. on March 4, 1960. He received his Master’s Degree in Electrical
Engineering from the Technical University of Munich where he
5. Conclusion wrote his thesis in high-voltage engineering.
Dipl.-Ing. Frotscher works for Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen
The potential connection of the regulating (MR) in Regensburg, Germany as an expert for special tap-
winding is a complex topic which chang­er applications.
necessitates an individual evaluation for He has been working on various projects concerning the
each application. The most common and technol­ogy of on-load tap-changers. His area of expertise is the applicability of al-
accepted method to reduce the recovery ternative l­iquids and DGA on tap-changers. As a member of CIGRE and DKE, he
voltages on the open change-over selector has au­thored multiple publications and he contributes to several working groups in
contacts is to use tie-in resistors. The CIGRE, IEEE and DKE.
generation of arcing or sparking gases
can be minimized when the contact Phone : +49 (0) 941/4090-4136
opening speed of the change-over selector Fax : +49 (0) 941/4090-4005
is significantly increased. To achieve this, Email :
the new generation of MR tap selectors Address : Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH
can be equipped with an additional Falkensteinstraße 8, 93059 Regensburg, Germany
snap contact. When using this, it can be
assumed that the transformer DGA will Principles, Applications and Selection, ers, CIGRE SC A2 Colloquium, Shanghai,
not be influenced by the change-over 2nd edition, Kerschensteiner Verlag, Lap- China, Sept 2015
operation. persdorf, Germany, 2014, ISBN 978-3-
931954-47-5 [3] A. Krämer, J. Ruff, Transformers for
Bibliography Phase Angle Regulation Considering
[2] D. Shen, M. Späth, Technical challenge the Selection of On-Load Tap-Changers,
[1] A. Krämer, On-Load Tap-Changers of EHVDC development on On-Load IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,
for Power Transformers – Operation, Tap-Changers in Converter Transform­ Vol. 13 (1998) No. 2, pp. 518-525

24 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 3, Issue 4

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